At a General Election of the municipal Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eighth day of the month of January 1883, at the home of William Billings at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. after Public notice having been given in conformity with Article 292 of the Municipal Code. John McBain, presiding officer. The meeting being opened by the presiding Officer, stating the reason for which it was called.

It was proposed and moved by William Billings, seconded by William McBain and resolved that the following persons be Councilors instead of those Councilors retiring – Namely, Charles Jack and Michael Corrigan. The meeting having been kept open for one hour and no Poll being demanded, they were de­clared duly elected

John McBain, Presiding Officer


William B. McBain Joseph Hicks Francis Ireland

Patrick Welsh        Curtis Brown   Michael Corrigan

Charles Jack


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at the usual place of meeting on Monday the fifth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the hour of two of the clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which session were present Mr. William McBain, Chairman, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan and Charles Jack, forming a quorum of said Council.

First – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that Francis Ireland be named and appointed Mayor for the ensuing year. Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack, that William McBain be Chairman of this meeting.

Third – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all parties who are in arrears of the fifteen-cent assessment to pay in immediately.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do give Michael McClory, Road Inspector notice to have his division of road as road Inspector put in good repair, to be scraped and made level and to have the remaining portion of it balezed.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

W. B. McBain, Chairman John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which session were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors William McBain, Joseph Hicks, Michael Corrigan and Charles Jack, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order that all who are in arrears of the fifteen-cent assessment that their names be sent in to Mr. Andrews Advocate for collection.

Second – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. do give Public Notice that at the next monthly meeting it will be taken into con­sideration and a by-law passed for the maintenance of the road and fence leading to the bridge over the Jacques Cartier River in the Third Concession of the aforesaid Municipality.

Third – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twelfth day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors Messrs William McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan and Charles Jack making a quorum a full meeting.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to make out all who are in arrears of the fifteen-cent tax and send their accounts in to Mr. Andrews for collection.

Second – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor


At a special of the Local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held at the usual place of meeting on the thirty-first of the month of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the hour of two of the clock P.M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which session were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors William McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan and Charles Jack, forming a full meeting under the Presidency of the Mayor.

According to the powers vested in this Council by Article 561 of the Municipal Code, it is hereby ordained and enacted and we do hereby ordain and enact as follows a by-law for the purpose of retailing of spirituous within the Municipality be approved of:

First – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack that there shall be no license granted within the Municipality for the retail of spirituous liquor – For the motion – Hicks, Jack Walsh. Against the motion W. McBain, Corrigan and Brown.

The Mayor voted for the main motion.

Second – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh, that the Sec. of this Council is hereby authorized to give Mr. Ireland an order to the Sec. of the County Council to redeem the land of Charles Brown in his name instead of the Council. Passed unanimously.

Third – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order that the foregoing Parliamen­tary Voters List be accepted and approved of.

Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown that this Council do now adjourn until the sixteenth day of the month of April next.

Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order that the prohibitory by-law for the retailing of spirituous liquor within this Municipality be annulled and retailing be maintained.

Francis Ireland, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At an adjourned meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel, held on Monday the sixteenth day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. H. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; present at this session were Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors William McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Michael Corrigan and Charles Jack, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that the Sec. Treas. be ordered to pay Francis Ireland the money due to him by this Council.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do notify all the Road Inspectors to have the summer roads opened for the first of May and to get the summer roads put in repair for the summer season.

Third- Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that Arthur McBain’s Certificate to sell strong liquor as tavern license be accepted and approved of Passed unanimously.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that Councilor Charles Jack be appointed to go along with the Mayor to see Mr. Nelson to make arrangements concerning the main­taining the road from across his land leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that the Sec. do notify Curtis McBain, Road Inspector, to have the joint labor road and fence put in good repair that’s leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier by giving Public Notice and selling it to the lowest bidder.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor Councilors William McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown and Charles Jack, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that Curtis McBain’s Certificate be accepted and approved of Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do give Mr. Ninteau and Mr. Gauthier notice to either come and take out their Certificate or stop selling strong Liquor.

 Third- Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Curtis McBain, Road Inspector, the SUM of five dollars and thirty for the maintaining of the winter road round the lake and the road leading to the bridge last winter.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of July, one Thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec.

At which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor. Councilors Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, William McBain, Charles Jack and Michael Corrigan, forming of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First- Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that John McBain, Sec. Treas. be named and appointed as Special Superintendent to make a visit on Mrs. McGill’s front road and make a report to this Council and draw up a Proces Verbal for the maintenance of the drains along said front road.

Second- Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Joseph  Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Patrick King, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road as Road Inspector, put in good repair immediately , if not he will be sued according to law.

Third – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order James McBain, Road Inspector, to get two feet, three inches deals put along each side of the horse-walk across the Mill Bridge, between the Third and Fourth Concessions by giving eight days Public Notice and sell it to the lowest bidder as it is in a dangerous state at present.

 Fourth – Moved by Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

(No signatures)


At a special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Wednesday the eleventh day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of four o’clock P. M. according to the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor. Councilors Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown and Charles Jack. The two Councilors absent, William McBain and Michael Corrigan having got notice of said meeting and what was to be taken into consideration at the meeting.

First – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order by law that a special assessment of twelve cents per hundred dollars be levied on all taxable real estate in the third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality or to say from the River Jacques Cartier to the Lake of the Round Mountain for to pay for the repairing of the Mill Bridge over the Mill Brook.

Second – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order by law that a general assessment of seven cents per hundred dollars be levied on all taxable real estate in the Municipality to defray the following sums and expenses of the Council.

Ist – For the building and Jury Fund for the current year ­                   $12.oo

­2nd- For repairing the fence leading to the bridge over the River

Jacques Cartier –                                                      $10.00

3rd – For rent of house for Council Sittings                                         $ 8.00

4th – for Secretary Treasurer                                                               $25.00

Total amount –                                                                                       $55.00

Third – Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that the Sec. do give William Billings, Rural Inspector, notice to go and inspect the fence leading to the bridge and make his report to the Council concerning said fence.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Sec. do give Michael McClory, Road Inspector, notice to get the road in his Division put in good repair immediately .

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order that Mr. Arthur Wolff and John Billings be named and appointed auditors for this Municipality in the stead of Mr. James Hicks who has left the Municipality.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Charles Jack and Michael Corrigan under the Presidency of the Mayor. The said meeting having been called for the purpose of having a hearing of the ratepayers of this Municipality.

First – Concerning the new road running along Mr. Henry Hick’s land and Curtis Clark’s land to the First Concession so that the Council might ascertain their views in regard to the said new route through the Second and Third Concessions, within this Municipality which has been partly made by the Government under the conductorship of the Rev. Mr. Riople. The Council after having heard all parties for and against the said route and finding that with few exceptions they all object to any work thereon for the reason they’re all too much burdened with roads already and that the said route is not going to be of general utility to the 1st and 2nd Concessions who would have to make use thereof.

Therefore this council has come to a unanimous conclusion to appoint and delegate by a resolution has named and appointed William McBain Esq., J. P. as such delegate, to proceed to Quebec and to try and see the Honorable Commissioner of Public Works and Agriculture to try and obtain from him a copy of the petition presented to him on behalf of the said road, as well as a copy of the Deed from Mr. Henry Hicks for the road in question and all other information he may think necessary for the benefit of the Council.

Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that David McCartney be named and appointed Road Inspector, for Division No.1, leading to Stoneham from Valcartier instead of Francis Patton, he having left the Municipality and that the Sec. do give him notice to have the road put in repair immediately.

Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Thomas Lavallee, Road Inspector, to have the front road across John Neil’s and James Montgomery’s lands put in good repair immediately, if not he will be sued according to law.

Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


a list of the Parliamentary Voters for the Municipality for St. Gabriel Valcartier.

Aikens Alexander

Adams James

Brown Charles (stricken, resides in Quebec)

Billings Curtis

Billings Thomas, sr.

Billings Thomas, jr. (stricken off)

Billings John

Billings William

Brown Curtis

Brown John (stricken off, resides at Beauport)

Bedard Edward

Boyd John

Culleton Thomas (stricken off)

Cassin Thomas

Cassin Edward

Corrigan Michel

Clark Curtis

Clark John

Dacres Thomas

Doiron Luke

Douglas John (stricken off)

Eliot George

Goodfellow Robert

Gauthier Felix

Gough Patrick

Hicks Joseph

Hicks Henry, jr.

Hicks James (stricken off)

Hicks Alfred

Hornby William

Harriot Joseph

Hornby John

Hicks Henry, sr. (stricken off)

Ireland Francis

Ireland Hopper

Johnston James

Jack Charles

Jack James (resides in Little River)

Kiely Simon

Knox John

Knox Walter

King Patrick

Keck Patrick

Keck Joseph

Landrigan Andrew

Levallee Thomas

Levallee John

Loughran James

Loughran Thomas

Leddy John

McBain Benjamin

Martin James

Martin Francis

McBain William, sr.

McBain William, jr.

