Document Date: July 6, 1819
Transaction Type: Petition
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D1032
Transcriber: Audrey Henderson
Surnames Mentioned: Corrigan
To the Honourable the Commissioners for managing the Estates of the late Order of Jesuits
The Petition of Lawrence Corrigan of Valcartier, Yeoman
Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioner was bred to the business of a farmer in the County of Wexford in Ireland and is desirous of continuing the same business in this Province if he can procure land for the purpose.
That your Petitioner is informed that there is a considerable tract of good land which is ungranted in the Seigneury of St. Gabriel, lying
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on the North Eastern side of the River Jacques Cartier bounded on the one side by lands belonging to John Neilson and Andrew Stuart, Esquires and on the other side by the line of the said Seigneury of St. Gabriel.
Wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays that your Honours will be pleased to grant unto him two lots of ninety acres each within the said tract, your Petitioner engaging forthwith to make a Settlement thereupon and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray
Quebec 6 July 1819
Lawrence Corrigan
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, April 13, 2015
Original Data found online at Bibliotheque et Archives nationales du Quebec (
This BANQ record number is 03Q_E21S64SS5_SSS6_D1032_0001 and 03Q_ E21S64SS5_SSS6_D1032_0002.
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