Document Date: 1815-16
Transaction Type: Grant
Quebec Archives #E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D1470
Transcriber: Peggy Haley
Surnames Mentioned: Foy, Harvey, Carney, McQuillan, Welch, O’Hara, Newman, Guinan, Green, Pozer, Neilson, Sweeney, Wolff, Burrell, Barrington, Wilson, Emery, Noreau, Ward, O’Neill, Thiverge, Waller, McDonald, Black, McNamara, Gugy, McQuay, Stewart
This is the note from the Quebec Archives: Lots granted and to grant the manor in St. Gabriel in the first, second and third concessions south of the Jacques Cartier River, and in the fifth. – Circa 1815
Comment from Pat Balkcom: It seems to me that 1815 or 1816 would have been very early for this document to have been written. The date 1816 is penciled in on the side of the document, it is not part of the original document. I believe that some of the people listed here did not arrive in Quebec until 1818. I guess it’s possible that Previous arrangements for land could have been made before they left their native lands. Hopefully more documents will be found to help date this better.
c1816 Lands conceded in the Seigneory of St. Gabriel –
1st Range of Concessions
Lewis Foy 4 Lots. Title issued these lots
Having been priorously not included in W. Sax’s survey.
John Harvey Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4 ___ do.
Edward Carney Lot No. 5 _______ do.
William W, Quillan Lot No. 6 _______ do.
Welch Lot No. 7 Concession not issued
Barnard O’Hara Lot No. 8 Title issued
Pat. O’Hara Lot No. 9 not issued
William O’Hara Lot No. 10 __ issued
Richard A Newman Lot No. 11 __ do.
Peter Guinan Lot No. 12 __ do.. __ do.
2nd Range of Concessions South Side
the River Jacques Cartier
4 Lots to William Green Jr. sold to W. Neilson
6 Lots conceeded to – Green Esq Senr.
1 Lot unconceeded
3rd & 4th Range of Concessions South Side J. C.
4 Lots conceeded to Com J Armstrong and sold to Mr. Thompson
4 Lots to ___ W. Pozer
2 Lots do. __ do. ___ do.
4 Lots to __ Neilson and Stewart
5th Range___
Concessions to A Woolf ____ 4 Lots
do. __________ Burrell _____ __ __
do. __ Capt. Barrington ____ 4 Lots
No. 1
12 Concession issued to John Lavery
13 Concession issued to R Coughtull (?)
14 ____ J Wilson Concession issued
15 ____ J. Emery Concession issued
17 __ John Baptiste Noreau
18 __ __ Concession issued
19 ____ Edward Sweeny
20 ____ Richard Ward Concession issued
22 ____ John O’Neill
23 _ Reserved for his Brother
5th Range continued
Joseph & Charles Thiverge allowed to
enter upon and improve Lots 1 & 2
Concession to Waller Jr.
The remaining Lot made over
To the Emigrants Society
Concession to W. Waller Senr.
Truelove 2 Lots No. 2
George Wilson __1 Lot 3
Peter McDonald 1 do. 4
Henry Black ____ 1 do. 5
Michael McNamara No. 6
Thomas Gugy No._ 7
James Leland McQuay _ 8