McBain Arthur

McBain Thomas

McBain Thomas Scott

McBain John

McBain James

McNicoll Alexander

McNicoll George


McNicoll Gregor

McNicoll Abel

McClory Michel

McClory Phillip

McCartney James

McCartney David

McMullin Robert

McBain Curtis

McGlone James

Montgomery James

McGill William (stricken off)

McClory Ferdinand

Mr. McGratty Rev.

Neilson William

Nantan Jeramiah

Neil John

O’Farrell Rev. (stricken off)

Patton Henery

Patton Francis

Penny Thomas

Rev. Riopel

Ross Robert (resides in Little River)

Ross Robert, jr.

Rolph James

Smith William, sr.

Smith William

Thompson John, sr.

Thompson John, jr.

Thompson rreorge

Wolff Charles, sr.

Wolff Charles, jr.

Wolff George

Wolff Arthur

Wolff Ritchard (not sure )

Whillins William

Welsh Patrick

Robertson James


At an adjourned Special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the Friday, seventeenth day of the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of six o’clock P. M. Present Messrs Joseph Hicks, Charles Jack, Patrick Welsh, William McBain, Michael Corrigan and Curtis Brown, forming a quorum of said Council. Meeting convened by an adjournment.

First – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that Councilor Joseph Hicks be Chairman at this meeting, the Mayor being absent.

Second – Moved by Councilor Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that the Secretary is hereby authorized to draw up a petition to be presented to the Honorable, the Commissioner of Public Works and Agriculture, giving the Council power to close the new road on the lands of Messrs Henry Hicks and Curtis Clark in the second and third Concessions, it being against the wishes of a large Majority of the ratepayers to retain it as a Public Road. The motion having been the following is the vote it is as follows: For closing the road – Charles Jack, Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan, Patrick Welsh, William B. McBain.

Chairman is in favor of retaining the road



To the Honorable, the Commissioner of Public Works and Agriculture


According to a resolution of the Council of this Municipality at a Special Meeting this day, it has been resolved that a petition should be sent to the Commissioner of Public Works and Agriculture, praying to grant the power to this Council to close the new road on the lands of Messrs Henry Hicks and Curtis Clark, through the Second and Third Concessions.

All the Councilors present are in favor of closing the aforesaid road, with the exception of the Chairman, Mr. Joseph Hicks.

Those in favor of closing the road are as follows, Viz. Councilors

C. Jack, Curtis Brown, Patrick Welsh, Michael Corrigan and Wm. Brown McBain. Wherefore, in accordance with the powers vested in you, the Honorable Commissioner, by 42, 43 Vict. Chap. 9, Sec. 3, this Council humbly solicit that you will grant us the power to close the said road from being a Public Road, it being with few exceptions the wish of the ratepayers of this Muni­cipality.

Joseph Hicks, Chairman

John McBain, Sec. Treas.

Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that t this Council do r1ow adjourn.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the third day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors William B. McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh and Charles Jack, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor .

First – Moved by Councilor William B, McBain, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that t the Report and Proces Verbal on the drains along the road across Mrs. McGill’s land be now accepted and approved of and that the amount of four dollars be paid by Mrs. McGill and Michael McClory in equal shares for the expenses of the aforesaid Proces Verbal.

Second – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that the Sec. do not pay James McBain his account for repairing the Mill Bridge until he swears to it.

 Third- Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality

Held on the fifth day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor in the Chair Councilors William B. McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welsh, Charles Jack, Curtis Brown, and Michael Corrigan, making a full meeting.

First – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify Carl Wolff, Road Inspector, to give Alexander Aikens notice before the first day of December, to have his share of road fence along the road across Mrs. Issac Aiken’s land put in good repair the fifteenth day of June 1884.

Second – Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify Mr. Gauthier and Mr. Nantan to either present to the Council their petitions and the full amount of six dollars each, along with said petition before the fifteenth day of this present month for the retailing of spirituous liquor, if not they will be sued according to law.

 Third- Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council order that all the winter roads within this Municipality be laid out without any change from last winter and that the Sec do notify all the Road Inspectors, to have all the joint labor roads sold by giving eight days notice.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to make out all the accounts of who are in arrears of the Special and General Assessment and send them in to Mr. Andrews, Advocate for collection.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality held on Monday, the third day of December one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P.M.

in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which session were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor in the Chair Councilors William B. McBain, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Welch, Charles Jack and Curtis Brown, under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor and resolved that this Council do order that John McBain, Sec. Treas. be named and appointed as special superintendent, to make visit on the new road between the third and Fourth Concessions along the land of Messrs Henry Hicks and Curtis Clark and John Thompson sr. and to make a report to the Council and to draw up a Proces Verbal for to provide for the maintenance of said new road and to leave it ready to lay before the Council at their next monthly meeting which will take place on Monday the seventh day of January 1884.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council do order John McBain, Sec. Treas. to send Mr. Nantan a letter from Mr. Andrews, Advocate, either to come forward with his petition and take out his certificate for selling strong liquor or stop selling it, if not he will be sued.

Third – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Charles jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality held on Monday the seventh day of the month of January , one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Joseph Hicks, William B. McBain, Patrick Welsh, Charles Jack and Curtis Brown and Michael Corrigan, making a full quorum under the Presidency of the Mayor.

Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that the foregoing report and Proces Verbal be homologated and approved of in the following manner according to Article 753 with the following amendment of 41 & 42 Vict. Sec. 29 – Parties who have shares of fencing along the discontinued road, shall have the right of removing said fencing within fifteen days from the closing of the road to maintain the aforesaid resolution of Councilors McBain and Jack- Councilor Curtis Brown, Councilor Michael Corrigan, Councilor Joseph Hicks. Against said resolution Councilor Patrick Welsh.

Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor Charles

Jack and resolved that this Council do order that Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, be Presiding Officer at the elections for Councilors on Monday the fourteenth day of the month of January 1884.

Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolve~ that the Sec. Treas. do give notice to sell the new road leading to the First Concession from the road between the Third and Fourth Concessions.

Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Ireland, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general election of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier by the electors held on Monday the fourteenth day of the month of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the house of Mr. William Billings at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. for the purpose of electing three Municipal Councilors for this Municipality instead of three Councilors going out of office, namely – Mr. Francis Ireland, Joseph Hicks and William B. McBain. Moved by Mr. Henry Hicks, seconded by Mr. Alfred Hicks and resolved that the following men be Councilors for this Municipality instead of the aforementioned gentlemen, Namely- Mr. William McBain J. P. Curtis Billings and Mr. James Rolph. Passed unanimously.

Francis Ireland, Presiding Officer

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the twenty-fourth day of the month of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. Convened by Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor and Councilor Patrick Welsh for the purpose of electing in a Mayor for this present year and to take the Proces Verbal of the new road leading to the First Concession from the road between the third and Fourth Concessions in consideration. Present Mr. Francis Ireland, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Charles Jack, William McBain and James Rolph, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor. Curt Billings having tendered his resignation on account of not being two years out of office, laid over till next meeting.

First – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that Councilor William McBain be Mayor for this Municipality for the ensuing year. Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded  Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourth day of February at the usual place of meeting in the year One thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Curtis Brown, Charles Jack, James Rolph, and Francis Martin, having been named and appointed and has taken the Oath of office as Councilor do now take the chair as such.

First – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that Mr. Curtis Billings resignation be accepted and we do name and appoint Mr. Francis Martin, Councilor in his room and stead. Passed unanimously.

 Second- Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that John McBain, Sec. Treas. of this Council is hereby named and instructed to go to the department of Agriculture and Public Works and obtain for the information of this Council, copies of the following petitions and papers that was presented to the Department by Rev. Riopel, with the names of the parties who signed the same. Likewise such documents as was presented to the Department by the Rev. Riopel, H. Crawford and Dr. Govreau at whose instigation a Delegate was sent out to visit the road now in question, also with the signatures of the parties attached thereto as well as a copy of the report of the Delegate who visited the old and new road.

Third – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality held on Monday the third day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan Francis Martin and James Rolph making a full meeting.

First – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that the advice of F. W. Andrews, Advocate, be got on the following questions:

First. Could the County Council amend the Proces Verbal as they have done when no amendment was petitioned for, they claiming them power to do so by Article 932 of the Municipal Code.

2nd. Does not the amendment by binding all the Municipality to have shares in said road, make all the Council interested and leave them no power to act.

3rd. Can the local Council take any further action with regard to the said Riopel Road, either to amend the Proces Verbal or to close said road.

4th. Can the Council appeal to the Circuit Court against the amendment of the County Council.

Second – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that the following men be named and appointed as Valuators, Road Inspectors, Rural Inspectors and Pound Keeper .

Road Inspector, in room of James Johnston, – Luke Doiron.

In room of Patrick Gough – Jaramie Nantan.

In room of Curtis McBain – Robert McMullin.

In room of James McBain – Thomas McBain.

For the ten-lot road – Alexander Aikens.

In room of Thomas Lavallee – James Adams.

