Document Date: March 04, 1817 and April 25, 1825
Transaction Type: Petition
Quebec Archives # E21 S66 SS3 SSS6 D095 and D1106
Transcriber: Patricia Balkcom
Surnames Mentioned: Thomas, Patrick, James and Michael Goff
“To the Honorable Commissioners, nominated and appointed to Concede, distribute, and lay out the (cidevant) Jesuits Property, now Crown Lands.
The Memorial of Thomas Goff, Soldier in His Majesty’s Late 4th Roy. Vet. Battalion.
Humbly Sheweth:
That Memorialist, having truly and faithfully served His Majesty upwards of eleven years, by which he humbly begs leave to represent to your Honors that he hopes he is entitled to some Lands in this Province for his past services,
That it appears that there are Lands now to be granted and conceded in the Seigniory of St. Gabriel.
Wherefore Memorialist humbly begs that your Honors may be pleased to grant and Concede unto him two lots of land in the said Seigniory subject to the Rents, Laws, and Regulations that the other Tenants are to Pay, and are required to observe. Said Lots being three arpents french measure perpendicular Breadth of thirty arpents in Depth. And Memorialist as is Duty Bound will ever pray.
Signed – Thos. Goff
Quebec 14th March, 1817″
Comments: In a later petition (1821), Thomas states that he and his family came to Quebec in 1818, so it’s possible that he sent this petition from Ireland. Also, son, Edward, was baptised in July of 1817 in Ireland. Currently, I have not found any documents that responded to this petition.
“To the Honourable, the commissioners for Managing and improving the Estates heretofore belonging to the late order of Jesuits.
The Humble petition of Thos. Gough, Patrick Gough, James Gough, and Michael Gough.
Humbly Sheweth
That your petitioners were born in the town of Dundalk in the parish of Dundalk in the county of Louth and the Kingdom of Ireland and that the said Thomas Gough, Patrick Gough and James Gough are by trade, stonemasons, and that said Thomas Gough is father to the above named Patrick Gough, James Gough and Michael Gough, besides three smaller children and a wife to support and further says that He (Thomas Gough) with his family landed in this country in the year 1818 in hopes of obtaining land as a future residence for himself and his family and understanding that there is land to be put under survey in the Seigniory of St. Gabriel in the month of May (text is unreadable may say next ?).
They, (the said Thomas Gough, Patrick Gough, James and Michael Gough) Humbly hope that the Honorable the commissioners will grant them each a lot of the aforesaid land when surveyed as it is absolutely necessary for them to be as near as possible to the town of Quebec for the purpose of following their trade. They also pledge themselves to the Honourable, the commissioners that they will make an actual and permanent settlement of land if granted and as is duty bound your petitioners…even pray.
April 25th 1821″.
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