Municipality of St Gabriel de Valcartier East 1889
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Charles Jack, Michael McClory and Curtis Billing, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Robert Goodfellow, Road Inspector, the sum of 5.00 for the repair of the winter road leading to the bridge over the Jacques Cartier River, and it is further ordered to pay to John Billing the sum of $5.00 for the repairs of the winter road leading to the First Concession.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Patrick King, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road and fence put in good repair immediately , whereas there has been a complaint laid before the Council.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to borrow the sum of $80.00, eighty dollars to pay Mr. Bedard, Advocate and County Council costs in the case of John Billing against the Corporation.
4th – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice that this Council will take into consideration to amend Resolution No.2 passed at a general session held on Monday the 2nd day of May 1881.
5th – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Charles
Jack and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
David B. McCartney, Mayor George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 3rd day of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Curtis Billing, Patrick Welsh and Michael McClory, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
1st – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that Resolution No.2 passed at a general session of this Council held on Monday the 2nd day of the month of May 1881, be amended as follows: That the expenses of the Proces Verbal and repartition of the road leading from Walter Knox’s house to the line of Division between St. Ambrose and St. Gabriel de Valcartier be levied on all real taxable property in the lst and second Concessions of this Municipality.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing
and reso1ved that this Council do now adjourn.
David B. McCartney, Mayor George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, July 2, 1889
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which session were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Thomas S. McBain, James Johnston, Charles Jack, Curtis Billing and Michael McClory, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that as Public Notice has been given, we do revise the Valuation Roll of this Municipality.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treasurer to ratify the shares along the road leading to the First Concession with the Road Inspector.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor James Johnston and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify James Martin, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road put in good repair immediately as there has been a complaint against Knox’s Hill.
4th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
David B. McCartney, Mayor George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
A t a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the seventh day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred an1 eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. David McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Curtis Billing, Thomas S. McBain, Patrick Welsh, Michael McClory and Charles Jack forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – It is ordained and resolved by by-law of the Council as follows:
That a general assessment of twenty cents be levied on all real ratable property within this Municipality to pay the following expenses;
1st- for the winter repairs of the road leading to bridge over J. C. $5.17
2nd – For winter repair of road leading to First & Second Concessions $5.00
3rd – For John Mcbain – Sec. Service $7.75
4th – For the case of John Billing against the Corporation $43.00
5th – For Simon Keily, for repairs of a bridge in Rush Plat $3.00
6th – For the repairs of the road in Rush Plat $5.00
7th – For George Thompson, Sec. Treas service $27.00
8th – For Court House & Council expenses $45.00
9th- For the costs in the case of the County Council against the local Council $ 10.00
lOth – For Felix Gauthier & Thomas Dacre, Mayor $ 5.00
llth – For Hopper Ireland for repairs on the road of First Concession $ 1.00
2nd – Moved by Councillor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that it is ordained by the present by-law that a special assessment of three cents per $100. be levied on all real ratable property in the First & Second Concessions of this Municipality for to pay the expenses of a Proces Verbal for the road leading from Walter Knox’s house to the line of Division between St. Gabriel de Valcartier & St. Ambroise, Lorette.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to have his Surety Bond filled today before the aforesaid Council at its joint session, which will be held on Monday the 4th of November, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine.
4th – Moved by Councillor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councillor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to hand over all the accounts of arrears to William McBain, Justice of the Peace, for collection.
5th – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John McBain to meet the Council at its next session which will be held on Monday the 4th of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, to hand over any vouchers which he may have belonging to the aforesaid Council.
6th – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh that this Council do now adjourn.
David B. McCartney, Mayor George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, East, held on Monday the fourth day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Thomas S. McBain, Curtis Hilling, Michael McClory and Charles Jack, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the mayor.
lst – Moved by Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councillor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Mr. Louis Genest the sum of $1.00 – one dollar for his visit to the bridge over Jacques Cartier River and taking the measurement.
2nd- Moved by Councillor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do adjourn until Monday the eleventh of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the hour of one o’clock.
Valcartier, November 11, 1889
At an adjourned meeting held on Monday the eleventh of November, thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting hour of one o’clock P. M. at which meeting were present Mr. David B. McCartney Mayor, Councilors Messrs Thomas S. McBain, Charles Jack, Michael McClory
Patrick Welsh and Curtis Billing, form a quorum under the presidency Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that after taking the report of Mr. Genest into consideration of the bridge over Jacques Cartier River, this Council do order the Sec. Treas. George Thompson, to notify the Council of St. Gabriel West that they were of the opinion that it would be advisable for your honorable Council to apply to the County Council to apply to the Government for a grant of aid, as the abutments will cost so much.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that the winter roads within this Municipality run as last winter.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Tress. to notify the auditors to meet the Council at its next session which will be held on Monday the second day of the month of December 1889, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. to audit the books.
4th – Moved by Councillor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Valcartier, January 7, 1890
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the seventh day of the month of January , one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Curtis Billing, Thomas S. McBain, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do name and appoint Mr. Charles Jack, Presiding Officer, at the coming election of Councilors which will be held on Monday the l3th of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that that this Council do order refreshments for Mr. Moore and Mr. Boivin from Mr. Billing.
3rd- Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Thomas S. McBain, that this Council do adjourn.
David B. McCartney, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 3rd day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, James McBain, Henry Loughren, Michael McClory and Curtis Billing, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that Councillor Charles Jack be named and appointed Mayor of this Council for the ensuing year.
D. B. McCartney, Mayor
I the undersigned do certify that I administered the oath of Office to Mr. Charles Jack as Mayor for the ensuing year.
George Thompson
Sec. Treas.
2nd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that the petition of Mr. Charles Wolff be postponed until Monday, the l7th day of the month of February instant, to be taken into consideration at a Special Session of this Council. And further moved that George Thompson, Sec. Treas. be ordered to collect the arrears of taxes due to Council without delay. And further moved that Sec. Treas. George Thompson Sec. Treas. go to town to Mr. Bedard, Advocate to have an advice on Mr. Wolff’s petition.
3rd- Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
I the undersigned, do certify under Oath of Office that I have administered the Oath of Office to John W. Thompson as Councillor for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier.
George Thompson
Sec. Treas. of the M. C.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the l7th day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of three o’clock P. M. to take a petition of Mr. Charles S. Wolff into consideration, aforesaid meeting convened by Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Henry Loughren, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
1st – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that after giving the petition of Mr. Charles S. Wolff due deliberation, that the aforesaid Charles S. Wolff be exempt of half of said fence and the proprietors of lands in the Fourth Concession abutting said fence maintain the other half of said fence according to Articles 77h & 775 of the Municipal Code.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
MARCH 5, 1890
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 5th day of the month of March, eighteen hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Patrick welsh, Henry Loughren, John W. Thompson, Michael McClory and James McBain, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that the proceedings of the 11th of February last, 1890, with regard to Mr. Charles S. Wolff’s fence is hereby made null and void by this present resolution, the same not being in conformity to the Municipal Code, Article 114 in the motion.
For the motion
James McBain John W. Thompson Patrick Welsh (carried)
Against Michael McClory Henry Loughren
2nd – Moved by Councillor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that the following men be appointed Road Inspectors, Valuators, Pound Keeper, Auditors and Rural Inspectors according to their Divisions namely:
John B. Thompson in the room of Hopper Ireland, from John W. Thompson’s Corner to the line of Division between St. Ambroise and St. Gabriel de Val.
Joseph Martin in the room of James Martin, from Mr. Knox’s house to John W. Thompson’s corner.
William Billing in the room of Patrick King. for the road leading from the lst Concession to the 4th Concession.
John Leddy in the room of Robert Goodfellow for the road from the river to William Smith’s jr. gate.
Patrick Cassin in the room of Richard Smith for the road from William Smith’s gate to Richardson’s line.
James Hamilton in the room of Herbert Wolff for the ten-lot road.
John McCartney in the room of Andrew Brown from Murphy’s Rocks to the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions .
William Montgomery in the room of Joseph Keck for the Rush Plat road.
James Adams in the room of James Mc Cartney for Stoneham road.
Valuators – Samual Rourk, Patrick Gough and William Hornby. Rural Inspector – William B. MCBain.
Pound Keeper – Thomas McBain.
Auditors – John McCoubrey and John Neil.
3rd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect the arrears due to the Council immediately – persons having failed to pay within 15 days from this date, their account will be handed over to William McBain, J. P. for collection.
4th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughrin and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to renew the note of $ 80.00 for John W. Thompson on demand at the rate of fifteen percent.
5th – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 14th day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Curtis Billing, John W. Thomspon, James McBain, Henry Loughren and Michael McClory , forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – It is ordained and resolved by by-law of this Council as follows :
That a general assessment of twenty-five cents per $100 be levied on all taxable property within this Municipality to pay the following expenses :
For Secretary Treasurer
For the bridge
For refreshments
For the house for Council For County Council
29.00 7.50 1.00 2.25 8.00 16.20
For the road to lst Concession 5.00
For the road to the bridge 10.00
For County Council 2.33 Jury tax 15.00
Bedard, Advocate 7.00
Repairs of fences and roads 5.00
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the books to be audited.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughrin and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to pay Mr. James Burns, Bridge Inspector, the sum of $7.50 for the repairs of the bridge.
4th – Moved by Councillor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Mr. Charles S. Wolff the sum of $2.00 for which he placed in this Council with his petition.
5th- Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Valcartier, May 5, 1890
At a general meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 5th day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors messrs John W. Thompson, James McBain, Michael McClory, Henry Loughren and Curtis Billing, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
It is ordained and resolve~ by by-law of the Council as follows :
lst- that a general assessment of twenty cents be levied on all rateable property within this Municipality to pay the following expenses:
1. For the repairing of the bridge over the Jacques Cartier River $7.50
2 – For the keeping of the road to the bridge 6.45
3 – For the keeping of the winter road to the 1st Concession 5.00
4 – For Genest’s visit to the bridge 1.00
5- For the repairs of fences & roads leading to the lst Concession 1.47
6- For the house for Council 8.00
7- For Bedard, Advocate 22.24
8- For Sec. Treas. service 29.00
9 – For Court House expenses 20.90
10 – For Jury tax 36.00
11 – For Pentland, Advocate 36.00
12- For refreshments 2.25
13 – For Council debts 80.00
2nd – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do accept the audit of Athur Wolff and James Jack of the said Council books.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor James McBain that Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, do hand in all arrears of taxes to Mr. Bedard, Advocate for collection.
