Document Date: 1829-1833
Transaction Type: Land Grants
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D1476-7
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: Cuolchan, Davidson, Mills, Hartigan, Billing, Abraham, Cassin, Bethel, Monaghan, Imrie, Brown, Crawford, Ward, White, Todd, Miller, Fitzpatrick, Johnston, Sweeney, Plamondon, Hogan, Sauders, Synott, Calback, Switzer, Davis, Berry
List of the land grants made in the manor St. Gabriel 1829-1833, including the name of the purchaser, the date of the act and the size of the plot.
(Beneath pictures see my transcription)
I have found some indication in notary records that the above list may not be complete. For example, I have found that James Rourke received Lot #23 in the 4th concession (3 by 30) on 25 May 1829 and Jean Pacquet received a lot on 12 July 1829. An arpent is equal to about 192 English feet = about 58.47 metres. A lot that was 3 by 30 arpents is equal to about 76 acres.
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