Transcribed by Audrey Henderson, June, 2014
Quebec City Archives Themis
Database of Court Records
May 27, 1824
Piece #181622
Localization #3C 020 02-01-002A-01
Contenant 1960-01-357\173
27 May 1824 (note: body of agreement states 1823)
Agreement Between Abigail Paine White And James Abraham
B. Lelievre 2nd Copy
On the twenty seventh day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty three before us the undersigned notaries public duly admitted and sworn for the Province of Lower Canada residing in the City of Quebec personally came and appeared Abigail Paine Babbitt widow of Abel White residing in the Fief of St. Gabriel on the place called Valcartier – of one part. And James Abraham, farmer, residing in the said fief and place of Valcartier of the other part.
Which the Said James Abraham has by these present voluntarily obligated and oblige himself to cut down hew and square every piece of timber necessary to make and build the frame and floom (sic) of a Saw Mill and to square the whole, workman like manner and to deliver the said pieces of timber in six weeks from this date to Elijiah Heney and to cut the said timber on the land of Joseph Pierce and nearest that shall be possible to the place of the mill yard and the said Abigail Paine White obliging herself to do cary (sic) way the said lumber on the spot.
This present bargain, made for and in the consideration of thirty six dollars, which said sum the said Abigail Paine White shall be obliged to pay to James Abraham on order as soon the said lumber shall be cut down, hew and square and received by the said Elijiah Heney.
And it is agreed that in the case of want of fulfillment of the said agreement on the part of the said James Abraham then he obliges himself to pay to the said Abigail Paine White every damages that shall be incurred by his own neglect.
And for the due execution of these presents the parties have elected their domiciles irrevocable at their actual residences at which places and notwithstanding and promising and obliging and renouncing and thus done and passed in the office of B. Lelievre one of the subscribed notaries the day and year above written and the parties have to those present hath duly read according to law set and subscribed their names and signatures together with us said notaries in faith and testimony of the premises signed on the original remained – as record in the said office.
James Abraham
Abigail Paine White
M. Tethier
and by the subscribing notary, Signed B. Lelievre
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