Document Date: August 13, 1823
Transaction Type: Grants
Quebec Archives #E21 S64 SS5 SSS2 D337
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: Sinclair, Hunt, Gyre, Tassy, Murphy, Tailor, Murphy, Haney, Sweeney, Brown, Mathers, Johnson, Berry, McCartney, McMillan, Kerr, Bethel

Wednesday 13 August 1823

….the Board took of the remaining applications for Concessions on the River aux Pins in the Seigniory of St. Gabriel and ordered as follows:

First Range, South Side of the Riviere aux Pins, Lots of 3 arpents by 30 in depth

D. Sinclair             No. 15

Cha. Hunt             No. 16        

G. M. Gyan          No. 17             

John Taffy (Tassy?)No. 18

T. Murphy           No. 19  

J. Tailor               No. 20

Second Range, South Side of the Riviere aux Pins, Lots of 3 arpents by 30 in depth

Fred (Ferdinand?)  Murphy                 No. 1

Elij. Hany                                            No. 2

J. Sweeney                                          No. 3

Dan. Sweeney                                     No. 4

James Sweeney                                   No. 5

Patrick Sweeney                                 No. 6

W. Brown (?)                                     No. 7

John Mathers                                      No. 8

John Johnson                                      No. 9

Tho.  Berry                                     No. 10

John McCartney                                 No. 11

Thomas McMillan                               No. 12

And. Kerr                                          No. 13

First Range, Northwest Side of the Riviere aux Pins, Lots of 3 arpents by 30 in depth

Thomas Bethel        No. 1

John Bethel             No. 2

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