14th March 1872
Last Will of Frederick Kack
Husband of Mary Sullivan
From records of Notary Edouard-Wilbrod-Panet Larue
No. 535
Quebec Archives Online

On this day the fourteenth of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy two, before the undersigned Notaries Public for the Province of Quebec residing in the City of Quebec, personally came & appeared Mr. Frederick Kack of the Parish of Valcartier, Farmer, who, in good bodily health and of sound and perfect mind, memory and understanding as it appeared to us said Notaries, desired us to write down and receive in due form of law his last will and testament which he published, made and dictated and named word for word unto us in manner & form following:

I will and direct that all my just debts be paid and satisfied by my executrix hereinafter named as soon as convenient after my decease.

I give and bequeath the three quarters of all my property generally whatsoever moveable and immoveable which I may die possessed of without any exception nor reserve untidy beloved wife Mary Sullivan to be by her enjoyed in full and absolute property from the day of my death, and the other quarter to be enjoyed by her in usufruct.

I do hereby appoint the said Mary Sullivan my wife Executrix of this my present last will and testament, hereby revoking and annulling and making void all the wills and codicils at any time by me heretofore made declaring the present to be my only true last will and testament.

I will and direct that the said one quarter of my succession comprising the usufruct  aforesaid of my wife be after her death divided in the manner following: a sum of forty dollars to belong and appertain to Margaret Ann Corrigan and payable unto her at the death of my said wife, and the remaining of the quarter aforesaid to belong and appertain in property and be divided amongst my nephews and niece following, viz., John Kack, Charles Kack, and Mary Ann Kack.

It was thus made, published, dictated and named word for word dicté et nommé mot pour mot by the said Frederick Kack Testator unto us the said Notaries  and afterwards the said will and testament having been read over and over again lu & relu to the said Testator by Mtre. Edouard Panet Larue one of the said Notaries in the presence of Mtre [Philipppe Huot] who assisted and was present all the time, he the said Testator declared that he had perfectly heard and understood the said Will and testament and persisted in the contents thereof a s containing in every respect his intentions and last will.

Thus done and passed at Quebec in the office of Edouard Panet Larue one of the undersigned Notaries, on the day & year above written under the number five hundred and thirty five of the original deed of record in the office of the the said Mtre. Edouard Panet Larue one of the undersigned Notaries the said testator having signed these presents together with the said Notaries after twice reading thereof as aforesaid in faith & testimony of the premises.

Fifteen words erased are null. Three marginal notes approved.

Frederick Kack, his signature;

Philippe Huot, N.P., his signature;

E. Panet Larue, N.P., his signature.

Transcribed by Gerald Neville,   April, 2011

Notes by Patricia Balkcom:  Frederick did not die until 1894, twenty-two years after this will was written, so it is possible that there is a later will.  It is hard to identify which nieces and nephews he was referring to as more than one of his brothers had children with these names.  I am also not sure who Mary Ann Corrigan was – as there were many women by that name.  However, he did have a grandniece by that name.  She was the daughter of Frederic Kack and Barbara Johnson and she was the wife of Patrick Corrigan.

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