11th June 1868
Last Will of John Woodlock
Husband of Mary Dalton

Notary Charles Henry Andrews,
Record Number 993.
Quebec Archives Online

On the eleventh day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, about eight of the clock in the afternoon,

Before Charles Henry Andrews, Notary Public residing at Quebec in the Province of Quebec and the Dominion of Canada and before Peter Smith Esquire of the Parish of St. Ambroise de la Jeune Lorette, Paper Manufacturer, and Mr. Andrew Landrigan of the Parish of Valcartier, Farmer, both witnesses expressly requested to be present appeared Mr. John Woodlock of the Parish of Valcartier in the County and District of Quebec, Farmer, who apparently being in good bodily health and of sound and perfect mind, memory, judgment and understanding requested me the said Notary in the presence of said witnesses to receive and write down his last will and testament which he instantly made and named in manner following, that is to say:

I will and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid and satisfied with all due diligence after my decease.

I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary Dalton, the sum of forty dollars to be an annual life rent to be paid to her during her natural life during each and every year of its duration to be paid to her in half yearly payments on the first day of May and first day of November of each and every year and which said annual life rent shall be and remain as a special mortgage on all of my immoveable and immoveable property which I may die possessed of.

I give, devise and bequeath unto my four children, John Woodlock, Edward Woodlock, Michael Woodlock, and David Woodlock in equal proportions share and share alike all my property real and personal moveable and immoveable without exception to have, hold and enjoy the same as their own absolute property for ever en plein et entière propriété.

I do hereby revoke all former wills and codicils at the time heretofore by me made.

It was thus made, dictated and named by the said Testator unto me the said Notary in the presence of said witnesses, the present last will and testament having been read and re-read by me the said Notary the witnesses being present the said John Woodlock, Testator declared to have perfectly heard and understood the same and persisted therein declaring that it contained entirely his last will and testament.

Done and executed at the said Parish of Valcartier at the residence of the said Testator on the day and tear first above written under the number nine hundred and ninety three the said Testator having signed these presents twice read as aforesaid and signed by me the said Notary and witnesses.

One word struck out is null. One marginal note good.

John Woodlock, his signature


P. Smith, his signature

Andrew Landrigan, his signature

C.H. Andrews, Notary, his signature

[Translated and transcribed by Gerry Neville]

Notes by Patricia Balkcom:  John lived until 1885, so I suspect there is another will.  Also, although only four children are mentioned in the will, he had 11 children; several predeceased him, including Edward and David who are mentioned in the will.

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