13th September 1912
Last Will of George Thompson
Widower of Mary Ann Billing

From records of Notary Cyrille Renaud
No. 5496
Translated from the Original Will at the Quebec Archives

On this day, the thirteenth of September one thousand nine hundred and twelve. before me Cyrille Renaud,  Notary residing in the Parish of St. Ambroise of Jeune Lorette, undersigned, personally appeared George Thompson of the Parish of St. Gabriel of Valcartier, who requested, me the said Notary and witnesses to write down and receive in due form of law his last will and testament which he has declared in manner and form following:

1º I desire that any just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and a headstone of one hundred dollars be paid by my Executor as soon as possible after my death.

2º I give and bequeath to my son Frederick Arnold Thompson my farm and all farm implements. horse, cows, etc. and house furniture.

3º I nominate and constitute and appoint my said son as Executor of this my will

4º I revoke all will and codicil I may have heretofore made and I declare the present to be my only true last will and testament.

Done and passed at St. Ambroise under Notarial Number five thousand four hundred and ninety six.

And after the reading of the present will by the Notary to the Testator in presence of Jules Couture, Clerk of the Bank, and Alexandre Martel, Clerk, both of the parish of St. Ambroise, the Testator, the Notary and witnesses have signed in the presence of each other.

Three words scratched are void.

Geo. Thompson, his signature;

Jules Couture, his signature;

A.  Martel, his signature;  

Cy. Renaud, N.P., his signature


Transcribed by Gerald Neville, 2011

Note by Patricia Balkcom: George died on Jan. 10, 1939, twenty-seven years after this will was written so there may be a later will.

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