Document Date: February 5, 1842
Transaction Type: Land Donation
Quebec Archives: Microfilm #4M01-4410 Notarial Records of Notary Wilbrod Larue No. 25
Transcriber: Audrey Henderson
Surnames Mentioned: Cassin
5th February 1842
Cassan to Cassan (Cassin to Cassin)
On this day the fifth of February one thousand eight hundred and forty two,
Before us the undersigned notaries public residing in the City of Quebec personally came and appeared Michael Cassan of Valcartier, farmer, who in consideration of the love and affection which he hath and beareth to and for his son Thomas Cassan and also for other good causes and considerations him hereunto moving, hath given, granted and confirmed and beg the ??? doth givings ??? confirm ??? in the best manner and way that a donation and gift inter ??? can be made, with warranty against all troubles whatsoever unto the said Thomas Cassan. He was present and accepting for himself his heirs and assigns.
That is to say the lot No four situate in the parish of St. Ambroise in the Seigneury of St. Gabriel of three arpents in front by thirty arpents in depth in the south concession of the said Fief or Seigneury of St. Gabriel with thirty acres cleared, with a good house and dairy together with all singulars the appurtenances and dependancies thereunto belonging as the whole is now and with which the said Thomas Cassan do thus declare himself content and satisfied.
To have and to hold the said lot of land and premises unto him the said Thomas Cassan his heirs and assigns to his own proper use behold of and benefit from hence forth forever subject nevertheless to the payment for the future of such rent seigneurial rights seigneurial ??? and dues as may be payable for the same to the domain of St. Gabriel in who ??? and ??? (in the margin: ???that the said Thomas Cassan obliges and binds himself to pay a ???) the said lot and premises are situated warranted free and clear of arrears up to this day, except the said lot of land and premises belonging to the said Michael Cassan by purchase by him made from the Sheriff of this District of Quebec when the same was seized and sold at the suit of John William Worlsey of this City of Quebec, Esquire against Denis Cassan of Valcartier Settlement as appears by the Sheriff title hearing date at Quebec the twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty two.
The present gift and donation thus made free and gratuitous XXXX XXXX gratitude in consideration as aforesaid of the natural love and affection which the said Michael Cassan hath and beareth to the said Thomas Cassan and further because such is his will and for the due execution of these presents the said Michael Cassan did and by these presents doth transfer and set over unto the said Thomas Cassan all rights of property claim, title, interest, demands and all and every other rights of what nature or kind so ever which he can have pretense to or demand upon the above described and given premises of all which he did and doth hereby deseize and desist himself to and in favor of the said Thomas Cassan his heirs and assigns agreeing that he be and remain therein and thereof seized and invested with full and entire possession thereof forever by virtue of these presents.
And lastly in order to cause these presents to be duly registerd, enrigistrees where it may be required the said parties have constituted and appointed the bearer thereof to whom they give and grant full power and authority to that effect for this ???.
Done and ??? at Quebec in the office of Wilbrod Larue one of the said notaries on the day and year first above written, the said parties having declared that they could neither write nor sign their names when requested to do so. (Seventeen words erased are null, marginal notes approved are good.)
Michael (his mark) Cassan
Thomas (his mark) Cassan
Signed: Wilbrod Larue
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