July 14, 1945

A general meeting of the inhabitants of Valcartier de St. Gabriel was held this second Monday, the fourteenth day of July in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five , at the honor appertaining the Royal Institution agreeable to the Act passed in the eighth year of Queen Victoria, pursuant to public notices entitled “An Act to repeal certain ordinances therein mentioned and to make better provisions for the establishment Of Local and Municipal Authorities in Lower Canada when:

Colonel A.J. Wolfe, J.P. presided as returning Officer and Robert Wadsworth Bartell was appointed as Clerk, and the following gentlemen were Proposed as candidates and voted in as members of the Council agreeable to the poll lists hereunto enscribed: Viz

William Neilson, Esq.       Unanimously elected.

Hopper Ireland,     Unanimously elected.

William Brown, Esq .     Unanimously elected.

Mr. John Nevin,     Unanimously elected.

William Corrigan,   Unanimously elected.

Mr. James Jack and Mr. Lawrence Mooney, having been nominated as can­didates, a poll was demanded when the number of votes for each candidate were as follows:-

Majority in favor of James Jack who was consequently duly returned.

Ferdinand Murphy, Richard Ward and Peter Brady were then named as candidates, when a poll being demanded, the numbers were as follows:

For;  Ferdinand Murphy – 49,    Richard Ward – 19, Peter Brady – 1    

Majority in favor of Ferdinand Murphy 49 – who was consequently declared duly elected .

The poll for this day having been kept open the time specified by the Act is hereby adjourned till tomorrow at 10:00 o’clock A. M. when the poll will be again opened.  The poll was again opened as by adjournment this 15th day of July l845, being the second day agreeable to the Act for the purpose of receiving votes from the electors, for the respective candidates, from between the hours of 10:00 A. M. Till one o’clock P. M. but no person appearing to give their votes, the poll was closed by one in the absence of Col. A. J. Wolffe, return­ing officer.

William Brown, Chairman.


A meeting of the Councilors, agreeable to the Act, was held on the twenty-first day of July, A. D. l845 at the house appertaining to the Royal Institution for the purpose of electing a Mayor, agreeable to the 2Oth section of the Act and also certain officers agreeable to the 20th Section of the Act, when all the members of the Council being present, it was unanimously agreed that William Neilson Esq. should be elected Mayor of the Corporation of Valcartier de St. Gabriel and that Robert Wadsworth Bartell should act as clerk and Secretary Treasurer to such Council.

The following officers of roads were afterwards named and appointed as follows; Arthur McBean is appointed overseer over the road from Fare Lake, dividing the 3rd and 4th concessions as far as the limits of the parish extend.

William Whelan is appointed overseer of Roads from the River Jacques Cartier at the Ferry to the 2nd Concession.

Pierre Bedard is appointed overseer of Roads from Andrew Kerr’s corner to Murphy’s gate in the 5th Concession.

Dennis Cassin is appointed overseer of Roads from Murphy’s gate to the Rush Plate at the river.

Henry Ward is appointed overseer of Roads from Mr. William Brown’s, jr. to Corrigan’s Ferry.

Thomas Deaker to be Road overseer from Hector O’Neil’s to the boundary between McCartney and Cleesh.

James McCartney is appointed Inspector of Roads in the 3rd, 4th and 5th Concessions on the S. E. side of the River Jacques Cartier.

John Gough is appointed overseer of roads in the First Concession from Goynan’s Bridge to Thompson’s corner.

Nicholas Mulloy, Road overseer for the 2nd Concession from Wm. Thompson’s corner to the River Jacques Cartier and up to McPherson’s Land.

William Watt, Road Inspector for the lst and 2nd concessions of Val­cartier de St. Gabriel, including the road from Peter Brady’s to the 3rd concess­ion.

James Landers to be road overseer from the River to Duchesney’s Line.

Charles Fitzpatrick, sr. to be Road Overseer from the River Jacques Cartier to Charles Fitzpatrick’s Line.

James Ross ( not sure ) to be Road Overseer from McCartney’s line to the River aux Pain.

William Murphy to be Road Overseer from (not confirmed as yet)

John Aldridge to be Road Overseer from Thomas Brook’s sr. to the River aux Pain.

John Calback to be Road Overseer from John Abraham’s to Thomas Brook’s sr.

Henry Roarke to be Road Overseer from John Abraham’s to the Mill (not sure)

Samuel Clark to be inspector of Roads from the River aux Pain to the River Jacques Cartier, including the road leading to McGuire’s on the N. W. side of the river in the 3rd and 2nd Concessions.

Curtis Billing to be Inspector of Roads from the Mill (?) to the River aux Pain. N. W. side.

Charles Louden to be Fence Inspector from in the lst. 2nd- 3rd – 4th and 5th Concessions, including the Rush Plate.

Edward Monaghan to be Fence Inspector from the Mill (?) to the River aux Pain the same as Clark.

Moved by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Corrigan that a quorum of five shall proceed to business in cases of sickness or absence.

Moved by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Corrigan that if any of the Council without any reasonable cause shall absent themselves from any meeting, they shall pay a fine of five shillings.

The business of this meeting agreeable to the Act having been brought to a close, it was consequently adjourned.

William Neilson. Mayor.


At a meeting of the Council pursuant to notice on 2nd Monday of September A. D. 1845, held at the house of Mr. Patrick Liddy for dispatch of business  Present: Messrs. Brown, Nevin, Corrigan, Jack and Murphy, when the meeting was obliged to adjourn for want of a quorum.

William Brown , Chairman

November 17, 1845

A meeting by order of the municipal Council and Col. A. J. Wolffe, J. P. was this day the l7th of November A. D. 1845 held at the house of Mr. Patrick Liddy agreeable to public notice given bearing date the 7th of November to warn the Road Officers to attend to layout the winter Roads and also to show cause why any of them objected to do their duty on such roads.

Present:- Col. A. J. Wolfe and the whole of the municipal Council. Colonel Wolfe, J. P. being unanimously called to the Chair and Robert Wadsworth Bartell appointed to act as Clerk.

After some remarks from the learned Chairman, the Road Officers were called to answer for their conduct and to layout the Winter Roads when it was unanimously agreed to lay them out as follows:- Viz.

In the third Concession, through the fields, commencing at William Knox’s up to Smith’s gate, going to the right of the Minister’s Home and to the left of Charles Louden’s old home to take the summer road again as far as Col. Wolffe’s Gate and turn at Thomas Cassin’s old barn and from thence by the summer road all the way to the lake; the summer roads to be stopped the first time the fields are ready for a sleigh and Mr. Knox and Mr. Smith to have authority to stop such summer roads at that time.

The 5th Concession Winter Roads in the same course as they ran last year; to Mr. Andrew’s gate, then across Goodfellow’s fields and straight up as it did in the year 1844.

First Concession Road from Goynan’s bridge the same as last year, up to Mr. Hopper Ireland’s place. From Hopper Ireland’s across to the school house, keep in on the left past Edward Finley’s and from that to the Widow Knox’s. From thence through the Summer road as far as William Thompson’s Clearance, from thence thought Nicholas Mulloy’s to the river  the same as last year on the same road from Peter Brady’s old house along Peter Brady’s land up to the bush and then turn into Thomas Carroll’s up to McPherson’s and from thence the same way it was laid out last year.

River aux Pain Road

From Isaac Brown’s house across  to Henry Crawford’s home, then across Andrew Kendall’s  road to the Winter Road that, has been used these two years, Across Samuel Shank’s field, Billing’s and Henry Webb’s fields to the River aux Pain Road, and the Road also leading from Samuel’ Clark’s to Howlet’s land to join the River aux Pain Road.

From Brady’s house to McGuire’s Ferry to Descheney’s Line on the North side of the Concession Line, the line to be made according to James Lander’s direction.


On Monday, the first day of December 1845, the day appointed by the Municipal Act for a Quarterly Meeting of Councilors. The Councilors met at the house of Mr. Patrick Liddy at the usual hour of ten of the clock A. M.

Present the Mayor and Messrs. Brown, Corrigan, Jack & Murphy.

The meeting adjourned this day for lack of a quorum on account of the majority of the Council not being satisfied as to Mr. Murphy’s qualifications as Councillor agreeable to the Act of Municipality. Consequently, a special Meeting of the Council was called for Thursday the fourth day of this present month of December in the Year of Our Lord 1845.

William Neilson Mayor.

Moved by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Ireland, that after due deliberation and fully referring to the Municipal Act as far as relates to the qualifications of Councilors, it was unanimously decided that Mr. Murphy who was elected at the general meeting and recorded as such by the Returning Officer was null and void, in as much as at the time of Election he did not belong to Fief St. Gabriel, consequently Mr. Richard Ward was elected in his place, being the next in majority in the poll last, and take the Oath required.


A Special Meeting of the municipality of Valcartier de St. Gabriel was called by Public Notice by the Mayor on Thursday the 4th day of December, 1845, at the usual hour of ten of the clock A. M. for the purpose of des­patch of business.

Present:- The Mayor and Messrs. Brown, Nevin, Corrigan, Ireland, Murphy & Jack.

Moved by Mr. Ireland and seconded by Mr. Jack that it was deemed necessary A Clerk of the Council be appointed immediately.

It was resolved unanimously and passed that Mr. Robert Bartell be appointed Clerk of the Council required upon which the Oath required by Section 14 of the Municipal Act was administered by the Mayor.

Moved by Mr. Corrigan and seconded by Mr. Jack that this meeting be held in secrecy.

Motion carried unanimously. On the motion of Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Nevin that a Secretary Treasurer and security produced agreeable to Section 20- Article 8 and such security being produced.

It was unanimously resolved that the amount of five pounds currency each, be the amount agreed upon.

Moved by Mr. Ireland and seconded by Mr. Ward that Robert Bartell be the person named and appointed as Secretary Treasurer.

The said was passed unanimously, that the said Robert Wadsworth Bartell be Secretary Treasurer for the council of Valcartier de St. Gabriel, as such the Oath was administered accordingly and agreeably to the section Act for such purposes.

Moved by Mr. Brown and seconded by Mr. Jack that the errors announced by the Mayor should be speedily remedied.

After the Documents and Records being read the following resolutions were unanimously passed:-

 1- As respects Section 2 kn the Municipal Act, as understood by the Council, no proprietor or householder in any Seignory or Township otherwise than the Fief St. Gabriel can either vote or be voted for as respects the Municipality of Valcartier de St. Gabriel.

The records and papers were then read by the Secretary as follows:- Viz. The first meeting being the General Meeting for the election of Council held on the second Monday of July, being the l4th day of July 1845, A. D.

2- Meeting on the 2lst day of July for the purpose of electing a Mayor and certain other officers under and agreeable to the Act.

3 A meeting by order of the Municipal Council on the 17th of November l845, Agreeable to notice given bearing date the 7th of November.

4 – A Meeting on the 2nd Monday of September – and

 5- A meeting on the lst day of December 1845, being a quarterly meeting of the Council.

After such documents being react and considered by the Council unanimously agreed as follows:-

L – That the Councilors who are to go out at the end of the lst & 2nd years be determined by lot according to Section 12.

2- That all Officers and Functionaires appointed by the Council be notified by the Secretary Treasurer at as little delay as possible according to Section 15.

4 – That an address be made and delegates appointed in terms of Sections 44 & 45.

Moved by Mr. Brown that delegates be appointed to business when necessity requires.

It was unanimously agreed that Mr. John Nevin and William Corrigan be appointed Delegates according to the 44th & 45th Section of the Act.

The business of the meeting being brought to a close it is accordingly adjourned.

William Neilson Mayor.