In room of David McCartney – Charles Wolff, Jr.

In room of Michael McClory – James Robertson.

Rural Inspector – John Billings.

Pound Keeper – John Liddy.

Auditors – John Neil and Arthur Wolff.

Passed unanimously.

Third – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

John Thomson Patrick King

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this

Municipality of St Gabriel de Valcartier held on the seventh day of April one thousand eight hundred and eighty four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P.M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal code of the province of Quebec. At which session were present Mr. Wlll1am McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan, Charles Jack and James Rolph, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the  Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by councilor Charles Jack and resolved that      has been accepted and approved of after being audited by Messrs John Neil and Arthur Wolff, Auditors. Adopted.

 Second- Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved this Council by by-law that a General Assessment of nine cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all taxable real estate in this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Council for the current Year.  Adopted.

Third – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify all the Road Inspectors who have not taken the Oath of Office to take their Oath Immediately, if not they will be sued before a Justice of the Peace. Adopted.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order that Thomas McBain, Road Inspector to have the joint labor fence leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier put in repair by giving eight days Public Notice and selling to the lowest bidder.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that Councilor Charles Jack and Councilor Francis Martin be appointed to go along with the Mayor, Mr. W. McBain to Quebec to confer with the Hon. P. Garneau and the Commissioner of Public Works in regard to the road known as Mr. Riopel’s Road.

Sixth- Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that the Sec. do notify the Roa1 Inspectors to have the roads opened on or before the 25th of this present month of April 1884.

Seventh – Moved by Councilor James Rolph, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown .and resolved that this Council do hereby bind themselves to pay John McBain the sum of thirty-five dollars per year for his services as Sec. Treas, the year commencing first of March 1884. Adopted.

Eighth – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor James Ralph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm.McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the fifth day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. at which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor. Councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Charles Jack and Francis Martin, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Curtis Brown and resolved that Mr. Alexander Aikens has presented a certificate from Dr. Gauvreau, that he is not able to perform the duty of Road, Inspector, that he is hereby relieved of the same office of Road Inspector and that Mr. John Clark is hereby named and appointed as Inspector of the road leading from the Roman Catholic Church to Mr. Walter Knox’s in room and stead of the said Mr. Alexander Aikens .

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify Mr. Luke Doiron, Road Inspector, to see to the repairs of the bridge on the road that crosses the land of Mr. George Eliot as soon as the water falls, so as that he can get to work at it that is the road leading to the Ferry.

Third – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that as the Proces Verbal for the road (route ) along the lands of Thomas Billings and Curtis McBain, leading to the road between the third and Fourth Concessions from the road between the First and Second Concessions is not forthcoming and cannot be got, that this Council do hereby Order that in accordance with Article 826 and 827, that it be put in good repair and maintained in conformity with said Articles until a Proces Verbal is made for to describe how such road (route) shall hereafter be maintained and that the road Inspector is to be instructed to have said road maintained as herein directed.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that the Sec. do notify all Road Inspectors to cause all roads under their control to be put in good repair without delay.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Curtis brown and resolved that the Sec. do try if he can obtain the Proces Verbal of the old road to the First Concession from the Department of Agriculture

and Public Works against next meeting and if not there to write to Mrs. Cassin and see if she has it.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of June, one thousand Eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor, councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Curtis Brown, Charles Jack and James Rolph forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that Mr. John Thompson, Road Inspector, be instructed to have the road route from the road between the First and Second Concessions to the road between the Third and Fourth Concession and fencing likewise put in good repair without delay in conformity with the repartition now in existence

Second – Moved by councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Patrick Welch and resolved that this council do order the sec to notify the valuators of this Munic1.pality to make out a new Valuation Roll and deposit in into the office of the Council on or before the 20th day of this present month of June 1884 to be drawn up in accordance with the Provisions of the Municipal Code and its amendment.

Third – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that hereafter and from the conformation and publication of this resolution which is as follows Viz. That the Inspector on the line of road from the place known as Murphy’s Rocks up to and across the lands in the Fief St. Ignace till the lands of Thomas Cassin, shall collect all road and joint labor moneys in the Fifth Concession and pay the same over to the Road Inspector of the Fifth Concession when ordered by the Sec. of the Council.

Fourth – Moved by Councillorship Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. WM. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh, Charles Jack, Michael Corrigan, Francis Martin and James Rolph, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that John Thompson, Road Inspector, be authorized to cause the old joint labor fence leading to the road between the Third and Fourth concessions to the First and Second Concessions within this Municipality to put in immediate repair.  Passed  unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to give Public Notice to all interested parties on the road leading to the Township of Stoneham across Mr. Thomas Billings land that there will be a meeting of the Council held on Monday, the twenty-first of the present month of July 1884, to take said road into consideration as Mr. Thomas Billings maintains that he is overburdened by the aforementioned front road and amend the process -verbal that provides for the maintenance of said road as the Council has had a letter from Mr. Gibson, Advocate, with a threat to sue for that portion of road being out of repair.

Third – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Francis martin and resolved that the Sec. do give Public Notice to all interested parties on the road leading to the First Concession along the land of Thomas Billings and Curtis McBain that there will be a meeting of the Local council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the lst day of the present month of July 1884 at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P”M” for to take said road into consideration and make a new process verbal for to provide for the maintenance of said road as the old process verbal is not forthcoming.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor

Patrick Welsh and resolved that Mr. Thomas McBain, Road Inspector, be ordered to have the joint labor leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier put in good repair immediately as it is in a dangerous state at present as well as all the roads under his control.

Moved by Councilor Patrick Welsh, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of the Month of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four at the usual place of meet­ing at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which  meeting  were prevent Mr. William McBain, Mayor, Councilors Messrs Curtis Brown, Charles Jack, Francis Martin and James Rolph, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

F1rst – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. do notify the Municipal council of St. Catherine’s that they have hereby named and appointed the Rural Inspector, Mr. John Billings as well as Councilors Charles Jack and Francis Martin as Delegates from this Council to visit the road that you have complained of being flooded with water from certain lands within this Municipality to report to this Council if the said water is from regular water courses or is merely water that flows as surface water which flows thereon. And this council solicits that your Council will likewise appoint Delegates to meet our Delegates and give them notice of the day, hour and place they will meet for such visit, so that each Council may have a report of their proceedings.  Passed unanimously.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that John McBain, Sec. Treas. be appointed as Special Superintendent, to draw up a new Proces Verbal to provide for the Maintenance of the old road leading from the First Concession to the Fourth Concession, on account of the old process Verbal not being forthcoming and to have it drawn up for the next monthly meeting which will be held on Monday, the first lay of the month of September l884. Adopted

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of the month of December one thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Curtis Brown, Michael Corrigan, and Charles Jack, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that the minutes of the meeting which was held on Monday the third day of the Month of November last having been read, we do now adjourn there being nothing before the meeting.

Wm. Brown, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on the fifth day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock p. M. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Curtis Brown, Patrick Welsh, Michael Corrigan, Charles Jack and James Rolph, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that this Council do name and appoint James Rolph as Presiding officer to preside at the election for Municipal Councilors on Monday the twelfth day of this present month of January 1885, at the hour of ten o’clock P. M. the two Councilors retiring are Mr. Curtis Brown and Patrick Welsh. Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor Michel Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to buy a new scraper for the Third and Fourth Concessions and that a Special Assessment

of three cents per hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property

in the Third and Fourth Concessions to pay for the aforesaid scraper, leaving out nine lots along the river in the Third Concession.

Third – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a General Election of the Municipal Electors of the Municipality of Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twelfth day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the house of William Billings at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. after Public Notice having been given in conformity with article 292 of the municipal code. James Rolph presiding Officer stating the reason for which it was called.

It is proposed and moved by Charles Jack, seconded by Arthur McBain and resolved that Mr. William Smith be named and appointed Municipal councilor for this Municipality in the room and stead of Mr. Curtis Brown.  Adopted.

It was moved and proposed by Charles Wolff, seconded by John Billings and resolved that Mr. George Thompson be named and appointed Municipal Councilor for this Municipality in the room and stead of Mr. Patrick Welsh.


James Ralph, Presiding Officer


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of

St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. at which meeting were present Mr. William, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, James Rolph, William Smith, Michael Corrigan and George Thompson making a full meeting of the Council. Mr. George Thompson and Mr. William Smith having taken the Oath of Office as Councilors for the Municipality of St. Gabriel Valcartier, we now proceed to elect our Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that this Council do name and appoint Councilor W111iam McBain Mayor for this Municipality for the ensuing year.  Adopted.

MR. William McBain having taken the Oath of Office as Mayor of this Municipality for this present year 1885, we now proceed to business.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Francis

Martin and resolved that this Council do approve of the foregoing process Verbal, dated the 22nd of January 1885, which provides for the maintenance of the old road leading to the First Concession with the following amendments: That the Proces Verbal for the new road leading to the First Concession which took place of the present process Verbal be annulled and all other by-laws and process Verbals concerning said road null and void.