Curtis Billing Against the motion
Michael McClory
James McBain
John W. Thompson
Henry Loughrin
4th – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughrin and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do notify John Leddy , Road Inspector , to set the fence along the road to the bridge over the Jacques Cartier River to be repaired, that is to say the fence to the boat house and also the aforesaid road for the summer repairs, this includes the piece around the lake.
5th- Moved by Councillor John w. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do null and void a meeting which was held on Monday the l4th day of the month of April 1890.
6th – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughrin, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 2nd day of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs James McBain, Michael McClory, Curtis Billing and John W. Thompson, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do null and void resolution No. 4, passed on Monday the 7th day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety. (?)
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify William Billing and Joseph Martin and John McCartney to have their Divisions of road and fence put in good repair immediately and bill the parties who are in default.
3rd – Moved by Councillor James MCBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council is satisfied to have Mr. David B. McCartney or any other he wishes to have the aforesaid Council books at his expenses under oath.
4th – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 7th day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs James McBain, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson, Henry Loughrin and Curtis Billing, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
let – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify William Montgomery to have the bridge known as Patrick Cassin’s Bridge sold to the lowest bidder for repairs immediately which is under your control as Road Inspector.
2nd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson, and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John R. Thompson to have his Division of road put in good repair immediate~ and have it ditched where it is necessary.
3rd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that Joseph Hicks be appointed Councillor instead of Patrick Welsh for this Municipality.
4th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the resolution acquitted John Mcbain, sec. Treas. service to Mr.Bedard to have an advice on the same .
5th – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
I the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Joseph Hicks as Councillor for the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier. Sworn this 4th day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, before Charles Jack, Mayor of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier
Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, August 25/90.
Charles Jack, Mayor
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the 25th day of the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened by Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor. At which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Curtis Billing, John W. Thompson, James McBain, Joseph Hicks, John Boyd and Michael McClory , forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor .
lst – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do name and appoint John Boyd, Councillor in the room and stead of Henry Loughrin.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
Georfe Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the lst day of the month of September one thousand eight hundred and ninety, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Curtis Billing, John Boyd, Joseph Hicks, Michael McClory and John W. Thompson, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council, after taking the notice of John Leddy, Road Inspector, into consideration, decided as follows: That John Leddy, Road Inspector, was to bill the parties who was in default for said amount.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John Leddy, to have his Division of road and fence, especially the logged road have the water taken off and bill the parties who are in default under Article 397 of the Municipal Code.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay John W. Thompson the half of his note due to him by the aforesaid Council for the present.
4th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect the arrears of taxes due to this Council immediately.
5th – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 6th day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs John W. Thompson, Joseph Hicks, James McBain, Michael McClory and John Boyd, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor .
lst – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council has revised the Valuation Roll and are satisfied that the said Valuation Roll will remain in force as it is at present.
2nd – Moved by Councillor James McRain, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. B. McBain, Rural Inspector, to inspect the road known as the Lake Road and make report to the aforesaid Council.
3rd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to the ratepayers of this Municipality that there will be a Public Meeting of the ratepayers on Monday, the 13th day of October at the hour of one o’clock P. M. to take into consideration the building of the new bridge over the Jacques Cartier River.
4th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 13th day of the month of October one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened by Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Michael McClory, James McBain, John W. Thompson, Joseph Hicks and Curtis Billing forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council after the Decision of the ratepayers of this Municipality of St. St. Gabriel de Valcartier, East – we decide as follows: To pay the sum of $1000. towards the construction of the iron bridge across Jacques Cartier River, one half – that is to say 500.OO when the bridge is completed and the other 500.00 one year after.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the third day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘ clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Joseph Hicks, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson, James McBain and John Boyd, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Road Inspectors of this Municipality to have the winter roads laid out according to last winter.
2nd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, Seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect the arrears taxes due to Council within l5 days from date. Those uncollected at that date to be given into the hands of Mr. Be1ard for collection.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to purchase an assessment book for this Council.
4th- Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to have the books audited on Monday the 1st day of December inst.
5th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general Monthly Meeting of the Local Counci1 of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of the Month of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs John Boyd, Michael McClory, Joseph Hicks, John W. Thompson and James McBain, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Joseph Martin and James Hamilton, road inspectors, to have their Divisions of roads kept in good repair for the winter 1890 and 1891, that is to say not less than five feet wide scraped.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John McCartney, Road Inspector, to have the fence along Mr. William Hornby’s property put in good repair before the Ist of June 1891.
3rd – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay John Leddy, Road Inspector, the sum of $9.50 for the road leading to the river.
4th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. the property known as Heirs of Shantry and Patrick Welsh into the hands of the County Council for sale for taxes due to Local Council and any other land which fail to pay the taxes.
5th – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Michael McLory and resolved that this Council do accept the audit of the aforesaid Council Book, audited by John McCoubrey John Neil. It is ordained and resolved by by-law as follows that this Council do levy a general assessment of 15 cents per $100. on all real ratable property within this Municipality to pay the following expenses Viz.
1- For the road to the river
2- For Council room 3 – For refreshments
3– For Wm. Billing, Road Inspector
5- For repairs of the road leading to the bridge
6- For repairs of the bridge in Rush Plat
7- For Sec. Treas. service
8- For repairs of fence leading to the bridge
9 – For County Council
10 – For Jury tax
11 – For winter road
12 – For sundry expenses
;2.10 8.00 .75 1.78 9.50 2.75 27.00 2.00 20.00 12.00 10.39 17.00 11.00
6th – Moved by Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
At a meeting of the electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 12th of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, at the hour of ten of the clock A. M. at the house of William Billing.
Ist – Moved by Curtis McBain, seconded by William Billing that Francis Patton be appointed Councillor for this Municipality in the room and stead of Curtis Billing.
2nd – Moved by William B. McBain, seconded by Samual Rourk that John McBain be appointed Councillor in this Municipality in the room and stead of Charles Jack.
I the undersigned, Presiding Officer, do declare the aforesaid candidates duly elected according to Article 310 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.
George Thompson, Presiding Officer.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 5th day of the month of January , one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Charles Jack, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Michael McClory, James McBain, Curtis Billing and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John Leddy Road Inspector, and Patrick Cassin also to have their Division of road balezed and it is further ordered that William Montgomery, Road Inspector across Cassin’s land, have the disputed across Cassin’s land let for the winter repairs .
2nd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do name and appoint George Thompson Presiding Officer at the ensuing election for Councillors for this Municipality.
3rd – Moved by Councillor James McBain seconded by Councillor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the auditors to meet the Council at its next session which will be held on Monday the 2nd day of February 1891.
4th – Moved by Councillor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
Charles Jack, Mayor
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 2nd day of the month of February one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 of the clock P.M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municiple code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting
Were present Mr. John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Michael McClory, John W. Thompson, Joseph Hicks, Francis Patton, John Boyd and James McBain forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Francis Pat ton, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that Carrel Wolff be named and appointed Valuator in the room and stead of John McBain.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that by-law No.9 be submitted to the ratepayers of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier to vote for or against the said by-law and the Sec. Treas. shall give the necessary publications according to the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.
Passed unanimously.
3rd- Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to take the Census of this Municipality for the sum of $6.00 for his trouble.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to take William Quinn of the Valuation Roll and enter James Quinn thereon.
5th – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 2nd day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs John Boyd, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson, Joseph Hicks, Francis Patton and James McBain, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor James Mcbain, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay the County Council the sum of $20.90.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
Valcartier, March 3, 1891
At a general meeting of the ratepayers of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the 3rd day of March, 1891, for the purpose of approving or disapproving of a by-law No.9 ordering John. McBain.Mayor, of the Municipal Council and George Thompson Sec. Trea. To borrow the sum of $ 1,266.67 for the construction of an iron bridge over the Jacques Cartier river, the above mentioned sum being the share of the aforesaid Municipality.
contribution towards the said bridge and to be paid back to the Lender at the expiration of two years after date of loan with interest and to be raised by assessment of the ratepayers of the said Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier East.
Moved by William B. McBain, seconded by Thomas McBain and resolved that the aforesaid bylaw be approved of and that the afore-mentioned John McBain Mayor and George Thompson, Sec. Treas. be ordered to borrow the aforesaid sum. Passed unanimously.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 7th day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of five o’clock P. M convened by Councillor John Boyd and Councillor Francis Patton for the purpose of taking into consideration the decision of the ratepayers at a meeting held on the 3rd of March 1891, for the purpose of accepting a by-law No.9, ordering John McBain, Mayor, and George Thompson, Sec. Tress. to borrow the sum of $1266.67 towards the construction of an iron bridge over the River Jacques Cartier and also the petition of Francis Patton and others in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Francis Patton, John W. Thompson, Michael McClory, John Boyd and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do approve of the decision of the ratepayers of the aforesaid Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of the Month of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one which was called for the approval of the ratepayers, and that John McBain, Mayor, and George Thompson, Sec. Treas. of the aforesaid Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier be authorized to borrow the aforementioned sum of $1266.67.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do accept the petition of Francis Patton and others and it will be taken into consideration at its next session which will be held on Monday the 6th day of the month of April 1891.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 6th day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Michael McClory, John Boyd, John W. Thompson, James McBain and Joseph Hicks and Francis Pat ton, making a full meeting under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the auditors to meet on Monday the 2Oth day of April 1891, at the hour of one o’clock P. M. to audit the aforesaid Council books.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order a Special Assessment of one cent and a quarter be levied on all real taxable property in the Fifth Concession, that is to say, from the line of Division between Jean Martel and Robert McMullin’s and Northward to the River Jacques Cartier and from the line between Andrew Brown and John Boyd’s. In Fief St. Ignace, Northward to the line between
Simon Keily and Patrick Cassin for the repairs of roller and scraper, and the Sec. Treas. do furnish a copy of the Valuation to John McCartney for the aforesaid portion of road.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that that this Council do order the Sac. Treas. to give Public Notice that the petition of Francis Patton and others will be taken into consideration at its next session which will be held on Monday the 4th day of the month of May 1891.