A special meeting of the Council was held at the house of Mr. Pat Liddy on the twenty-ninth day of December, one Thousand and Eight Hundred & Forty-five. Present the Mayor and the entire number of Councilors, when it was unanimously agreed to that John McCartney be appointed Secretary Treasurer to the Municipal Council of Valcartier and having taken the Oath of Office entered upon the duty of Secretary Treasurer for the Corporation. The municipal Council having become surety in the sum of ten pounds Currency; and farther the said Council nominated and appointed John McCartney to be their deputy Grand voyer and in­vested him with full powers and authority to exercise all the powers and au­thorities and conform himself to all the rules and regulations by which the Deputies of the District Council of Quebec were governed by their by-law, for appointing their Deputies with the following exception, namely: That the sum of ten shillings currency of fees provided for the Deputies of the aforesaid Q. D. C. by said by-laws shall be solely to the use of the Municipal Council of Valcartier. (The Oath of office being taken by said Deputy. ) The business of the meeting was brought to a close.

John McCartney Sec. Treas.

William Neilson, Mayor.


At a meeting of delegates, duly appointed for the adjustment of the limit between the Municipalities of St. Amhroise de la jeune Lorette and Valcartier as respects the Seigneries of St. Gabriel and Fief St. Ignace comprised within the track commonly called the Parish of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, in con­formity with the proclamation of the first day of December, One Thousand, eight hundred and forty-five. Present Mr. John Meehan, Mayor Substitute for the Municipal Council of St. Catherines, Messrs William Guilfoy & Michael Fitz­gerald delegates from said Council. Messrs Pierre Verret & Etienne Labelle Delegates from the Municipal Council of St. Ambroise de la jeune Lorette. Messrs. John Nevin and William Corrigan, Delegats for the Municipal Council of Valcartier, held at the house of Mr. Patrick Liddy, on Thursday, this eight day of January, One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty-six. Mr. Meehan took the Chair and appointed John McCartney as Clerk. The Delegates having con­sidered the premises to the best of their judgment and ability have de­cided upon the limits in question as follows:- As respects the First Con­cession, St. Gabriel, the line which separates the lands of Mr. Peter Gagnon & Joseph Savard, as respects the Second Concession, the line between the land of Mr. Thos. Plamondon & Michael Gough is to form the boundary , as respects the Third Concession, the line which separates the lands of Mr. William Corrigan & J. B. Dubeau is to form the boundary, respecting the Fourth Concession, St. Gabriel, William Corrigan’s south-easterly boundary is to form the line of separation, and as respects the Fief St. Ignace, the line which separates the lands of Mr. Ignace Cleech and John McCartney.

Signed: John Meehan, Mayor Substitute of M. C., of St. Catherines.

John McCartney, Clerk.


Taken from the late District Council of Quebec.

Copy of a “By-law to appoint Deputies to exercise certain powers and authorities formerly vested in the Grand Voyer of the District of Quebec and to make certain regulations relative thereto” which by-law has been and now is adopted by the Municipal Council of Valcartier.

 1- That each and every of the persons herein after named, shall be is and are hereby constituted and appointed a deputy or Deputies of the said Council of the District of Quebec, in and for the several local divisions herein after mentioned, that is to say Jean Routhier for the Parish of Ste. Foye.

Francois Voyer for the Parish of Notre name de Lorette.

Jacques Drolet for the Parish of St. Ambroise.

Pierre Chartre for the Parish of St,. Charles de Charlesbourg.

Paul Rainville for the Parish of La Nativite de Notre Dame de Beauport.

Jas. Faulkner for the Parish of St. Dunstan ofLake Beauport.

John McCartney for the union of the Parish of St. Gabriel de Valcartier and the Townships of Stoneham and Tewkesbury .

Jean Marois for the parish of St. Augustin de Donacona.

James Walsh for the union of the Parish of St. Catherine de Fossambault and Township of Gosford.

Jean Julien for the Parish of Ange Gardien.

Alexis Rheaume for the Parish of Chateau Richer.

Joseph Gravel for the Parish of St. Anne.

Ignace Racine for the Parish of St. Ferreol.

Louis Saillante for the Parish of St. Joachin.

Ambroise Roberge for the rJarish of St. Pierre .

Francois Basile Canac for the Parish of St. Famille.

Joseph Lemelin for the Parish of St. Francois.

Pierre Labreque for the Parish of St. Jean.

Louis Gendron for the Parish of St. Laurent.

And that the persons before named, shall be and are severally and res­pectively vested with full powers and authority within the several and res­pective local divisions aforesaid for which they have been respectively appointed as aforesaid, to exercise all and every the powers and authorities which by any actor acts, ordinances of the legislature or and law or laws of the late Province of Lower  Canada and which are become and are vested in the said Council of the district of Quebec; provided always that no such Deputy as before mentioned shall act as such Deputy as before mentioned shall act as such Deputy as aforesaid out of the limits of the local divisions for which he hath before been appointed, save and except !n the cases hereinafter provided.

 2- That whenever any Deputy aforesaid appointed by the same Council as aforesaid shall happen to be interested in the discharge of the duties or the exercise of the powers conferred upon him as aforesaid, it shall be law­ful for the Deputy of the Council appointed as aforesaid for the next adjoined Parish or Township to exercise all the powers, duties and authorities which the Deputy be interested as aforesaid might have done, exercised or performed to all intents and purposes whatsoever.

 3- That any Proces Verbal to be hereafter made either by the said Council or by anyone of its Deputies for the purpose of turning an old or opening a new highway or by-road, or for changing an old bridge, or Making out a new one, the same shall he duly read and published in the manner already provided by law, and notice also shall he given at the time of such publication that the said Council will proceed to take into consideration, and finally, deter­mine before the approval or rejection of such Proces Verbal at the quarterly meeting of the said Council which shall first take place subsequent to such publication and notice.

 4- That no Proces Verbal for the purposes aforesaid shall put into ex­ecution until it shall be finally approved of by the said Council.

 5- That each Deputy of the said Council shall for the performance of the duties which may be required of him for the making of any such Proces Verbal, for the purposes aforesaid, and for other necessary duties connected therewith be entitled to take, have and receive the following Fees and no other for the publication of the notice for the meeting, to visit the locality, two shillings & six-pence, Currency.

For each visit of the Locality, including all personal expenses as well as transport, Ten Shillings, Currency for every Proces Verbal and Figurative plan, Twenty Shillings, Currency.

For each Copy of a Proces Verbal, Five Shillings, Currency.

For the Publication of each Proces Verbal and Notice, Two Shillings and Six-pence, Currency.

6 That it shall be the duty of the Deputy of the Said Council to make a copy of every such Proces Verbal made by him for the purpose aforesaid, and deposit such copy with one of the Surveyors of the local Division to which such Proces Verbal may relate for the information and inspection of all the parties interested.

7 – That the aforesaid Fees amounting to the sum of Two Pounds, Currency, be paid into the hands of the Deputy of said Council – who may be called upon to act by the persons who have signed the petition for Proces Verbal before the said Deputy shall commence any part of the Operations in reference thereto, the said Fees and Expenses of every such Proces Verbal to be after wards distributed and paid by the parties to be charged therewith and the proportions to be repaid by such Deputy to those who may have advanced the same in the manner now provided by law.

( L. L. ) attested     (Signed) G. OKill Stuart, Warden

(Signed) Jean Langevin, District Clear

A true Copy.


This day being a quarterly meeting of the Municipal Council of Valcartier present – The Mayor and the entire number of Councilors at the house of Mr. P. Liddy; the minutes of last meeting of Council being read. It was remarked by the Mayor that the Fees of their Deputy had not been regulated respecting various Proces Verbeaux which it may become the duty of their Deputy to issue: Viz. such Proces Verbeaux as are not for the purpose of turning an old or opening a new highway, or for turning an old or opening a new By-road, or for changing an old bridge, or making out a new one. It was submitted to the Council to take this into their consideration and establish the Fees for the aforesaid Proces Verbeaux. It was unanimously agreed in Council that the above mentioned Fees which have not been regulated shall be and are now from henceforth established equally with the Fees heretofore established for their Deputy.

It was at the same time unanimously agreed in Council that Public Notice shall be given that all persons within the Municipality of Valcartier having in their custody and Papers or Documents, such as Proces Verbeaux apportionment of roads, copies of the Road. Laws etc. which ought to belong to the Corporation shall restore the same to either of the members of Councilor their Secretary Treasurer on or before the first day of April next, in default of which, such persons may become liable to the penalty expressed in Section 34, of the Municipal Act.

John McCartney, Sec-Treas.

William Neilson Mayor


In conformity with Public Notice duly given, a meeting of the Council was held at the house of Mr. P. Liddy at the usual hour of Ten o’clock. Present the Mayor, Messrs Brown, Nevin, Corrigan, Ward and Jack. It was announced by the Mayor that it behooved the Council to take into consideration the Public Notice from the Secretary’s Office, Montreal of the 11th of March 1846, relative to the distribution of the Revenue arising from the duties or licenses to keep Houses of Public Entertainment in Lower Canada to the several Municipal Divisions of the Province, within which the same may have been collected as provided by the Protection of the Act V, Victoria Chap. 72, when it was unanimously agreed by the Councilors, that the Secretary Treasure prepare a draft of said document as early as possible, subject to the approval or reverse of said Council, and further it was agreed in Council that their Secretary Treasurer, as soon as possible, shall make application at the Prothnatory’s Office in the City of Quebec, respecting such documents or Papers as may be lodged in said office, which ought to belong to the Corporation of Valcartier, as per 34th Sec. of the Act, Viz. Chap 40.

John McCartney, Secretary Treasurer

William Neilson, Mayor


By-law of the Municipal Council of Valcartier 22 April 1846.

Be it enacted and it is hereby enacted by the said Council, that a new bridge be speedily erected on the Easterly side of the Old Bridge, commonly called the Mill Bridge, and that a specification of the dimensions of said Bridge and notices be posted up and published at the most public places within the Municipality of Valcartier & St. Ambroise.

And be it further enacted by the said Council that the 3rd and 4th Sections of 17, Geo. 3, Chap. 10, respecting Bakers & Vendors of bread shall be put in force within the Municipality and that Messrs Thomas Cassin & Samuel Palmer be appointed Inspectors of Weights & Bread, to carry this Regulation into effect; and furthermore be it enacted by the said Council, that the amount of Licenses to be paid by all Tavern Keepers within the Municipality of Valcartier shall not be less than Eight Pounds, Current Money of this Province.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that as respects the apportionment, alteration of the Public Roads under the Control of the Surveyors and Overseers, that upon due application being made to him by petition any Road Surveyor, shall notify each and every the Road Surveyors within the limits of this Municipality, to cause the Overseers under their control, to meet him at some certain place, fixing the day and the hour of the meeting. And it shall be the duty of such Surveyors to deliver to the Council a Copy of the proceedings of said Meeting, and also to report to the Council the names of the Overseers who may have not attended said Meeting. The penalties imposed for refusal or neglect of these duties shall not be more than ten nor less than Five Shillings, currency.

And further be it enacted that no Stallion shall be allowed to go at large adjoining any Road Fence or Line Fence between neighbors under a penalty of not more than Twenty, nor less than Ten Shillings, Currency.

John McCartney Sec. Treasurer

William Neilson Mayor

MAY 4, l846

May 4, l846, Messrs Thomas Cassin & Samuel Palmer took the Oath of Office as Inspectors of Weights & Bread, with a promise that they shall be furnished with the means of executing their Office.


This being a quarterly meeting of Council the following enactments were made by the Council. Be it enacted that the Senior Capt. of Militia do public or cause to be published, the several Sections of an Act of the 6th Will 4, Cap. 56, as he is therein directed by said Council and be it further enacted that Messrs William Knox and William Smith be appointed Valuators of Property within this Municipality; in case of contested Elections of Councilors as respects Property qualifications.