Against the foregoing resolution, Councilors George Thompson and Councilor James Rolph.

Third ~ Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that the report of five Councilors which was appointed make a visit on Mr. Thomas Billings front road leading to the Township of Stoneham be approved of and that Mr. Thomas Billing do get his front road on north side of his land that is next to Mr. James and David McCartney. Adopted.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality held on the second day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, William Smith, Michael Corrigan and George Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by councilor George Thompson, seconded by councilor Charles Jack and resolved that whereas the petition of Appeal being laid before the council concerning the process Verbal for the old road leading to the First concession from the Third Concession, dated the 22nd day of January 1885 id was read by the Mayor and nothing else brought before the Council, the council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held within this Municipality on Monday the thirteenth day

Of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of one o’clock P. M. Convened by Mr. William McBain, Mayor and Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, James Ralph William Smith and George Thompson, for the purpose of levying a general tax all the real taxable property within this Municipality for to defray the debt of the Council for the year ending the 30th of April 1885. Councilor Michael Corrigan having got notice of the meeting stating what was to be taken to consideration at said meeting in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, James Ralph and George Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, according to the powers vested in this council by Article 489 of the Municipal Code of the Province of  Quebec.

First – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor James

Rolph and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. do draw up by-law to levy a general assessment of fourteen cents on the hundred dollars all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of de­fraying the debt of the Council for the year ending the 30th day of April, 1885.

Second – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify Mr. Luke Doiron to have the bridge over the brook which discharges into the River Jacques Cartier at the foot of Mr. Walter Knox’s Hill, put in repair by the parties who are bound to do the same, if not have it done and charge it to them.

Third – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourth day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the our of two o’clock, P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal ode of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, James Rolph and William Smith forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify  all  Road Inspectors within this Municipality to have all the roads and fences under their jurisdictions each in their own District, put in good repair on or before the first Day of June next.

Second – Moved by Councilor James Ralph, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the Sec. of this Council is hereby instructed to notify all parties within this Municipality who keep stores within that they  to refrain from selling spirituous liquors to any parties coming from Lorette and more especially to refrain from selling intoxicating liquor to any party or parties on the Sabbath Day; in failure of complying with this notice, their names will be sent to the Revenue Inspector.

Third – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly Meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality

of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the first day of the month of June, 1885 at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, William Smith and George Thompson, a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do give Public Notice to the interested parties that there will be a Special Meeting of the Council held for to take into consideration the drawing up of a new Proces Verbal for the old road leading from the First Concession to the road between the Third and Fourth concessions along the lands of Mr. Thomas Billings and Mr. Curtis McBain and appoint a Special Superintendent to draw up the aforesaid Proces Verbal soon as he gets an answer from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, how to proceed with the e same, the old Proces Verbal having been lost.

 Second- Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, sec. treas.


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St.

Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 12th day of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two “clock P. M. convened by resolution of the Council for the purpose of appointing a Special Superintendent to draw up a new Proces Verbal for the old road leading from the First Concession to the road between the Third and Fourth concessions and all the Councilors having received Special Notice of the meeting stating what was to be taken into consideration at said meeting and also public Notice has been given to the interested parties.

First – Moved. by Councilor William Smith and seconded by councilor George Thompson and resolved that Councilor Charles Jack be Chairman at this meeting the Mayor being absent. Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that Mr. David B. McCartney be named and appointed as special Superintendent to draw up a new Proces Verbal for the old road leading from the First Concession to the road between the Third and Fourth Concessions and to have it drawn up and laid before this Council on or before the 25th of the present month of June 1885. Adopted.

Third – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Charles Jack, Chairman

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of

St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the first day of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting, at the hour of two o’clock P. M. according to the provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor, councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, James Ralph and George Thompson forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that John W. Thompson, Road Inspector, is hereby authorized to have the First Concession route road which is under the jurisdiction as Road Inspector, repaired as cheap as he possibly can and forward his account, the Sec. Treas. and to have the route fence on Curtis McBain’s side put in repair by such parties as has shares thereon, and in accordance with the partition now existing on the route leading to the Third and Fourth Concesions. Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to pay Mr. John W. Thompson, Road Inspector the amount of one dollar for repairing Mr. Carl Wolff’s share of joint labor road leading from the First Concession to the Third and Fourth Concessions and that the Council do hold recourse against the aforesaid Carl Wolff for the same. Adopted.

Third – Moved by councilor George Thompson, seconded by councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the third day of the month of August one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal ode of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Francis Martin, Charles Jack, James Rolph, William Smith and George Thompson, forming of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – The advice of Mr. Bedard, Advocate, having been read before the Council and accepted, concerning the water drain in St. Catherine’s, we now proceed to business.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that Mr. John Leddy do get the repairing of the route fence along his side of the road leading from the First Concession to the third and Fourth Concessions, that is along his side of the road as far as his land runs to the line between the third and Second Concessions for this summer for the amount of eight dollars and he holds himself responsible for all damages which his cattle may do through said fence by his neglect.

Third – Moved by Councilor James Rolph, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all the road Inspectors whose divisions of roads are obstructed by brush along the sides of the road, to have it brushed and made clear so as to let the road dry up and give a chance to repair said roads.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor, Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the account of John W. Thompson, Road Inspector, for pairing the road leading from the First Concession to the Fourth Concession accepted and that the Sec. Treas. do pay the amount of ten dollars as soon as there are funds.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that in consequence of Mr. David McCartney’s failing to comply with the resolution of this Council appointing him Special Superintendent to make a Proces Verbal drawn up for the maintenance of the old road Leading from the First Concession to the Fourth Concession along the lands of  Thomas Billings and Curtis McBain, that this Council do order that John McBain, Sec. Treas. be named and appointed as Special Superintendent to draw up the aforementioned Proces Verbal in the room and stead of Mr. David McCartney.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and  resolved  that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


… and resolved that all the winter roads throughout this Municipality I laid out without a further change from last winter with the exception that part of the road across the lots situated in the Third Concession of this municipality, that is, leading to Walter Knox’s to be laid out on the ??? instead of by the river.

Third – Moved by Councillor William Smith, seconded by Councillor James Rolph ,d resolved tha t this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain , Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the MUnicipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventh day of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘ clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions the MUnicipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present . William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councillors messrs Charles Jack, Michael Corrigan, James Ralph. William Smith and George Thompson forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor .

First – Moved by Councillor Charles Jack, seconded by Councillor James Rolph ~ resolved that in conformity with Article 535 of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec that the by-law No 8, providing for the maintaining of the by-roads, routes and public bridges within this Municipality be now accepted and approved of. For said resolution – Councillor Corrigan

First the foregoing resolution – Councillor S~ th and Councillor Thompson.

Second – Moved by Councillor James Rolph. seconded by Councillor Charles Jack

– resolved that this Council do order by by-law that the amount of fifteen cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of liquidating the debt of the aforesaid Council for the current year.

– Moved by Councillor Charles Jack. seconded by Councillor James Rolph

Resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain. Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. at which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Michael Corrigan, Francis Martin, James Ralph and George Thompson forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that the latter part of the section of the Proces Verbal dated the 28th day of the month of August 1883, which directs how the drain across the land of Widow McGill and along the front road of said land should be maintained, the words stating that a ditch should be cut across the road on Michael McClory’s front, adjacent to the line of Division between the land of McGill’s and his property is hereby repealed and it is hereby ordered and amended as follows: That the ditch along the present road of Mrs. McGill property shall be sunk of a sufficient depth to carry off all water that may flood from her land into said ditch and to make a ditch across the said road near her barn so that all of the said water may run by the hollow below said barn. Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify all the road Inspectors within this Municipality to have all the joint labor road within this Municipality sold for the winter season and the Sec. Treas. to sell the road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier.

Third – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Michael Corrigan and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the second day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Francis Martin, James Rolph, William Smith and George Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the Secretary of this Council is hereby directed to send the valuation of the property and the names of the parties who are entered in the Deed of Agreement to assist in taking the water off the road leading to Shanahan’s Ferry in the Parish of St. Catherine’s and let the said Secretary Bernard collect the amount of $12.35 as this Council has no power to force or compel our Sec. to collect the aforesaid amount.

Second – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that all the winter roads throughout this Municipality be laid out without any further change from last winter with the exception of that part of the road across the lots situated in the Third Concession of this Municipality, that is, leading to Walter Knox’s to be laid out on the hill instead of by the river.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor James Ralph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventh day of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors messes Charles Jack, Michael Corrigan, James Ralph, William Smith and George Thompson forming a qorrum under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that in conformity with Article 535 of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec that the by-law No 8, providing for the maintaining of all the by-roads, routes and public bridges within this Municipality be now accepted and approved of.   For said resolution – Councilor Corrigan

Against the foregoing resolution – Councilor Smith and Councilor Thompson.

Second – Moved by Councilor James Ralph, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order by by-law that the amount of fifteen cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of liquidating the debt of the aforesaid Council for the current year.

