Document Date: September 14, 1830
Transaction Type: Submission of Expenses
Quebec Archives # E21 S64 SS5 SSS6 D1337
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: L’Heureux, Giroux, Sebastian, Maguire, Brown, Brooks, Pageot, Sweeney, Houghton, Abraham, Imrie, Partilow, McKinley, Abraham, Cassin, Gillespie, Finley, Roark, Perse, Dalrymple, Whyte, McCune, Bell, Hartley, Brooks, Munro, Chamberland, Armstrong, Whitfeld, Adams, Irvine, Macnaught, McCallum, Fassin, Ecuyer, Henderson, Methot, Price, Dorion, Besset, Pugeot
List of costs incurred in the construction of the oat mill Valcartier Saint-Gabriel lordship, compiled by Louis Panet, agent Jesuit Estates, between 1 July 1829 and 1 June 1830. –
The document includes the following names: Louis L’Heureux for lime; Louis Giroux, mason; Jean-Baptiste Sebastien for lime; John Maguire for mining tools; William Brown, overseer; George Brooks, labourer; Charles Pageot (Pajot, Pageau) Sweeney and tools for Houghton, James Abraham, laborer, John Inrie, daily; Peter Partilow, labourer; Andrew McKinley, labourer, John Abraham, labourer; Denis Cassan, labourer; and Gillespie and Finley stones; James Roark for lumber; Joseph Perse for the purchase of his land for the mill – receipt at W. Campbell, notary; John Dalrymple as a salary for miller; Mrs. Paine Whyte, labourer; David McCune, labourer; Hon. Matthew Bell for iron; Lawrence Hartley for measuring minots; George Brooks, labourer; Archibald Munro, laborer, John Chamberland, labourer; John Armstrong for iron; G. Whitfeld for nails; J. Adams for calculating masonry; Irvine, Macnaught for iron; Louis Giroux, for masonry; D. & C. McCallum for lumber and coal; F. Fassin (?)joiner; Benjamin Ecuyer, Surveyor; John Henderson, J. K. Methot, William Price, P. Dorion, John Besset, J. Pugeot.
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