4th – Moved by Councillor James McBa1n, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 4th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs James McBain, John Boyd, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson, Francis Patton and Joseph Hicks, making a full meeting of the aforesaid Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John Leddy , Road Inspector, to have the road and fence leading to the bridge over the Jacques Cartier River, set to the lowest tender for the summer repairs of 1891, and also the piece around the lake.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the l5th day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened by John McBain, Mayor, for the purpose of taking into consideration the petition of the road and fence across Francis Patton’s land and others in the 4th Concession and the water on the road along John Billings land, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Joseph Hicks, John W. Thompson, John Boyd and Francis Pat ton, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst- Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Rural Inspector to go and examine the water that floods the road along John Billing’s land in the Second Concession of this Municipality from the foot of the sandy hill, about the middle of his land, to the Grand Line between the lst and 2nd Concessions of this Municipality and ascertain how the said road could be drained and report to the aforesaid Council on or before Monday, the lst day of June 1891, which will be the day of the monthly session.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to take a map of the road known that leads from Murphy’s Rocks to it strikes the front road between the 3rd & 4th Concessions of this Municipality and their Proces Verbals to Mr . Bedard to have an advice on them.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the Ist day of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs John Boyd, John W. Thompson, Joseph Hicks, Francis Patton and James McBain, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
Ist – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify William Billing, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road & fence put in good repair as soon as possible.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay William Billing the sum of $1.93 for the keeping of front road of the property the Heirs of Shantry for the winter of 1890 &1891.
3rd- Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify John McCartney, William Montgomery, Patrick Cassin, John Leddy, Joseph Martin, John R. Thompson and James Hamilton, Road Inspectors, to have their Divisions of road and fence put in good repair immediately.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Pat ton, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Curtis McBain, occupier of the property known as the Heirs of Shantry for Municipal taxes against said property up to date.
5th – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor James Patton and resolved that this Council after taking the water on the road along John Billing’s land into consideration, they came to the decision as follows – to postpone it to the next meeting to have an advice from Mr . Bedard.
6th – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay John W. Thompson the balance of his note and also the other debts.
7th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to the interested parties in 5th Concession that there will be a by-law passed at its next session which will be held on Monday the 6th of July, 1891, to amend the Proces Verbal for the maintenance of a fence along the road of the Fourth Concession across Francis Patton’s land and others and also to the interested parties of the water on the road along John Billing’s land.
8th – Moved by Councillor James McBain, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to the interested parties in the 2nd & 3rd Concessions of this Municipality that at its next session, that they are going to pass a by-law to amend the Proces Verbal for the route leading through the 2nd & 3rd Concessions.
9th – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor James MCBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
John McBain) Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the sixth day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Francis Patton, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson, James McBain, John Boyd and Joseph Hicks, making a full meeting of the aforesaid Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council, after taking the petition of Francis Patton and others into deliberation, they do annul said petition on account of not being drawn legal.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do accept the bill of William Billing, Road Inspector, for the repairs of the road across the Maple Hill and further ordered to pay William Billing said bill amount $8.24
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do annul the move for amendment on the Proces Verbal for the road leading through the 2nd & 3rd Concessions.
4th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Patrick King the sum of $2.85 for repairs on the Maple Hill road for the summer of 1889.
5th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay John Billing the sum of $2.20 for the keeping of the front road of the Heirs of Shantry’s for the winter of 1889 and 1890, and further ordered to pay the sum of $1.00 to William Montgomery for the keeping of winter road leading
to the Township of Stoneham.
6th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 7th day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. John McBain, Councillors Messrs James McBain, John Boyd, Michael McClory, Joseph Hicks and Francis Patton, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Patrick Cassin, Road Inspector, to have the bridge known as the Mill Bridge put in repair immediately, and also inspect the abutments of the aforesaid bridge and make report to the Council.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do accept the petition of Francis Patton and others dated the 7th day of the month of September 1891, and will take it into consideration at the next monthly session which will be held on Monday the 5th day of the month of October 1891.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect the 15cent assessment immediately.
4th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the 5th day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Boyd, John W. Thompson, Francis Patton Michael McClory and Joseph Hicks making a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.
It is ordained and resolved by by-law as follows :
lst – That this Council do levy a general assessment of twenty cents per $100. on all real rateable property within this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for to pay the following debts:
lst – For interest on borrowed money for bridge
2nd – Costs of Deed of Obligation
3rd- Costs of publication of by-law
4th – For John McBain, time borrowing money for bridge and a trip to town
5th – For Secretary , borrowing money for bridge
6th – For keeping snow off the bridge for the winter of 1890 & 1891 to hill
7th – For Council Room
8th – For Michael Corrigan, repairs of bridge
9th – For Secretary service
76.00 22.00 21.20 5.50 4.50 1.00 8.00 2.00 27.00
2nd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Patrick Cassin, Road Inspector, to have. the Mill Bridge repaired so as it will be safe for this winter of 1891 & 1892.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council after taking the petition of Francis Patton and others, they decided to put it off to the next meeting on account of notices not been legal given.
4th – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Pat ton and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Michael McClory, Joseph Hicks, Francis Patton, John W. Thompson and James McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Being the petition of Francis Patton and others, praying this Council to relieve them from the obligation to build and maintain the fence along a by-road through the Fourth Concession of this Municipality, seeing the Public Notice given by the Sec. of this Council of the present meeting and that the said petition would be therein taken into consideration. Seeing that the said prayor of said petition is just and that relief should be given to said petitions, on motion of Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks, it is resolved and ordained that the said petitioners as proprietors of Cadastral lots Nos. 275- 276- 277- 278- 279 & 280 of this Municipality be liberated from a fence along this by-road, crossing their respective properties in the Fourth Concession of this Municipality.
The portion of said fence heretofore bounds by said lots shall in future be maintained by the proprietors and occupiers of lands in the Fifth Concession of this Municipality to wit by the lands in the said Fifth Concession except however, and with the reserve of three arpents thereof, which will be at the charge of lots Nos. 278- 279 & 280, now occupied and owned by Robert Goodfellow and Andrew McCartney who shall each keep and maintain in the future one acre and a half of said fence and of all the work on the said by-road for the said length, as front road for said lots Nos. 278- 279 & 280. Said lots having now only one half of their front. After the coming into force of this by-law, the proper officer shall prepare an apportionment of the work on said road as herein regulated, all by laws now enforced and affecting said by-road are amended so as to agree with the foregoing enactment.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Road Inspectors within this Municipality to set their winter roads for the winter repairs.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do notify Wm. B. McBain and WM. Montgomery to go and measure the disputed road across Edward J. Shay’s land in the Fief St. Ignace and make report on or to the Council on or before its next session which will be held on Monday the 7th day of December inst.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Trea8.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Joseph Hicks, Francis Patton, Michael McClory, John Boyd, James McBain and John W. Thompson making a full meeting of the Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.
1st – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that the minutes of the last Council meeting which was held on Monday the second day of the month of November last be signed with the exception of the by-law which will be left over to the next monthly meeting on account of no Public Notice been given that the aforesaid by-law would be laid before the Council at this meeting for approval or rejection.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to forward all the names of parties who are in arrears to the Secretary Treasurer of the County Council to be sold on March next.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas to write to the Mayor of St. Ambroise to request the Lake St. John Company to erect gates on the road leading to Lorette, where it crosses the track, swinging gates.
4th – Moved by Councillor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Mr. James Burns to have the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier put in repair, the railing and flooring.
5th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor James McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators to make a valuation of the lands situated in the Fourth Concession which has not been valued.
6th – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council no now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 4th day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present the Mayor, John McBain, Councillors James McBain, John Boyd, John W. Thompson, Joseph Hichs, Michael McClory and Francis Patton, making a full meeting under the Presidency of the Mayor.
1st, – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do accept Councillor James McBain’s resignation on account of him making sale of his property and William Jack’s name be inserted on the Valuation in his room and stead.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do name and appoint John McBain, Mayor, Presiding Officer at the coming Election for Councillors for the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier which will be held on Monday the llth inst., at the hour of ten o’clock A. M.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to draw a by-law for the maintenance of a fence along a by-road leading through the Fourth Concession of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, lots being Nos. 275- 276- 277- & 278 of the Cadastral Plan and Book of reference of this Municipality.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do name and appoint the following men
Inspectors for the Board of Health – Robert McMullin for the Ist – 2nd – 3rd & 4th Concessions and Thomas Levallee Sr. for the 5th Concession and 5th St. Ignace.
5th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain. Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a General Election of the ratepayers of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 11th day of the month of January 1892, for the purpose of electing three Councillors in the aforesaid Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier in room and stead of Messrs Michael McClory, Joseph Hicks & James McBain having resigned on account of making sale of his property. Moved by Robert Goodfellow, seconded by John Billing and resolved that the three following men be named and appointed Councillors for the aforesaid Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, in the room and stead of the three going out of office viz. William Smith jr. Michael McClory and John Hornby to fill James McBain’s time. Adopted.
John McBain, Presiding Officer
Valcartier February 1, 1892
I the undersigned do certify under my Oath of Office that I administered the Oath of Office to John Hornby, William Smith, jr. and Michael McClory as Councillors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, on this first day of the month of February , one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.
John McBain, Mayor.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municpality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the Ist day of the month of February One thousand eight hundred and ninety-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two olclock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Michael McClory, John Hornby, William Smith jr. forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that this Council do re-elect John McBain, Mayor of this Council for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to John MCBain, as Mayor for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the ensuing year , this first day of the month of February , one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
2nd – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the auditors to meet this Council at its next session which will be held on Monday the 7th
day of the month of March, 1892, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. for the purpose of auditing the aforesaid Council books.
3rd – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect the arrea due to Council immediately.
4th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel, held this twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. convened by the Mayor for the purpose of appointing officers relative to the aforesaid Council in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor , Councillors Messrs John W. Thompson, Michael McClory, John Boyd, Francis Patton, John Hornby and William Smith, making a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that the following men be named and appointed as Road Inspectors, Rural Inspector, Pound Keeper, auditors and Valuators.
First- John Billings in the room and stead of John R. Thompson for District No.1.
Thomas King for Division No.2 from the First Concession line at John R. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier through the 2nd Concession.