Third – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor James Ralph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. ~Bain, Mayor

John McBain, Sac. Treas.


 At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the fourth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Michael Corrigan, Francis Martin, James Rolph and George Thompson, making a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o`clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor the Chair, Councilors Messrs Charles Jack, Michael Corrigan. Francis Martin, James Rolph and George Thompson, making a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that resolution No. 7 which was passed at a meeting held on the seventh day of the month of December 1885, accepting and approving of a by-law which was to provide for the maintenance of all the by-roads and public bridges throughout this Municipality be annulled.

Second – Moved in amendment by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by councilor James Ralph that Section No. 1 of the by-law No.8 shall remain in force and that Section two and three is hereby repealed.

For the resolution of amendment, Councilors – Martin, Ralph, Corrigan and Mr. William McBain, Mayor.

Third – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that Councilor James Rolph be Presiding Officer at the Election of Councilors on Monday the eleventh day of this present month of January 1886.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Michael Corrigan, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Wm. McBain, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the first day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘ clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. William McBain, Mayor in the chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, Francis Martin, Thomas Dacres and Simon Coyley forming a quorum of said Council.

First – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that Councilor Thomas Dacres be Mayor for this Municipality for the current year.  Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the resignation of William McBain Esq., Mayor of this Municipality be accepted and that William B. McBain is hereby appointed in his stead as Councilor for this Municipality.  Adopted.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith and seconded by Councilor Simon Coyley and resolved that this Council do order that the Sec. Treas. notify the Road Inspectors along the line of road between the Third and Fourth Con­cessions and James Adams in the Fifth Concession to have the roads under their control as Road Inspectors put in good repair immediately and James Robertson also in Roush plat to have his Division put in good repair and scraped as law directs, if not they will be sued.  Adopted.

Fourth – Moved by Compiler William Smith, seconded by Councilor Simon Coyley and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to give Public Notice that the by-road leading to the Township of Stoneham through Roush plat within this Municipality will be taken into consideration at a Special Meeting of the Council of this Municipality which will be held on Monday the fifteenth day of this present month of February 1886 at the usual place of meeting at hour of three o’clock P. M.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice and sell to the lowest bidder the furnishing and erecting the flooring and railing on the Mill Bridge over the Mill Brook, between the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality.  Adopted.

Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of the month of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present ­Councilors Messrs Thomas Martin, William Smith, George Thompson and William McBain forming a quorum of the Council.

First – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor William and resolved that Councilor Francis Martin be Chairman at this meeting, the Mayor being absent.  Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that the following men be named and appointed as Road Inspectors, valuators, Rural Inspectors, Auditors and Pound Keeper, each according to their own divisions.

First – Carl W. Wolff in the room and stead of Jeremiah Nantan.

 Second- John McCoubrey for the old road leading from the lst Concession. Third- Patrick Welsh instead of Luke Doiron.

Fourth – Benjamin McBain instead of Thomas McBain.

Fifth – John Hamby instead of Robert McMullin.

Sixth – David Hamilton instead of John Clark.

Seventh – Ferdinand McClory instead of James Adams.

~Eighth – Patrick Keck instead of James Robertson.

Lewis McBain instead of Charles Wolff.

Valuators – Francis Pat ton, Thomas Lavallee and John Boyd.

Rural Inspectors – Alfred Hicks, John Leddy. The latter John Leddy- Pound Keeper

Auditors – John Neil and Patrick Gough.


Third – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Mayor to present to the County Council at a meeting which will be held on Wednesday the twelfth day of March instant, a notice that this Council will hold the Council of the County of Quebec responsible for the road leading to the township of Stoneham through Roush Plat within this Municipality for their neglect as it remains under their control.

Moved by Councilor William McBa1n, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Martin, Chairman John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of

St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on the fifth day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’ clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs James Rolph, William Smith, William McBain and George Thompson forming a quorum of said Council under the pre­sidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that Mr. Patrick’s Welsh’s resignation be accepted on account of only being one year out of office as Councilor and that Mr. William Knox be named and appointed Road Inspector in his room and stead and that t Arthur McBain be named and appointed as Road Inspector instead of Lewis McBain.

Second – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do now order by resolution that twenty-eight cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property in the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality for the purpose of paying for the repairing of the Mill Bridge and building a new roller. Adopt,

Third – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do agree to pay Mr. William Billings, the sum of eight dollars for the use of the house for the Council for the current year.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor James Ralph, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do agree to pay John McBain the sum of thirty-five dollars for his service as Sec. Treas. for this year ending the twenty-eighth day of February 1887.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor James Ralph and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all those who are selling strong liquor within this Municipality to take out their certificate or to stop selling without further notice.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded By Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meet at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William McBain, James Ralph, George Thompson, Francis Martin and Simon Coyley forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the  Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor James Rolph, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that Mr. Ferdinand McClory be sued before William McBain J. P. for refusing to act as Road Inspector and that the Mayor Mr. Thomas Dacres be ordered to proceed accordingly to this resolution. Adopted

Second – Moved by Councilor James Rolph, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all who are in arrears of the General Assessment to pay in immediately, if not they will be sued according to law.

Third – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify , Patrick Keck, Road Inspector, to have the drains along the front road at Mrs. McGill’s land deepened so as to carry away the water off the road.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor James: Rolph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John  McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present  Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Francis Martin, William Smith, James Ralph, George Thompson, Simon Coyly and William B. McBain a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do order that John McBain, Sec. Treas, be named and appointed Special Superintendent to draw up a new Proces Verbal, for the old road leading from the First Concession to the Third and Fourth Concessions along the lands of Messrs Thomas Billings and Curtis McBain and to draw up said Proces Verbal and have it laid before the Council at their next monthly meeting which will be held on Monday the fifth day of the Month of July 1886.

Second – Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Pub: Notice that the Valuation Roll for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier will be revised at the next monthly meeting which will be held on the fifth day of the month of July next at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith and seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify Mr. Welsh the Agent for the Nielson Property, formerly known as McConoley’s Mills to have the bridge near Mr. Walter Knox’s house put in repair immediately.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that Mr. William Billings and Mr. Andrew McCartney be appointed to inspect the Mill Bridge.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the Sec. do notify Mr. John McCoubrey, Road Inspector to have the joint labor road and fence leading from the first Concession to the Third and Fourth Concessions put in good repair immediately according to the old repartition. George Thompson  opposed to said resolution.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify Mr. Alfred Hicks, Road Inspector to measure the joint labor fence along the joint labor road leading from the First Concession to the Fourth Concession, through the Third Concession and give to Mr. Curtis McBain and Mr. John Leddy  an equal share of fence along said road and the public to have equal to one fence half on each side of the road.

Seventh – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that the Sec. do notify all the Road Inspectors within this Municipality to have all the roads under their control put in good repair.

Eighth – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor James Ralph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres,  Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fifth day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal: Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Francis Martin, James Ralph, William Smith, Simon Coiley, William McBain and George Thompson, making a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do name and appoint Mr. David McCartney to and inspect bridge over the River Jacques Cartier along with what  ever may be appointed by the Council of St. Gabriel West and make a report to this Council concerning the state of said bridge and about what the costs would be to repair the aforementioned bridge.  Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor William McBain seconded by Councilor William­

Smith and resolved that the foregoing Proces Verbal for the old road leading from the First Concession to the Third and Fourth Concessions, dated the 29′ of June 1886. be approved of and homologated as it is now drawn up with the following amendment – That the said road and fence be laid out by repartition, as heretofore each to have their share according to the land they hold and according to Article 783 of the municipal Code. Councilor Simon Coiley, against said resolution.  For said resolution Councilors F. Martin, J. Roll W. Smith, W. McBain and George Thompson and Thomas Dacres, Mayor.

Third – Moved by Councilor James Ralph, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on the second day of August, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, William McBain, Francis Martin and George Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the pre­sidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to have an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning an account presented to this Council by the firm of Mr. Andrews on the case of George Richardson and the Corporation for the amount of $36.96

Second – Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to pay to Mr. Patrick Keck the sum of $5.00 for repairing the road to the Township of Stoneham. To be paid under protest.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.

Moved by William McBain, seconded by George Thompson and resolved that the foregoing list of Electors for the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Val­cartier be approved of.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Francis Martin, James Ralph, William B. McBain and Simon Coiley, forming a quorum of said

First – Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and resolved that the foregoing repartitions for the old road leading from the First and Second Concessions to the Third and Fourth Concessions along the land of Mr. John Billings and Curtis McBain, dated the third of September 1886, be now approved of and homologated.  Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor Simon Coiley and resolved that this Council do not pay any damages to Mr.John Billings which he requires on account of the Public Fence being out of order.