And be it further enacted by said Council that their Secretary Treasurer shall address the Provincial Secretary upon the Subject of Tavern Licenses, and further the said Council came to a unanimous conclusion that they shall allow Mr. Liddy for the use of the room occupied by the Council at its meeting up to the 2nd Monday of July next, the sum of Three Pounds, Ten Shillings, Currency, so soon as their Treasury shall be Master of that sum. The following items were submitted to the consideration of the Council.

1- An address from the Common School Commissioners of Valcartier to the ratification of a Proces Verbal by the Deputy of said Council.

3- A petition from sixteen individuals, praying for the establishment of Ferry near Mr. Nielsen’s. Respecting these items the Council did not feel disposed to enter upon this time.

John McCartney (attested) Sec. Treasurer.

William Brown Chairman

JUNE 6, l846

Be it enacted and it is hereby enacted by said Council that Messrs Councilors Corrigan & Nevin be appointed as Delegates, respecting an address and petition from the Council of St. Ambroise, and also that an address be forwarded to each of M. Councilors of Stoneham and Tewkesbury, St. Ambroise de la Jeune Lorette, Charlesbourg & St. Catherine’s as to Sections 44,45,46, of the Act, P. Victoria Cap 40.

 Attested- John McCartney  Sec. Treas.

William Neilson Mayor

Municipality OF VALCARTIER JUNE 16, 1846

In conformity with the several actresses made by the Municipality of Val­cartier to the Municipal Councils of Stoneham & Tewkesbury , Charlesbourg St. Ambroise de la Jeune Lorette and St. Catherine’s upon the subject of Delegation adverted to in said addresses, the whole number of Delegates assembled at the house of Mr. P. Liddy with the exception of the Mayor and Delegates from St. Catherine’s, it appeared to the delegates who assembled that they could do no effective business upon the subject for what they were required, in order to make the most amiable adjustments on the matter. Mr.Councilor Brown of Valcartier was appointed to take the Chair and John McCartney was requested to act as Clerk. The Delegates arrived at the unanimous conclusion in order to accomplish the object upon which they have been legally called,

will again assemble on Wednesday, the first day of July next at the hour of 10 of the clock on the forenoon at the house of Mr. P. Liddy, Valcartier. (Attested)

John McCartney Clerk

William Brown Chairman


Copy of the decision of Delegates respecting Roche Platte Road and the Road leading from Mr. P. Liddy’s towards St. Ambroise.

 Wednesday,  lst of July 1846

The Mayor and Delegates, duly appointed for the regulation of the road Mr. Liddy’s house & St. Ambroise have this day met at Mr. Liddy’s. As respecting said Road, the Delegates came to the unanimous Conclusion, that the road leading from Mr. Liddy’s to St. Ambroise, shall continue to be regulated as it is in the meantime and formerly has been until such time as an alternative may be made by Proces Verbal, the Route called Vingt Sept Arpen, or any other concern herein is understood to be regulated precisely as it now is, as respecting the road called Roche Platte Road, the Delegates came also to the unanimous conclusion that as said road was regulated by a Proces Verbal, duly homolo­gated, that said Road shall remain subject to the provisions of said Proces Verbal till such time as an alteration may be made according to law.

(Attested) John McCartney Clerk       (signed James Walsh, municipality of

(A true Copy)                                                 St. Catherine’s)

James Walsh, Municipality of St. Catherine’s

Copy of an address from the Provincial Secretary to the Honorable John Neilson, respecting the Affairs of the municipal Council of Valcartier, at, their Public Meeting on the 30th March 1846.

Secretary’s Office Montreal, 23 May, 1846.


In reply to the application transmitted by you for the Municipal Council of Valcartier, for the Amount of Tavern License Monies payable to them under the Provisions of the Act of Victoria C. 40, I have the honor bythe command of the Governor General, to inform you that the return for the Agent for the District of Quebec does not state that any monies have been re­ceived by him in payment for Tavern Licenses for the locality in question.

I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,

Honorable John Neilson (Signed) D. Daly, Sec.

Copy of a letter from the Provincial Secretary to John McCartney, relative to the affairs of M. C. of Valcartier at their meeting on the first June, l846

Secretary’s Office Montreal 23 June, l846


In reply to your communication of the 2nd inst., I am commanded by the Governor General to inform you, it is necessary that the application you therein make on behalf of Patrick Liddy, for a Tavern License should be preferred in a separate and more official form, to enable his Excellency to call for the report of the Licensing Authorities of the locality upon his application. With reference to your application for the amount of the Tavern License Monies payable to the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Valcartier under the provisions of the Act Victoria C. 40, I am also to inform you that the return of the Agent for the District of Quebec does not state that any monies have been received by him in payment for Tavern Licences for the Locality in question.

I have the honour to be, sir, your obedient servant,

John McCartney S. T.

,(signed) D. Daly Sec.

Copy of a letter from William Neilson, Mayor of the M. C. Valcartier to John McCartney, Sec. Treas.

Mr. McCartney:

As I understand there is no Notice posted up for a Meeting of Council on Monday the 6th inst, I would wish you to put up immediately to escape further mistakes. Be so kind as to send me the comm ? ? Plan, it is necessary I should have it this afternoon.

(Signed) William Neilson, Mayor.

Valcartier 4th July, l846

I trust on you to put up notice; if not in your power let me know. I will put it up. (signed) W. N.

Copy of the Notice Adverted to in the above letter.

A Meeting of the Municipal Council of Valcartier will be held at the house of Mr. P. Liddy, on Monday the 6th July next at the usual hour,

By Order, John McCartney, Sec. Treas

27th June, 1846.


Pursuant to Public Notice duly notified a Meeting of the Municipal Council of Valcartier was held at the house of Mr. P. Liddy; present the Mayor and the entire number of Councillors with the exception of Mr. Councillor Ireland.

After mature deliberation, the Council came to the unanimous conclusion that, that portion of their by-law of the 22 of April relative to the erection of a New Bridge over the Mill Stream in the Settlement, shall be upon this date null and void, until such time as said Council shall make or enact provisions for a New Bridge in the same Locality. And be it further enacted that ¥~. Councilor Jack shall be present at the ensuing General Election for Councilors in accordance with the 8th Section of Act 40, and also said Councilor shall this day give Public Notice that a General Meeting of the Electors within the Municipality of Valcartier will be held at the School House belonging to the Royal Institution in said Municipality on the second Monday in the month of July inst., for the purpose of electing two Councilors for the said Municipality in room of Messrs Councilors Brown & Nevin who retire from the Council according to law.

Respecting the petition of the 23rd of June 1846, signed by Dennis Hogan, Charles Donontay and Arthur McBain, the Councilors after giving their best attention to the prayer of said petitioners, unanimously enacted that the Prop­rietors and Occupiers of Land in the 3rd and 4th Concessions, St. Gabriel

South East of the River Jacques Cartier, shall at a general Corvee assist the petitioners in question to remove the obstructions complaine1 of on Wednesday the I5th inst., at an early hour that the road commonly called Corrigan’s Road shall remain and be confirmed where it now exists, namely until it strikes the ravine and gully near the house of William Brown, and then sloping in a northerly direction and crossing said gully at the place formerly marked out the proprietors & occupiers of land on the N. West side of the River Jacques Cartier who are bound for the maintenance of said road; to give each of them one day’s work towards erecting a bridge across the stream or gully, thence sloping in a southerly direction until it strikes the road in front of the house of Lawrence Mooney.

And further, the Council unanimously agreed that the Inspector of the Fifth Concession Road shall take such steps towards an alteration of the rocky spot on the 5th Concession Road upon Good fellow’s lots either by a change of said spot altogether or causing it to be made in a safe and decent manner where it now exists, and further the Council unanimously agreed that seeing their Deputy (John McCartney) had executed all the duties required of him in respect of certain Proces Verbeaux upon which he had been called to act, and that the time, for, the Council taking into consideration, and finally deter­mining upon the approval or rejection of all said Proces Verbeaux shall be at the first quarterly meeting subsequent to the date hereof.

The meeting adjourned

(Attested) John McCartney Sec. Treas.

 William Neilson Mayor

JULY 14, I846

.In accordance with Public Notice duly given, a meeting of the M. C. Valcartier was held at the house appertaining to the Royal Institution, present the entire number of Councilors with the exception of his Worship the Mayor Mr. Councilor Ward, when the Councilors came to the unanimous decision that Mr. Councilor Jack would take the Chair.

An address from the Secretary of the Council of St. Catherine’s was announced was read by the S. T. of date l3th July I846, when it was unanimously agreed that Mr. Jas. Jack as Mayor’s Substitute & Messrs Councillors Ireland and Mooney, shall attend upon the business required by the above mentioned address.

John McCartney Sec. Treas.

James Jack Chairman

July 20, I846

A meeting of the M. C. of Valcartier was held this 20th day of July 1846 present the entire number of Councilors with the exception of his Worship the Mayor. Mr. Jack was appointed to be Chairman, the minutes of last Meeting being read and also the Reports of the Inspectors for the 5th Concession Road, relative to the rocky portion of said Road on the lands of Mr. R, Goodfellow. It was unanimously agreed that a change of Road Officers & the other function­aries appointed by the Council as per Sec. 24 of Act V. 4O, would take place immediately:

Mr. C. Durante was appointed Overseer in room of _____________________

David Aikin in road of William Whellan

Alex Wright in road of Pierre Bedard

Don P. McNicoll was appointed Overseer in road of Dennis Cassin

Thomas Brown jr. in road of Henry Ward

Mick McClory in road of Thomas Dacres

Henry Patton in road of James «McCartney

Francis McDonald in road of John Gough

Francis Martin in road of Nicholas Mulloy

Thomas King in road of William Watt

Michael Griffin in road of James Landers

James Robertson  in road of Charles Fitzpatrick 

William Gilmour in road of James Horsan

Thomas Brooks jr. in road of John Aldrige

John Laing in road of John Calback

Robert Davidson in road of Henry Roarke

Ed McGlinn  in road of Samuel Clark

Adam Leithead  in road of Curtis Billing

Abraham Pinkney from Blanchet’s Line to the Oat Meal Mill

Ed McGlinn Inspector over this last named Road.

Owen Brady Overseer from McCartney’s Line to that which separates Fitzpatrick and James Robertson.

John Reynolds to be Fence Inspector, S. E. the River Jacques Cartier in the 3rd & 4th Concessions.

Thomas Brown for the 5th Concession & Fief St. Ignace.

William Walsh for the lst and 2nd Concessions, S. E. the River Jacques Cartier.

James Fitzsimmons in room of Ed. Monaghan.

Henry McCune from the Mill to the River aux Pins.

Richard Kelly for the N. W. side of the River Jacques Cartier in the lst, 2nd & 3rd Concessions.

On the same day the Council unanimously agreed that in future the term of Service for the Road Officers & Fence inspectors shall continue for two years.

John McCartney Sec. Treas.

James Jack Chairman

JULY 23. 18h6

James McCartney reports of the decision of overseers relative to the 5th Concession Road. A Meeting of Overseers took place in accordance with Public Notice given to decide upon the repairs required on the 5th concession road on Goodfellow’s Land­.

PRESENT: Dennis Cassin, Thomas Dacres, Pierre Bedard, Arthur McBaine, William Whellan, Samuel Clark, Curtis Billing, James Horsan, John Calback.

Decision of the Meeting as follows. Viz: Said portion of Road to be let to the best advantage that may be to some person or persons, who will contract for the same at the expense of all persons bound by proces Verbal for the maintenance of the joint labour on said road, who have formerly maintained said portion of Road shall contribute a double share of the sixpence.

