At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Montgomery, Curtis Brown, Jno. Hornby & Henry Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council do order Curtis McBain, Rural Inspector, to examine the new joint labor fence on road approaching Iron Bridge, and find if the pickets will measure 12 inches in circumference.
2 – Moved by Councilor W. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the new valuation Roll, making all necessary corrections thereon this 3rd day of August, 1896.
3 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council do order the Sec. Treas. to notify James McCartney, Road Inspector, to have all the joint labor road & fences in his Division properly repaired as soon as possible.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jon. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council does order the Sec. Treas. to make a new repartition for the Fifth Concession road.
5 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery
& resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Patrick Cassin, Jno. McCoubrey and David Hamilton, as special Valuators, to value a piece of land for a road, 26 feet wide across the corner of Chas. Jack’s land, between the old house and the barn to join the Fourth Concession Road.
6 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify John Billing, jr. Road Inspector, to have his Division of road properly repaired as soon as possible.
7 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay Jas. McCartney, Road Inspector, the sum of one dollar for repairing joint labor fence in the Fifth Concession.
8 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting does now adjourn.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code
of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Thos. Manning, Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks, Jno. R. Thompson & Wm. Montgomery , making a full meeting, under the Presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify R. McMillan to have his share of road at Mrs. McCartney’s Corner, repaired immediately.
2 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, the sum of $3.90, for work done on the Municipal Share of road at Fairy Lake.
3 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to send in the names of Jno. McBain, Carl Wolff, Geo. Thompson and Alfred Hicks to the Provincial Secretary, to have a Justice of the Peace appointed instead of Henry Hicks who has resigned.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that, as the portion of land in the First Concession, which belonged to Maurice Rebben was omitted from the Valuation Roll; this Council orders it to be placed thereon, valuing at ten dollars.
5 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council empowers the Sec. Treas. to sell that portion of land at Fairy Lake, which belongs to this Corporation.
6- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that the Council Rooks be audited on the first Monday in Oct at 10 A. M.
1 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting does now adjourn.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas tavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
l – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council does levy a general assessment of twenty cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses:
1 – Jury tax for l891
2 – The repairing of Maple Hill Road for summer of 1896
$12.00 18.50
3 – Use of Council Room for 1896
4 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1896
5 – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
6- The keeping of the winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Brg.
7- Building a new fence on joint labor road to Iron Bridge
8- Towards support of Beauport Asylum
9- The keeping of road through the Big Bush in Roche Platte
~ 8.00 25.00 40.00 12.00 38.00 10.00 2.00
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council does order the Sec. Treas. to notify the Road Inspectors in this Municipality, to have their Divisions of road properly repaired immediately.
3- Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting does now adjourn.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
On the second day of November, 1896, Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby & Henry Hicks assembled at the usual place of meeting. Before adjourning for want of a quorum, it was agreed upon by the Mayor & above named Councilors to have the winter roads laid out in the same manner as last year.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six , at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B, McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Manning, Jno. Hornby, Henry Hicks, Curtis Brown
& Wm. Montgomery, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Chas. Jack, jr. Road Inspector, to have his Division of road leading to Stoneham, opened and scraped after every fall of snow.
2 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all persons in arrears of taxes immediately; if not paid before the 2Oth of this month their lands will be sold by the County Council.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council does appoint Messrs Wm. B, McBain & Henry Hicks to inspect the Mill Bridge to see what timber is required for the construction of a new bridge on that site, and to send in their report as soon as possible so as to enable the Sec. Treas. to make out the specifications and give due Public Notice for the sale of said timber.
4 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourth day of the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Curtis Brown and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council does appoint Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, to inspect the timber and plank for the new Mill Bridge.
2- Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno Hornby and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of 15 cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property in the 3rd & 4th Concessions of this Municipality, for the purpose of paying for the timber & plank required to build a new Mill Bridge.
J – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec o Treas .
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St Gabriel de Valcartier was held on Monday, the eleventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven at the house of Mr. Wm. Billing, sr. at the hour of 10 A. M. , for the purpose of electing Councilors for the aforesaid Municipality, in the room and stead of Thos. Manning & Wm. B. McBain.
Moved by Arthur Wolff, seconded by Chas. S. Wolff, that Wm. B. McBain, be re-elected as Councilor, and Geo. Thompson be appointed for the next term instead of Thos. Manning.
Moved by Wm. B. McBain, seconded by Jos. Martin, that Wm. B. McBain and Thos. Manning be re-elected.
Wm. B. McBain was elected by acclamation.
Votes for Thos. Manning Henry Hicks, Jno. Horn by, Alfred Hicks, Wm. Montgomery, Jno. R. Thompson, Edward Bedard, Michael Hill, Jos. Hicks.
There were no votes for Geo. Thompson.
Wm. B. McBain & Thos. Manning were duly elected Councilors for this Municipality for the next term.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. MCBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Jno. R. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Curtis Brown and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor.
1 – I the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain and Thos. Manning as Councilors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the next term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec . Treas .
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council does appoint Wm. B. McBain as Mayor of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the ensuing year.