Curtis McBain for Division No. 3, the by-road through the 2nd and 3rd Concessions over the Maple Hill along Curtis MCBain’s land.
For Division No.4 William Hicks, from the line between Thomas Dacres and William Smith, jr. to Thomas Levallee’s South East Line.
Charles Jack for Division No.5, from William Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier at the bridge.
David Hamilton for Division No.6, the ten-lot Road in the
Third Concession.
George McNicoll for Division No.7, from the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks through the Fourth & Fifth Concessions.
Edward Cassin for Division No.8 from Murphy’s Rocks to the Division between the Local and the County Road on Edward John Shea’s land running through Roush plat.
Charles Wolff for Division No.9 from the 5th Concession on road on James McCartney’s land to line between Valcartier and Stoneham.
William Billings, Rural Inspector. Thomas McBain, Pound Keeper. Valuators Hopper Ireland, Alfred Hicks and Curtis Brown. Auditors – David B. McCartney & Thomas Levallee.
2nd – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of May, One thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Francis Patton, Michael McClory, John Boyd, John Hornby, John W. Thompson and William Smith, making a full meeting of the said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor, John McBain.
Ist – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Council Books to be audited on Thursday, the 5th day of the month of May inst.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do agree to have a Special Meeting on Thursday the 6th day of the month of May inst., for the purpose of meeting the auditors at ten o’clock A. M.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice of by-law No. 10, dated the second day of the month of May 1892, that it will be laid before the Council at its next monthly session which will be held on Monday the 6th day of the month of June inst.
4th – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to name and appoint Samuel Rourk, Road Inspector, in room and stead of John Leddy for Division No.5, according to Article 101 of the Municipal Code.
5th – Moved by Councillor John Boyd seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay John Leddy the sum of $l.OO for shoveling the River Hill.
6th- Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to Notify the Road Inspector of this Municipality to put their Divisions of road in repair as soon as possible.
7th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory , seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Thursday the 5th day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec for the purpose of auditing the Council Books, present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Hornby, Michael McClory, William Smith, John W. Thompson and John Boyd forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor, Francis Patton being absent after being notified.
lst – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do accept the audit of the aforesaid Council Books made by David B. McCartney and Thomas Levallee.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Tress. to pay the Council debts by next session and to have receipts.
3rd- Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 6th of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs John Boyd, John Hornby, Francis Patton and William Smith, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that the foregoing by-law No. 10, dated 23rd of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two be approved. Councillor John Boyd voted against the aforesaid resolution.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to draw a re partition on the aforesaid fence, leading across lots Nos. 215- 216- 211 and 218 in the Fourth Concession of this Municipality.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do engage Geo, Thompson, Sec. Treas. for the Local Council for the ensuing year by producing security of the amount of $1,300. and vouchers up to date.
4th – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order John McBain, Mayor, to consult the Mayor of St. Gabriel West to petition the Government to relieve the Municipalities of St. Gabriel East and St. Gabriel West of the money borrowed for the bridge across the River Jacques Cartier.
5th – Moved by Councillor Francis Pat ton, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 4th day of the month of July one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Messrs Wm. Smith, John W. Thompson, John Hornby and Michael McClory, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order Wm. Hicks, Road Inspector, to have the Mill Bridge repaired by giving eight days notice and sell to the lowest bidder.
2nd – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and reso1ved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Billing, Rural Inspector, to go and inspect Wm. Hicks Division, that is to say the Front Road leading through the First and Second Concessions and make report to the aforementioned inspector what should be done.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do accept George Thompson’s resignation as Sec. Treas. and transfer by next session which will be held on Monday the lst day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, all documents.
4th – Moved by Councillor WM. Smith, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the lst day of the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘ clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Hornby, John Boyd, Wm. Smith, John W. Thompson and Francis Patton, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
lst – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Curtis MCBain to have any share of road that is bad put in good repair across Maple Hill, that is to say, your Division of road.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to have the front road of Gregor McNicoll’s property put in repair and also the rest of your Division that needs repair, and also to notify Gregor McNicoll to have his division put in repair.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do notify the Valuators to go and value the piece of land that Wm. Montgomery bought from the County Council, owned by Gregor McNicoll and also add to the Valuation Roll the lands in the Fourth Concession that is not already valued, bordering Lorette.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do engage Thomas Levallee jr. as Sec. Treas. for the ensuing year for the sum of $4O.OO
5th – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
George Thompson, Sec. Treas.
At a special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, on Monday the nineteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. said meeting being convened by John McBain, Mayor , and at which assembly were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Boyd, John w. Thompson, John Hornby, Wm. Smith, Francis Patton & Michael McClory, making a full meeting of said Council.
lst – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do accept Thos. Lavallee’s resignation as auditor of Council Books.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do accept Geo. Thompson’s resignation as Sec. Treas.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to hire two men for one day for the purpose of repairing the road known as Gregor McNicoll’s, situated in the Fief St. Ignace.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Boyd and resolved that this Council John Lavallee, Alfred Hicks, David Lavallee and Curtis Billing of the First Concession, as securities to the amount of one thousand dollars, for Thos. Lavallee jr. to hold the position of Sec. Treas. for this Council; the said Thos. Lavallee being responsible for an additional sum of three hundred dollars.
5th – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, on Monday the third day of October one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, at the usual place of meeting, at the hour of 2 P. M. at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Hornby, John W. Thompson, Francis Patton and William Smith forming a quorm under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted.
lst – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do levy by by-law a general assessment of twenty-five cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses:
lst- To Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, for repairing G. McNicoll’s road 2nd- The interest on money borrowed for Iron Bridge
3rd – Jury Tax 1891 & 1892
4th – Winter roads & clearing snow off iron Bridge
5th- Use of Council Room
6th – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
7th – To Mr. Bedard, Advocate
8th – To move fence at Iron Bridge
9th- To Mr. C. S. Wolff, for joined labor on road & fence to bridge
$2.00 . 76.00 24.00 12.00 8.00 40.00 25.00 1.00 6.00
2nd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor WM. Smith and resolved that John McBain, Mayor be ordered to go to Quebec for the purpose of enquiring into the debts of the Council and to have them settled to the best advantage of the aforesaid Council.
3rd – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sect. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two at the usual place of meeting, at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Michael McClory, Wm. Smith, John Boyd, John Hornby and Francis Patton, forming a quorm under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted.
lst – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do order Edward Bedard and David Lavallee to be appointed as Road Inspectors, Edward Bedard to act in place of Wm. Hicks and David Lavallee instead of George McNicoll.
2nd – Moved by Councillor John Boyd, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that all winter roads in this Municipality be laid out on the same route as last year, with the exception of the portion between Curtis McBain’s and Doctor Riopel’s, it is to be laid out in the fields.
3rd – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do accept the valuation of two dollars and fifty cents per acre that was made on all land not valued in this Municipality.
4th – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order Samuel Roarke, Road Inspector, to have the fence or railing at the end of the Iron Bridge, crossing Jacques Cartier River, put up on both sides.
5th – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that the Rural Inspector be ordered to inspect the bridge on Edward J. Shea’s land and send in his report concerning the state of said bridge before the next monthly meeting which takes place the first Monday in December.
6th – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the house of Mr. William Billing, at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing Councillors for the aforesaid Municipality in the room and stead of Messrs. John Boyd, John W. Thompson and John Hornby – The following gentlemen were appointed:
1 – Moved by Patrick Kennedy , seconded by John teddy , that John W. Thompson be re-elected for this Municipality. Adopted.
2 – Moved by Arthur Wolff, seconded by Edward Bedard, that John Hornby be re-elected Councillor for this Municipality . Adopted.
3 – Moved by John Leddy , seconded by William B. McBain, that Henry Loughren be elected Councillor for this Municipality. Adopted.
I the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare the aforesaid candidates duly elected according to Article 310 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer.
I the undersigned, do certify under oath of Office that I administered the Oath of Office to John Hornby, John W. Thompson and Henry Loughren as Councillors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier on this I8th day of the month of January , one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three.
John McBain, Mayor.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec on Wednesday the eighteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. convened by John McBain, Mayor, for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the ensuing year, to appoint a man to inspect the new railing at the Iron Bridge- to see about the building of a new bridge in Roche Platte at E. J. Shea’s land, also to look over the Valuation Roll in connection with the properties of certain ratepayers; those present were
Councillors John Hornby, John W. Thompson, Francis Patton, Henry Loughren, Michael McClory, John McBain and William Smith, making a full meeting.
I – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that Councillor Wm. Smith be appointed Chairman of this meeting until a Mayor be elected for the ensuing year.
2 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that John McBain be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
William Smith, Chairman.
I the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to John McBain as Mayor for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartjer for the ensuing year, this eighteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas,
3- Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that Henry Hicks be appointed to inspect the new railing at the Iron Bridge.
4- Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee , Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor , Councillors John W. Thompson, W111iam Smith, Henry Loughren, Francis Patton, Michael McClory and John Hornby, making a full meeting under the Presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that the tax for the Iron Bridge be left over for consideration until the first Monday in March.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that the Secretary Treasurer be ordered to go to A. Gaboury Esq. ,to ascertain whether we may postpone the levying of the bridge tax till another year, also to call on Mr. Bedard, Advocate, to find out if the old by-law will stand good for such a length of time and whether we are bound to accept the tax in connection with said bridge from ratepayers after June 10, 1893.
3 – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor William Smith and resolved that Mr. Henry Hicks who was appointed to inspect the railing at the Iron Bridge, has sent in his report to the effect that the work has been done in a proper manner and according to contract, and that Mr. Wm. Jack be paid for same.
4 – Moved by Councillor WM. Smith, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that Messrs Charles Jack and Henry Hicks be appointed to inspect the Mill Bridge for the purpose of ascertaining the best and cheapest way of renewing said bridge.
5- Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that the names of David B. McCartney, John McBain and Patrick Kennedy be sent to the Provincial SecretAry to select a Justice of the Peace therefrom.
