Document Date: October 13, 1819
Transaction Type: Grant
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS2 D188 and # E21 S64 SS5 SSS2 D0691 0079
Transcriber: Claire Sheen
Surnames Mentioned: Mills, Emory, Fowler, O’Neill, Sweeney, Noreau, Pozer, Wilson

Commissioners met: Mr. Cottman in the chair

Mr. Stuart

Mr. Smith

Lt. Col. Ready

Read the minutes of the last meeting

The Board resumed the consideration of the Petitions before the Board, where the following Lots of unconceded Lands in the different Ranges of Concessions in the Seigniory of St. Gabriel was granted to the following persons:

Rev. J. L. Mills – No. 3 and 4 – fifth Range of Concession – N W Riv. J. C.

with the Island in front

Capt. Fowler – No. 5 and 6 – same Range

James Wilson – No. 14 – 5 Range of Concession – S East Riv. J. Cartier

John Emery – No. 15 – same

J. B. Noreau – No. 17 – same

Edw. Sweeney – No. 19 – same

John O’Neil – No. 22 – same

Reserved for his brother in Europe – No. 23 – same

Jacob Pozer – the Lot adjoining the former Grant made to him by the Board – 4 Concession

The whole of these Lots granted upon the terms and conditions stipulated in the deeds of Concession to Mr. Neilson & Stewart and the further stipulations directed by the Resolutions of the Board of the 29th meeting where a grant was made to Samuel Baron on half pay of the Royal Navy.

The sum reported to the Board ? to join the Road and upon the sum of ? of the ? 2 Range of Concession in the Seigniory of St. Gabriel to the extent of this Board—the ? insured with is reported to the Board where this Service is performed for their further determine buy before the Board.

The accounts of the agent ? Buris being laid before the Board. Ordered these not being made in conforming with his ? in six monthly ?, these ? examined and then determined to him, – deciding herein to pay the ? with the Lands of the easement NW by law by ? informing him that the Board expects greater ? in hand ? soon after the period of ? as possible.

Sirs, Extent of the Expense of repairing the ? Mile as in your letter of the 9th having been laid before the Commission. They leave it to your discretion whether to make the Repairs immediately or to ? for the Mile aforementioned. Repairs being done by the Persons whose profession may be accepted by the Board.

(Note from the archive records:  POZER Jacob: This is Pfotzer Jacob, son of the lord of Aubert-Gallion New Beauce, Georg Pfotzer.  The latter is a native of Willstätt in Baden, Germany (Source: Association of Families of Germanic origin of Quebec, AFOGQ).

This document is from the Quebec Archives Collection # E21 S64 SS5 SSS2 D188

This document (#E21 S64 SS5 SSS2 D0691 0079) is very similar to the one above.