3 – I the undersigned, do certify that I a1ministered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. MCBain, as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Daniel Kack, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road properly repaired as soon as possible.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Laval lee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held on Monday March lst, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby and Jno. R. Thompson. After waiting the length of time prescribed by the Municipal Code, the meeting adjourned for want of a quorum, until the first Monday in April.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. R. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Curtis Brown and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council, under the Presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that Benjamin Brown and Thos. Billing be appointed Auditors for this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Chas Jack, jr. to collect the money for the winter keeping of his Division of road leading to Stoneham.
3- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council annuls Motion No. 4dated August 3rd, 1896.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the construction of a new bridge at the Mill Hill, across the brook on the road, between the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality; said bridge to be built on the same plan as the old one with the new material that has been already placed on the site. The old sills being of cedar, remain in their position, also two of the posts of the present trestle, the railing to be built the whole length of the bridge and stone-work, the material for which is to be furnished by the contractor, with the exception of whatever may be sound of the old railing.
5 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to consult Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the road at Mrs. McCartney’s Corner, to ascertain if the Council has power to make a private bargain with the proprietor, Mr. Chas. Jack, Jr. for the purchase of a road through his land so as to avoid the corner.
6 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks , seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that the timber for the new Mill Bridge was inspected this day by Wm. B. McBain, and found to be all that was required by the contract.
7 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm.. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, §ec . Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twenty-sixth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened by the Mayor for the purpose of considering what immediate steps to take for the fixing of the road from Mrs. McCartney’s Corner to Fairy Lake, which has been rendered impassable by the recent floods; at which meeting were present Mm. B. McBain, Mayor Councilors Henry Hicks, Wm. Montgomery, Curtis Brown, Thos. Manning, Jno. Hornby and Jno. R. Thompson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor.
1 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown , seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Trea. to notify Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, to hire men immediately to work on the washed out road at Fairy Lake, for the sum of eighty cents per day, to dig off the side where the water Hashed the road away, and make a passage or passable route through. Also to fix in front of Mrs. McCartney’s so as a cart can pass. He is also to hire a pair of horses to draw brush with which to fill the hole in the road, at $1.20 per day for man and horse – working hours from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. If he cannot procure men and horses at the above-mentioned prices, he is to allow what he considers fair wages. All work to be under the supervision of the Road Inspector.
2- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm.Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to try and make a bargain with Mr. Chas. Jack, Sr. concerning the piece of land across the corner of his land, required for a road in order to avoid going around by Mrs. McCartney’s.
3- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council appoints Dr. Boucher of St. Ambroise, Medical Adviser for this Municipality.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R Thompson, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the seventh day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Manning, Jno. R. Thompson, Wm. Montgomery, Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks and Jno. Hornby, forming a full meeting of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a general assessment of twelve cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property in the Fifth Concession and Fief St. Ignace of this municipality, for the purpose of paying the sum of thirty-five dollars, due to Chas Jack sr. for the piece of land purchased from him, used as a road and outlet for the above-mentioned ranges, instead of going around Mrs. A. McCartney’s Corner.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have their Divisions of roads and fences properly repaired as soon as possible.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council appoints Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, and Thos. Lavallee Sec. Treas. of this Municipality to interview Chas. Fitzpatrick, concerning the money which he promised to help this Municipality to get from the Government towards the construction of a new Mill Bridge and the opening of a road through the hill at the Scotch Church.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay Jas. Hamilton, Road Inspector, the sum of $1.25 for the winter keeping of Mr. Geo. Fairchild’s front road (on the Ten Lot Road) and collect the same from him immediately.
5 – Moved by Councilor Thomas Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give due Public Notice concerning the revising of the Valuation Roll now in force in this Municipality, which is to take place on the first Monday in July inst.
6- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. and Councilor Jno. Hornby, to go and inspect the brook at Mud Lake, and calculate what it would cost to clean it out and report thereon to this Council.
7- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the specification for the Mill Bridge has been approved of by this Council, and that Public Notice be given immediately for the construction of said bridge.
8- Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of electing two superintendents to look after the money promised by the Government to build a new Mill Bridge, and to repair the wash-out on the road at Fairy Lake, also to oversee the work; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Jno. Hornby, and Curtis Brown. (The absent members being duly notified), forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council appoints Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, as overseer of the work on the road at Fairy Lake, and Councilor Henry Hicks to superintend the construction of the Mill Bridge.
2- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of levying a general assessment of twenty cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality, to send the Valuators to value certain property in the Fourth Concession belonging to David McCartney and Chas. Wolff, jr., and the laying out of the winter roads in this Municipality, also concerning the drawing up of an agreement about a share of road, between Mrs. G. M. Fairchild and the Corporation; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks, John Hornby, Wm. Montgomery & Thos. Manning (the absent member being duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor John Hornby and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a feneral assessment of twenty cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:
I – Jury tax for 1898
2 – The repairing of Maple Hill Road for summer of 1897
3- Use of Council Room for 1897
4 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1897
5 – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
6- the keeping of the winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Brg.
