Buzz McBain’s Party
Contributed by Robert Hicks, Poem Author and Date Unknown
More of Jimmy McCartney’s Songs
By Robert Hicks March, 2023Jimmy's Songs 1-combined
Success Stories began in St. Pat’s no-frills classrooms
Article by Ed Banty, Montreal Gazette, February 21, 1993 Article regarding St. Patrick's School located in Quebec City, Quebec
A Not So Neighbourly Feud
These poems were written about Paddy Cassin, his wife Annie Holton, and their disagreement with their neighbor, John Hornby. The incident occur on July 18th, 1906 and John Hornby filed an assault and battery charge against Patrick Cassin, for which he was later found...
John O’Neill on a Runaway Horse
From the Quebec Daily Telegraph, October 30, 1888
Visitors to Valcartier – 1910 (Neilson, Ross, McBain)
From the Daily Telegraph (Quebec City), September 8, 1910
Train Times – 1883
From the Quebec Daily Telegraph Newspaper, July 5, 1883
Freezing Horror in 1891
From the Quebec Saturday Budget Newspaper, January 24, 1891
Historical Tidbits
Unknown Author NAME CHANGES There is a lake on the 5th concession of Valcartier which appears on maps as lac Jacques or lac St. Jacques. In pioneer days this lake was referred to by the local people of the area. as lake Jock or Jock's lake. called after the first...
Montreal’s Irish
My Summers in Shannon
(about his summers about 1947-8) Ice Cream Galore As a ten year old boy who spent summers in Shannon, I would always accompany my cousin Jackie Griffin when he would drive to the local station to pick up the daily mail bag. Pete Bowles ran the store close to the...
Farming in Valcartier
Milking During the early 1920’s, as I remember them, all the people were dairy farmers and had been following the same system for many years before my time. A herd of 14 milk cows at that time was considered a big one. Herds on the various farms would range from four...
Richard Douglas’s Farm Becomes Prey to Flames
During the summer of 1914, there was a long, hot, dry spell of weather. In early July, the streams, wells and springs were low and some were almost dry. The earth was like a tinderbox. At this particular time in early July, the farmers had begun harvesting their hay....
No Repeat Please
told to Vincent Kelly by Thomas Guilfoyle A husband and wife lived long ago in the vicinity of Pinkney Mountain. The wife sickened and died and, after a night’s waking was carried to the churchyard for burial, borne on the shoulders of neighbors who took turns...
The Harvest Excursion
told to J. A. Griffin by Tim Kiley When we got to Napinka tow we found a different tune Strong men stood round in sadnessThere was nothing could be done "No work", was what the people said "Your trip will be in vain Two hundred men are starving on the streets of...
The First Oil Lamp
by Pete Powell A family named McCloskey once lived on lot #425, sixth range, now the property of Johnny Donaldson. Whether they were related to the fifth range McCloskeys is not known, but Johnny does not think they were. He remembered seeing one of them, John...
Horse Racing
Joe Bowles once told me of a famous horse-race which took place in St. Catherine’s a long time ago between a horse owned by Andrew Dunn and a steed belonging to "Rich" Anthony Maher. A wager of $100 was made and the race took place on a Sunday afternoon, starting at...
Hauling Hay from Rushabuc
I remember hearing my grandfather Woodlock in conversation with my father saying that he did not believe in ghosts but that sometimes odd things did happen which are difficult to explain and he told a story about one occasion in the l890s when he was hauling hay from...
A Heavy Ghost
When my grandfather, Michael Woodlock, died in 1927, I went to the wake with my father one evening, and recall being seated in the kitchen near where three men: William "Rushabuc Bill" Conway, Willie Hayes and Bill Landers were telling ghost stories. Being only twelve...
A Christening
told to Dave Woodlock by Michael King of New York in about 1932 In Valcartier pioneer days, there was a young couple settled on one of the back ranges, far from the Village. In the dead of winter their first child was born to them - a healthy baby boy. The husband...
A Tragic Accident – the Drowning of Goodfellow and Cartwright
On a bright summer day, in late August 1918, four young men decided to go fishing at Lake Michel, situated on the Northwest side of the Jacques Cartier River. They included Charlie and Alfie Cartwright, sons of the late William Cartwright and Mary Anne Hornby. The...
Earthquakes Felt in Valcartier
Valcartier and the surrounding areas have experienced their share of earthquakes over the years. For the most part, they were minor tremors hut some of them were quite severe. In November 23, 1988, a minor quake, measuring 4.4 on the Ritcher Scale awakened us from...
James McCartney’s Songs
typed by Bernie Monaghan James McCartney, son of Andrew McCartney and Janet Wolff . Born, March 16, 1889. Died, February 15, 1931, at the age of 41 years at the Jeffrey Hale Hospital, Quebec City.. Lived in Valcartier Village. Buried in St. Andrew's Presbyterian...
A Close Call
The story as told by Mrs. Annie Corrigan in 1964. In olden days the Catholic children of Valcartier would have a period of religious instruction during the month of May. It was called Catechism. The Catechism would be taught in the Sacristy of the Church to the...
Gelé à Mort (Frozen To Death)
by Jack Griffin The bitter Quebec winters seem to have taken their toll among the early Irish settlers of St. Catherine’s, unused as they were to such horrible cold, and, in most cases, inadequately clothed as well. Thus, the parish records of St. Augustin de Portneuf...
Driving Pulpwood on the Jacques Cartier River
by Bernie Monaghan and Michael Corrigan In the late 1800's, a pulpmill was established in the town of Donnacona, which is situated on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, a short distance from Quebec City. The vast forests of the Jacques Cartier water shed was...