Transcribed and translated by Audrey Henderson, October, 2014

Quebec City Archives

Themis Database of Court Records

October 19, 1852

Piece #34076-7

Contenant #1960-01-357\93.

(Note:  Elizabeth Grogan was the wife of George Thompson.  Her maiden name was Grogan.  Helen Watt was the wife of William Watt, her maiden name was Kerr.)

Dated 19 day of Oct 1852



Elizabeth Thomson


Helen Watt

Assault & Battery

For the Quarter Sessions



District of Quebec.

BEFORE ME, the undersigned, one of the Justices of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, assigned to keep the Peace, within the District of Quebec, this nineteenth day of October in the year of our lord Christ, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, personally came and appeared Elizabeth Thomson, wife of George Thomson, of Valcartier within the District of Quebec.

Who being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, doth declare, depose, and say, as follows : – to wit, Yesterday at Valcartier, I was at work near the field on my land when I had to leave for a few moments to go into my house. Being afraid that the pigs belonging to William Watt who are there in my field should come and eat my potatoes I set my little dog after them . Seeing that the dog did not succeed in sending them away I took a switch for the purpose of turning them away when Helen Watt, wife of William Watt came over with a stick and calling me an old devil said that she had long sought to catch me and that she caught me now. She struck me with the stick on the left temple. She then seized me and I fell down, she fell on top of me when my daughter Isabella Thomson, hearing my scream, came up to us and took her from me.

Further deponent saith not and hath made her mark.

Sworn before me at the City of Quebec, on the day and year first above written.

Signed: J Maquire J.P.

Signed: Elizabeth (her mark) Thomson

Quebec City Archives

Themis Database of Court Records

October 19, 1852

Piece #34075

Localization 3B 023 03-04-002B-01

Contenant #1960-01-357\93

Deposition of Mrs. Watt, Valcartier


Elizabeth Grogan

Rec’d 6th November 1852

Province of Canada

District of Quebec

The deposition of Hellen (sic) Kerr, wife of William Watt of the Settlement of Valcartier taken on this nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, before the undersigned one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the peace in and for the District of Quebec, who saith, that on the eighteenth day of October instant, one Elizabeth Grogan, wife of George Thompson of said Settlement has been in the act of ill using the pigs of the said Mrs. Watt, by causing a dog to abuse them being enclosed in a corner whence they could not get out, and upon the approach of said Mrs. Watt, Mrs. Thompson ordered her not approach when she (Mrs. Watt) said she wanted to liberate the pigs and opened the gate for the purpose thereof when the said Mrs. Thompson knocked her down with a stick and otherwise ill treated her.

Signed: Hellen Kerr

Sworn before me the day and year first above mentioned at Valcartier.

Signed: William McBain, J.P.

Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, November 2014

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