7 – Towards support of Beauport Asylum
8 – The keeping of road through Big Bush in Roche Platte
9 – The repairing of flooring of Iron Bridge
10 – To Mr . Bedard, Advocate
II – To Dr. Boucher
12 – The repairing of road at Fairy Lake
$12.00 14.75 8.00 25.00 40.00 12.00 19.00 2.00 4.58 12.00 6.00 12.00
2 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council does order the Sec. Treas. to notify the valuators to value a certain portion of land in the Fourth Concession of this Municipality belonging to Chas. Wolff jr. & D. McCartney and report thereon.
3 – Moved by Councilor John Hornby, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that the winter roads be laid out in the same manner as last year.
4 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. , to draw up an agreement between Mrs. G. M. Fairchild and this Corporation giving her the making and maintaining of her front road from the Iron Bridge to her own gate; instead of the share that was allotted to her on the Ten Lot Road, also the keeping of the fence on the East side of the road as far as the line between the Third & Fourth Concessions of this Municipality.
5 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. R. Thompson, Henry Hicks, Thos. Manning, and Wm. Montgomery forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council accepts the audit made by Messrs. Thos. Billing and Benjamin Brown of the account books of this Council.
2 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Jas. McCartney, Road Inspector, the sum of three dollars for repairing Jno. Neil’s joint labor fence in the 5th Concession.
3 – Moved by Councilor John R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council accepts the valuation of lot No.261, situated in the Fourth Concession of this Municipality, as given by Jos. Hicks, Andrew Brown and Jas. Johnston, Valuators, allotting to the portion of said lot owned by D. B. McCartney, the sum of one hundred and seventy dollars ($170.00) and to that owned by Chas. Wolff, jr. the sum of thirty dollars.
4 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to send on, or before the 18th day of the present month, an account of all property in arrears of taxes in this Municipality to the County Council to be sold to recover said taxes.
5 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery , seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get Mr.Henry Hicks to accompany him to Lake St. Charles for the purpose of making corrections of certain lots of bush land situated in this Municipality, belonging to residents of Lake St. Charles.
6 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Munic1pality
of St. Gabriel de Calcartier, held on the third day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. M. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Thos. Manning, Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks and Jno. R Thompson forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor John Hornby, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notiry Chas. Jack, jr. Road Inspector, to sell the winter keeping of the joint labor road to Stoneham, according to the road stated in the Proces Verbal.
2 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning
and resolved that this Council annuls by by-law No. 12 and the repartition connected therewith, dated respectively June 3rd & 22nd, 1895, and therefore intends to make a new by-law giving Carl Wolff the keeping of his full front road across the ten lots on the property Nos. 129, 131, 133, 1311 and 137, with the exemption of 267 feet appertaining to lot No. 132, belonging to Mrs. Andrew McCartney. The keeping of joint labor road pertaining to the aforesaid lots belonging to Carl Wolff, shall be exempt from such labor on account of subdivisions of said lots being sold to other parties. This Council therefore orders the Sec. Treas. to make a new by-law and repartition in conformity with the above statement.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held on Monday the tenth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the house of Mr.Wm. Billing, sr. at the hour of 10 A. M., for the purpose of electing Councilors for the aforesaid Municipality, in the room and stead of Henry Hicks and Wm. Montgomery.
1 – Moved by Carl Wolff, seconded by Chas. Wolff, that David Lavallee be elected as Councilor, in the room and stead of Wm. Montgomery.
Moved by Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Wm. Hornby, that Jas. Robinson be elected as Councilor in the room and stead of Wm. Montgomery.
Votes for David Lavallee Carl Wolff Chas. Wolff, sr. Jos. Hicks Henry Hicks Wm. Billing, Jr.
Votes for Jas. Robinson Wm. Montgomery Wm. Hornby
Moved by Wm. B. McBain, seconded by Jos. Hicks that Henry Hicks be reelected.
Moved by Jno. Leddy, seconded by Jno. McBain, that Carl Wolff be elected as Councilor instead of Henry Hicks
Votes for Henry Hicks. Wm. B. McBain Wm. Montgomery Jos. Hicks Henry Hicks
Votes for Carl Wolff John teddy Jno. McBain Chas. Wolff, sr.
I, the undersigned, Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end and that David Lavallee and Henry Hicks are duly elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the next term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held, on Monday the seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Henry Hicks, Jno. R. Thompson, and Curtis Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council releases David Lavallee from acting as security for the Sec. Treas., there being sufficient security without his property, and as he was duly elected Councilor of this Municipality at the general election held on January lOth, 1898, this relieving him from being security makes his election legal.
I the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Henry Hicks and David Lavallee, as Councilors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the next term of office.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council appoints Wm. B. McBain, as Mayor of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier for the ensuing year.
I the undersigned, do certify that I have administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain , to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year .
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council annuls resolution No.2, dated January Jrd. 1898.
4 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council agrees to follow the old by-law No. 12, concerning the Ten Lot Road and build the share of fence allotted to Mr. G. M. Fa1rchild, by said by-law on account of giving Mr. Fairchild his share of road at the river.
5 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to attend the sale of lands at the meeting of the County Council on March 2nd, 1898.
6 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain , Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the usual place of meeting at hour of 5 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the resignation of David Lavallee, from acting as a member of this Council at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Henry Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Thos. Manning, Curtis Brown & Jno. R. Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council accepts the resignation of David Lavallee to act as Councilor for this Municipality on account of his having a contract for the keeping of a portion of winter road.
