Document Date: October 15, 1819
Transaction Type: Petitions
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D1709
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: Carney, McQuillan, Welsh, O’Hara, Newman, Guinan, Sweeney, McCartney, White, Imrie, Doney, Abraham, Mercier, Haney, Corrigan, Murphy, Laughton, Wilson, Simpson, Stackhorse

Minutes of the meeting of Jesuits Estates Commissioners, regarding applications for land in the first and fifth rows of the concession of St. Gabriel southeast of the Jacques Cartier River, and in the third, fourth and fifth concessions located northwest of the Jacques Cartier River, in the same manor. – October 15, 1819

Applicants are mentioned: Edward Carney (?), McQuillan, Welsh, Bernard O’Hara, Patrick O’Hara, Richard O’Hara, Richard Newman, Peter Guinan, James Sweeney, John McCartney, Abigail White, John Imrie, Peter Doney, John O’Hara, William O’Hara, Joseph Abraham and associates, Pascal Mercier, Elijah Henney (Henry, Hany, Haney), Horan (Henry, Hany, Haney), James Corrogan (Corrigan), William Corrogan (Corrigan), Lawrence Corrogan (Corrigan), Peter Murphy, Charles Langton, (Laughton), Thomas Wilson, Thomas Simpson, Henry Stackhorse (?).