6 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that a new bridge be built in Roche Platte, at Mr. Edward John Shea’s land; said bridge to be culvert-shaped of square timber, balsam or spruce, to be brought in to six feet of flooring, filled up behind the culvert with stones; to be raised to a height of 3 ½ feet from the ground in the centre with a railing on each side 3 ft. high, the top 4in. square with a batten 2 in. by J in. midway between top and bottom of said railing, which is to be put on 4 posts, 4in. square, well braced; the whole to be of good sound timber, and the erection of same to be sold to the lowest bidder. The bridge is to be 14 ft. wide, floored with 3 in. plank.
7 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the Secretary Treasurer do order Mr. Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to have the road known as Gregor Mcnicoll’s Road valued and kept in good repair for the rest of the winter, also that David Lavallee, Road Inspector, be ordered to have Ferdinand McClory’s front road balised.
8 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Francis Patton and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John MCBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, Michael McClory, John Hornby, Wm. Smith, Francis Patton and John W. Thompson, making a full meeting of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smi th and resolved that the report in connection with the inspection of the Mill Bridge between the Third and Fourth Concessions sent in by Messrs Henry Hicks and Chas. Jack has been approved of by this Council, and that the repairing of said bridge and the timber required for such work be sold by Public Auction to the lowest bidder also that the Secretary Treasurer do give Public Notice to that effect and sell the same.
2 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Lourhren and resolved that this Council do order that the levying of the tax for the new Iron Bridge be postponed for another year.
3 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to go to the Registry Office, to ascertain who are the proprietors of certain lands in this Municipality, which are not on the valuation roll.
4 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, John Hornby, John W. Thompson and Michael McClory, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to go to the Registry Office in Quebec, to get the names of the proprietors of certain lands in this Municipality which are not on the Valuation Roll of said Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the Secretary Treasurer do order Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to have the bridges in his Division repaired or built in the new as may be required.
3- Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that Messrs. George Thompson and David B. McCartney be appointed Auditors for this Municipality for the ensuing year.
4- Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify the Road Officers in this MUnicipality to have their Divisions of roads shovelled out, fit for the traffic of wheeled vehicles thereon, by 2Oth of April.
5 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do allow the Secretary Treasurer the sum of one dollar for every special trip to the city in connection with their business that he has made since lst, 1892, or that he may make in the future while in their employ, unless otherwise fixed by the Sec. and said Council.
6 – Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, John Hornby, William Smith, Michael McClory and John W. Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted.
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do levy by by-law a general assessment of fifteen cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses:
1 – Court House tax and expenses of County Council for 1891
2 – Cost of suit in connection with said tax
3 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1892
4 – Building a new bridge in Roche Platte
5 – Cost of new railing at Iron Bridge
6 – To balance of acc’t due Mr. Bedard, Advocate
7 – To reserve fund in case of an epidemic of cholera in this Municipality, as is required by the Provincial Board of Health.
22.88 9.80 18.65 l6.OO 9.75 16.62 40.00
2 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the sum of forty dollars be reserved by Secretary Treasurer in compliance with directions of Provincial Board of Health, to be used in case of an epidemic of cholera in this Municipality.
3- Moved by Councillor Michael McClory, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McRain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John W. Thompson, Francis Patton and Henry Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted.
1 – Moved by John W. Thompson, seconded by Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify all Road Inspectors within this Municipality to have their Divisions of roads and fences repaired on or before 15th June inst.
2 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to purchase a blank book for the purpose of entering all Proces Verbaux and repartitions of roads & belonging to this Municipality therein.
3- Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify the Valuators of this Municipality to have the new Valuation Roll made out so as to lay it before the Council on the first Monday in July.
4- Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify William Cartwright to pay to this Council the sum of twenty-five cents per hundred dollars on his Valuation, being a general assessment levied Oct. 3rd, 1892; also the sum of fifteen cents per hundred dollars on his Valuation being a general assessment levied lst May 1893, and to wipe out all former taxes that he may owe to said Council.
5 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Hornby, William Smith, Michael McClory, John W. Thompson and Henry Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor; the following resolutions were adopted :
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do levy by by-law a general assessment of one dollar and sixty cents, per hundred dollars on all taxable real estate within this Municipality , for the purpose of paying their share of the debt on the new Iron Bridge crossing the River Jacques Cartier.
2- Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that the road known as the Maple Hill Road is not in proper repair, and that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify Curtis McBain, Road Inspector, to have the said road and fence properly repaired as soon as possible.
3- Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do take legal proceedings against all Road Inspectors who have neglected their duty in not having the roads in their Divisions in proper repair.
4 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do agree to pay the sum of twenty-five cents a piece to Thos. Lavallee, Secretary Treasurer, to enter all the Proces Verbaux and repartitions of roads belonging to this Municipality in a book bought for the purpose.
5 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Michael McClory and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain Mayor
Thomas Lavailee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of August, one thousand eight hun1red and ninety-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBajn, Mayor, Councillor Wm. Smith, Henry Loughren, John W. Thompson and John Hornby, forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that Michael McClory’s resignation be accepted, as he is no longer qualified to act as Councillor on account of his selling his property, and that Michael Corrigan be named and appointed in his stead as a Councillor for this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the new Valuation Roll has been revised and approved of by this Council.
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to examine the new bridge at Edward John. Shea’s land in Roche Platte and send in his report to this Council. If said report is favourable, that the Sec. Treas. do pay for the building of said bridge.
4 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to pay to Edward Cassin the sum of one dollar and fifty cents as soon as he sends in his account for the keeping of Gregor McNicoll’s road in repair for the winter of 1893.
5 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened by John McBain, Mayor, for the following purposes :To examine and correct if necessary the supplementary jury list of 1893, to take into consideration the repairing of the Lake Road, between the Third and Fourth Concessions, as a complaint has been sent to the Council concerning it. Also the repairing of the road at the corner, near Mrs. Andrew McCartney’s.
At which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors William Smith, John W. Thompson, Henry Loughren and Michael Corrigan, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor . The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smi th, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that Mr. Francis Patton’s front road, between the third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality is in a bad state of repair and that the said road has to be drained on each side and raised in the centre, particularly the part where the water lies.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the road at the corner leading to the Fifth Concession, near Mrs. Andrew McCartney’s be properly repaired as soon as possible.
3- Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to have the bridge at Hugh Shea’s land in Roche Platte, properly repaired as soon as possible.
4 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the sixth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provi8ions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John W. Thompson, Francis Patton, John Hornby, Michael Corrigan, William Smith and Henry Loughren, making a full meeting under the Presidency of the Mayor:- the following resolutions were adopted :
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the Rural Inspector be ordered to examine Mr. Robt. Goodfellow’s front road adjoining Mr. F. Patton’s, to ascertain which is the best way to drain said road, to send in his report to the Mayor as soon as possible and that the Mayor be authorized to act for the Council and have the road repaired.
2 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that the auditors be called upon to audit the books of this Council on the first Monday in December at the hour of ten A. M. and that the Secretary Treasurer do give them due notice to that effect.
3 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that all winter roads in this Municipality be laid out in the same manner as last year, and that the Secretary Treasurer do notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have the keeping of the joint labour roads in their Divisions sold before the 2Oth of Nov. inst.
4 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2. P. P. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present Councillors Francis Patton, John Hornby, Henry Loughren, John W. Thompson and Michael Corrigan, forming a quorum of said Council. Francis Patton being elected Chairman in the absence of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that, that portion of the tax that was levied last May, to be set aside in case of an epidemic of cholera happening in this Municipality this past summer, be now taken to pay the half-year’s interest on the money borrowed for building the Iron Bridge over Jacques Cartier River.
2 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Samuel Roarke, Road Inspector, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for work done on joint labour road leading to Iron Bridge .
3 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
Francis Patton, Chairman Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, John Hornby, Francis Patton, Wm. Smith and Jno. W. Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that the auditing of the Council Books be accepted and approved of by the aforesaid Council.
2- Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconde1 by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Edward Cassin, Road Inspector, to have that portion of his Division of road concerning which a complaint has been made, scraped and properly repaired as soon as possible.
3 – Moved by Councillor Francis Patton, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do levy by by-law a general assessment of twenty cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:-
1- Half year’s interest(ending June 10th,1894 on money borrowed for building Iron Bridge.
2 – Jury tax for 1893 & 1894
$38.00 2
3 – Winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Bridge
4- Use of Council Room for 1893
5 – Secretary Treasurer I s salary
6- To Mr. S. Roarke for joint labour on road leading to Iron Bridge for summer of 1893
7- Court House & County Council taxes for 1893
$12.00 8.00 40.00 1.50 25.00
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Council of St. Gabriel West to have the snow shovelled off the Iron Bridge as soon as possible.
5- Moved By Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Edward Bedard, Road Inspector, to have the snow shovelled off the Mill Bridge as soon as possible.
6- Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eighth day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the house of Mr. William Billing, at the hour of 10 A. M for the purpose of electing Councillors for the aforesaid Municipality, in the room and stead of Messrs. Francis Patton and John – the following gentlemen were appo-inted:-
Moved by Wm. McBain, seconded by Wm. Smith that Mr. Thos. Manning be appointed Councillor for this Municipality in the room and stead of Francis Patton. Adopted.
Moved by Mr. Jno. Hornby, seconded by Mr. Jno. W. Thompson, that Mr. Jno. McBain be re-elected Councillor for this Municipality. Adopted.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare the aforesaid candidates duly elected according to Article 310 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fifteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, and convened for the following purposes – to take into consideration the collecting of the bridge tax – to elect a Mayor for the ensuing year and to authorize the Sec. Treas. to pay for clearing the snow off the Mill Bridge. Those present were Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, John McBain, John Hornby, Thos. Manning, Michael Corrigan and Wm. Smith, forming a quorum of said Council.
1- Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan that Jno. W. Thompson be elected Chairman of this meeting until a Mayor be elected for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that Mr. John McBain be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the oath of Office to John McBain and Thomas Manning as Councillors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier on the fifteenth day of January , one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four.
John W. Thompson, Chairman
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to John McBain, as Mayor for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the ensuing year, this fifteenth day of January , one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
3 – Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Thomas Manning and resolved that the collecting of the bridge tax be put off for another year.
4 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor WM. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Mr. Fred Lepire the sum of two dollars for clearing the snow off the Mill Bridge.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thomas Manning, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality held on the 5th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2. P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, councillors Henry Loughren, Thomas Manning, Wm. Smith, Michael Corrigan, John W. Thompson and John Hornby, making a full meeting of said Council – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that the following men be named and appointed as Road Inspectors, Rural Inspector, Pound Keeper, Auditors and Valuators.
