12th December 1890
Will of Robert Johnson
Husband of Ellen Shea
From records of Notary Philippe Huot
No. 9555
Transcribed from Quebec Archives Microfilm #4M01-5213

On this day, the twelfth of December one thousand eight hundred and ninety, before us the undersigned Notaries Public for the Province of Quebec, residing at Quebec, personally came and appeared Mr. Robert Johnson, Farmer, of Stoneham, who being in tolerably good health but of sound mind, memory & understanding requested us the said Notaries to write down & receive his last will and testament which he dictated & made as follows, that is to say:

I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Johnson, Farmer, now residing with me all and every the property real and personal, moveable and immoveable generally whatsoever without any exception or reserve and of which I may die possessed of, on condition however & subject by him to allow his mother if she survives me to enjoy the same & have the usufruct thereof during her life time, subject also by my said son to pay unto his sister Barbara Helen Johnson a sum of fifty dollars without interest two years after she will have left the house and residence of her parents.

I hereby appoint my said wife Executrix of the present will & I revoke all wills and codicils at any time heretofore by me made.

It was thus made and dictated by the said Robert Johnson unto us the said Notaries, on the day and year first above written and the present will having been read over in full to the said Testator by Mtre. Philippe Huot, one of us, in the presence of Mtre. George alias Gustave F.C. De Léry, who was present during the execution hereof, he the said Testator declared to well understand the same & persisted therein as containing his true last will & testament.

Done and executed at the said City of Quebec, in the office of the said Philippe Huot on the day and year first above written, under the number nine thousand five hundred and fifty five of deeds recorded in the office of the said Philippe Huot, in testimony whereof the said Testator hath signed with and in the presence of the said Notaries who have also signed in the presence of the said Testator and in the presence of each other, after the reading hereof according to law and the observance of all the formalities required for the validity of wills.

Words erased are null. One marginal note approved is good.

Robert Johnston, his signature;

G.F.C. de Léry, N.P, his signature;

P. Huot, N.P., his signature


NOTE: The spelling Johnston is used throughout the will and Robert signed his name “Johnston”. However, all the church records use the spelling Johnson which I have taken the liberty to use here. Robert Johnson and Ellen Shea were married on 5 April 1842 (Quebec Wesleyan Methodist Church). He died on 13 June 1903 and was buried on 15 June 1903 in the Valcartier Anglican Cemetery.

Transcribed by Gerald Neville, 2012

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