June 13, 1846

In conformity with Public Notice duly given, a general meeting of the qualified voters for M. Councilors was held this day at the house of Mr. P. Liddy, the house belonging to the Royal Institution being in an unfit state for holding any meeting. \When Mr. Councilor Ireland being; adjudged the Sen. Councilor present – took the Chair & John McCartney was requested to act as Clerk. When the following gentlemen were voted in as Councilors of the Municipality of Valcartier. In accordance with the poll list herewith annexed by consent of Mr. C. Fitzpatrick, the poll for this day is adjourned till tomorrow at ten o’clock (attested).

John McCartney


Hopper Ireland Chairman

JULY 14, 1846

The poll was again opened this day at 10 o’clock. After continuing for some time open, by consent of Mr. C. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Ferdinand Murphy being unanimously elected.

Mr. Chairman Ireland publicly declared that Messrs F. Murphy & L. Mooney were legally elected Councilors for the Municipality of Valcartier.

John McCartney Clerk

Hopper Ireland Chairman


William Corrigan – Thomas Hart- Thomas Davis – Hopper Ireland -Dennis Higgins – James Jack – Charles Loughton- John Hornsby- Ferdinand Murphy – David Aikin -Nicholas Malloy – William Whellan – Henry Patton – William Watt – James Plad­well- Michael McClory – William McBaine – Richard Ward – John Lawlor ­- William Knox – William Smith – Henry Ward – William McPherson – Ed Quinlan ­Peter Brady – John Culloton – Robert Boyd – Francis Martin – P. Duning ­ R. Douglas – H. Neil – Henry Loughran – A. Wright – Ad Andrews – Dan Lavallee ­­- James O’Neil – John Ward – William Aikin = 38

Voters for Mr. C. Fitzpatrick

Henry Roarke – J. Magher – Curtis Billing – John Nevin – James Donohue – Arthur McBaine – Samuel Palmer – Ed. Magher – Samuel Neil. 9.  

Ferdinand Murphy, elected.


This being a quarterly meeting of the Council at the house of Mr. P. Liddy with the exception of the Mayor. Mr. Councilor Jack was appointed to take the Chair. The minutes of the last Meeting of Council being read, also an address from the Mayor of date July 25th, together with a communication from the Provincial Secretary of date 23 June 1846.

The Council after mature deliberation, considered that it was doubtful whether they were at present as a Public body duly and Constitutionally formed and that a General meeting of the qualified Electors within the Municipality of Valcartier will be held at the School house appertaining to the Royal Institution on Monday the l4th inst. at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore­noon for the purpose of removing such doubts as embarrass the council in its present state and that a meeting of Council will be held. on the same day for the dispatch of business.

John McCartney James Jack Sec. Treas. Chairman

SEPT 14th, 1846

In pursuance to Public Notice duly advertised, a General Meeting of the Qualified Electors for M. Council was this day held at the house of Mr. P. Liddy. (The School House as per advertisement being in an improper state for any purpose) when after the minutes of last Meeting being read and a petition from Hec. O’Neill likewise M. C. Jack was appointed to take the Chair, and John McCartney requested to act as Clerk.

The Chairman having explained to the meeting the motive and nature of the embarrassments to in the notice (alluded); the Electors present unanimously assented to the Constitutionality of the Municipal Council of Valcartier as it is at present constituted..

John McCartney Clerk

James Jack Chairman

The Council next proceeded. to take into consideration and  finally determine upon the rejection or approval of a Proces Verbal of a Road running at Mr. Duchesnay’s Line between Fossambault & (St. Gabriel on the N. W. side of the River Jacques Cartier, along the front of lots till it crosses Mr. James McGuire’s lot & thence as per figurative sketch annexed to said Proces Verbal executed by John McCartney, Deputy of said Council – till it strikes the road established by Proces Verbal of the late Grand Voyer for the district of Quebec. The Council arrived at the unanimous conclusion to ratify and confirm said Proces Verbal of date 9th of May 1846, as directed by the aforesaid Deputy with the following alteration: Namely that portion of said road between the Ferry & small bridge thereon existing shall be maintained and kept in repair at the sole expense of the proprietors & Occupiers of Land on the N. W. side of the River Jacques Cartier to whom it shall serve as a sortie or outlet to Market. Mr. P. Brady to maintain the whole of the Fences required for that portion of said road between the Ferry and his dwelling house, and he assist in making the gully near the small bridge in good order, but be free from having any further labor to perform as respects said gully, after his having assisted to put it (the road which passes through it) in good repair, to have a share in the maintenance of said small bridge , and from thence to his dwelling house shall be kept in repair at his sole expense.

John McCartney Sec. Treas.

James Jack Chairman

The Council next proceeded to the Ratification of a Proces Verbal of their aforesaid Deputy of date 27th June 1846, commencing at the line of separation between the Lands of Doc. Blanchet and Mr. William Steene in the 2nd Concession St. Gabriel, N. W. of the River Jacques Cartier, across said river by a Ferry across the several lots (as per figurative sketch attached to said Proces Verbal until it strikes the Queen’s Highway established by Proces Verbal of the late Grand Voyer for the District of Quebec near the Roman Catholic Church of Valcartier, and said Council does hereby Ratify, Homologate & Confirm said Proces Verbal as directed by said Deputy, with the following alterations ­namely- that portion of said road on the North West side of the River Jacques Cartier, shall be made on the most practicable track that can be found for Public Benefit from John Steene’s Land till it strikes the River Jacques Cartier at that point commonly called Savard’s Ferry . Thence across the different lots (as per figurative sketch) until it strikes the above mentioned Queen’s Highway, near the Roman Catholic Church. It is also understood that this road is established or prolonged till it strikes the point commonly called Vandal’s Ferry. That portion of said road on the N. W. side of the River Jacques Cartier shall be opened and kept in repair by the Proprietors and Occupiers of land through which it passes (as a front road). The Raft or Scow to be a ­maintained by repartition of the Road Officers in the 2nd & 3rd Concessions of St. Gabriel, N. W. of the River Jacques Cartier upon the Proprietors and Occupiers of land on said N. W. side of the River, to whom it may be useful.

The joint labour on that portion of the above described road between Savard’s Ferry and the point of contact with the Aforesaid Highway near the Roman Catholic Church shall be performed by the Road Officers in the Third Concession, S. E. of the River on the Proprietors and Occupiers of land on each side of the River Jacques Cartier to whom it shall be useful, with the exception of Mr. John Lawlor who is hereby exempted from any share of said Joint Labour in consideration of his demanding no payments for such portion of his land taken for said road. And Mr. William Whellan is also exempted from any share in Joint Labour provided that he demands no payments for land taken for said road. Otherwise he shall be bound to maintain a share of Joint Labour. The whole according to Law.

John McCartney Sec. Treas.

James Jack ChairMan


A meeting of Council was held on the 19th of October 1846, in conformity to Public Notice at the usual hour and place, all the Councillors were present with the exception of the Mayor. Mr. F. Murphy was called to the Chair. Proposed by Hopper Ireland and seconded by Councillor Corrigan, to appoint P. Liddy to act as Secretary Treasurer in the room of Mr. John McCartney who resigned. The said P. Liddy was unanimously  elected Secretary Treasurer.

Unanimously agreed to address his Worship the Mayor to call a Meeting on the 31st of October, which was done.

Patrick Liddy – Sec. Treas.

Ferdinand Murphy

MUNICIPALITY OF VALCARTIER 1846 (date & part of heading obliterated)

At a special meeting of the M. C. of Valcartier, held this day at the house of Mr. P. Liddy – Present the entire number of Councillors with the exception of his Worship the Mayor. Mr. Councillor Ireland was appointed to take the chair, and stated to the Council the urgent necessity of taking into immediate consideration an address from several of the inhabitants of the Settlement of River aux Pins, of date the 18th inst. addressed to his Worship the Mayor. The Council having taken the subject into serious con­sideration arrived at the unanimous conclusion that said Council would pro­ceed to Ratify, Homologate and Confirm a certain Proces Verbal executed by John McCartney their late Secretary Treasurer &Deputy of date 27th of June last and said Council having personally viewed the premises relative to said Proces Verbal, do hereby by these presents and by virtue of the power vested in said Council by an act of the 8th, Victoria Chap 40, Ratify, homologate and Confirm the above named Proces Verbal (with a figurative sketch there­unto annexed) establishing a line or rather lines of Roads as therein des­cribed by the above named Secretary Treasurer & Deputy with the following exemptions Viz. The Road as respects the 2nd Concession (as per figurative sketch) shall commence at Mr.Duchesnay’s Line, that is the line of separation between the Seignories of Fossambault and St. Gabriel, about 8 or nine arpens in a more southerly direction than that represented on the above named sketch and that the line of Road in the First Concession (as per sketch) between the lands of Mr. D. Neil and A. McKinley, shall be null and void with the above exception the whole of road prayed for are hereby established, Ratified, Homologated and Confirmed, together with a route or by-road commencing at the line of separation between the First and Second Concessions and running along Andrew McKinley’s Southerly boundary until it cuts the front road crossing the Second Concession. The Public Labour and expenses of ground taken by the road which crosses the 2nd Concession shall be apportioned by repartition of the Road Officers, conformably to law upon the proprietors and Occupiers of land in the lst and 2nd Concessions who occupy the land situated between the Line of Division between David Neil and Andrew l1cKinley. One fence crossing McKinley’s lot in the 2nd Concession shall be maintained by the Proprietors and Occupiers in the 2nd Concession between the Line of Fossamhault and Lot NO.7.

And as respects the road crossing the land of Mr. Curtis Billing, there is to be a sort of dry bridge to be made for the convenience of his cattle having free access to water and also when the road at present existing upon the roads of Mr. Shanks and Billings and Calback shall cease to exist as a general outlet to Market. The above named gentlemen will acquire and main­tain and keep in repair the new line without having recourse to any further legal formalities.

As respects the road hereby established across the lst Concession (with the forenamed exception) , said road is hereby established, ratified, homologated and Confirmed.

On or near the track pointed out on the sketch and by the petitioners for the said road, that portion of it that crosses the several lots No. 11 to 21 inclusive shall be opened and left in repair by those who own or occupy the same, and that portion of said road which becomes a second road in the 2nd Range shall be opened and kept in repair by the aforenamed owners and occupiers. The whole according to law.

Patrick Liddy, Sec. Treas

Hopper Brown , Chairman


Names of Officers who have taken the Oath of Office. Before whom sworn.

Henry Patton Road Surveyor Sec. Treas.

Charles DoronteyOverseer
Michael McCloryOverseer
William GilmourOverseer
David AikenOverseer
Edward McGlinSurveyor
Francis McDonaldSurveyor
James Maher Not sworn
John MonaghanSworn
David NeilSworn
Mayor & Councillors sworn after their election
Hopper IrelandAs Mayor
Robert RossCouncillor
James DonaghooCouncillor
George ~CormicOVerseer
(),ren BreadyOverseer
Thomas BrooksOverseer
Adam LatheadInspector
Robert DavidsonOverseer

JULY 12, 181J7

At a General Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Municipality of 1Jalcartier, District of Quebec, of the County of Quebec, held at the house of P. Liddy. After due Notice being given according to law, on Monday the 12th inst. at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon for the purpose of electing or re­electing Councillors to fill any vacancies that is in said Council.

Councillors Jack & Ireland retiring from Office. After mature delibera­tion on the subject of election, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected: Hopper Ireland Esq. was reelected with his own consent. James Jack unanimously elected Councillor, Robert Ross unanimous1y elected Councillor. They were unanimously elected by the whole meeting at large.