Patrick Kennedy instead of Jno. Billing for District No. 1
William Billing jr. for Dicision No.2, from the First Concession Line at Jno. W. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier
Robert Penney for Divieion No.3, being the by-road through the Second and Third Concessions over Maple Hill, along C. McBain’s land.
William Jack for Division No. 4, from the line between Samuel Roarke’s and Wm. Smith’s line to the Iron Bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.
Robert Goodfellow for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line to the Iron Bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.
Carl Wolff for Division No.6, being the ten-lot road in the Third Concession.
James Brown for Division No. &, from the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks, being a road leading through the Fourth and Fifth Concessions.
Hugh Shea for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Division between the Local and County roads on E. J. Shea’s land in Roche Platte.
Louis McBain for Division No.9, from the Fifth Concession road at Jas. McCartney’s land to the line between Valcartier and St. Ambroise.
James Adams, Rural Inspector.
John Leddy , Pound Keeper .
Valuators – Jno. McCartney, Wm. McBain and Jno. McCoubrey.
Auditors – John Neil and Patrick Gough.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to draw up a by-law for the purpose of granting license for the sale of intoxicating liquors, and that the sum of six dollars a year be paid to the Council for each certificate , and that all pedlars selling dry goods, fish or groceries, shall pay the sum of six dollars a year to this Council.
3 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal
Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Jno. Hornby, Michael Corrigan, Wm. Smith, Thos. Manning and Henry Loughren forming a full meeting of said Council, the following resolutions were adopted:
- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that by-law No. 11, be adopted by this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier.
2- Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that the latter part of resolution No.2 (in the minutes of the preceding meeting) concerning pedlar’s license be annulled by this Council.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that the members or this Council do meet the Rural Inspector at the hour or 2 P. M. on Wednesday the 6th inst. on the Maple Hill Road between the Second and Third Concessions, for the purpose or ascertaining how the water is to be drained off said road, and that the Sec. Treas. do notify the Rural Inspector to that effect.
4 – Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have their Divisions or road and fences properly repaired before the lOth inst.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Rural Inspector to examine Mr. Robt, Goodfellow’s front road, and send in a report to this Council as to how the water is to be drained off said road.
6 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Session or the Local Councilor the Municipality or St. Gabriel de Valcartierl held on Monday the llth day or June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place or meeting at the hour of 4 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions or the Municipal Code or the Province or Quebec, for the purpose or hearing the report of the Rural Inspector, concerning the road and drains along John Billing’s land in the Second Concession; at this meeting were present John MCBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Wm. Smith, Thomas Manning and Michael Corrigan, forming a quorum or said Council ( the absent Councillors having been duly notified) .
The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify William Billing and Robert Penney, Road Inspectors, to have the drains in their Divisions in the Second Concession along Mr. Jno, Billing’s land properly opened immediately .
2- Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee Sec.Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality or St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the l3th day or August one,thousand eight hundred and ninety-rour, at the usual place or meeting at the hour or 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code or the Province of Quebec for the purpose or taking into consideration the repairing of the road to Stoneham the examining of the supplementary Jury list, the repairing of the roads and bridges in this Municipality, and the notifying of the Auditors to examine the Council books on the first Monday in October next, also to have all the arrears of taxes collected immediately. At this meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. Hornby, Thos. Manning, Jno. W. Thompson and Henry Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council (the absent members having been duly notified). The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to send to Louis McBain, Road Inspector, a copy of the repartition and by-law concerning the road leading to Stoneham, and to inform him to have it measured and repaired without further notice.
2- Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. Brown, Hugh Shea and William Jack, Road Inspectors, to have the roads in their respective divisions properly repaired imediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Anditors to meet this Council on the first Monday in October inst. at 10 o’clock A. M. at their usual place of meeting for the purpose of examining the Account Books belonging to said Council.
4- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to have all arrears of taxes collected on or before the first day of October inst.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of examining the voters’ list belonging to this Muicipality , to take into consideration the repairing of the Mill Bridge, and to divide the valuation of certain lots of land in this Municipality which have been put together on the Valuation Roll; at this meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, William Smith, John Hornby, John W. Thompson and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council, the absent Councillor having been duly notified – The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor John W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify William Jack, Road Inspector, to examine the Mill Bridge to ascertain what repairs are required thereon and to send in his report to that effect to this Council before the first Monday in October inst.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do signify their approval of the voters list which has been examined and corrected at this meeting.
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Thom. Manning and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, Thomas Manning, Michael Corrigan and Jno. W. Thompson forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order by by-law a general assessment of twenty-five cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses :
1 – One year’s interest (ending June 10, 1895) on money borrowed for building Iron Bridge
2 – Jury tax for 1895
3 – The keeping of the winter roads and clearing snow off iron bridge
4 – Use of Council Room for 1894
5 – Secretsry Treasurer’s salary
6 – Court House and County Council taxes for 1894
7 – Towards support of Beauport Asylum
8 – To Mr. Robt. Goodfellow, for repairing joint labour road to Iron Bridge for summer of 1894
$16.00 12.00 12. 00 8.00 40.00 25.00 6.00 2.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Road Inspector, to have 35 ft. of the north end of the Mill Bridge filled up with clay and stones to the full width of the road and when finished to be kept in order by the owner of the land as a front road. Mr. Wm. Jack is to sell this portion of work to the lowest bidder after giving 8 days Notice to that effect.
(Marginal note: This resolution No.2 be annulled. Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.)
3- Moved by Councillor Thos.Manning, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay one dollar sixty cents for refreshments supplied to those men who gave their services gratis to work on Maple Hill Road this summer.
4 – Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Thos. Lavallee, sr. a clear receipt for Municipal tax up to date.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that the winter roads in this Municipality be laid out in the same manner as last year, and that the Sec. Treas. do notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to that effect; also to have them sell the keeping of the shares of joint labor road in their Divisions on or before the first day of November inst.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jho. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the Local Council was held on Monday the fifth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the MUnicipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor and Councillors John Hornby and William Smith.
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn for want of a quorm, until Monday the 12th inst. at the hour of 2 P. M.
John McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 12th day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the MUnicipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of taking into Consideration the following items : The sending in an account of certain lands in this Municipality to the County Council to be sold for arrears of taxes; the measuring of some portions of road in Roche Platte; the advisability of making a new roller and scraper for the Fifth Concession; the examining of certain road bills which some of the ratepayers refuse to pay; and the placing of a disputed portion of land supposed to belong to Mr. David B. McCartney on the Valuation Roll of the Municipality. At this meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Hornby, Michael Corrigan, Henry Loughren, Thos. Manning and William Smith, forming a quorum of said Council; (the absent member being duly notified). The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to send in to the County Council an account of the land in this Municipality to be sold for arrears of taxes .
2 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that a new roller and scraper be made in the Fifth Concession, said roller and scraper to be paid for by the proprietors in the Fifth Concession and in the Fief St. Ignace, upon whose roads they are used.
3 – Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give the names of those ratepayers, who refuse to pay their portions of the account for repairing the joint labor road and fence on the Maple Hill Road, between the Second and Third Concessions in this Municipality to Mr. Bedard Advocate, so as he may take legal proceedings against them to recover the amount due.
4 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council has taken into consideration the letter sent by David B. McCartney, asking that his name be placed on the Valuation Roll of this MUnicipality, opposite Cadastral No.261, instead of Chas. Wolff, jr. and that this Council after due deliberation do come to the conclusion, that as a lawsuit is pending in connection with said land, they do not deem it advisable to make any change whatever in the Valuation Roll until the case is decided in Court.
5-Moved by Councillor Henry Lourhren, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McRain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 3rd day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. W. ThOMpson, Thos. Manning, Michael Corrigan and Jno. Hornby, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Couricillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators of this Municipality to divide the valuation of lots Nos. 12 & 13, situated in the First Concession and belonging to Jeremiah Nantais, the valuation of said being now taken together.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do approve of the change that the Sec. Treas. made in the Valuation Roll concerning Lot No. 126, on the Cadastre of this Municipality.
3- Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Carl Wolff and Hugh Shea, Road Inspectors, in this Municipality, to have their Divisions of roads properly scraped and balized and passing places not farther than four acres apart thereon; if this is not done the persons in fault shall be prosecuted according to law.
4 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Michael Corrigan and resolved that by order of this Council, that Wm. Billing sr. and Samuel Clark be appointed to inspect the Mill Bridge and give in a report and specification of what timber is required to repair it; said report to be sent in on or before Monday the 17th inst.
5 – Moved by Councillor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Wm. Smith and resolved that the foregoing minutes be approved of by the Council with the exception of resolution No.4, which is amended by naming Chas Jack, sr. instead of Samuel Roarke to inspect the Mill Bridge, on account of Samuel Roarke is refusing to act.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventeenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformi ty with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec , for the purpose of taking into consideration the repairing of the Mill bridge at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Thos. Manning, Jno. Hornby, and Wm. Smith forming a quorum of said Council. (The absent members being duly notified). under the presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that the report of the Valuators concerning the dividing of the Valuation Lots Nos. 12 & 13 in the First Concession of this Municipality, as they valued each lot at one hundred and twenty-five dollars.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that according to the report of Wm. Billing sr. and Charles Jack sr. concerning the repairing of the Mill bridge, this Council do order that 56 feet in length on the north end of said bridge be filled up with stone, starting said filling 27 feet wide in the bottom and bringing it up to a width of 15 feet on the top; also that 33 feet of the south end be filled up in the same manner and of the same dimensions; and that the Road Inspector be notified to have the work begun imediately. All men working with horses at this bridge shall be allowed $1.25 per day, those working without horses, 80 cents; and those persons in the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality, who are bound by a Proces Verbal to maintain this bridge and who do not choose to work on this job, shall pay their share of the cost by an assessment levied according to the valuation of their property. The length of the working day is to be 8 hours. Mr. Wm. Billing and Mr. W. B. McBain for building the stone work shall be allowed one dollar each per day.
3 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Thomas Manning and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John W. Thompson, Chairman Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councillors Wm. Smith, Thos. Manning
Jho. Hornby, Jno. W. Thompson and Henry Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council; Jno. W. Thompson being appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted.