Third – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor James

Rolph and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to give Public Notice and sell to the lowest bidder the contract of building a stone culvert across the road at the foot of the hill on Mr. Fairchild’s property and to fill up the place where the bridge is and make it level with the road on both sides The stone culvert to be eighteen inches high and eighteen inches wide and twenty feet long the road to be covered with sods where the fresh sand is put to keep it from running away.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William

B. McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary to notify

Mr. Patrick Keck, Road Inspector, to have a fence along the road across Mr. Michael Corrigan’s property at the bank of the river put up and that he do order Mrs. McGill to deepen the drain along her road and make a drain so as to let the water pass down by her barn.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor James Rolph, seconded by Councilor Simon Coiley and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John .McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Councilor the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Francis Martin, James Rolph, William Smith and William  McBain, under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that by by-law of the Council as follows that the sum of twenty cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real taxable property within this Municipality as a General Assessment to defray the sums and expenses of the administration of this Council for the year 1886.

 1st- For repairing the joint labor fence and road leading to Jacques Cartier river and  round the lake                                                                       $6.50

2nd – For removing the bridge on same road & filling drain up              14.00

3rd – For jury tax                                                                                  12.00

4th – For Court House                                                                            17.00                                                   

5th – For repairing the road in Rush Plat                               5.00


6th- Proces Verbal and repartition for the road from the First and Second Concessions to the Third & Fourth Concessions                                    10.00

7th – For the house for Council                                                             8.00

8th – For Secretary Treasurer                                                              35.00

9th – For Bedard, Advocate                                                                   10.00

lOth – For Andrews on Ritchardson case                                               36.00

11th – For the County Council for this year                                            4.50

Total amount                                                                                          158.00

Second – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William B. McBain and resolved that the Sec. Treas. draw up a copy of the Proces Verbal and Repartition for the old road leading from the First Concession to the Third and Fourth Concessions and give them to Mr. John McCoubrey, Road inspector, and notify him to have the road and fence put in good re­pair immediately.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor William B. McBain and resolved that the Sec. do give Mr. John McCoubrey, Road In­spector to collect the money for repairing the winter road last winter from the First and Second Concessions, which was sold for thirty-two cents, each lot in the First and Second Concessions which was bound by the old repartition and also by a by-law passed by this Council on the seventh day of December 1885.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a special meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eighth day of the Month of Novem­ber, 1866, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened by the Sec. Treas – Present Mr. Francis Martin, George Thompson, William Smith and James Rolph, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Chairman, the absent Councilors having got notice of said meeting.

First – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that Mr. Councilor Francis Martin be Chairman at this meeting, the Mayor being absent.

Second – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order that the roads through this Municipality be laid out without any change from last winter and that the Road Inspectors do sell the joint labor roads by giving eight days, Public Notice.

Third Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Francis Martin, Chairman


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St.

Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the fifteenth day of the month of December, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Francis Martin, William Smith, James Rolph and William B. McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Mr. John McCoubrey, Road Inspector, to sell the joint labor road leading from the First and Second Concessions to the Third and Fourth Concessions which is under his control as Road Inspector for the maintenance for the winter season by giving eight days’ notice that the Mayor is authorized to sue him for neglect of duty before Mr. William McBain, J. P. Adopted.

Second – Moved by Councilor William B. McBain, seconded by Councilor Francis Martin and adopted that this Council do name and appoint Mr.  William Billing and Mr. Charles Wolff to inspect the drain which Mr. James Jack filled up on the road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier and make a report to this Council as soon as possible.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor James Rolph and resolved that this Council do order the Mayor to take the by-law that was passed last year for the maintenance of the winter roads to Mr. Bedard, Advocate, and have his opinion concerning the collecting of the money for keeping the road leading from the First Concession Last winter and if he can force Mr. John McCoubrey, Road Inspector, to collect said money, to give it in the hands of Mr. Bedard to sue him for refusal to collect the money.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor James Ralph, seconded by Councilor William Smith and adopted that this Council do order William Knox, Road Inspector to see Mr. James Martin for his share of money which he owes for the keeping of his share of joint labor road last winter.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Francis Martin, seconded by Councilor William B. McBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of the Month of January  one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, William McBain, James Rolph and George Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this council do order that twelve cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real taxable property in this Municipality as a Special Assessment to pay this Municipality’s share for repairing the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier; it being the amount of ninety-five dollars and forty-eight cents to be levied as a direct tax.

Second – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William McBain and resolved that this Council do order Mr. Benjamin McBain, Road Inspector, to make a change on the road leading to the River Jacques Cartier to cause the Contractor to maintain the road leading to the old Ferry instead of the road leading to the bridge.

 Third- Moved by Councilor William McBain, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At an election of the ratepayers of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the tenth day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the house of Mr. William Billings at the of ten o’clock A. M. for the purpose of electing three Municipal Councilor for this Municipality in the room and stead of the three which are going out of office.

Moved by Mr. William B. McBain, seconded by Mr. John Billings, that the three following men be Councilors for this Municipality in the room and stead of the three going out of office, namely: Messrs David B. McCartney, James Johnston and Thomas S. McBain. Passed unanimously.

John McBain, Presiding Officer.


I do hereby certify that the three above mentioned Councilors, namely: Messrs David B. McCartney, James Johnston and Thomas S. McBain, has taken the Oath of Office as Councilors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier.

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provision of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were pres Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, George Thompson, Simon Coyley, David B. McCartney and James Johnston, form­ing a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Coiley and resolved that Mr. Thomas Dacres be Mayor of this Municipality for this year 1881.

Second – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Coiley and resolved that this Council do accept the petition of Mr. Walter Knox, Thomas Billings and others asking to be liberated of a portion of joint labor road in the Second Concession and it will be taken into consideration at the next meeting of this Council which will be held on Monday, the seventh day of the month of March 1887.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor Simon Coiley and resolved that the Council do order the Sec. to notify the Auditors to take the oath of Office and have the books audited for the next meeting which will be held on Monday, the seventh day of the month of March next.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions

of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, Simon Coiley, George Thompson, David B. McCartney, James Johnston and Thomas S. McBain, making a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor .

‘First – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do object to pay the sum of twenty-­one dollars which has been demanded by Mr. James Macher for damages done to his cart and harness near the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier, the ;rounds for objections are that Mr. Benjamin McBain, Road Inspector, over that portion of road, took three men along with himself and examined the said road and his report was that the road was perfectly good at the time that the accident occurred.

Second – Moved by Councilor Simon Coiley, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order that Mr. Benjamin Brown be named and appointed Auditor for this Municipality in the room and stead of Mr. John Neil which refuses to act on account of being reappointed.

 Third Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that on account of a petition signed by Mr. Walter Knox, Thomas Billings and others of the First and Second Concessions of this Municipality has been laid before the Council asking a change on the line of road through the said 1st and Second Concessions and as on account of the Proces Verbal which is now in existence providing for the Maintenance of said road do not mention how the route on said line of road has to be maintained or by whom it has to be made by and that this Council do order a Proces Verbal to provide for the maintenance of the above mentioned road from the River Jacques Carter to the line of Division between St. Gabriel de Valcartier and St. Ambrose.

Fourth- Moved by councilor William Smith, seconded by Simon Coiley and resolved that this Council do order that John McBain, Sec. Treas. be named and appointed as Special Superintendent to make a visit on the road which runs through the first and Second Concessions, from the River Jacques Cartier to the line between St. Gabriel de Valcartier and St. Ambrose and make a report to this Council and draw up a Proces Verbal and to have it drawn up for the next monthly meeting which will be held on Monday, the fourth day of April next.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Simon Coiley, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to write to Mr. J. E. Fortier and tell him that there are not any such person as Miss Anney Murphy in the Asylum at Beauport from the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier. Adopted.

Sixth – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do name and appoint Mr. Thomas Cassin and Mr. James Loughran, to go to the County Council along with the Mayor concern­ing the Roush Plat road.

Seventh – Moved by Councilor David  McCartney seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourteenth day of the month of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight-seven at the usual place of meet­ing at the hour of two o’clock P. M. Convened by Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor and Councilor David B. McCartney for the purpose of reconsidering the re­solution which was passed on the seventh day of the month of March instant, ordering a Proces Verbal to be drawn up to provide for the maintenance of the road which runs from Mr. Walter Knox’s house in the second Concession, through the said Second Concession and the First Concession of this Municipality to the line of Division between the Municipalities of St. Ambrose and St. Gabriel de Valcartier and also the appointment of the Superintendent. Present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, Simon Coiley, George Thompson, David B. McCartney, James Johnston and Thomas McBain, making a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that resolution No.3 which was passed on the seventh day of the month of March instant, be amended and that this Council do order the Proces Verbal be drawn only from Mr. Walter Knox’s house on lot No.73, in­stead of from the River Jacques Cartier.

Second – Moved by Councilor Simon Coiley, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that Resolution No. 4 which was passed on the seventh day of the month of March instant be amended and that this Council do order that John McBain, Special Superintendent do draw the Proces Verbal only from Mr. Walter Knox’s house on Lot No.13 in the Second Concession instead of from the River Jacques Cartier.

