20th February 1883
Last Will of Michael Griffin
Husband of Mary Lannin
From records of Notary Édouard Antill Panet
Record No. 2263
Transcribed from the Original Will – Quebec Archives

On this twentieth day of the month of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty three, at the special instance and request of Michael Griffin, Farmer, residing in the Parish of Sainte Catherine, I, Édouard Antill Panet, the undersigned Notary Public duly commissioned and sworn in and residing and practising in the Parish of Saint Raymond in the County of Portneuf, Province of Quebec and Dominion of Canada accompanied by John Griffin, brother of the said Michael Griffin, and John Griffin, one of the sons of the said Michael Griffin, both farmers and residing in the said Parish of Sainte Catherine, witnesses called and required by law for the purposes of these presents, personally repaired to the residence in the said Parish of Sainte Catherine, of the said Michael Griffin, and there finding him ill in bed, but of sound and disposing mind, memory, judgment and understanding as it appeared unto us Notary and witnesses from his words and actions, yet knowing and considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous of regulating his worldly affairs whilst yet he hath strength so to do, hath named, dictated and nominated a fait dicté et nommé unto the said Notary in the presence of the said witnesses, his last will and testament in the manner and form following:

1º I recommend my soul to Almighty God, my Creator, in the humble hope that he will receive the same to his favor through the sole merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.

2º My body I commit to the grave to be interred in a manner suitable to my station in life and according to the rites and solemnities of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and faith of which I am a member. I am leaving it however to my Executrix hereinafter named to fix and arrange the manner and expense of my funeral.

3º I will and order that all my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses be first paid by my Executrix hereinafter named.

4º I give, devise and bequeath to one of my sons, Joseph Griffin, issue of my marriage with Dame Mary Lannin, my wife, he being at present absent, that certain lot of land situate. lying and being in the Parish of St. Gabriel of Valcartier in the County of Quebec, being lot number three of the First Range in the said Parish containing five arpents of land in front by fifteen arpents of land in depth with a house, barn, stable and other buildings thereon erected, said lot of land now known and distinguished upon the official plan and book of reference for the County of Quebec as lot official number [number not given] of the said Parish of St. Gabriel of Valcartier. To be by my said son Joseph used, enjoyed and disposed of in full property and ownership from and after the moment of my death.

5º As to the rest, residue and remainder of the whole of my property and real estate moveable and immoveable, moneys, debts due me, claims, privileges and demands of whatsoever notice the same may be to whatever amount the same may come to, and wherever the same may be situate, I give, devise and bequeath the same to my well beloved wife Mary Lannin in full property and ownership, to be by her used, enjoyed and disposed of in full property and ownership as she may see fit and proper from and after the moment of my decease, hereby instituting her my residuary legatee and devisee in full property and Executrix of this my present last will and testament, revoking and repealing all other and former last wills and codicils by me heretofore made, wishing and desiring that the present alone be followed.

It was thus named, dictated and nominated, fait dicté et nommé, unto us said Notary by the said Testator in the presence of said undersigned witnesses, of his own free will and accord, without any suggestion or induction on the part of any person or persons whomsoever on the day, month and year first above written, at the hour of half past nine of the clock in the forenoon in the said residence of the said Testator.

In testimony whereof the said Testator hath signed these presents with and in the presence of the said Notary and witnesses, who have each signed with and in the presence of the said Testator and in the presence of each other, after the same hath been duly read by the said Notary to the said testator in the presence of the said witnesses, the said Testator persisting herein after the reading thereof as fully to embody and contain his present last will and testament, these presents having been duly filed of record in the office of the said undersigned Notary under the number two thousand two hundred and sixty three.

Michael Griffin, his signature;

John Griffin (brother), his signature;

John Griffin (son), his signature;

A.E. Panet, N.P., his signature

NOTE: Michael Griffin (s/o Thomas Griffin & Johanna Hayes) married Mary Lannin (d/o Thomas Lannin & Ellen Guilfoyle) on 21 February 1843 in St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier Church.

Transcribed by Gerry Neville, 2012

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