1 – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved, that as the repairing of the North end of the Mill Bridge has been completed, they do not consider it advisable to levy a tax on those landholders in this Municipality who have to maintain said bridge until the South side is finished, which is not to be until next Jlme.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Smith, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John W. Thompson, Chairman Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourteenth day of January, one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-five, at the home of Wm. Billing at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing Councillors for the aforesaid Municipality, in the room and stead of Messrs Wm. Smith and Michael Corrigan, the following gentlemen were appointed:-
Names of Electors voting for H. Hicks and W. Montgomery; Arthur Wolff Carl Wolff Alfred Hicks Joseph Hicks James Hamilton Henry Hicks Curtis McBain
Names of Electors voting for Wm. Smith & Michael Corrigan; John Hornby Wm. McBain
Samuel Roarke Henry Loughren Jno. W. Thompson
Majority for H. Hicks & Wm. Montgomery.
I the undersigned, Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Henry Hicks & Wm. Montgomery are appointed Councillors for this Municipality instead of Wm. Smith & Michael Corrigan. The aforesaid candidates were duly elected according to Article 310 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Wm. Montgomery, and John Hornby forming a quorum of said Council; Jno W. Thompson being appointed Chairman in the absence of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
I, the undersigned do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Henry Hicks and Wm. Montgomery, to act as Councillors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, this 4th day of February 1895.
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that Jno. McBain, be re-elected Mayor for this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Robt. Penney Road Inspector, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for repairing the road over Maple Hill for summer of I894.
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that the Sec. Treas. to notify our local Board of Health to take prompt and effective measures to have Mr. P. Kennedy’s premises in the First Concession of this MUnicipality, disinfected from the germs of Scarlet Fever.
4 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John W. Thompson, Chairman Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Henry Ricks, Thos. Manning, Henry Loughren, Wm. Montgomery and Jno. Hornby, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1- I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to John McBain, as Mayor for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the ensuing year, this fourth day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. .
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that Patrick Gough and John Neil be elected Auditors for this Municipality for the ensuing year.
3- Moved by Councillor Jho. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that the petition of Chas. Wloff, sr. be accepted by the Council and be taken into consideration at their next meeting.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that Geo. Thompson, Thos. Adams and Chas. Wolff, jr. be appointed Health Officers for this Municipality, instead of Robert McMillan and Thos Lavallee, sr.
5 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to attend the County Sale of Lands at St. Ambroise, in the name of the Councjl, and see that the portions of land to be sold belonging to this Municipality are not purchased for a sum less than the amount of taxes against them.
6- Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice concerning the drawing up of a new Proces Verbal for the road over Maple Hill, which he is to do and place before the Council at its next monthly Meeting, Aprill 1st.
7 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that that this Council do order the Sec. Treas . to notify Hugh Shea, Road Inspector, to have proper passing places made on his Division of road without further notice.
8 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier., held on Friday the twenty-second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of examining the Jury List for the current year. At which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Hicks, Henry Loughren, Jno. W. Thompson, John Hornby, Wm. Montgomery and Thos. Manning, making a full meeting of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the Jury List, with the exception of Patrick Gough’s name, and that the Sec. Treas. be authorized to make any necessary changes, so soon as he ascertains whether the property is in his own name or his mother’s.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Jno W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Loughren, Thos. Manning, Jno. W. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Wm. Montgomery and John Hornby, forming a full meeting under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council no order the Sec. Treas. to draw up a by-law to provide for the maintenance of those changes deemed necessary in the laying out of the Ten-lot-Road, situated in the Third Concessjon of this Municipality. Said by-law to be laid before this Council at its next monthly meeting, May 5th.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that the Proces Verbal made for the road over Maple Hill be approved of and homologated by this Council – passed unanimously .
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that the petition presented by Mr. Carl Wolff and other interested parties, concerning the by-road to the First Concession, through H. Hicks land be accepted by this Council and taken into consideration at their meeting on the first Monday in June.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that the keeping of that portion of the road over Maple Hill, which is done by the whole Municipality , be sold by the Road Inspector of that Division in April and October for the summer and winter repairs.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas . to pay Robt. Goodfellow, Road Inspector, the sum of three dollars for the repairing of the fence and road leading to the Iron Bridge over Jacques Cartier River for the summer of l894, so soon as he shall have sworn to the correctness of his account.
6 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Thos. Manning, Henry Loughren, Wm. Montgomery, Henry Hicks and Jno. Hornby, making a full meeting of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that by-law No. 12, which provides for the maintenance of the Ten-lot-road in the Third Concession of this Municipality be approved of by this Council. Passed unanimously.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thom. Manning, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to make a repartition according to Article 817 of the Municipal Code in connection with the above mentioned No. 12, dated Jrd June, 1895.
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to Pay Wm. Billing jr. the sum of 61 cents for the keeping of Jas. Mahr’s joint labor road in the First Concession for the winter of 1895, and 40 cents to Geo. Thompson for doing the same work during winter of l894.
4 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Geo. Wolff the sum of two dollars ($2.00) for the keeping of the Mill Bridge during the winter of 1895.
5 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Yas. Brown Road Inspector, to have that portion of fence across the lands of Francis Patton and Robt. Goodfellow, put up new, within eight days of date of such notice.
6 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Thos Manning and resolved that Daniel Kack be appointed Road Inspector instead of Hugh Shea who is moving out of this Municipality.
7- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that there be no action taken towards the opening of the new road to the First Concession, along the Hicks property, and that the old road over Maple Hill be maintained as it now is. Councillor Wm. Montgomery in favor of this resolution.
8 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that as an amendment to resolution No.7, that the petetion concerning the Hicks Road to the First Concession be left over for consideration until the first Monday in July, and that the petitioners be required to produce the necessary funds to complete said road and fence. Councillors Jno. Hornby & Jno. McBain in favor of this resolution.
9 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Jno. McBain and Henry Loughren be appointed to measure Mr. E. J. Shea’s front road in Roche Platte on Monday, June l0th inst.
10 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourteenth day of June (Friday), at the usual place of meeting in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the threatened lawsuit concerning the Maple Hill Road, the collecting of the school taxes and the fixing of the joint labor fence in the Fourth Concession. At this meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno.
W. Thompson, Jno. Hornby & Henry Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council. The absent members having been duly notified, under the Presidency of the Mayor. The following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to write a reply to Mr. F. X. Lemieux’s letter of the 7th inst., concerning the lawsuit in Connection with Maple Hill Road.
2 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect for the School Commissioners, the arrears of school taxes, as soon as their Sec. Treas. sends in an account of said arrears.
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John MCBain, Mayor Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eighth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; held for the purpose of conducting the business which could not be done on July Ist, as it was a legal holiday , at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Wm. Montgomery, Jno. Hornby, Henry Loughren, Henry Ricks, Jno W. Thompson and Thos. Manning, forming a full meeting of said Council, under the presidertcy of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councjllor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved the position of the route road over Maple Hill remain as it is with the exception of a certain portion which now goes down a sandy hill near Curtis McBain’s land, said change to be made from the top of this hill, and have road cross Lot No.83, thence in a southerly direction across part of
Lot No.84, and join the Second Concession highway at Widow Francis Martin’s barn. Councillors Wm. Montgomery & Henry Loughren in favour of this motion, and Councillors Henry Hicks and Jno. Hornby dissenting therefrom.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators of this Municipality to value a road 26 feet wide across the lands specified in motion No. 1, and send in their report to this Council before the first Monday in August.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that Ed. Jno. Shea keeps the same distance of front road in Roche Platte as formerly and that he also maintains the disputed portion of road for the sum of two dollars $2.00 per year for the space of five years.
4- Moved by Councillor Jno Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Wm. Montgomery, Jno. W. Thompson, Thos. Manning, Henry Hicks and Henry Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do order Jno. McBain, Mayor and Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to go and settle with Robt. Goodfellow on as reasonable terms as possible regarding the lawsuit he is bringing against said council.
2 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, as to what steps should be taken to oblige the Road Inspector of that Division in which the fence crossing Robt. Goodfellow’s and Francis Patton’s property is situated to refund to the Council the money expended in connection with the lawsuit concerning the putting up of said fence also in what manner should they proceed to have said fence completed; also to make enquiries concerning the joint labor fence to the Iron Bridge.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that no action be taken towards the changing of the road through the Second Concession until the September meeting, pending an advice as to the action of the Valuators on said road.
4 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to draw up a by-law to provide for the filling in of the South end of the Mill Bridge, and present it at the next monthly meeting, Sept. 2nd.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that the Sec. Treas. be paid the sum of five dollars for the drawing up of a by-law and repartition for the Ten-Lot-Road and Mr. Jno. McBain, one dollar for his services in connection with the measuring of said road.
6 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on the eleventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec, convened to take the place of the regular monthly meeting and to take into consideration all business connected with said session, at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. Hornby, Jno. W. Thompson and Thos. Manning. The absent members being duly notified, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have their Divisions of road properly repaired, and in any place where the water lies, have the roads rounded so as to remove it before the 23rd inst.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that Edward Bedard and Jas. McCartney, sr. be appointed Valuators instead of Wm. McBain, sr. and John McCoubrey, to value the portion of land for a road in the Second Concession of this Municipality, across the lands of Curtis McBain and Mrs. Widow F. Martin, and that they do meet on Monday the 16th inst. at 4 P. M. to value the said road, also that the Councillors do attend the meeting to determine the proper course to layout said road. (Marginal note: On account of the Valuators of the Municipality being related to the interested. T. L.)
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the Law No. 13, binding the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality to make and maintain the Mill Bridge, also providing for the filling up of 33 feet of the South end of said bridge with stone and the completion of the North end, be accepted by this Council.
4- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Louis McBain, Road Inspector, to sell to the lowest bidder, the building of a bridge on Jas. McCartney’s front road on the route to Stoneham, said bridge to be culvert shaped of square timber, balsam and spruce, to be brought in to six feet of flooring, filled up behind the culvert with stones, to be raised nine inches higher than the old one now is, with a railing on each side 3 feet high, the top rail 4 in. square with a batten 2 in. by 3 in. midway between the top and the bottom of said railing which is to be put on 4 posts, 4 in. square, well braced; the whole to be of good sound timber. The bridge is to be 12 feet wide, floored with 3 in. plank.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors John W. Thompson, Henry Hicks, and Thos. Manning forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor , the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do accept the auditing of the Sec. Treasurer’s books, made by Jno. Neil & Patrick Gough, Auditors of this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council do levy by by-law a general assessment of sixteen cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses:
1 – Jury tax for 1896
2- The keeping of Maple Hill Road for summer of 1895
3 – Use of Council Room for 1895
4 – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
5 – Court House tax & expenses of County Council
6 – The keeping of winter roads and clearing snow off Iron Bridge
7 – Towards support of Beauport Asylum
8- To Robt. Goodfellow for repairing joint labor road to Iron Bridge for summer of 1895
9- The building of a bridge on the road to Stoneham
$12.00 24.50 8.00 40.00 25.00 12.00 10.00 4.00 4.50
3- Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to take legal proceedings against those who were appointed as Valuators for neglecting to send in their certificate for the expropriation of land for a road across Mr. Curtis McBain’s and Widow Francis Martin’s properties in the Second Concession of this Municipality.
4 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to make out the Collection Roll in connection with the “Bridge tax” , to publish same and collect said tax on or before March Ist 1896.
5 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Road Inspector, to hire four men along with himself at the rate of eighty cents per day, before the frost sets in for the purpose of raising large stones to fill up part of the South end of the Mill Bridge.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. W. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Henry Loughren and Jno. Hornby forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that in consequence of a dispute arising concerning the award made by the Valuators to Joseph Martin for a portion of his land on which to make a road in the Second Concession of this Municipality, this Council do now decide to make no change whatever in the position of the road, but let it remain where it is.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. Brown, Road Inspector, to get a new scraper made for the Fifth Concession road. ,
3- Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that all winter roads within the limits of this Municipality shall be laid out in the same manner as last year, with the exception of a slight change in the First Concessjon, and that the winter keeping of the Mill Bridge be sold along with the road leading thereto.
4 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treaa. to hire Fred Lepire, if he can be got, to take charge of the raising of stone for the South end of the Mill Bridge; at the rate of 80 cents per day.
5 – Moved by Councillor Henry Loughren, seconded by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John, Mayor
Thom. Lavallee, Sec. Tress.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal
Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Hicks, Wm. Montgomery, Henry Loughren and Jno. Hornby forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Road Inspector, to collect all arrears due for repairing the Mill Bridge.
2 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Carl Wolff, Road Inspector, to procure a roller to be used on the TEN-LOT-ROAD in his Division.
3 – Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Henry Loughren and resolved that as the road on the hill near the river fills up with drifted snow in stormy weather, this Council deems it necessary to make a change in the route and have the winter road from Carl Wolff’s to Nelson’s Gate go through the field.
b. Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to send in the necessary statement concerning the remaining portion of Gregor McNicoll’s land to the Sec. of the County Council before the 2Oth inst., to be sold for taxes.
5 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBa1n, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipali ty of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, (Monday being a legal holiday) the seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. Hornby, Thos. Manning and Jno. W. Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
As nothing of importance was to be considered it was :
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
JohnMcBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the thirteenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the house of Mr. Wm. Billing, sr. at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing Councillors for the aforesaid Municipality in the room and stead of Messrs Jno. W. Thompson, Jno. Hornby & Henry Loughren. The following gentlemen were appointed:
1 – Moved by Carl Wolff, seconded by Patrick Cassin that Jno. N.. Thompson be appointed Councillor, to act instead of Jno. W. Thompson, inasmuch as John Billing, jr. was also proposed as a candidate for the position, a vote was taken resulting in favor of John N. Thompson.
2 – Moved by Wm. B. McBain, seconded by Curtis McBain, that Jno. Hornby be re-elected as Councillor for this Municipality. Adopted.
3 – Moved by Jno. McBain, seconded by Arthur Wolff, that Curtis Brown be appointed Councillor for this Municipality, to act instead of Henry Loughren.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, this meeting at an end, and that Jno. N. Thompson and Curtis Brown are appointed Councillors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, to act instead of John W. Thompson & Henry Loughren, and that Jno. Hornby is re-elected Councillor for the aforesaid Municipality. The above mentioned candidates were duly elected according to Article 310 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of February, one thousand eignt hundred and ninety-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McBain, Mayor, Councillors Wm. Montogmery, Jno. Hornby, Curtis Brown, Jno. N. Thompson forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that Jno. McBain be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jno. Hornby, John N. Thompson and Curtis Brown, to act as Councillors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, this third day of February, 1896.
John McBain, Mayor
I, the undersigned, do certify that I a1ministered the Oath of Office to John McBain, as Mayor of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the ensuing year, this third day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six.
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do approve of the repartition made by the Sec. Treas. in connection with the repairing of the Mill Bridge, and that the said Council do order the Sec. Treas. to collect all arrears due for said repairs and pay those persons to whom money is due for doing more than their share of work.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Robert Goodfellow the sum of five dollars for the keeping of the joint labor road and fence to the Iron Bridge for the summer of 1895.
4 – Moved by Councillor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. N. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay the sum of two dollars to Jno. McBain for a trip to the city on business connected with the Council.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. N. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
(Copier’s remark: The name of Councillor John N. Thompson, might be John R. Thompson – the initial is either N or R )
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the MUnicipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jho. McBain, Mayor Councillors Thos. Manning, Henry Hicks, Jno. R. Thompson, Jno. R. Thompson, Jno. Hornby, Curtis Brown & Wm. Montgomery, forming a full meeting of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that the following men be named and appointed as Road Inspectors, Rural Inspector, Pound Keeper, Auditors & Valuators.
Hopper Ireland instead of Patrick Kennedy for Division No. I
Curtis Billing for Division No.2 from the First Concession line at Jno. R. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Jno. Billing, jr. for Division No.3, being the by-road through the Second and Third Concessions over Maple Hill along Curtis McBain’s land.
Michael Hill for Division No. 4, from the line between Samuel Roarke’s and Wm. Smith’s to Thos. Lavalleel’s South-east line.
.Thos. A. McBain, for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
Jas. Hamilton, for Division No.6, being the Ten-Lot-Road in the Third Concession.
Jas. McCartney, for Division No.7, from the line between the third and Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Daniel Kack, for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Division line between the local and county road on E. Jno. Shea’s land in Roche Platte.
Philip McClory, for Division No.9, from the Fifth Concession road at Jas. McCartney’s land to the line between Valcartier & St. Ambroise.
Rural Inspector – Curtis McBain.
Samuel Roarke, Pound Keeper.
Jas. Johnston, Jos. Hicks & Andrew Brown, Valuators.
Patrick Gough & Jno. Neil, Auditors.
2 – Moved by Councillor John R. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six a the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McBain, Mayor, Councillors John Hornby, Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks, Jno. R. Thompson and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council has examined and made the necessary corrections on the list of electors for this Municipality and do approve of same.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council order the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Tnspectors in this Municipality to have the roads & fences in their respective Divisions properly repaired as soon as possible.
3- Moved by Councillor Thomas Manning, seconded by Councillor John R. Thompson and resolved that this Council has examined the agreement regarding the keeping of the joint labor road & fence over Maple Hill, which has been sold for this summer to Geo. Thompson for the sum of eighteen dollars, and do approve of same.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all persons in arrears of taxes due to this Council.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
John McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the lst of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councillors Henry Hicks, John Hornby, Curtis Brown, Wm. Montgomery, Thos. Manning and Jno. R. Thompson, forming a full meeting of said Council. The Mayor has been deprived of his office on account of selling his property.
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that Councillor Henry Hicks be appointed Chairman of this meeting.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that Wm. B. McBain, jr. be appointed Councillor of this Municipality in the room and stead of John McBain who is unfitted for office.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Councils orders the Sec. Tress. to notify Jno. Billing jr. Road Inspector, to have Wm. Billing’s share of joint labor road and fence in the Third Concession of this Municipality put in proper repair as soon as possible.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, as to whether they have it in their power to collect the arrears due for the repairing of the Mill Bridge or not, also concerning the making of a new Valuation Roll.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Michael Hill, Road Inspector, to keep the Mill Bridge in repair for the summer of 1896.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown
and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators of this Municipality to have a new Valuation Roll made to present to the Local Council on the first Monday in July inst.
7- Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councjllor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
Henry Hicks, Chairman
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipaljty of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifteenth dayof June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the following purposes: To elect a Mayor for the Municipality instead of Mr. Jno. McBain, to authorize the Sec. Treas. to withdraw the sum of $1,086.00 from the Savings Bank as part payment & interest on money borrowed for building Iron Bridge, to consider the building of a new fence on the joint labor road approaching Iron Bridge, also to divide some shares of road near Fairy Lake; at which meeting were present Councillors Henry Hicks, Thos. Manning, Wm. B. B. McBain, Curtis Brown, Jno. Hornby, Wm. Montgomery and Jno. R. Thompson, making a full meeting of said Council the following resolutions were adopted:
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Ofjice to Wm. B. McBain, to act as Councillor for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, this l5th day of June, 1896.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1- Moved by Councillor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that Wm. B. McRain be elected Mayor of this Municipality for the remainder of this year instead of Mr. Jno. McBain.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain, to act as Mayor of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the remainder of the year.
Thomas Lavallee
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council gives authority to Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to withdraw from the money deposited in the name of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier in the Savings Bank Branch of the Union Bank of Quebec, the sum of 1,086.00 in part payment (half yr’s interest included) of money borrowed for building Iron Bridge over Jacques Cartier River.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councjllor Curtis Brown and resolved that Chas. Jack, jr. be appointed Road Inspector, for Division No.9, instead of Philip McClory who is over 60 years old.
4 – Moved by CouncillorThos. Manning, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do have a new fence built along the joint labor road leading to the Iron Bridge, said fence to be made with new cedar pickets, at least 4 inches in diameter, 5 ½ feet long, driven down to stand 4 feet above ground, 6 feet apart, with three barbed wires placed thereon, and a batten, 1 inch by four, notched into the pickets making the fence 4 feet high when finished.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Curtis Brown and resolved that William B. McBain, Mayor, and Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, do layout the shares of road at Fairy Lake.
6- Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Henry Hicks and resolved tha t this meeting do now adjourn.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.