11th February 1836 Last Will of John Teaffe Husband of Margaret Touhey | From the records of Notary Edward George Cannon, Number 103 Quebec Archives Film #4M01-1565 |
On the eleventh of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty six was present before me the undersigned Curate of St. Catherine de Fossambault, John Teaffe husband of Margaret Touhey, born in the County of Tipperary and now residing in the Parish, who being sick but enjoying sound reason and judgment as it appeared to me and the undersigned witnesses, has declared to me his desire of making his Last Will and Testament and has in consequence dictated to me what follows, viz.:
1º I bequeath my soul to Almighty God hoping that he will receive it in his great mercy and forgive me all my past sins through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ.
2º I leave my body to the earth from whence it was taken depending on my wife and children to give me a Christian burial.
3º I leave to my son Jeremiah Teaffe my Lot of Land on which I now reside with all the improvements and buildings thereon erected. Likewise I leave to him one heifer and three pigs, obliging him to pay whatever wages may be due to the servant man.
4º Whatever more I may possess both moveables and chattels, I leave all to my loving wife, Margaret Touhey, in full property, and I recommend her to the care and attention of my children, hoping that they will never see her want for any thing as long as she lives. To all and every one of my other children I leave my blessings and I pray God to protect them from all harm.
This the said John Teaffe has declared to me to be his Last Will and Testament, after having been read according to Law, and declared he well understood what it contained, in presence of Andrew Delaney, Richard Connell and Michael Russell who with the said Testator have signed with us.
Done and past in the dwelling house of the said Testator on the day and year aforesaid. and have signed with us.
John Teaffe, his signature;
Andrew Delaney, his signature;
Richard Connell, his signature;
Michael Russell, his signature;
H. Paisley, Priest, his signature.
Transcribed by Gerald Neville, 2011
Notes by Patricia Balkcom: This will was originally witnessed by Father Hugh Paisley, when there was no notary in the area. It was later registered with Edward Cannon. John Teaffe died a week after writing this will at the reported age of 78 years.