2 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council appoints James Robinson as Councilor for this Municipality to act instead of David Lavallee, who has resigned.
Carried unanimously.
3- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor John Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the 31st inst.
Wm. B, McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the 31st day of March, one thousand eight hundfed and ninety-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of appointing Road Inspectors , Pound Keeper, Valuators, Rural Inspector, Auditors and Health Officers for this Municipality, also the examining of the Voters’ list and other necessary items, the same as a general meeting; at which session were present Wm. B, McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Curtis Brown, Jas. Robinson & Jno. R. Thompson, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that the following men be named and appointed Road Inspectors, Valuators, etc.
Road Inspectors
Jno. Adams, instead of Hopper Ireland for Division No. 1
Thos. Khox; for Division No.2, from the First Concession line at Jno. R. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Jos. Martin for Division No.3, being the by-road through the Second & Third Concessions over Maple Hill.
Curtis C. Billing for Division No.4, from the line between Wm. Smith’s and Patrick Cassin’s lands to Thos. Lavallee’s S. E. line.
John Leddy for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
David Hamilton for Division No.6, being the Ten Lot Road.
John McCartney for Division No.7, from the line between the 3rd & 4th Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Patrick Loughren for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary between the local and County roads in Roche Platte.
Jas. Adams for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Wm. Jack.
Pound Keeper – John McBain.
Valuators – Wm. Moore, Carl Wolff & Louis McBain.
Auditors – Thos Billing & Ben. Brown were re-elected.
Health Officers – Chas. Wolff, jr., Geo. Thompson & Robt. Goodfellow.
2 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council has examined the Voters’ list for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon, approving of the same.
3 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this Council orders all Road Inspectors, to have their Divisions opened for traffic of wheeled vehicles in proper time.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in May.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity wi th the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBa1n, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Jas. Robinson, John Hornby, Curtis Brown, Thos. Manning and Jno. R. Thompson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Rural Inspector, Wm. Jack, to inspect the fence on the Municipal share of the Maple Hill Road, to see whether it is necessary to erect a new fence or thoroughly repair the old one and send in his report as soon as possible. If a new fence is required, this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice of the sale by Public Auction by him of said fence which is to be composed of new sound cedar pickets , 5 ½ or 6 feet long, further described in contract for same.
2 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council orders that the road on the front of Mrs. Andrew McCartney’s land from the steps leading to the Scotch Church, to the line between her property and that of her neighbor being Nos. 278 & 279 be closed up, as said portion of road is of no use for traffic, on account of its never being finished, and that this Council orders the proprietor Mrs. Andrew McCartney, to put up her fence in accordance with this resolution.
3- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify John McCartney, Road Inspector, to have the joint labor fence along Patton’s and Goodfellow’s road properly repaired as soon as possible.
4 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council agrees to take upon itself (representing the Municipality) the keeping of that portion of road on the Ten Lot Road, which was formerly done by Mr. G. M. Fairchild,sr., also the repairing of his joint labor portion of road at Fairy Lake, also to have a new fence put up as soon as possible on said portion of the Ten Lot Road (manner of construction specified in contract) and to amend the by-law in connection with same, agreeably to this resolution.
5 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Curtis Brown & Jno. Hornby, forming
a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council accepts from the contractors, the construction of the new fences, one on Maple Hill and the other on the Ten Lot Road, in consequence of the favorable report sent in by Mr. Wm. Jack, Rural Inspector, who examined the work.
2 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality, to have their Divisions of roads & fences properly repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to borrow a certain sum of money, not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars to defray the expenses of the following items, viz’ forty-one dollars for the making of the new fence on Maple Hill, eighteen dollars & fifty cents for a fence on a portion of the Ten Lot Road, and the remainder to pay this Municipality’s share of the new abutment to be built at the Iron Bridge. This amount will be refunded in one year from date of borrowing, to be levied wi th the regular yearly Municipal tax.
4 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight , at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, John Hornby, Jno. R. Thompson, Curtis Brown and
Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council uncer the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that that this Council accepts the amendment to by-law No. 12, respecting the maintenance of the Ten Lot Road, and orders the Sec. Treas to publish within the time prescribed by law. Passed unanimously this 4th of July 1898.
2 – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council has revised the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made all necessary corrections thereon.
3- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that this meeting do now adjourn.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity With the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the.Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Curtis Brown, Henry Hicks, Jas. Robinson & Jho. R. Thompson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mauor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks , seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that in case that the money promised by the Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, towards fixing the break-wa ter at the Iron Bridge is not forthcoming within eight days; this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to borrow the sum of $33.34 to complete this Corporation’s share of the payment.
2 – Moved by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to have the account books belonging to this Municipality, audited on the first Monday in November and to notify the Audi tors to that effect.
3- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. R. Thompson and resolved that all persons in arrears of Municipal tax, shall be billed by registered letter after the tenth day of the present month; if not paid before that time.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; as there was only one Councilor present, ( other members being at a funeral), it was resolved to adjourn the meeting until 4 o’clock the same day, at which adjourned meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Curtis Brown, Jas. Robinson, Jno. Hornby & Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that this Council levies by by-law, a special tax of eight cents per hundred dollars on all taxable property in the 3rd & 4th Concessions of this Municipality for repairing stone-work of the Mill Bridge, and a general assessment of thirty-eight cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property in this Municipality to defray the following expenses :-
1 – Jury tax for 1899
2- Use of Council Room for 1898
3 – Keeping of Maple Hill Road, summer of 1898
4 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1898
5 – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
6 – The keeping of winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Bridge
7- Towards support of Beauport Asylum
8 – Keeping of road through Big Bush in Roche Platte
9 – Money borrowed towards building break-water at Iron Bridge and erecting 2 new fences in Municipality
$12.00 8.00 11.00 25.00 40.00 12.00 23.00 2.00
11 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council accepts the statement of accounts made by the Audi tors, Ben. Brown & Thos. Billing, and tenders them a vote of thanks for the efficiency of their work.
111 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council allows the sum of eighty cents per day for each man and 40 cents per day for a horse to those who worked repairing the Stonework of the Mill Bridge in June 1898.
lV – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council appoints George Wolff, as Road Inspector for Division No. h, instead of Curtis C. Billing who is absent from the Municipality
V – Moved by Councilor Curtis Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the winter roads be laid out in the same manner as last year, the Inspector of each Division to exact the number of passing places which he thinks requisite, said passing places to be not less than 125 feet long.
Vl – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council postpones the examining of notice sent by Carl Wolff until the next meeting.
Vll – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jno. Hornby & Henry Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Jasf Robinson, seconded by Jno. Hornby ann resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from a lawyer concerning the erecting of a fence on the Swamp Road, near Fairy Lake.
2- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Curtis Brown, Jno. R. Thompson, Jas. Robinson & Jno. Horn by forma quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Curtis Brown and resolved that as there is no business of importance to transact, this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the ninth day of January, 1899, at the house of Wm. Billing, sr. at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing Councilors for the aforesaid Municipality in the room and stead of Curtis Brown, John Hornby & Jno. R. Thompson.
Moved by Alfred Hicks, seconded by Edward Bedard that Jno. McCoubrey be appointed instead of Jno. R. Thompson. This motion was received without opposition.
Andrew Brown and Simon Kiley were chosen instead of Curtis Brown, and Simon Kiley was elected by a Majority of 1 vote.
Joseph Hicks & Andrew Brown were nominated for the office held by John Hornby, and Andrew Brown was elected by a majority of 1 vote.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Simon Kiley, Andrew Brown and Jno. McCoubrey are duly elected as Councilors
of this Municipality for the next term of office .
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present WmB. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Henry Hicks, Andrew Brown, Jas. Robinson and Simon Kiley, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jno. McCoubrey, Andrew Brown & Simon Kiley as Councilors for this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, for the next term of office.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
1- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that Wm. B. McBain be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to place in the Savings Bank the sum of money received from Mr. Chas. Fitzpatrick towards making breakwater at Iron Bridge.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and adopted that this Council Appoints John W. Thompson, to act as Valuator for this Municipality instead of Wm. Moore who has left the place.
4- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. im conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Simon Kiely, Jas. Robinson, Henry Hicks, Andrew Brown and Jno. McCoubrey, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that Benjamin Brown and Thos. Billing be re-elected Auditors for this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Councilor Thos. Manning to the effect that if he does not attend the next regular monthly meeting of the local Council, he will be fined according to law.
3 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. McCartney, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road properly repaired immediately.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor,
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Manning, Andrew Brown, Henry Hicks and John McCoubrey, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council has accepted the list of Voters for the current year, for this Municipality, as submitted by the Sec. Treas. after the necessary corrections being made thereon at this meeting.
2 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Adams, Road Inspector, to have proper passing places, not more than 4 acres apart, made on his Division of road, also to notify Jas. Adams, Road Inspector, to have the road leading to Stoneham opened for traffic by noon tomorrow.
3 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks , seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor,
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Manning, Henry Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Jno. McCoubrey, Simon Kiley and Andrew Brown, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council having taken into consideration the appeal of Jno. R. Thompson, to be relieved of the maintenance of a certain portion of road at the foot of Maple Hill, stating that according to the Proces Verbal connected with that road, he was not responsible for the repairing of that portion, find upon reading the afore-mentioned Proces Verbal, that the said Jho. R. Thompson is bound thereby to maintain said piece of road.
2 – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Thos, Manning and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the fifth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Henry Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Thos. Manning & Simon Kiley, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators belonging to this Municipality to prepare a new Valuation Roll and present it to this Council on the first Monday in July.
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Leddy, Road Inspector, to sell by auction after due publication, the repairing of the fence on the joint labor road leading from Mr. Carl Wolff’s to Mrs. Neilson’s gate.
3- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to have their Divisions of roads and fences properly repaired Immediately.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Leddy, Road Inspector, to have the portion of front road fence on Robt. Goodfellow’s property, formerly known as Patton’s Front Fence, put in proper repair 1mmediately.
5- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor,
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Simon Kiley, Jas. Robinson, Jno. McCoubrey, Thos. Manning & Andrew Brown, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor .Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council has examined the new Valuation Roll as submitted by the valuators and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to withdraw the sum of thirty-two dollars from the account at its credi t in the Savings Bank in Quebec Ci ty , to meet an urgent demand.
3 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of the Municipality ty of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eleventh day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B, McBain, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown and Thos. Manning. It was resolved that the Council examine the jury list and adjourn until the first Monday in October.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of October, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Councilors Simon Kiley, Jno. McCoubrey, Thos. Manning, Andrew Brown and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that the supplementary jury list belonging to this Municipality has been examined & approved of by this Council.
2 – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor John McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the keeping of Mr. Curtis McBains front road and fence on Maple Hill.
3- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Auditors to have the accounts belonging to this Corporation audited before next meeting.
4- Moved by Councilor John McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have the roads and fences in their respective Divisions in proper condition immediately, also to have a hand rail placed in Mr. Jno. Billing’s Hollow, (On each side of the road).
5 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code. of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Simon Kiley, Andrew Brown, Jas. Robinson and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council. It was resolved by the above-mentioned Councilors to postpone this meeting until Monday, December 4th, 1899, at the same hour.
Wm. B, McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Manning, Henry Hicks, Jas. Robinson & Jno. McCoubrey, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by the Auditors, concerning the Sec. Treasurer’s accounts for the current year.
2 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this Council does levy a general assessment of 15 cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses:
1 – Jury tax for 1900
2- Use of Council Room for 1899
3- Keeping of Maple Hill Road for summer of 1899
4 – Court House & County Council for 1899
S Secretary Treasurer’s salary
6 – Keeping winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Bridge
7 – Towards support of Beauport Asylum
2 . 00 8.00 15.00 25.00 40.00 12.00 27.00
8– Keeping road through the Big Bush in Roche Platte
9- To Mr. Bedard, Advocate
10 – Erecting fence in rear of Mr. Curtis McBain’s land
$2.00 12.00 4.00
3- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Robt. Goodfellow to placard Mr.Carl Wolff’s house for scarlet fever, also to cause the mail to be removed from Chas. Wolff’s to the Post Office at Wm. Billing’s.
4 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of January, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Simon Kiley, Jas. Robinson, Andrew Brown and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to act as Presiding Officer during the coming elections of Councilors, to take place on January 8th, 1900 at 10. A. M.
2 – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Alfred Hicks, Acting Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at the house of Wm. Binnong sr., on Monday the eighth day of January, 1900. at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality in the room and stead of Thos. Manning and Wm. B. McBain.
1 – Moved by Henry Hicks, seconded by Jos. Hicks that Wm. B. McBain re reelected.
2 – Moved by Robt. Goodfellow, seconded by Simon Kiley that Samuel Roarke be appointed instead of Wm. B. McBain; which resulted in his receiving 2 votes; Wm. B. McBain got 15, resulting in his re-election by a majority of 13 votes.
3 – Moved by Thos. Manning, seconded by Wm. B. McBain, that Jno. Billing, jr. be elected instead of Thos. Manning.
4- Moved by Jno. Hornby, seconded by Alfred Hicks, that Joseph Hicks be elected instead of Thos. Manning, resulting in the election of J. Billing, jr. by a majority of 1 vote.
I, the undersigned, Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end and that wm. B. McBain and John Billing, jr. are duly elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the next term of office.
Thos. Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth of February, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Jno. McCoubrey, Andrew Brown, Jno. Billing, jr., Jas. Robinson & Simon Kiley, forming a full meeting of said Council. After Mr. Alfred Hicks took the Oath of Office to act as Sec. Treas. during the temporary absence of Thos. Lavallee, business proceeded as follows:-
1- I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain & Jno. Billing jr. to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the next term of office.
Alfred Hicks
2- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that Wm. B. McBain be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
3 – I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Alfred Hicks
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Patrick Loughren, Road Inspector, be notified to have the road in his Division, properly repaired immediately.
5 – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing jr. and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. MCBain, Mayor Alfred Hicks
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of March, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Simon Kiley, and James RobinSon, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that the following men be named and appointed as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Auditors, etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing year –
Robert Penney for Decision No. I, instead of Jno. Adams.
Jas. Johnston for Division No.2, from the Ist Concession line at Jno. R. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Wm. Billing jr. for Division No.3, being the by-road through the Second and Third Concessions, over Maple Hill.
Edward Bedard for Division No. 4, from the line between Wm. Smith and Patrick Cassin’s lands to Thos. Lavallee’s South East line.
Thos. Adams for Division No.5, from wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
Wm. Knox for Division No.6, being the Ten Lot Road.
George McNicoll for Division No.7, from the line between the 3rd & 4th Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Richard Douglas for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary between the Local and County roads in Roche Platte.
Earle McCartney for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Curtis McBain.
Pound Keeper – Jno. McBain.
Valuators – Thos. King, Samuel Roarke and Lawrence Loughren.
Auditors – Pat. Gough & Ben. Brown.
Health Officers – Chas Wolff, jr., Robt. Goodfellow & Geo. Thompson were re-elected.
2- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of May, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Jno. Billing, Henry Hicks and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that Chas. Jack, jr. be appointed Pound Keeper of this Municipality instead of Jno. McBain.
2- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council has examined the list of Electors belonging to this Municipality for the current year and has made all necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno.
McCoubrey and resolved that this Council thinks fit to release Curtis Billing and Alfred Hicks from acting as security for Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. of this Municipality, considering the two remaining securities quite sufficient.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Henry Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Henry Hicks, Jno. McCoubrey, Jno. Billing, Simon Kiley, Jas. Robinson and Andrew Brown, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Henry Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that a new fence be built on the joint labor road leading to the Iron Bridge, specification for the erection of which is as follows:
Said fence to consist of new, sound cedar pickets, 3 1/2 in. in diameter at the small end, standard measure, driven 18 inches into the ground, making the fence 4 feet high when finished. No pickets shall be taken with the small end in the ground, fence to be made with 4 barbed wires, well put on with staples, a batten 1 X 6 in. to be placed on top, checked 1 in. into every picket, and nailed on with 9 3-inch nails in each batten. Pickets to stand 6 feet apart – 2 gates for the winter road in said fence. These gates to consist of 2 cedar posts 6 in. in diameter at small end, 16 feet apart, sunk 3 feet in the ground, in each gate wi th a picket in the center, and 4 wires and batten placed in the same manner as the rest of the fence; adjusted or rather adjustable at each end, so as to be taken down in the fall. The whole to be done in workman-like manner and to be inspected at 2 different times by the Rural Inspector, Curtis McBain, who shall be notified by the contractor first when the pickets are driven, and lastly, when the fence is finished, which is to be by July lst, 1900, and payable within 30 days after completion. The brush along the side of the road to be cleared away by the contractor and the old fence to be sold before the contract is given out for the new one.
2- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have the roads, ditches and bridges in their respective Divisions properly repaired immediately, also to have the brush cleared off the roadsides.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the Local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Tuesday Jrd of July, 1900, in conformity with the Municipal Code of the Prov. of Quebec, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, and Councilor Andrew Brown. For lack of a quorum it was resolved to adjourn this meeting until the first Monday in August.
WIn. B. McBain, fJjayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartjer, held on Monday the sixth day of August, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in Conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Jas. Robinson, Simon Kiley and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Geo. McNicoll, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road properly repaired immediately, or the Council will have him fined.
2 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the jury list for the current year.
J – Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, Sept. 17th, 1900, it was resolved to adjourn said meeting until Oct. lst 1900 for want of a quorum.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of October, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Simon Kiley, Jno. Billing, Andrew Brown and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Joseph Hicks as Councilor for this Municipality to complete Mr. Henry Hicks’ term of office as he is absent too long.
2- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to have the accounts belonging to this municipality examine~ before next meeting.
3- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the winter keeping of the joint labor roads in their Divisions during this month of October, and to layout the winter front roads to the best advantage for the public good.
u- Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of November, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Billing, Andrew Brown, Jno. McCoubrey, Jos. Hicks and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor. Upon Mr. Jos. Hicks taking the Oath of Office to act as Councilor in this Municipality the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of fifteen cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property in this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses:
1 – Jury tax for 1901
2- Use of Council Room for 1900
3 – Keeping of Maple Hill road, summer of 1900
4 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1900
5 – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
6- Keeping of winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Rridpe
7- Keeping road through the Big Bush in Roche Flatte
12.00 8.00 18.50 25.00 40.00 12.00 2.00
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Curtis Billing, sr. as Road Inspector for the Division of road leading to Stoneham, in place of Earle McCartney who has left the Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by the Auditors, concerning the Sec. Treas. accounts for the present year.
4 – Moved by Councilors Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Joseph Hicks, Chairman
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the third day of December, one thousand nine hundred, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jos. Hicks, Jno. McCoubrey and Jno. Billing, jr. forming a quorum of said Council. Owing to the absence of the Mayor, it was resolved to appoint Mr. Jos. Hicks as Chairman in his stead – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay Thos. Adams, the sum of two dollars for work done on Robt. Goodfellow’s front road and thirty cents for Mrs. Neilson’s road, also to pay Lefevre for 4 planks.
2- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Edward Bedard, Road Inspector, to have the fence along the summer road in his Division taken down to prevent snow drifts.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Joseph Hicks, Chairman
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Joseph Hicks, Simon Kiley, Jno. Billing jr. and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor John Billing, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Lorette Council to oblige the Lake St. John Railway Co. to erect railings on each side of the Valcartier Road, near Lorette, where their track crosses said road on account of its present dangerous condition for traffic of vehicles, also to see to the maintenance of a certain piece of road in the first Concession of this Municipality, near the line of Division between the parish of St. Ambroise and the above-mentioned Municipality, which this Council considers should be under the control of the County Council.
2 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at the house of Mr. Wm. Billing, sr. on Monday the fourteenth day of January 1901, at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality in the room and stead of Jas. Robinson and Joseph Hicks.
1- Moved by Henry Hicks, seconded by Wm. B. McBain, that Jos. Hicks be reelected.
2- Moved by Simon Kiley, seconded by Wm. Montgomery that Jas. Robinson be re-elected.