Third – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of the month of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meet­ing at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, George Thompson, James Johnston and David B. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that this Council do approve and homologate the Proces verbal drawn up by John McBain, Special Superintendent, dated the second day of April 1881, providing for the maintenance of the line of road running through the First and Second Concessions from Mr. Walter Knox’s house on Lot No. 13 to the line of Division between the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier and St. Ambrose with the following amendment: That all the prop­rietors and occupiers of land from the River Jacques Cartier to the line between Mr. John Thompson, sr. and Patrick Welsh in the First Concession to the line between Thomas Billings and the late Timothy Shantry do make the joint labor along or between Thomas Billings and Shantry and all the proprietors and occupiers of land south east of the aforementioned Division lines of Billings and Shantry, Thompson and Welsh, the line between Francis Ireland and Richard Watt do make that portion of the joint Labor along the land of John W. Thompson in the second Concession and that a repartition be drawn up according to Article 183.

Second – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the expenses of the Proces Verbal and repartition be paid by the occupiers of land in the First and Second Concessions of this Municipality.

Third – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Mr. John McCoubrey, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road and fence as road Inspector, put in good repair as soon as it is possible after the ground is fit for working.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor  David  McCartney and resolved that this Council do order the Mayor to sue all who are in arrears of taxes before William McBain, J. P.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of the month of June One thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, George Thompson, Simon Coiley, David E. McCartney, James Johnston and Thomas S. McBain, making a full meeting of the Council.

First Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do notify the Valuators of this Municipality to make out a new Valuation Roll and have it ready for the next monthly meeting which will be held on Monday, the fourth day of the month of July next and that the Sec. do buy a book to enter the Valuation Roll in.

Second Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that the Sec. do notify all the Road Inspectors within the Municipality to have the roads and fences put in good repair immediately.

Third Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do order by by-law, seven cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real ratable property within this Muni­cipality for to pay for the current year.

Fourth Moved by Councilor Simon Coiley, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


Public Notice is hereby given that at a General Monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth ( ? ) day of June 1887, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor, councilors Messrs William Smith, George Thompson, Simon Coiley, James Johnston, Thomas S. McBain and David B. McCartney, making a full meeting of the Council Whereas it has been ordained and resolved by by-law of the aforesaid Council: that a General assessment of seven cents on the hundred be levied on all real: taxable property within this Municipality for to pay the Jury Tax, the repair the fence and road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier and the road leading from the First Concession and other expenses of the Council And that the Collection Roll of this Municipality is now made out and is now in the office of the Council and all persons whose names appear thereon are notified to pay to me at my office at my house, the sum set opposite their names within twenty days from the date of this notice.

Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, l5th June, 1887

John McBain, Sec. Treas.

of the M.C.


At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the fourth day of the month of July, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, George Thompson, Simon Coiley, James Johnston, David B. McCartney and Thomas S. McBain making a full meeting of the Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Coiley and resolved that this Council do adjourn until Friday, the eighth day of July Inst. at the hour of two o’clock P. M.

MUNICIPALITY OF ST. GABRIEL DE VALCARTIER, held on Monday (?) the eighth day of the month of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, was held an adjourned meeting of this Municipality at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. At which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the chair, Councilors Messrs Simon Keily, William Smith and George Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved by Councilor Simon Keily, seconded by Councilor William Smith and resolved that John McBain, Sec. be named and appointed to go with Ferdinand McClory to measure and lay out the share of joint labor fence and road along Mr. James McCartney’s land in the Fifth Concession.

Second – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that the Sec. Treas. do give Public Notice that the road leading to the place known as McGuire’s Ferry be closed from being a Public Road, commencing at Mr. Walter Knox’s house.

Third – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that the Sec. do give Mr. Carl Wolff, Road Inspector, notice to request these which holds land opposite to Mr. Francis Patton’s land in the First Concession to repair their share of front road.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that the Mayor be ordered to notify Mr. Gregor McNicoll to pay Mr. Patrick Keck, Road Inspector, the sum of three dollars and fifty cents for repairing his front road, if not he will be sued.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor Simon Keily, seconded by Councilor David B. McCartney and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions

of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs William Smith, George Thompson, Simon Keily, David B. McCartney, Thomas S. McBain and James Johnston making a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

First – Moved Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do agree to pay Mr. Simon Keily the sum of three dollars to repair the bridge on Mr. Thomas Cassin’s front road in the Fief St. Ignace.

Second – Moved by Councilor David. McCartney, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to borrow the sum of sixteen dollars to pay Mr. John McCoubrey, Road Inspector, for repairing the joint labor road and fence leading from the First Con­cession to the Fourth Concession, running through the Second and Third Con­cessions.

Third – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor George Thompson and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. to notify all parties who are debted to the Council for repairing their shares of joint labor road and fence leading from the First Concession to the Fourth, running through the second and Third Concessions to pay the sum opposite their names to the Sec. Treas. within fifteen days from the date of their notice and if not paid according to said notice, to be handed over to Mr. Bedard Advocate for collection.

Fourth – Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor David. McCartney and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all parties who are in arrears of taxes to pay in without delay, and if not to be handed over to Mr. Bedard, Advocate, for collection.

Fifth – Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor David B. McCartney and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres Mayor

John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventh day of the month of November, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions

of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Simon Keily, William Smith, David B. McCartney, James Johnston and Thomas S. McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

1st – Moved by Councilor William Smith, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that all the winter roads throughout this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier be laid out for this winter of 1887 and 1888 without any change from last winter with exception of that portion of road between the Third and fourth Concessions, that is, from the north side of Alfred Hicks gate to the line between Thomas Lavallee and George Richardson to be laid out across Thomas Lavallee’s fie ld as heretofore to meet with the road in the Municipality of St. Ambroise. Adopted.

2nd – Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor – John McBain, S. T.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs George Thompson, James Johnston, Thomas S. McBain and David B. McCartney forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

 1- Moved by Councilor George Thompson, seconded by Councilor David B. McCartney and revolved that John McBain, Sec. Treas. be named and appointed as Presiding officer for the coming Election for Municipal Councilors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, which will be held on Monday the ninth day of this present month of January 1888, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. Passed unanimously.

2 – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a General Election of the Municipal Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the ninth day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, at the house of Mr. William Billings at the hour of ten o’clock A. M.

1 – Moved by David. McCartney seconded by Charles Jack and resolved that Messrs Curtis Billings and Charles Jack be named and appointed as Councilors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier in the room and stead of Messrs George Thompson and William Smith, their time having expired.

John McBain, Presiding Officer


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of the month of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Messrs  Charles  Jack, David B. McCartney, Thomas. McBain and Curtis Billings forming a quorum of said Council.

 1- Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billings and resolved that Councilor Charles Jack be chairman at this meet­ing, the Mayor being absent.

2- Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor, be reelected Mayor for the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the year 1888.

3- Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Charles Jack, Chairman John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of the month of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Councilors Messrs David B. McCartney, Simon Keily, Charles Jack and Thomas S. McBain, forming a quorum of said Council.

1 – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that Councilor Charles Jack be Chairman at this meeting the Mayor being- absent.

2 – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that the following men be named and appointed Road Inspect< Valuators, Pound Keeper, Auditors, and Rural Inspector, each according to their Divisions, Namely:

Hopper Ireland instead of Carl Wolff, from George Thompson’s to the line be­tween St. Ambrose and Valcartier.

Patrick King instead of John McCoubrey for the road leading from the First Concession to the Fourth Concession.

James Martin instead of William Knox, from Mr. Knox’s house to George Thompson

Feilix Normin Gauthier, instead of Benjamin McBain, from the river to William Smith’s gate.

Richard Smith, instead of John Horn by, from William Smith’s line to Richardson’s line.

Herbert Wolff, instead of David Hamilton for the ten-Lot road.

Andrew Brown, instead of Fardnand McClory, from Murph’s Rocks to the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions.

Joseph Keck, instead of Patrick Keck, for Roush Plat.

James McCartney for Stoneham Road, instead of Arthur McBain.

Valuators – John W. Thompson, Edward and James Brown.

Rural Inspector – Andrew McCartney.

Pound Keeper – Curtis McBain.

Auditors – Benjamin Brown and Robert Hill.

111 – Moved by Councilor David McBain, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that the Sec. do notify Mr. Thomas Dacres, to furnish the Council with a contract for the maintenance of the winter road through the Fifth Concession.

lV – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keilly and resolved that this Council do agree to pay Robert McMullin his account as soon as he furnishes the Council with a detailed account giving each man’s account, separate and to certify to the same.

V – Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor David B. McCartney and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Charles Jack, Chairman John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meet1ng of the Local council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the second day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity y with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the chair, Councilors Messrs David B. McCartney, Charles Jack, and Curtis Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor.

1 – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billings and resolved that the Sec. do notify Herbert Wolff, Road Inspector, to give notice to all who ape has shares of fence on the joint labor road known as the ten-lot road to have their shares of fence put in good repair on or before the fifteenth day of June next.

