Transcribed by Patricia Balkcom, December, 2012
Quebec City Archives
Themis Database of Court Records
September 28, 1829
Piece # 127211
Contenant # 1960-01-357\144
Daniel Sweeny, farmer of Valcartier vs. Lawrence Money, labourer, of Quebec
The first part of the document is in French. It states that Lawrence Money owes Daniel Sweeney seven pounds and Sweeney is demanding payment. It does not state what the debt was for.
Record of Decision:
District of Quebec:
George the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith.
To Lawrence Money, of Quebec, Labourer
You are hereby commanded and required to pay to the Plaintiff Daniel Swinney (sic), the sum of 7 pounds, together with costs, or else to appear in person, or by your Agent, before our Judges of our Court of King’s Bench, at the Court House of the City of Quebec, on Saturday the twenty first day of November next at the hour of nine in the forenoon, when the matter of complaint against you, as ascertained in the above declaration, will be heard and finally determined, otherwise Judgment will be given against you by default.
Witness the Honorable, James Kerr, one of our Judges of our said Court of King’s Bench, this 28th day of September in the year 1829 and tenth year of our Reign.
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