30th July 1846
Last Will of Joseph Theberge
Husband of Catherine Landrigan, Mary Laveau and Mary Ann Keily

From records of Notary Cyrille Renaud
 No. 6107
Quebec Archives
Transcribed from the (in French) Original

The thirtieth day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, before me Cyrille Renaud, Notary residing in the Parish of St. Ambroise de la Jeune Lorette, undersigned, appeared Mr. Joseph Théberge, Constable, resident of La Tuque, who has requested me to receive his present true will which he has made as follows:

1º I declare that the house bought by me and at La Tuque was paid with the money belonging to Mary Ann Kiley [Keily] and I give and bequeath her the said house.

2º I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane all my moveable and immoveable property which I leave yo the charge to pay all my funeral and testamentary expenses, and masses for the repose of my soul according to the discretion of my Testamentary Executor hereinafter named.

3º I name for my Executor of my present will, Mr. Ludger Bastien of Loretteville, Manufacturer, and I revoke all previous wills and codicils made before this one.

Done and passed at Loretteville under Notarial Number six thousand one hundred and seven.

After the reading of this present will to the Testator by the undersigned Notary in the presence of Messrs. Jules Couture, Accountant, and Joseph Mauger, both of St. Ambroise, the Testator, the Notary and the witnesses have all signed in the actual presence of each other.

Five words struck out are null.

Joseph Théberge, his signature;

Jules Couture, his signature,

Joseph Mauger, his signature;

Cy. Renaud, N.P., his signature

 [Translated and transcribed by Gerry Neville]

Notes by Patricia Balkcom:  This will was written while Joseph was married to Mary Laveau, however, she is not mentioned in the will – I believe because they were separated.  He married Mary Ann Keily in 1939 after Mary had died.  The daughter mentioned – Jane, who was 14 at the time of the will, was his youngest child from his marriage with Catherine Landrigan (died 1903).  One would think that there is a much later will.

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