Document Date: March 6, 1821
Transaction Type: Grant
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D683
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: Sweeney
“…Before us the undersigned Notaries Public…residing at the City of Quebec..personally appeared and were present, The Honorable Herman W. Ryland, Lt. Colonel John Ready and John Stewart and Lewis Foy, Esquire residing in the city of Quebec forming a quorum of the Gentlemen previously appointed for the Administration of the Estates theretofore belonging to the late order of Jesuits…transfer, on behalf of His Majesty, his heirs and successors, a Titre de Bail a Cens…and other seigniorial rights…unto James Sweeney, Valcartier farmer…a land and Concession lying and being in the Fief or Seigniory of Saint Gabriel of three arpents in front by thirtyfive in depth more or less bounded towards the Southwest in front by the line between the fourth and fifth Concessions towards Northeast in depth by the Seignorial line towards the SouthEast by Lot Number 17 and towards the Northwest by Lot #19, the mid Lot being Lot #18…”
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