Patrick Liddy Ferdinand Murphy Sec. Treas. Chairman

JULY 19, 18117

At a Meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Valcartier, County of Quebec, held at the house of P. Liddy at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon according to law.

James Donaghoe Esq. and Robert Ross Esq. having taken their seats and also the members of the Council being present. Hopper Ireland, Esq. was unanimously elected Mayor for the said District.

 Patrick Liddy Sec. Treas.

Hopper Ireland Mayor


At a Special Meeting of the Municipal Council of Valcartier held on this day at the house of P. Liddy, pursuant to Public Notice; present the entire number of Councillors and his Lordship the Mayor.

The said Council having taken into consideration the newly adopted regulations in regard of Municipal Councilors having read the bill and after mature deliberation on the subject, they proceeded to adopt the following resolutions.

Moved by Councilor Murphy and seconded by Councilor Corrigan that a petition be drawn and forwarded to the three branches of the Legislature for the continuation of the Parish Council; which was unanimously carried by the Council at large .

Patrick Liddy Sec. Treas.

Hopper Ireland Mayor


November 7, l8S9

Proces Verbal which provides for the making and maintenance of a line of Road in the First Concession, South East of River aux Pins and being a portion of the Municipa1ity of Valcartier, County and district of Québec, and also to change the by-route leading from the said Concession through the lands of the Second Concession adjoining heretofore existing to a more favorable and easy route communicating with the old River aux Pin Road.

A petition having been presented to the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier by Messrs Davis, Neil, Samuel Clark, senior, Samuel Clark junior, Armstrong,  Madden and others, proprietors and occupiers of lands in the First Concession, South East of River aux Pin in the Municipality of Valcartier County of Quebec, representing that a number of lots in the said First Con­cession on the division line between lots twenty-one and twenty-two in the Second Concession adjoining is a very heavy rocky hill, difficult to keep and maintain and praying that the said Council may be pleased to establish a front road across the said First Concession, making a trifling change in the existing track a little to the North West of the said track on the land now owned and occupied by James Dohehy and Thomas Madden, thence in a direct line across a portion of lot number twenty-two in the First Concession, thence in as straight a direction as the nature of the ground may admit through the lands of the Second Concession till it strikes the Old River aux Pin Road, on the road leading from William Murphy’s in the said Second Concession.

The said Council having heard and deliberated on the said petition, by a resolution of the said Council did empower Charles Stuart Wolff, Esquire, the present Secretary Treasurer of the said Council to be their Deputy in the matter of the said petition, to examine the premises relative to the subject matter contained in the said petition and to draw up a Proces Verbal in the manner prescribed by law.

Whereupon I, Charles Stuart Wolff, Secretary Treasurer and Deputy of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, read the said petition on Sunday, the twenty-eighth day of August, together with an order intimating that I would attend at the residence of Samuel Clark in the First Concession of River aux Pin on Tuesday the thirtieth of August, where all interested in the said road would meet at ten o’clock in the forenoon. Accordingly on the day and hour appointed, I proceeded to the residence afore mentioned where I was met by Samuel Clark, Junior, William Clark, Thomas Madden, David Neil, Thomas Doneher and others of the said Proprietors, all interested in the said petition. Having read the said petition and having heard what they had to say, for or against it, I proceeded to examine the line of road prayed for by the petitioners and having examined the same, I order and direct in so far as I am empowered that the line of road marked out by the petitioners may be established according to law.

That is to say, commencing at the line of Separation between Fossomabult and St. Gabriel in the said First Concession, in or about eight arpents to the North West of the Concession Line between the said First and Second Concessions in the most practicable place that may be found in the said First Concession, due regard being had to the rights of individual property. About one acre to the South East of the New Dwelling House erected by John McCune, following to the South East bank of a deep ravine running across lot No.8, down towards the River aux Pin between lots Nos. 8 & 9, about two arpents thence across nine and ten till it strikes a fence directly in front of the Dwelling House of Samuel Clark, junior; as close to a stony hill as may be practicable for a road now existing through the First Concession, following the said road across the different lots till about half across lot No. twenty, thence from the old road near to the house of James Donahue in the most practicable place for a road. Across number twenty-one and a portion of No. twenty-two, on lot No 22 there is but a Small portion. I order that this portion shall be made and maintained as a by-route by a 11 the proprietors and occupants of lots of land in the said First Concession, this is when the road enters into lots of the Second Concession, following the line of road through the First Concession from the line towards the River aux Pin, between twenty-one and twenty-two wherever practicable on lot No.22. Thence across lot No.22 and the different of the First Concession till it strikes the division line between lot No.30 and the Fourth Concession. From the line of Fossomabult to the line of the Fourth Concession shall be made and main­tained as a front road by the proprietors or occupants of lots through which the said road passes. The road leading from the said First Concession and pointed out by the petitioners, shall be established on the  track pointed out by the petitioners and on the road now used by William Murphy and other proprietors of lots in the Second Concession till it strikes the old River aux Pins Road. This line of road from the line of No.22 in the First Con­cession till it strikes the aforesaid William Murphy’s road, shall be made and maintained as a by-route by the proprietors and occupants of lots in the said First Concession. The remainder of the road known as William Murphy’s in the Second Concession, shall be made and maintained as a by-route by such proprietors or occupants of lots in the said Second Concession who may use it to Church, Mill or Market.

The Public Labours and Ground taken by the track leaning from the First Concession through the Second Concession till it takes the above named road known as Murphy’s Road, shall be apportioned by repartition of the Road Officer in this Municipality whenever called upon to do it upon the different prop­rietors or occupants of lots in the said First Concession, the ground taken for the said road in the Second Concession shall be valued as by law, directed and paid for by said proprietors or occupants of the First Concession accord­ing to law.

The Proces Verbal in relation to the old road for the said First Concession, shall be null and void and of no effect.

In so far as I am empowered, I direct and order that the new line of road prayed, may be established the whole according to law. The said road through the First Concession, when it passes through woodland, shall be cleared of brush and trees for the space of twenty feet each side of the said road, which said road shall be made of a breadth now required by the laws now in force in Lower Canada, and ditched on both sides. All bridges exceeding the breadth prescribed by law shall be made as Public Bridges and shall be made and main­tained as such by all the proprietors or occupants of lands in the First Concession.

That portion of the road known as Murphy’s Road shall be considered as a road subject to the Provisions of the 41st Section and 9th. Paragraph of the Lower Canada, Municipal and Road Act, 1855. The whole of the road hereby directed and established shall be in operation, opened and made on or before the first day of July next, 1861.

The said road or any part thereof, passing through a swamp, shall be logged and covered with earth or sand. The breadth of the logging to be eighteen feet.

The Road Officers in the said First Concession shall be responsible for the due execution of this Proces Verbal so soon as the same may be Ratified by the Municipal Council of Valcartier.

Given under my hand this 7th day of November 1859, at Valcartier in the County of Quebec.

Chas. S. Wolff Sec. Treas. & Deputy.

The Council having taken into consideration the foregoing Proces Verbal do hereby, establish ratify and confirm the said Proces Verbal.

Henry Crawford Mayor

Chas. S. Wolff

Sec. Treasurer and Deputy

JANUARY 30, 1960

At a special meeting of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held in said Municipality on Monday the 3Oth day of January , in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty according to notice, at which meeting were present his Worship the Mayor and Councillors Brown, Cassin, Ross, McCune, Conway and Leithead.

The said Council doth hereby ordain and make the following resolutions, Viz

Moved by Councillor Ross, seconded by Councillor Cassin and resolved that William Thompson, be Inspector for the First & Second Concessions. And after that John Billing be Inspector for the Third & Fourth Concessions, and like­wise that John McLaughlin be Overseer in the First Concession North River from Duchesnay’s Line to Peter Brady’s house.

Moved by Councillor Brown and seconded by Councillor Conway and resolved that the Fifth Concession Route be kept in repair by rotation during the winter to commence with first holding shares on said route and the line of route running through James McCartney’s land is to be kept up in same manner commencing with Mr. Thomas Brown and upward for the winter.

Moved by Councillor Leithead, seconded by Councillor McCune and resolved that meeting do now adjourn until Monday, the sixth of February.

Willaim McBain Mayor

David McBain, Sec. Treas.

Fragments found in First minute book



At a general monthly meeting of the municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held in said Municipality on Monday the fifth day of February in the year of Our Lord, one Thousand Eight Hundred and sixty in conformity to the provisions of the law municipal and Road Act 1855.

At which meeting are present the Mayor and Councillors Cassin, Leithead, R. Ross, McCune, F. Conway, T. Brown, members of said ­and being the entire number. The said council doth hereby ordain and make the following by law, Viz –

Moved by Councillor Cassin and seconded by Councillor Brown and resolved that all Inspectors and road Overseers and other Municipal Officers shall take the Oath of Office within eight days of notice of their appointment from the secretary of the council.

Valcartier 30 Jan. 60

Received from Charles Wolff, late Sec. Municipal Council as follows :

1 record Book

1 Minute Book

3 Books of Instructions 6 Copies of Road Acts.

2 Gazettes

1 parcel of Records Accounts Current 9 Corporation Seal

David McBain

Names of Officers of Roads who have taken the Oath of Office to said Council, Feb 9- 1860. William Thompson, Inspector John Goodfellow Inspector.

No Date

Moved by Councillor J. Billings, seconded by councilor F. Martin and resolved that the foregoing by law No.2 is now approved of with the exception of the 8th paragraph that it be changed from  D. G. McBain’s house to the house commonly known as Donlevy’s house, occupied by Arthur McBain at present.

D. B. McCartney, Chairman

John McBain, Sec. Treas.

Copier’s note: The following extract, though incomplete appears to be in the same handwriting as the above excerpt listed – NO DATE)

Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier  1 st April 1878.

At a general quarterly session of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at the usual place of meeting in the said Municipality on Monday, the first day of the Month of April eighteen hundred and seventy-eight at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Councillors D. B. McCartney D. G. McBain – G. Thompson – J. Billings, Wolff F. Patton – – – –


At a special session of the municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Friday this fifth day of July, one Thousand Eighteen and Seventy-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. Convened by the Mayor, Special Notice being given to each member of the Council stating what was to be taken into consideration at said meeting. Present  Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors present D. B. McCartney, J. Billings, J. Thompson, F. Martin and F. Patton, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councillor, D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that the Secretary Treasurer be ordered to pay John Douglas Road Inspector, the sum of five dollars and twenty-five cents for repairing the road leading from Rouch Plat to Stoneham line, said Inspector having certified to his bill.

Fourth Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings that this Council do now adjourn.

Second Moved by Councillor F. Patton and seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved, that we do order the Secretary to notify the valuators to have Valuation Roll made and deposited in the office of the Council within eight days from the date of his getting the numbers of the Cadastre.

 Third- Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that we do urge upon the Mayor the necessity of taking the legal steps towards the road commonly called Corrigan’s Road and the Stoneham Road, to have them declared as County Roads if not already done. Further resolved that all Proces Verbals and petitions or copy thereof, relating to said roads be repaired if they are in the records of the council, that they may be in readiness for the Mayor at the next quarterly session of the County Council.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M., in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present ­Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors present – D. B. McCartney,

J. Billings J. Thompson, and F. Patton forming a quorum of said Council, under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that Patrick Welsh be Valuator for this Municipality instead of Timothy Gough who has left the Municipality.

Second – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billing and resolved that D. B. McCartney be appointed to go to the Crown Land De­partment for to take the numbers of the cadastre for the purpose or getting a new valuation roll taken.

Third – Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by councillor J. Thompson and resolved that we do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Curtis Brown, Road Inspector, to have McClory’s share of Joint Labour fence put in repair to stand for the summer, within three days from the date of this notice.

