1st June 1863
Last Will of Elizabeth Ceray
Wife of James Flynn
From records of Notary Benjamin Lelievre
No. 1249
Quebec Archives Film #4MO1-4421

On this day the first of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, I the undersigned Notary Public duly commissioned and sworn for Lower Canada at the request of Elizabeth Ceray, wife of the James Flinn, residing in the Seignory of St. Gabriel at a place called Val-Cartier, went to the residence of the said Elizabeth Ceray, situated at Val-Cartier aforesaid.-

When being in the presence of John Navin, Esquire, and James Corrigan, farmer, both of Valcartier aforesaid, witnesses hereunto required, I found the said Elizabeth Ceray sick in bed, nevertheless sound of mind, memory, judgment, and understanding as appeared to me the said Notary and to the said above named witnesses by her actions, words, and discourse.

And the said Elizabeth Ceray considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the hour thereof, doth hereby make, publish, declare, and dictate unto Benjamin Lelièvre, the said undersigned Notary, in the presence of the above named witnesses her last will and testament in manner and form following, That is to say, the said Elizabeth Ceray recommends her soul to God, her Creator, when it shall please him to dissolve her mortal body hoping for a free pardon and remission of her sins through the intercession of his blessed son, our Saviour.

The said Elizabeth Ceray doth hereby give an bequeath unto James Flinn, her beloved husband, all her moveable and immoveable property of which she is now possessed of or may hereafter be possessed of, wherever the said moveable and immoveable property may be found whether in Canada or elsewhere, the said moveable property consisting of household furniture, bedding & clothing, kitchen utensils, agricultural utensils, and number of cattle, – sum and sums of money, whether due by notes of hand, obligations, or otherwise.

The said James Flinn to have, hold, use, occupy, possess, and enjoy the said moveable and immoveable property in full property from and after the day of the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray.

The present Last Will and Testament is thus made at the charge by the said James Flinn of paying  unto Elizabeth Flinn, widow John Nolan, his daughter, the sum of eighty dollars which said sum the said James Flinn will be bound to pay to the said Elizabeth Flinn, in manner following, to wit, twenty dollars one year after the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray, twenty dollars in two years, twenty dollars in three years, twenty dollars in four years after the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray, as aforesaid, but free from & without interest.

Again at the charge of the said James Flinn of paying unto Margaret Flinn, another of his daughters, a like sum of eighty dollars, payable in the same manner and periods as that of the said Elizabeth Flinn.

And further at the charge of the said James Flynn of paying unto Edward Flinn, his son, the sum of one hundred dollars which said sum the said James Flinn will be bound to pay the said Edward Flinn in manner following, to wit: twenty dollars in one year from the day of the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray, twenty dollars in two years, twenty dollars in three years, twenty dollars in four years, and twenty dollars in five years after the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray. but free from and without interest.

And again at the charge of the said James Flinn of paying unto Michael Flinn, James Flinn, William Flinn, and Thomas Flinn, his sons – to each of them the sum of twenty cents one year after the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray. And also at the charge by the said James Flinn  of paying unto Mary Flinn, his daughter, wife of Jean Boissonault, the sum of twenty cents payable in one year after the decease of the said Elizabeth Ceray.

The said Elizabeth Ceray directs that all her just and lawful debts be paid by her executor hereinafter named.

The said Elizabeth Ceray directs that her body be buried at the discretion of her executor hereinafter named.

The said Elizabeth Ceray doth hereby name and appoint as executor to this her Last Will and Testament the person of the said James Flinn, her husband, whom she doth hereby request to render his this last act of kindness.

The said Elizabeth Ceray hereby revoking, annulling, cancelling, abrogating, and making void all former will or wills which she may have been heretofore made and executed by her the said Elizabeth Ceray.

Thus done, made, and dictated word for word by the said Elizabeth Ceray to the said Benjamin Lelièvre in the presence of the above named witnesses at the residence of the said Elizabeth Ceray situate at Valcartier aforesaid, on the day and year first above written under the number one thousand two hundred and forty nine, and after having read and reread the present last will and testament unto the same Elizabeth Ceray, in presence of the said above named witnesses, which she declared well to understand, as being, her last will and meaning, she hath persisted therein, and the said Elizabeth Ceray and James Corrigan have declared that they could not write or sign their name but made their ordinary marks by a cross, having the said John Navin signed with me the said undersigned Notary.

Words erased are null. Marginal notes approved are good.

Elizabeth Ceray, her mark

James Corrigan, his mark

John Navin, his signature

Benj. Lelièvre, Notary, his signature

Transcribed by Gerald Neville, March, 2011

Notes by Patricia Balkcom:   I have been unable to find a death or burial record for her.

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