Court Records
Inquisition into the Murder of John Davis (1864)
Submitted by Marlan Shanks, March, 2019
Elizabeth Abraham Liddy vs. Robert Kerr (1852)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records October 26, 1852Piece #34000 - 34002 Contenant #1960-01-357\93 (This is in regards to a case brought by Elizabeth Abraham, wife of Patrick Liddy, of Valcartier, against Robert...
William Bethel vs. Denis Cassin (1829)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, September 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records Following two documents were included in this court case as part of Piece #39071-39073 Valcartier, January 1827 Mr. Denis Cassin to Mr. Bethel Jr. To half...
William Bethel vs. Edward, John & Daniel Sweeney (1824)
Transcribed by Patricia Balkcom, December, 2012 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records December 1, 1824 Piece #181388-181390 Localization #3C 020 02-01-002A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\173 Deposition of William Bethel and Edward Sweeney and others for the...
Peter Brady vs. Patrick Dwyer (1849)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, November 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records August 1, 1849Piece #76310, 76311, 76316 Localisation #3B 023 04-06-003A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\115 Province of Canada District of Quebec Be it remembered that at...
Henry Brown vs. John McCune (1836)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City ArchivesThemis Database of Court RecordsAugust 18, 1836Piece #77724Localization #3B 023 04-07-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\116 Deposition of Henry Brown Versus John McEwen (McCune) Assault and Threats For the...
Isabella Coleman Ryder vs. James Ryder (1835)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, November 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records October 13, 1835 Piece #91012 Localization 3B 023 04-07-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\124 Dated 13 October 1835 Isabella Colman, wife of Patrick Ryder Vs James Ryder...
William Corrigan (1873)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, August 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records December 6, 1873 Piece #25021 GRAND JUROR QUARTER SESSION 7th day of January 1874 Province of Quebec District of Quebec Sir, You are hereby summoned to attend as a GRAND...
Francis Conway vs. Michael Farrell (1878)
The Conway Murder. The Death Penalty carried out this morning. The First Execution in the New Jail. Michael Farrell, Farmer, of St. Catherines, county of Portneuf, was executed, this morning, at eight o'clock, in the jail yard, on Abraham heights, in the presence of...
James Cowen vs. John & James Duffy (1849)
Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records September 17, 1849 Piece #75055 Localization 3B 023 04-06-003A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\115 Dated 17th day of Sept 1849 DEPOSITION OF James Cowan Versus James Duffy Wounding with intent to murder POLICE OFFICE...
David Davidson vs. William Bethel & Thomas Delaney (1836)
Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records August 15, 1836 Piece #77746-77747 Localization #3B 023 04-07-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\116 Deposition of David Davidson (Davison) Versus William Bethel and Thomas Daleny (sic) Assault and Battery For...
David Deschamps vs. William Boyle (1852)
Transcribed and translated (original in French) by Audrey Henderson, November 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records April 20, 1852Piece #34220 Localisation #3B 023 04-03-002B-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\93 DEPOSITION OF David Deschamps Versus...
Mary Diamond vs. James Miller (1835)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, August 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records April 29, 1835 Piece #90809 Contenant #1960-01-357\124 Ignoramus R Rudd Forman General Quarter Session of the Peace April 1835 The King Vs James Miller Indictment for...
John Dowler vs. John Idle (1835)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, October 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records July 16, 1835 Piece #112231 Contenant #1960-01-357\136 Dated 16th day of July 1835 DEPOSITION Of John Dowlar Versus John Idle Assault For the Peace Signed: XXXX...
Michael Farrell vs. John Bowles & John McLaughlin (1852)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records July 1, 1852 Piece #34818-34822 Contenant #1960-01-357\93 Mr. Maquire Dated the 1st day of July 1852 In the case of Michael Farrell Against John McLaughlin John Bowles...
Helen Hamilton vs. John Emery (Imrie) (1836)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records August 4, 1836 Piece #77784-77785 Localization #3B 023 04-07-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\116 Dated 4th Day of August 1836 Deposition Of Helen Hamilton Versus John...