Fourth – Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that whereas that D. A. McBain’s resignation be accepted and that Michael Corrigan be appointed in his stead thereof.

Fifth – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday, the second day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which session were present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors present: D. B. McCartney, J. Billings, J. Thompson, F. Martin, F. Patton and Michael Corrigan, making a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor.

 First- Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved we do order the Mayor to sue all Road Inspectors that do not have their division of road put in good repair within ten days from this date.

Second – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that we do order the Mayor to sue all parties who are in arrears of the twelve-cent tax that was levied on the first of April last.

Third – Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor J. Bill­ings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.        ,

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a Special Session of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the first day of the month of October, one Thousand eight Hundred and seventy-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. convened by Councillor D. B. McCartney and Councillor F. Patton; Special Notice being given to each member of the Council stating what was to be taken into consideration at said Meeting. Present  Arthur Wolff , Mayor, in the chair. Councillors present – J). B. McCartney, F. Patton, F. Martin, M. Corrigan and John Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

Second- Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings ,that the Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meting of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock, P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors present – D. B. McCartney, J. Billings, J. Thompson and F. Martin, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

1rst – Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor F. Martin, and resolved that we do order that all winter roads within this Municipality be laid out without any change from last winter, with the exceptions of Thomas Cassin’s Hill and across William Whillin’s fields, that at Thomas Cassin’s hill is to go through the field the same track as it went last winter, that cross William Whillin’s field has to go straight from where it leaves the summer road last winter till it strikes the same place as it went through the fence between Charles Wolff and said William Whillin’s and thus to run as last winter till it strikes the road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.

Second- Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that the Council do order Curtis Brown, Road Inspector to give public Notice for the tenders to get a new roller for the Division under his control.

Third – Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor Billings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 o’clock, P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal ode of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present, Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair,  Councillors present – D. B. McCartney, J. Billings and F. Martin forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor D. B. McCartney, seconded by Councillor F. Martin and resolved that we order that two and a half cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real rateable property in the Fifth Concession and Fief St. Ignace for the purpose of paying for a new roller.

Second – Moved by Councillor D. B McCartney, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that we do order that all documents relating to the Division Line between Valcartier and Lorette be handed into Mr. Andrews, Advocate, for him to examine them and give his advice concerning Ritchardson law Suit and that Mr. Andrew’s service may be retained for said purpose, and that the Sec. Treas. do give Public Notice for a meeting of the ratepayers of this Municipality for the purpose of having their vote taken towards which way they wish to do whether to stand the said suit or not.

Third – Moved by Councillor J. Billings, seconded by Councillor F. Martin and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general meeting of the ratepayers of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the 12th day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight at the house of William Billings, at the hour of two of the clock, P. M. for the purpose of deciding what steps the Council has to take concerning George Ritchardson’s Lawsuit.

First – Moved by William McBain, J. P. seconded by William Whalen and re­solved that Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor, be Chairman at this meeting and that John McBain act as Clerk.

Second – Moved by William McBain, J. P. seconded by Henry Hicks and resolved that the Council do proceed according, to Mr. Andrew’s advice and protest Richardson’s lawsuit.

Third – Moved by William McBain, J. P. seconded by William Whillen and re­solved that the Council do make it their business to visit the Attorney General and find out what proper means to take in having the limits made lawful by Act of Parliament.

Arthur Wolff, Chairman John McBain, Clerk.


At a general monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday, the sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, a the usual place of meeting, at the hour of two P. M. of the clock, in conformity with the provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors present – D. B. McCartney, M Corrigan,  F. Martin,  F. Patton and J. Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor F. Martin, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that whereas we do liberate Charles Brown from being Road Officer, we do hereby name and appoint Jeremie Ninteau, Road Inspector for No. 1 Division instead of said Charles Brown.

 Second- Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general election of the ratepayers of this Municipality of St.

Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday, the 15th day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, at the house of William Billings at the hour of two of the clock, P. M. for the purpose of electing two Muni­cipal Councillors for said Municipality instead of D. E. McCartney and Francis Martin, their term of office being expired. John McBain, Sec. Treas. acting as Presiding Officer at said elections.

Moved by John Billings, seconded by Francis Patton and resolved that William McBain, J. P. and Hopper Smith be Councillors for the Municipality instead of the above mentioned Councillors. Passed unanimously.

John McBain, Presiding.


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of the Municipality

of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of the Month of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Pro­visions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors present – J. Billings J. Thompson, H. Smith, M. Corrigan and Francis Patton forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that William McBain, J. P. be Mayor of the Municipality for the ensuing year. Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that we do order the Mayor to notify the Warden of the County that the road known as Corrigan’s in the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier will be taken into consideration at their next meeting and to make it a County Road and kept according to Proces Verbal.

Third – Moved by Councillor H. Smith, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that the Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held at the usual place of meeting on Monday, the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present William McBain, Esq. Mayor in the Chair. Councillors present  A. Wolff, J. Billings, J. Thompson, H. Smith and F . Patton, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that the Council do order that eight cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real rateable property in the Municipality for the purpose of paying Jury Tax, County Council costs and other contingencies of the Council.

Second – Moved by Councilor A. Wolff, seconded by Councilor J. Billings and resolved that the Council do order that the Mayor of this Municipality do take communication with the Honorable D. A. Ross, concerning the limits between Valcartier and Lorette.

Third – Moved by Councilor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order that the Mayor of this Council do make a request on the County Council to have a repartition drawn up in conformity with the Proces Verbal of the road leading to the Parish of Stoneham from Rouch Plat on the lands of Thomas Cassin.

Fourth – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that this Council do name and appoint James Adams to act as Special Officer to serve all notices for the Council of St. Gabriel de Val­cartier and that he do receive ten cents per mile for traveling expenses and nothing for return.

Fifth – Moved by Councillor A. Wolff, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on  Monday the seventh day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at, which session were present ­William McBain Esq. , Mayor in the Chair and Councillors F. Patton, J. Thompson, and M. Corrigan forming a quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that the Sec. Treas. get a copy of the Proces Verbal establishing the road in the Fief St. Ignace up to the Township of Stoneham.

Second – Moved by Councillor M. Corrigan, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that Arthur McBain, Inspector of that portion of the joint labour road leading to the bridge on the lands of Charles Wolff and Mr. William Neilson, the maintenance of the same for the summer season together with the Municipal share of fence, be sold by auction to the lowest and best bidder who is to give security for the performance of said work from the lst day of May up to the 3lst day of October next.

 Third- Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor M. Corrigan and resolved that Arthur McBain, Road Inspector, is hereby directed to make a divide of the fence on the lands of Mr. Charles Wolff and Mr. William Neilson leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier in accordance with Article 775 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

Fourth – Moved by Colmcillor M. Corrigan, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that the Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the fifth day of the month of May, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with nth the provis1.ons of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec – at which meeting were present William McBain. Esq. Mayor in the Chair.  Councillors A. Wolff, J. Billings, J. Thompson, H. Smith and F. Patton, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councillor A. Wolff, seconded by Councillor F. Patton, that the Sec. Treas. is ordered to notify all who are in arrears of taxes to pay immediately.

 Second- Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. do pay Mrs.  P. Cassin the sum of $3.30 cents for repairing the road to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier last winter.

 Third- Moved by Councillor J. Billings, seconded by Councillor H. Smith and resolved that the Sec. Treas. is autharized to notify the Road Inspectors to make a repartition on the road in Fief St. Ignace from the line between the land of Mr. Thomas Cassin and Charles Bedard up to the Stoneham line as soon as he gets the copy of the Proces Verbal.

Fourth – Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor H. Smith and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all the Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have all the roads put in repair to make it passable until the crops are in and also to have all roads, fences and ditches put in good repair on or before the fifteenth of June next.

Fifth – Moved by Councillor J. Billings, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that this Council do now adjourn until the first Monday in July.

William McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Municipal council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventh day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present William McBain Esq. Mayor in the Chair. Councillors present, Mr. A. Wollf, J. Billings, J. Thompson H. Smith, F. Patton and M. Corrigan, making a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor.

 First- Moved by Councilor A. Wollf, seconded by Councilor J. Billings and resolved that the account forwarded by John Douglas, Inspector to this Council for work done on Mr.Robert Kerr’s front road be approved of and the Sec. Treas. is authorized to notify said Robert Kerr of the same.

Second – Moved by Councillor Wollf, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Rural Ins­pectors to make a visit on the outlet of the lake of the Round Mountain from the South East line of Alfred Hicks  land till it strikes the Mill brook and cause all impediments to be removed from said brook so as to give the water a clear course.

Third – Moved by Councillor H. Smith, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to order Hugh Neil to have his share of joint labor fence put in good repair within three days from this Notice, if not he will be dealt with according to law.

Fourth – Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor H. Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor


At a special session of the Municipality of the Local Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, convened by William McBain Esq. Mayor and held at the usual place of meeting on Monday, the eleventh day of August, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine in conformity with the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present William McBain, Mayor and the Councillors – Francis Patton, John Thompson, Arthur Wollf, John Billings, Hopper Smith and after examination, Michael Corrigan received notice forming a quorum of the Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

It is ordained and resolved by resolution of the Council as follows:

Whereas this Council is always in difficulty with regard to the new road leading to the Bridge over the Jacques Cartier river, which river divides the Municipality of St. Gabriel West from the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, which road since it has been opened has been maintained by taxes levied and raised from the ratepayers of this Municipality by the Council, whereby we consider that the Council are acting against the welfare of the ratepayers in so doing, and that the petition be presented to the County Council at its next General meeting to discharge this Municipality from maintaining the said route and fence and to cause it to be maintained by the Parties who use the same as their road to Church, Mill and Market, who reside in the Municipality of St. Gabriel West.

The issued petition having been read and approved of.

Moved by Councillor J. Billings, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor

John McBain , Sec . Treas .


A t a general monthly session of the local Council of the  Municipality St. Gabriel De Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of the month of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock of the clock P. M.  conforming with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present William McBain, Mayor in the Chair and Councillors Arthur Wolff, John Billings Francis Patton and Michael Corrigan forming a quorum of the said Council under the presidency of the Mayor .

First- Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify James Rolph, Road Inspector, to have the drain at the foot of Thomas Cassin’s Hill made deeper across the road from one fence to the other.

Second – Moved  by Councillor Arthur, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order that all the winter roads within the Municipality be laid out without any chance from last winter with the ex­ception of the line road between the third and fourth Concessions and that part of road from the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier to the Mill Bridge at James Hicks’ is to be laid out on the summer road and then from the foot of the Mill Hill to the lake of the Round Mountain is to be laid out through the fields the same track as last winter.

Third- Moved by Councillor John Billings, seconded by Councillor Francis Patton and resolved that this Council do order that the name of Alexandre McNicoll be erased from the Valuation Roll for lot Nos. 346, 347 and 348 in and that the names George and James McNicoll be jointly inserted in room and stead thereof, and likewise that the name of William Hornby be struck off said Roll for lot No.269 and that the name of John Hornby be inserted and room thereof as well as Baptiste’s name be added to the Roll for lot No. 290 in room and stead of Mrs. Patrick Cassin.

Fourth Moved by Councillor A. Wollf, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and reso1ved that this Council do order the sec. to give Public Notice for tenders to be taken in for a new roller and scraper to be received up till the third of the month of November instant at the hour of two o’clock P. M.

 Fifth- Moved by Councillor M. Corrigan, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at the usual place of meeting on Monday, the third day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy­ nine at the hour of two of the Clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which session were present William McBain, Mayor in the Chair Councillors Arthur Wolff, John Thompson, Hopper Smith and Francis Patton, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor A. Wolff and resolved that Resolution No.2 be amended so far as regards that part of the across William Whillin’s land is to be changed from the track where it went Last winter and to Come into the fields at the head of his hedge and to run straight across his land till it strikes the old track at Charles Wolff’s line and the line of road between the third and fourth Concessions to strike of the summer road opposite the Minister’s barn and to follow the old track till it goes to Baptist Bedard’s field and then to go on the summer road from there to the Mill bridge.

