14th July 1858 Last Will of John Navin Husband of Sarah Duffy | From records of E. G. Cannon, No. 3434 Quebec Archives Film #4M01-1572 |
On the fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight, before the undersigned Notaries Public residing in the City of Quebec personally came and appeared and was present John Navin of the Seigniory of Valcartier Esquire, Farmer, which said John Navin being apparently in good bodily health and of sound and perfect mind, memory and understanding requested us the said Notaries to receive and write down his last will and testament which he instantly made, dictated and named unto us word for word in manner and form following, that is to say:
I recommend my soul to Almighty God hoping for a free pardon and remission of all my sins through the intercession of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ.
I will and direct that all my just debts be fully paid and satisfied by my Executor hereinafter named.
I give and bequeath unto the children to be born of the marriage of James Corrigan and Ann Navin, his wife, of St. Gabriel of Valcartier, Farmer, a certain lot of land situate lying and being in the Third Concession of the same Parish of St. Ambroise de la Jeune Lorette containing three acres in front by thirty acres in depth bounded in front towards the east by the main road, on one side towards the south by the widow Reynolds, on the other side towards the north by Mrs. Hart, in the rear towards the west by woodlands together with a one-story wood built dwelling house, barn and stable thereon erected. Also a strip of land situate and being at the same place containing three acres in length by two acres in breath, bounded on one side towards the east by the main road, on one side towards the south by the widow Reynolds, on the other side towards the north by the said James Corrigan and in rear towards the west by Mrs. Hart.
And I also give and bequeath to the children to be born of the marriage of the said James Corrigan and the said Ann Navin the sum of one hundred pounds current money to be to them once paid and satisfied.
And I do hereby appoint the said James Corrigan sole executor of this my present last will and testament revoking all former wills and codicils at any time heretofore by me made.
It was thus made, dictated and named by the said John Navin unto us the said Notaries on the day and year above written and the present last will and testament having been read over and over again lu et relu au long to the said John Navin by Mtre. E.G. Cannon one of us the said Notaries in the presence of Mtre. Philippe Huot, his confrere, who was present all the time during the execution hereof, the said John Navin declared to have perfectly heard and understood the said will and testament and persisted in the contents thereof.
Done and passed at the said City of Quebec in the office of the said E.G. Cannon one of the undersigned Notaries on the day and year first above written under the number three thousand and four hundred and thirty four. The said Testator having signed these presents twice duly read as aforesaid together with us the said Notaries in faith and testimony of the promises.
Words struck out are null.
John Navin, his signature;
P. Huot, his signature;
E.G. Cannon, N.P., his signature
Transcribed by Gerald Neville, May, 2011
Note by Patricia Balkcom: This is the first will of John Navin. He left his property to his daughter, Ann, and her husband, James Corrigan.