Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014

Quebec City Archives

Themis Database of Court Records

August 4, 1836

Piece #77784-77785

Localization #3B 023 04-07-001A-01

Contenant #1960-01-357\116

Dated 4th Day of August 1836



Helen Hamilton


John Emery

Asst (Assault) & Battery

For the Quarter Session

Assault & Battery

Deposition of Helen Hamilton

Deposition upon oath taken before Alex J. Wolff, Esquire, one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the District of Quebec.

That one John Emery of Val Cartier did on the first day of August now instant violently assault, seize by the throat and severely struck and beat her putting her in bodily fear.

Her signature Helen (her mark) Hamilton

James Ruby, Witness

Sworn before me at Val Cartier, 4 August 1836, signed A.J.Wolff


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