Second – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor A. Wolff and resolved that this Council do order that Benjamin McBain’s tender for the new roller and scraper do stand good if this Council do agree to have them built.

Third – Moved by Councillor H. Smith, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that this Council do order Sec. Treas. to give Notice for a Public Meeting of the ratepayers of the third and Fourth Concessions to have their opinions whether to have two rollers and scrapers or not.

Fifth – Moved by Councillor H. Smith, seconded by Councillor J. Thompson and resolved that the Council do order that all who are in arrears of taxes be sued.

Sixth – Moved by Councillor J. Thompson, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that this Council do order that five cents to the hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Council.

H. Smith

Seventh – Moved by Councillor F. Patton, seconded by Councillor and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special session of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Thursday, the thirteenth day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. convener! by the Council, each and every member of said Council got notice. Present William McBain, Mayor in the chair, Councillor Arthur Wolff, John Billings, Francis Patton forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidence of the Mayor.

 Second- Moved by Councillor A. Wolff, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that there shall be one roller and scraper built for the line of road between the Third and Fourth Concession and that Benjamin McBain tender for building the same be accepted.

First – Moved by Councillor J. Billings, seconded by Councillor F. Patton and resolved that the line of road between the Third and Fourth  Concessions be laid out in the same track as last winter.

Third – Moved by Councilor J. Billings, seconded by Councilor A. Wolff and resolved that the Council do order that a Special Assessment of five cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable in the Third and Fourth Con­cessions with the exception of line lot at the river for the purpose of paying for the new roller and scraper.

Fourth – Moved by Councillor A. Wolff, seconded by Councillor J. Billings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


Of a Public Meeting of the Municipal Electors duly qualified to vote for Municipal Councillors was held this day at the place of sitting of the council after Public Notice being duly given in Conformity with Article 292 the Municipal Code. I. William McBain, Esquire, J. P. Presiding.

The meeting having been opened by the presiding Officer stating the reason  which it was held.

It was proposed and moved by John Thompson, seconded by Arthur Wolff and unanimously adopted that the following persons be Councillors instead of those councilors retiring.

Thomas Dacres, William Hornby, John Boyd. The meeting having been kept open for one hour and no Poll being demanded, they were declared duly elected.

William McBain, J. P.

Presiding Officer


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of the Municipality of  St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, at the usual place of meeting the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Municipal Code of Province of Quebec, at which session Mr. Arthur Wolff, Chairman, Councillors John Billings, John Boyd, Thomas Dacres and William Hornby forming a quorum said Council under the Presidency of the Chairman.

First – Moved by Councillor William Hornby, seconded by Councillor John Boyd resolved that Mr. Arthur Wolff be Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.  Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councillor William Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thomas Dacres and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. do notify all parties in arrears of taxes according to Notice to be sued before William McBain, J. P.

Third – Moved by Councillor John Billings, seconded by Councillor John Boyd resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Chairman John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the eighth day of the month of March, eighteen hundred and eighty, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, which meeting were present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors John Boyd, William Hornby, Thomas Dacres, John Billings and Hopper Smith forming quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Hopper Smith, seconded by Councilor John Billings resolved that this. Council do order that the following men be named and appointed as Road Inspectors and Valuators, each according to their division.

Ist- Thomas Penney for No 1 District. Francis McKennin for District No.2 ­Alfred Hicks for District No. 3- James Loughrin for District No. 4- Joseph Keck for District No.5 Alexander Aikens for District No.6 Charles Wolff for district No.7 Felix N. Gauthier for District No.8 James Martin for District No.9 James Hicks, George Thompson and Alexander McNicoll be Valuators- Thomas Lavallee he Rural Inspector, David McCartney Auditor.

 Second- Moved by Councillor William Hornby, seconded by Councillor John Billings and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice for licences for the selling of liquors.

Third Moved by Councillor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councillor William Hornby and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the local Council of the Municipality

)f St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, at the usual place of meeting it the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present  Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors John Billings, John Thompson and William Horn by, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor John Billings and resolved that this Council do order that Gregor McNicoll be named and appointed Road Inspector instead of Joseph Keck.

Second Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor William m Hornby and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of the month of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present ­ Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors John Billings, John Boyd, Hopper Smith, William Hornby and Thomas Dacres, forming a quorum of said council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor John Billings and resolved that this Council do order that the road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier be measured to ascertain the exact length of the road.

Second Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Thomas Dacres and resolved that this Council do order that Mr. Charles Wolff be paid the sum of four dollars and fifty cents for the repairing of the winter road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier and the road round Lake Farre.

Third Moved by Councilor Thomas  Dacres  seconded by Councilor John Billings and resolved that this Council do order that the Mayor be authorized to call on delegates if he considers it requisite on the road leading to Stoneham from Valcartier through Fief St. Ignace.

Fourth Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Hooper Smith and resolved that this Council do order that Arthur McBain be paid the sum of four dollars for repairing of the road round Lake Farre as soon as there is any money in funds.

Fifth Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor William Hornby and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourteenth day (Monday) of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Mr. Arthur Wolff  mayor in the Chair, Councilors John Billings, Hopper Smith, William Hornby and Thomas Dacres, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor John Billings and resolved that this Council do order that Alfred Hicks’ resignation be accepted and that William Smith ,jr. be named and appointed in his room and stead.

Second Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor Thomas Dacres and resolved that this Council do order that Mr. Gauthier, Road Inspector be authorized to get the road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier repaired as cheap as possible and the bridge also.

Third Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor John Billings that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on the first day of the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in con­formity with the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Councilors William Hornby, Hopper Smith, Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks forming a quorum of said Council.

First – Moved by Councilor Francis Ireland, seconded by Councilor Hopper Smith and resolved that Councilor William McBain be Chairman at this meeting the Mayor being absent.

Second – Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. do give Notice to all parties who sell liquor in this municipality to take out their certificate, if not their names will be sent in to the r m office.

Second Moved by Col1ncillor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. Treas to rive Notice to all parties who sell liquors in this municipalities to take out their certificates their names will be sent in to the office.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Hornby seconded by Councilor Hopper Smith and resolved that this Council do order that there shall be a petit1on sent in to the County Council concerning the road to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William McBain, Chairman John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventeenth day of the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; said meeting convened by the Mayor. Every member of the Council got special notice of the aforesaid meeting, stating what was to be taken into consideration at the meeting. Present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors John Billing, John Thompson, Hopper Smith, Thomas Dacres, William Hornby and John Boyd, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.   

First – Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by councilor John Thompson and resolved that the Sec. Treas. of this Council is hereby directed to notify Gregor McNicoll, Inspector of the route in Fief St. Ignace up to the joint labour road on Thomas Cassin’s land requiring him to notify this Inspector of the township of Stoneham that he is required to meet him on the day and hour fixed by him. of a portion of said road on Thomas Cassin’s land

as a front road, said repartition to be made as directed by the Proces Verbal establishing said road and in conformity with Articles 801 & 821 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, and thereafter report to this Council the portion of road have said put for the said Thomas Cassin the whole to be done on or before the 21st day of the month of August instant.

Second – Moved by Councilor Hopper Smith, seconded by Councilor Thomas nacre and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay William Quinn, the sum of two dollars for repairing the joint labor fence to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier as soon as there is money in funds.

Third- Moved by Councilor William Hornby seconded by Councilor John Billings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.

Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier 8th November 1880

At a general monthly session of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M in conformity with the provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were Present. Mr. Arthur Mayor in the Chair, Councilors William Hornby, John Boyd, Thomas Dacres, John Billings and Hopper Smith forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor Hopper Smith and resolved that a General Assessment of five cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property in this Municipality for to pay the expenses of the Council for the current year.

 Second- Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Councilor Thomas Dacres and resolved that the Sec. Treas. of this Council make out a detailed account of what the County Council is in due to this Council and send the bill to the secretary of the County Council.

Third Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor Hopper Smith and resolved that all roads within this Municipality be laid out with­out any change from last winter except that portion of road from the river to the Mill Bridge between the third and fourth Concessions to be laid out on the summer road.

Fourth Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Councilor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. do notify the Rural Inspector to make a visit on Mrs. McGill’s road and order the Road In­spector to see that the ditch can be opened to prevent the water from going down Michael McClory’s hill and to have it done as soon as possible.

Councilor J. Billings Fifth Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by

and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec, Treas.


At a special session of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Tuesday the twenty-third day of the month of November. one thousand eight hundred and eighty at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. convened by John Boyd and William Hornby, both being Councilors, all the rest of the members of said Council having received notice of the meeting, stating what was to be taken into consideration at the afore­said meeting; present Mr. Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors John Boyd, William Hornby, John Billings, Thomas Dacres and John Thompson forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Councilor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order that James McLaughlin, Road Inspector do get the scrapers belonging to his Division put in good repair.

Moved by Councilor John billings, seconded by Councilor John Thompson and resolved that this Council no order that the Sec. Treas. do send the rural Inspector notice to make visit to William McBain’s road fence and report to the mayor if it be unlawful to take it down or not.

Third – Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor John Thompson that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr.Arthur Wolff, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors John Billings, Thomas Dacres, John Boyd, William Hornby and Hopper Smith forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor John Billings and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay to the County Council the amount due them by this Council.

Second – Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor John

and resolved that in accordance with an application made by Mr. Pe

Road Inspector that the road the first and second concessions –­be changed and put on the track it now runs.

Third – Moved by Councilor John Billings, seconded by Councilor William Hornby that this Council do now adjourn.

Arthur Wolff, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a Public Meeting of the Municipal Electors, duly qualified to vote for Municipal Councilors was held this day at the place of sitting of the Council after Public Notice being given in Conformity with Article 292 of the Municipal Code. John McBain, Presiding officer. The meeting being open­ed by the Presiding 0fficer stating the reason for which it was called.

It was proposed and moved by William McBain, Sr., seconded by Hopper Smith and resolved that the following persons be Councilors instead of those Councilors retiring, namely: Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks. The meeting having been kept open for one hour and no Poll being demanded they were declared duly elected.

John McBain, Presiding officer


At a monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Thomas nacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors William Hornby, John Boyd, Hopper Smith, Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks, making a full quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Francis Ireland and resolved that this Council do name and appoint Thomas Dacres, Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year. Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Hopper Smith and resolved that this Council do order that Mr. Thomas Penney’s resignation be accepted as Road Inspector, he being over age and that Curtis Billings he named and appointed in his room and stead.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the eleventh day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Mr. Thomas Dacres Mayor in the Chair, Councilors William Hornby, John Boyd, Hooper Smith, Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks making a full quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor John Boyd, seconded by Councilor William Hornby and resolved that this Council do order that a general assessment of five cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property within this Municipality for the purpose of paying for the building of a fence leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.

Second – Maven by Councillor John Boyd seconded by Councilor Francis Ireland and resolved that this Council no now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the ninth day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. of the clock in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors William Hornby, John Boyd, Hooper Smith, Francis Ireland and Joseph Hicks forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Councilor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. order James Loughran, Road Inspector to have the drains opened along the sides of the road, from the hill that to the line between the Fourth and Fifth Concessions, to be done on-or before the fifth of June next.

Second Moved by Councilor Hopper Smith, seconded by Councilor .Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do send notices to all the parties who sell strong liquors within the Municipality to take out their certificates imm­ediately.

 Third- Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Francs Ireland and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, and held at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session, were present Messrs William Hornby John Boyd, Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council.

