Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, November 2014

Quebec City Archives

Themis Database of Court Records

July 17, 1852

Piece #53248

Localisation #3B 023 04-03-001A-01

Contenant #1960-01-357\104


James Whelan


John Duffy

James Duffy

Signed: High Constable




BEFORE ME, the undersigned, one of the Justices of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, assigned to keep the Peace, within the District of Quebec, this seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, Personally came and appeared James Whelan, of Stoneham, in the County of Quebec, farmer.

Who, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, doth declare, depose, and say, as follows: – to wit, On Monday last the twelfth instant, at Stoneham in the District, between three and four o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, I was assaulted by John Duffy and James Duffy, who then and there knocked me down, kicked me all over the body and James Duffy kicked me n the private parts, they beat and so severely that I have been laid up since and I am still unwell from the berating they gave me, I verily believe that they would have murdered me if Edward Payne of the same place had not interfered and saved me from further violence.

Wherefore, I pray for justice.

Further deponent saith not and cannot sign.

Sworn before me, at the City of Quebec on the day and year first above written.

Signed: Maquire, J.P.

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