18th December 1880 Last Will of Patrick Murphy (Husband of Eliza Seed) | Transcribed from the Notary Records of Charles Henry Andrews Number 2800 Quebec Archives Online |
On the eighteenth day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, at the request of Mr. Patrick Murphy, I the undersigned Notary duly commissioned and sworn and residing at the City of Quebec in the Province of Quebec went to his residence situate in the Township of Stoneham in the County of Quebec where being aforesaid the said Patrick Murphy sick in body but of sound mind who requested me the said Notary in the presence of William Tait and John Miller both of the said Township of Stoneham, to write down his last will and testament which he dictated as follows, viz.,
I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Eliza Seed the usufruct and enjoyment of all my property moveable and immoveable which I may die possessed. with the exception of my buckboard which I give unto William Craig hereinafter named, of during her natural life and at her decease I give and bequeath the whole of my property moveable and immoveable to William Seed & William Craig hereinafter mentioned of the said Township of Stoneham as their own absolute property.
And I hereby nominate and appoint William Craig and John Miller both of the Township of Stoneham to be my Executors of this my last will and testament in whose hands I will and divest of all my said property whom I direct and will that they shall pay over unto Anthony Clossen my servant my gray horse, the sum of twenty dollars unto Anne Jane Barret, unto Sally Barret thirty dollars, and unto Louis Barret the sum of fifteen dollars. Also I wish and direct that my said Executors shall support and keep during his natural life William Crangley according to their best opinion as to what is necessary for his benefit: also to pay to the Church of England in the said Township of Stoneham the sum of forty dollars and also the sum of forty dollars to the Roman Catholic Church of said Township and also the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars to the children of Samuel Seed deceased, viz.: Margaret Jane and Samuel – and which is at the present time paid by note held by me.
It was thus made, dictated an named by the said Testator unto the said Notary in the presence of me the said Notary and witnesses the present last will and testament having been read to the said Testator he declared to have heard and perfectly understood the same declaring it contained entirely his last will and testament.
Done and executed at the said Township of Stoneham on the day and year first above written in the residence of the said Patrick Murphy and recorded in the office of Charles H. Andrews under the number two thousand eight hundred. The said Testator having declared he could not sign his name on account [of] nervousness.
William Tait, his signature;
John Miller, his signature;
C.H. Andrews, N.P., his signature
Transcribed by Gerald Neville, May, 2011