31st July 1917
Will of Mary Ann Hornby
Widow of William Cartwright
From records of Notary Cyrille Renaud
No. 7409
Transcribed from the Original Will at the Quebec Archives

On this thirty first day of July one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, before me, Cyrille Renaud, Public Notary residing at Loretteville, undersigned, personally appeared Mary Ann Hornby, widow of the late William Cartwright, Farmer, residing in the parish of St. Gabriel of Valcartier, who requested me the said Notary to write down and receive in due form of law her last will and testament which she has declared in manner and form following, that is to say:

1º  I desire that all my just debts, funeral an testamentary expenses be paid by my Executor hereinafter named as soon as possible after my death.

2º I give and bequeath to my son Joseph Cartwright all my moveable and immoveable properties to the charge by him to pay to his brothers, George, Peter, William, Charles, Alfred, and Benjamin, to each of them the sum of fifty dollars for all rights in the succession of their father and their rights in my own succession and if one or more of my said sons refuse to renounce his or their rights in the succession of their father he or they will lose this legacy of fifty dollars. To the charge so by said son Joseph to support my son Benjamin until his majority.

The said sums of fifty dollars will be payable by installment of fifty dollars a year beginning by the oldest without interest.

I revoke all wills I may have heretofore made and I nominate my son Joseph Executor of this my will.

Done and passed at Valcartier under Notarial Number seven thousand four hundred and nine. After the reading of the present will by the Notary to the Testatrix in presence of Dr. Alexandre Boucher of Loretteville and Auguste Paquet of Valcartier, Carter, the Testatrix having declared her inability to sign her name has made her mark in the presence of the Notary and witnesses and the Notary and the witnesses have signed in presence of the Testatrix and in the presence of each other.

Mary Ann Hornby, her mark;

Alex. Boucher, M.D., his signature;

A. Paquet,  his signature;

Cy. Renaud, N.P., his signature

Transcribed by Gerald Neville, 2011

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