Document Date: December 9, 1835
Transaction Type: Petition
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D1249
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: Carroll

To the Right Honorable John Stewart, Commission of the Jesuit Estates:

The Humble petition of Thomas Carrole of Valcartier in the County of Quebec, farmer.

Humbly, sheweth that your petitioner have been in the country upwards of eight years during which period he purchased a Lot of Land upon which your petitioner have made considerable improvements but your petitioner having a large and rising family feels it a duty incumbent upon himself to endeavor to provide for them in a more ample manner. 

Your petitioner therefore understanding that there are three lots of land vacant on the Northwest bank of the River aux Pins namely Lots number 7, 8, and 9.  Your petitioner most humbly beg your Honor will be pleased to give a Grant of Lots No. 8 and I and your petitioner most respectfully implores your Honor that should your Honor be pleased to grant your petitioner the favor now sought for  he will immediately settle upon the same.

And your petitioner is din duty bound …

Signed:  Tho. D. O’Carroll

9th December 1835

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