28th July 1900 Last Will of John McLaughlin (husband of Mary Hartery) | From records of Notary Cyrille Renaud Record No. 1819 Transcribed from the Original Will – Quebec Archives |
On this twenty eight day of July one thousand nine hundred, before me Cyrille Renaud, Public Notary, and Pierre Savard, Merchant, and Joseph Verret, Student, both of St. Ambroise, witnesses requested for the purpose of said will, personally came and appeared John McLaughlin, Farmer of the Parish of Valcartier, who hath requested us the said Notary and witnesses to write down and receive in due form of law his last will and testament which he has declared in manner and form following, that is to say:
I desire that all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses be paid by my Executor hereinafter named as soon as possible after my death.
I give to my son Mark McLaughlin living in Merrill, Wisconsin, United States, the sum of two hundred dollars.
I give and bequeath to my son Thomas John McLaughlin the remainder of all my money remaining after the payment of all expenses for my funeral.
I appoint Francis McLaughlin my Executor of this my will. I revoke all testaments that I may have made before the present and I declare this to be my last will and testament.
Done and passed at St. Ambroise under notarial number eighteen hundred and [nineteen]. And after the reading of these presents by the Notary to the said testator in the presence of the said witnesses the Testator, the witnesses, and Notary have signed in the presence of each other .
Marginal note good.
John McLaughlin, his signature;
Pierre Savard, his signature;
Jos. Eudore Verret, his signature;
Cy. Renaud, N.P., his signature
Transcribed by Gerald Neville, June, 2011
Note by Patricia Balkcom: This is the 2nd will that has been found (first written in 1894). John lived until 1910.