11 – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and resolved that the Council order the Sec. to give Public Notice and sell to. the lowest bidder, the erecting of a new fence along the joint labor road leading to the bridge over the River Jacques Cartier, that is from the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions to Mr. Nelson’s gate, to be built with cedar pickets and cedar foot-pickets, to be all peeled, rails to be round, rails to be goo1 sound wood, one tamarack pin in each pair of pickets and one good wire on each pair, to be four railings high and to stand inspection, to contractor to have the old fence.

111 – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billings and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas nacres, Mayor John McBain, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the seventh day of the month of May, one thousand eight hundred~ and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs Simon Keily, David B. McCartney, Thomas S. McBain and Curtis Billings under the presidency of the Mayor.

1- Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billings and resolved that by by-law of this Council that twenty cents on the hundred dollars be levied on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of paying the following amounts:

Due by the aforesaid Council up till the seventh day of this month of May 1888

1- For the County Council                                                   $42.26

2 – For Bedard, Advocate                                                            $30.24

3 – For the winter road leading from the First Concession $5.00

4 – For the winter road leading to the bridge River J. C. $5.39

5- For house for Council                                                    $8.00

6- For scraper                                                                             $1.50

7 – For Secretary Treasurer                                             $$35.00

8 – For Jury tax                                                                 $139.00

For making a new fence leading to the bridge                   $18.00

 Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Mr. James Martin, Road Inspector, to have his division of road as Road Inspector, opened out for the carts on Monday, the I4th day of the Present month of May 1888, and to have the money collected for George Thompson, Contractor for the road running across Mr. John W. Thompson’s field, if not he will be sued according to law.

111 – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to borrow 25 dollars for to pay the County Council for 1887.

IV – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that this Council do now accept of John McBain’s resignation from being Secretary Treasurer and that George Thompson be named and appointed as Secretary Treasurer in his room and stead and that said John McBain be liberated from his services on the first day of June 1888.

V – Moved by Councilor Curtis Billings, seconded by Councilor David B. McCartney and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

John McBain, Sec. Treas. Thomas Dacres, Mayor.


At a general monthly Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Tuesday the third day of the Month of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two  o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec. At which Meeting were present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Messrs David  McCartney, Simon Keily, Curtis Billings, Charles Jack, James Johnston and Thomas S. McBain, making a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor.

lst – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that the aforesaid agreement with George Thompson be Accepted by this Council.

2nd – Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that this Council do order the Secretary Treasurer to notify all the Road Inspectors within this Municipality to have all their Divisions of road and fences as Road Inspectors put in good repair within eight days from this date and bridges also.

3rd – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do name and appoint David B. McCartney to go along with James McCartney, Road Inspector, to measure and layout the joint labor road leading to the Township of Stoneham and draw up a repartition for said road.

4th – Moved by Councilor James Johnston, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

George Thompson, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de, held at the usual place of meeting on Monday the third day of the month of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the hour of two P. M. in conformity with the municipal Code of Quebec, at which meeting were Present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Curtis Billing, Thomas S. McBain, Charles Jack, David B. McCartney forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

lst – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order Patrick King, load Inspector, to put the road and fence in good repair which leads from the lst to the 3rd & 4th Concessions, being his Division of road and fence under his control and to bill the said party who are in default.

2nd – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Andrew Brown to collect the balance of the money due the contractor of the Fifth Concession road for last winter.

3rd – Moved by Councilor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify all who are in arrears to Council, in default of settlement to hand their accounts over to Mr. William McBain, Justice of the Peace for collection.

4th – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

George Thompson, Sec. Treas.


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday, the 11 day of the month of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. Convened by George Thompson, Sec. Treas. to take into consideration a letter from the Revenue Inspector – an action taken against Council by John Billing. Present Mr. Thomas Dacres, Mayor in the Chair, Councilors Charles Jack, Simon Keily, Curtis Billing, David B. McCartney forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

lst – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to go to town to Mr. Bedard, Advocate to have an advice on a letter from the Revenue Inspector.

2nd – Moved by Councilor Simon Keily, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor

George Thompson, Sec. Treas.


At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St.

Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the l8th of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o ‘clock P. M. convened by George Thompson, Sec. Treas. to take into consider­ation an answer from the Revenue Inspector concerning Arthur McBain. Present Councilors Charles Jack, David B. McCartney, Simon Keily, Curtis Billing and Thomas S. McBain.

lst – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that this Council do order that Councilors Simon Keily and Curtis Billing do go and search Mr. Arthur McBain’s house to see if they can find any spirituous liquors under his possession and to find out if he is ~ng sale of the same which they done and found nothing.

2nd – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily and resolved that Councilor Charles Jack be Chairman at this meeting, the Mayor being absent.

3rd – Moved by Councilor Simon Keily, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice that persons found selling intoxicating liquors within this Municipality without license will be sued according to law.

4th – Moved by Councilor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councilor Simon Keily an1 resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Charles Jack, Chairman

George Thompson, Sec. Treas.


At a Special meeting of the Local Council of the Ml1nicipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 19th day of the month of November, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 o’clock P. M. convened by Councilor Charles Jack and David B. McCartney to layout the winter roads within this Municipality. Present Councilors Charles Jack, Curtis Billing, Thomas S. McBain, James Johnston, Simon Keily and David B. McCartney, forming a quorum under the presidency of ~. Charles Jack, Chairman.

lst – Moved by Thomas S. McBain, seconded by James Johnston and resolved 1 this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to sell the road leading from the 1st to the Fourth Concession of this Municipality for the winter repairs in the absence or Patrick King, Road Inspector of that Division.

2nd – Moved by Curtis Billing, seconded by David B. McCartney and resolved that this Council no now adjourn.

Charles Jack, Chairman George Thompson, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 7th day of the Month of January one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of Quebec, at which meeting were present Councilors Masers Simon Keily David B. McCartney, James Johnston, Thomas S. McBain and Charles Jack, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

lst – Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Charles Jack and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to pay Felix Gauthier, the sum of two dollars for the repair of the road leading to the bridge over Jacques Cartier River within this Municipality and it is further ordered that the Sec. Treas. is to pay Mr. Thomas Dacres the sum of $1.85 for a trip to Quebec.

2nd – Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that this Council name and appoint Charles Jack, Pre. siding Officer for the coming Election on Monday the l4th of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the hour of ten o’clock, A. M. for the purpose of electing Councilors in the room and instead of Mr. Simon Keily and Thomas Dacres for this Municipality.

3rd. Moved by Councilor David B. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

Thomas Dacres, Mayor


At a General Election of ratepayers of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 14th of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the home of William Billing at the hour of ten o’clock A. M.

Moved by Mr. David B. McCartney, seconded by Curtis McBain, that Mr. Michael McClory and Patrick Welsh be named and appointed as Municipal Councilors in the room and stead of Messrs Thomas Dacres and Simon Keily For this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier.


A t a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality ~ St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the fourth day of February , one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at the, hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Councilors Messrs David B. McCartney, Patrick Welsh, Curtis Billing, Thomas S. McBain, James Johnston, Michael McClory, Charles Jack.

lst – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that Councilor David B. McCartney be Chairman at this meeting

2nd – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Patrick Welsh and resolved that Mr. David B. McCartney be Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.

3rd – Moved by Councilor Charles Jack, seconded by Councilor Patrick and resolved that Council do accept John Billing as surety for the Secretary Treasurer.

4th – Moved by Councilor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councilor Patrick We and resolved that this Council do accept the sum of $400.  as surety for the Secretary Treasurer.

5th – Moved by Councilor James Johnston, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and resolved that this Council do now adjourn.

David B. McCartney, Mayor

George Thompson, Sec. Treas.

I the undersigned, George Thompson, certify that I have administered the Oath of Office to Councilors Messrs Patrick Welsh & Michael McClory, on the fourth day of the month of February 1889. And likewise Mr. David B. McCartney as Mayor for the ensuing year.

George Thompson, Sec. Treas.


At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of the month of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two o’clock P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Mr. David B. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Curtis Billing, Charles Jack, James Johnston, Thomas  S. McBain, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.

lst – Moved by Councilor Thomas S. McBain, seconded by Councilor Curtis Billing and re80lved that Felix Gauthier be discharged from his duty as Road Inspector and Robert Goodfellow be named and appointed in his room instead.

2nd – Moved by Councilor Curtis Billing, seconded by Councilor James Johnston and resolved that this Council do name and appoint Arthur Wolff and James Jack Auditors for the ensuing year and further ordered that the Sec. Treas. notify the aforesaid Auditors to meet the Councilors on Monday, the first day of April1889 at the usual place of meeting of the Council at the hour of two o’clock P. M. and also to notify John McBain to attend said meeting to hand over any documents which he may have in his possession.

3rd – Moved by Councilor Curtis Billing seconded by Councilor Thomas S. McBain and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify Thomas Dacres to return the Municipal Code which he has in his possession, belonging to the Council, and it is further ordered that the Sec. Treas. is to purchase a book for to enter some items. It is further or1ered that the Sec. Treas. is to pay Hopper Ireland the sum of one dollar for labor done on the first Concession road.