First Moved by Councilor Francis Ireland, seconded by Councilor William m Horn by and resolved that Councilor William McBain be Chairman at this meeting the Mayor being absent.

Second Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Co\miller Francis Ireland and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give  Gregor McNicoll, Road Inspector, notice to have all the roads in his Division put in good repair and the drain alongMcGill’s road opened to let the water go down by her barn.

Third Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor John Boyd  and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify the valuator of this Municipality to make a new valuation Roll on or before the twentieth day of June instant.

Fourth Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Councilors do order that William Smith, Road Inspector, do give Public Notice to sell to the lowest bidder the laying of a horse track across the center of the mill Bridge between the third and Fourth Concessions, to be twenty-seven inches wide by three inches thick and to be nailed down with six-inch nails.

Fifth Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Sec. do notify all parties who are in arrears of the six-cent to pay.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor Francis Ireland, seconded by Councilor William Hornby and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

William Brown McBain, Chairman

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special session of the Municipal council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the eighteenth day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of ten of the clock A. M. Notice being given to each member of the Council stating what was to be taken into consideration at the aforesaid meeting. Present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Hornby, John Boyd, Hopper Smith, Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks, making a full quorum under the presidency of the mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Hopper Smith and resolved that the foregoing valuation Roll be amended and approved of. Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor William Horn by and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. do pay Mrs. Billings for the refreshments required by the Council amounting to the sum (no amount given).

Third – Moved by Councilor Hopper Smith, seconded by Councilor Joseph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which session were present Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors William Hornby, John Boyd, Hopper Smith, Francis Ireland, William McBain and Joseph Hicks, making a full quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor John Boyd and resolved that whereas public Notice has been given by the Secretary Treasurer of this Council to all parties interested in regard to the road labor specified in the petition of Mary Jane Hamilton, widow of the late Issac Aiken that the said petition would this day be taken into consideration that the Council do hear the parties present in their representatives what they have to say for or against said petition. Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor J. Boyd and resolved that now having heard the parties with regard to the aforesaid petition of Mary Jane Hamilton, widow of the late Issac Aiken and duly con­sider her grievance. We do hereby order and enact as follows: Viz – that hereafter, Alexander Aiken or the proprietors of the rear half of lots Nos. 139, l4O and l41, do make and maintain three arpents

road adjacent to the River Jacques Cartier now exists on the said lots Nos. 139, l40 and 141, as one half of the joint labor app. aforementioned lands, as well as the fences re       same, and that the Sec. do draw to this effect, and liberate Mrs. Issac Aiken from any further duty on one third of said properties and to lay said by-law before this Council general session third day of October.  Passed unanimously.                             —-

Third Moved by Councilor H. Smith, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that the value of the land of Francis Mckennen be fixed at   –00 dollars. Passes unanimously

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, sec Treas.

Musicality of St. Gabriel

At a general session of the local Municipal Council held this fifth day of September in the year of Our Lord 1881 at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two of the clock in the afternoon, in conformity with the pro­visions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which meeting were present his Worship the Mayor and Councilors Hopper Smith, William B. McBain, John Boyd, William Hornby and Joseph Hicks, being a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of

Wherefore in conformity with the Resolution ordering Mr. John McBain, Sec. Treas. (said resolution passed unanimously) to draw up a by-law in conformity with said resolution to be homologated at their next session on the third day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one.

The by-law is as follows:

The front road on lots Nos. 139, I40 & I41 in the Third Concession within this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier shall be hereafter made and maintained as follows:

Mrs. Mary Jane Aiken, widow of the late Issac Aiken or her representatives shall be bound to make and maintain two thirds of said front road adjacent to the River Jacques Cartier and the other third of the aforementioned front road shall be made and maintained by the parties who may own or occupy the back or rear half of said lots 139, l40 & l41.

The joint labor appertaining to or laid off for said lots 139, l40 & l41, shall hereafter be made and maintained the one half by the proprietors or occupiers, who may own or occupy the rear or back half of said lots of land and one half by Mrs. Isaac Aiken or her representatives. All Proces Verbals by-laws , or any heretofore in force for the maintenance of lots herein mentioned–Which may be the intent and meaning of this Proces Verbal hereafter be null and void and take the place thereof, the whole done according to law.

John McBain, Secretary Treasurer of the Local Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier

Confirmed this third of October 1881.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.



The undersigned John McBain, Secretary Treasurer, domiciled in Valcartier certify under my Oath of Office that I published a copy of the enclosed or herein written by-law by posting up a copy thereof at each of the following places, Viz. One at the house of Arthur McBain and the other at the Catholic Church and by reading the same in a loud voice and distinct manner at the Church at the close of Divine Service in the forenoon on the ninth day of October, being the Sunday next after the posting of by-law.

In testimony whereof I give this certificate this October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one.

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of the month of October One thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the usual place of meeting at hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which session were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair and Councilors John Boyd, William Hornby, Hooper Smith, William McBain and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Hopper Smith, seconded by Councilor William Hornby and resolved that this Council do order that a general assessment of eleven cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property within this Municipality for the purpose of paying jury taxes and to defray the expenses of this Council for the ensuing year. Passed unanimously.

Second Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a monthly session of the local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held at the usual place of Meeting on Monday the seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which session were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Mr. William Hornby, John Boyd, William McBain and Joseph Hicks forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor William Hornby, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do order that John McBain, Sec. Treas. do be named and appointed to go and make a visit to Mrs. McGill’s front road and make a report to this Council concerning the drain along said road and draw up a proces Verbal to determine and apportion the work to be done and how the work shall be done.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councillor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order that the winter roads be laid out as follows – First the road through the First and Second Concession to be laid out on the same track as it went last winter and the front road from the line between the First and Second Concession to go on the same track as last winter, till it reaches the foot of James Smith’s and then to turn into John Mc       field and run up his field by the north side of his barn and then on till it strikes on the road between the Third and Fourth Concession, and the line of road the line of road between the Third and fourth Concession first from the river to Curtis McBain’s, to go the same track as it went last winter and then to turn into John McBain’s field and follow the same track as it went the winter before last, that is, the winter of seventy-nine and eighty until it goes to the line between Valcartier and Lorette.

Moved by Councilor William Horn by, seconded by Councilor John Boyd and re­solved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the Local Municipal Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the sixth day of the month of February, Monday, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in Conformity with the Municipal Code Provisions of the Province of Quebec. Present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, William McBain, John Boyd, Joseph Hicks, Curtis Brown and Patrick Welsh, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor John Boyd, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that Councilor William McBain be Mayor for this Municipality for the ensuing year.

Second – Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council order the Sec. Treas. to answer the letter from the concerning Denis Calahan.

Third – Moved by Councilor John Roy, seconded by Councilor Thomas Dacres and resolved that this Council do pay Hopper Smith the sum of five dollars for work on Charles Brown’s joint labor fence and road.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this council do now adjourn.

William B, McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of August, one thousand eight Hundred and eighty-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘clock P. M. at which session were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Thomas Dacres, Curtis Brown, Francis Ireland and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency  of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Francis Ireland and resolved that the Secretary do give the road Inspectors within this Municipality notice to have the roads put in good repair immediately.

Second – resolved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order that all who are in arrears of taxes are to be sued before Mr. Andrews, Advocate and that the accounts be sent in immediately. 

Third – Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Francis Ireland and resolved that this council do now adjourn.

W. B. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held Monday the second day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred  and eighty-two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which session were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Thomas Dacres, Curtis Brawn and Joseph Hicks forming a quorum of the Council.

First – Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Francis Patton, Road Inspector notice to have the road leading to Stoneham as far as his own South East line, brushed out and the bridge on the Lake Savanne Brook repaired.

Second – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm.  B. McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality! of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the sixth day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. At which session were present Mr.William McBain, Mayor in the Chair. Councilors Thomas Dacres, John Boyd, Francis Ireland, Patrick Welsh and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thomas Dacres and resolved that this Council do order that all the winter roads throughout this Municipality be laid out without any changes from last winter.

Second- Moved by Councilor Francis Ireland, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order that Charles Brown’s lands and the lands belonging to the Heirs of Nelson be handed in to the County Council to be sold for arrears of taxes.

Third – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor John Boyd and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. B. McBain, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly session of the local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held in the Municipality on Monday, the fourth nay of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present. William McBain Mayor.

Councilors Curtis Brown, Patrick Welsh, and Joseph Hicks, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order that a general assessment of fifteen cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real. . . .


3- Moved by Councilor Thomas Dacres, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that William Billings, David McCartney and George Thompson be appointed to walk the line between Arthur Wolff and William Smith Sir. and down John Thompson’s land till it strikes out on the main road at his house, and also the line between Henry Hicks and Joseph Hicks and down Curtis Clark’s land till it strikes on the road between the First and Second Concessions, and to make a report to this Council on Tuesday the thirteenth day of June instant, at the hour of five o’clock P. M. to state which line is the most practable for a road to be opened along, and about what it would cost to open said road.

Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Francis Ireland and resolved that resolution No.3 be annulled and no proceedings to be taken towards opening the said road.


ProprietersCurtis McBainDavid McCartney 
 John Neilson Samuel Harris
Gabriel Dowler Scotch Church Joseph Harris
Charles Brown Charles WolffJames McCartney
Richard Watt Catholic Church John Brown
Robert RossWilliam Nelson William Hornby 
Widow John GoughJohn Holton Hugh Neil
John Childs ( Notary ) William Whillens James Montgomery 
William Henderson Patrick Lawlor Thomas Loughran 
Widow LelievreJohn KnoxAlexandre Wright
Widow John Martin Issac AikinsJohn Lavallee
Jeremie Ninteau  Widow David Aikins Thomas Lavallee
William DonovanAndrew Stuart Pierre Bedard
James WhiteCharles Hornby Charles Bedard
John ThompsonHenry BrownSimon Coiley
Mark SullivanGeorge JackMichael Corrigan 
Patrick Farrell Alexandre McNicholl 
Pa trick WalshJames JackPatrick Cake
Luke DoironAndrew McCartney Joseph Cake
Patrick KingCharles JackGeorge Hemrose
Walter KnoxGeorge WolffJohn Douglass
Francis Reynolds Widow A. V. WolffThomas Loughrey
Widow Thomas Carroll Patrick Cassin Sandy McNicholl
James ThompsonThomas CassinAbel McNicholl
Curtis Billings James RolfeRobert Kerr
Timothy Shantry James McLoneWidow Daniel Loughrey 
Francis MartinJean MartelThomas Robinson 
Thomas BillingsJos. RenaudWilliam Cartwright 
James MartinPierre MartelJoseph Noreau
Joseph MartinFrs. MartelRichard Douglass 
School Commissioners Frs. X. Genest Daniel McNicholl 
James MorrissJoseph Beaulieu Michael McClory
William ShanksBarnabe ParentJames Adams
Francis IrelandJ. Bte. Beaulieu John Blakes
Frank WithamFrs. BeaulieuThomas O’Neill
James MagillJos. RheaumeF. Piche
Joseph SmithJos. Sanfacon J. D. McCartney
James McBainPierre Penisson  
Robert McMullin Louis Beaulieu  
Robert HillGagneThese last mentioned properties are islands.
Joseph HiskJ. Bte. Renaud 
Charles WolffRegis BedardThomas Rooks
Arthur WolffDr. J. WolffA. Stewart
William Smi th , sr . Pierre Bernard Wm. Neilson
William Smi th , jr . Captain Seracold  
William Loughton Robert McNolanTaken from Minute Book of 1882
Thomas DacresHenry Patton  
Thomas JackWidow Adam Andrew  
English ChurchJames Pleadwell 
Arthur McBain  
Heirs Nelson  
Felix N. Gauthier   
Arthur McBain  
William McBain  

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