Dennis Hogan vs. William John McNeil (1833)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, August 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records February 2, 1833 Piece #125511 Contenant #1960-01-357\144 Dated 2nd day of February 1833 DEPOSITION Of Dennis Hogan Versus William John McNeill Breaking Windows For...
John Hornby vs. Patrick Cassin (1906)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records July 18, 1906Piece #194667-70Localization 3C 020 02-04-003A-01Contenant 1960-01-357\183File: 194667, No. 266 Dated 18th day of July 1906 DEPOSITION OF John Hornby VERSUS...
Elizabeth Grogan Thomson vs. Helen Kerr Watt (1852)
Transcribed and translated by Audrey Henderson, October, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records October 19, 1852 Piece #34076-7 Contenant #1960-01-357\93. (Note: Elizabeth Grogan was the wife of George Thompson. Her maiden name was...
Joseph Lupine vs. Patrick Cassin (1840)
Transcribed and translated by Audrey Henderson, November, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records March 19, 1840Piece #22170 Localisation #3B 023 03-04-002B-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\87 Dated 19 day of March 1840 Recognizance of Patrick Cassin For...
David Maher vs. Michael Farrell (1862)
Katherine McCullough McGee vs. James Lannin, Richard Kelly, John Bowles, Michael Griffin, John Woodlock, Martin Moyland (1852)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records April 22, 1852Piece #34219Contenant 1960-01-357\93 Dated 22nd April 1852 DEPOSTION OF Catherine McGee Versus James Lannin(g) & al(l) (?) Forcible Entry For (?)...
Nicholas Murphy vs. John Cullen (1886)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records February 2, 1886 Piece #24931-2File: 24932 (Quebec Archives) Dated the 2nd day of February 1886 RECOGNIZANCE OF John Cullen FOR A SUMMARY TRIAL. I do hereby certify that...
William O’Neill vs. John Clarke, Jr. (1847)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, August 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records June 26, 1847 Piece #52882 Localization #3 B 023 04-02-003A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\103 (Note by Patricia Balkcom - I do not know who this William O'Neill is. ...
Edward Payne vs. John & James Duffy (1852)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, November 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records July 13, 1852Piece #53292 Localisation #3B 023 04-03-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\104 Dated 13th day of July 1852 DEPOSITION OF Edward Payne Versus John Duffy James...
James Ryder vs. Thomas Cassin & Herbert Haney (1836)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records October 26, 1852 Piece #77859 Localization 3B 023 04-07-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\116 Dated the 23rd day of July, 1836 Recognizance Of Hebert Haney and Thomas Cassin...
Daniel Sweeney vs. Lawrence Money (1829)
Transcribed by Patricia Balkcom, December, 2012 Quebec City ArchivesThemis Database of Court RecordsSeptember 28, 1829Piece # 127211Contenant # 1960-01-357\144 Daniel Sweeny, farmer of Valcartier vs. Lawrence Money, labourer, of Quebec The first part of the...
Elizabeth Thomson vs. Helen Watt (1852)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, October 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records October 19, 1852 Piece #34076-7 Contenant #1960-01-357\93. (Note: Helen Thomson was the wife of George Thomson. Her maiden name was Grogan. Helen Watt...
James Whelan vs. John and James Duffy (1852)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, November 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records July 17, 1852Piece #53248 Localisation #3B 023 04-03-001A-01 Contenant #1960-01-357\104 DEPOSITION OF James Whelan Versus John Duffy James Duffy Signed: High Constable...
Abigail Paine Babbitt White vs. James Abraham & Elijah Haney (1823)
Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014 Quebec City Archives Themis Database of Court Records May 27, 1824Piece #181622Localization #3C 020 02-01-002A-01Contenant 1960-01-357\173 27 May 1824 (note: body of agreement states 1823) Agreement Between Abigail Paine...