Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014

Quebec City Archives

Themis Database of Court Records

February 2, 1886

Piece #24931-2

File: 24932 (Quebec Archives)

Dated the 2nd day of February 1886



John Cullen


I do hereby certify that the said ha(s) not appeared at the time and place, in the within condition mentioned, but therein ha(s) made default, by reason whereof the within written recognizance is forfeited.

J.S.P. ______________________________________________________________________________





BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this second day of February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty six,

John Cullen of Stoneham, farmer,

John Bryson, grocer, and

Arthur McWilliams, custom house officer

both of the said City of Quebec, personally came before the undersigned, Judge of the Sessions of the Peace in and for the City of Quebec, and severally acknowledged themselves to owe to Our Lady the Queen, the several sums following, to wit : the said John Cullen the sum of forty dollars currency, and the said John Bryson & Arthur McWilliams the sum of twenty dollars currency, each, to be respectively made and levied of their several goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of our said Lady the Queen, her Heirs and Successors, if the said John Cullen shall personally be and appear at the Court House, in the said City of Quebec, in and for the said District of Quebec, on the ninth day of February at ten o’clock A.M. to answer the charge of assault and battery preferred against him by Nicholas Murphy and in the meantime shall keep the peace and be of good behavior towards our said Lady the Queen, and more especially towards the said Nicholas Murphy then, that the present Recognizance shall be null and void, but otherwise shall be and remain in full force, virtue and effect.

Taken and acknowledged before me, the said Judge of the Sessions of the Peace, at the said City of Quebec, on the day and year first above written.

Signed: Alexandre Chauveau, J.S.P.

Also signed: John Cullen, John Bryson, A. McWilliams

Dated 9th day of Feb, 1886

In the case of

Nicholas Murphy


John Cullen




CONVICTION. ______________________________________________________________________________

32nd and 33rd Vict., Cap. 20, Sec. 43.






BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this ninth day of February in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty six at the said City of Quebec, in the said District

John Cullen, late of the Parish of Tewkesbury, farmer

Defendant, is convicted before the undersigned Judge of the Sessions of the Peace in and for the City of Quebec, for that he the said Defendant on the 24th day of January last at the Parish of Tewkesbury, within the District of Quebec, unlawfully did assault and beat one Nicholas Murphy of the Parish of Stoneham, farmer without any cause or provocation and against the form of the Statue in such case made and provided.

AND I adjudge the said Defendant for his said offence to forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars currency, to be paid and applied according to law, and also to pay to the said Nicholas Murphy the sum of seven dollars and twenty cents currency, for his costs, in this behalf; and if the said several sums be not paid forthwith, I adjudge the said Defendant to be imprisoned in the Common Gaol, at the said City of Quebec, in the said District, and there kept at hard labor for the space of fifteen days unless the said several sums and all costs and charges of the commitment and conveying of the said defendant to the said Common
Gaol shall be sooner paid.

GIVEN under my Hand and Seal, the day and year first above mentioned, at the said City of Quebec, in the District aforesaid.

Signed: Alexandre Chauveau, J.S.P.


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