Place Names of Valcartier

by Bernie Monaghan, 1980s CLARK’S BRIDGE The bridge which spans the Jacques Cartier at Clark’s commonly called the Iron Bridge was built in 1891. According to some old timers the steel for the bridge had been hauled from Valcartier Station with horses up the...
Mills in Valcartier

Mills in Valcartier

by Bernie Monaghan, 1986 As Valcartier was settled in the early 1800’s, most of their buildings were log structures and the logs were squared by swinging the broad axe. From what can be found of the existing structures, this work was skillfully done as was...
Fox Ranches of the Past

Fox Ranches of the Past

by Bernie Monaghan, in the 1980s After the First World War there was developed in Europe and the United States a great demand for furs of all kinds. The price increased by leaps and bounds. What was most in demand was silver fox furs as fox scarves for ladies were...