3 – Moved by Henry Hicks, seconded by Wm. B. McBain, that. Wm. Montgomery be elected instead of Jas. Robinson.
The work of taking the votes for the different candidates proceeded as follows:- Mr. Jos. Hicks was re-elected without opposition and Mr. Jas. Robinson by a majority of 3 votes.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare the meeting at an end, and that Jos. Hicks & Jas. Robinson have been duly re-elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the next term of office.
Thos. Laval1ee, Presiding Officer.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Jos. Hicks, Simon Kiley and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jas. Robinson and Jos. Hicks to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the next term of office.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
1- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that Wm. B. McBain, be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B, McBain, to act as Mayor of this Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier.
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Curtis Billing Road Inspector, to have his Division of road (being the route to Stoneham) properly repaired immediately.
3- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Jno. Billing, Joseph Hicks & Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the Presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council appoints Patrick Gough and John McCartney as Auditors of the accounts belonging to this Corporation for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council appoints Alfred Hicks as a Health Officer in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
3- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Roa1 Inspector of that Division to sell the summer keeping of the joint labor road over Maple Rill, also to have the road opened for passage of wheeled vehicles in proper time.
4- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of June, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCoubrey, Jos. Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Andrew Brown and Simon Kiley, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. to notify Jno. Adams that he is the proprietor of a full front road opposite his land in the First Concession in this Municipality, and that he, or anyone to whom he may sell or d1spose of said land is obliged to keep that road in proper condition always.
2- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley and resolved that this Council empowers Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to sell a portion of land, being part of lot No.312, situated in this Municipality containing in or about l8 acres, formerly belonging to one Jean Jobin, but now owned by the Corporation of this Municipality, as the result of nonpayment of taxes and to sign said deed of sale upon receipt of six dollars from purchaser.
3 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality, to have the roads and fences in their respective Divisions properly repaired immediately, as they will be held responsible for any damage that may happen within their limits.
4- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of July, one thousand nine hundred and one at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jno. Billing, and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council imposes a fine of two dollars ($2.00) on all Road Inspectors who have not their Divisions of roads and fences properly repaired on or before Friday evening 5th inst.
2- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until August 5th, 1901.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jno. Billing, Andrew Brown and Jos. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell to the lowest bidder the planking needed for the center of the Mill Bridge.
2 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to all ratepayers in arrears of Municipal tax, and to collect the same by law if necessary.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Geo. McNicoll, Road Inspector, to have the water-hole in the road at Mrs. McCartney’s corner properly repaired at once.
4 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jas Robinson, and Jno. McCoubrey forming a quorum, of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolution5 were adopted:
1- Moved by Councilor -Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has examined the supplementary jury list belonging to this Municipality for the current year and found it correct.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor , Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jas Robinson, Andrew Brown and Simon Kiley forming
a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor JOB. Hicks and resolved that the winter road between the 3rd & 4th Concessions shall be laid out through the fields, from Mrs. Blake’s Gate to the Lorette line all the rest of the roads in this Municipality shall be laid out the same as former years.
2- Moved by Councilor Joseph Hicks, seconded by Councilor Simon Kiley
and resolved that this Council orders the auditing of the Secretary Treasurer’s books on Monday Nov. 4th, 1901.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly JI1eeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of November,
one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B, McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Billing, Jos. Hicks, Andrew Brown, Jno. McCoubrey and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a special assessment of four cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property in the 3rd & 4th Concessions of this Municipality to pay for repairing flooring of Mill Bridge, also a general assessment of sixteen cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:
1 – Jury tax for 1902
2 – Use of Council Room for 1901
3 – Keeping of Maple Hill Road, summer of 1901
4 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1901
5 – Keeping of winter roads & clearing snow off Iron Bridge
6 – Secretary Treasurer’ssalary
7- Keeping road through Big Bush in Roche Platte
8 – Towards support of reformatory school
$12.00 8.00 29.50 25.00 12.00 40.00 2.00 10.00
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by the Auditors, concerning the Sec. Treas. accounts for the current year.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of December, one thousand nine hundred and one, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present William B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jos. Hicks and Simon Kiley, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Simon Kiley, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned, as there is no business of importance to transact at this session.
Wm. +B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general month~ meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jno. McCoubrey, Jno Billing, Jas. Robinson and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following[ resolutions were adopted:-
1- Whereas, a notice has been received by this Council from the Provincial Board of Health, obliging it by law to protect this Municipality from an epidemic of small pox, therefore it is ordained and resolved by by-law to make vaccination and re-vaccination obligatory within the limits of this Municipality.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to act as Presiding Officer during the election of Councilors on Monday next.
3 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at the house of Mr. Wm. Billing sr. on Monday the thirteenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing three Councilors for said Municipality in the room and stead of Andrew Brown, Jno. McCoubrey and Simon Kiley.
1- Moved by wm. B. McBain, seconded by Wm. Smith that Thos. Manning, Jno. Hornby and Wm. Montgomery be elected Councilors instead of those whose term of office has expired.
2- Moved by Thos. Billing jr. seconded by Oliver McKinley that Jno. R. Thompson be appointed instead of Thos. Manning.
3- Moved by Jas. Robinson, seconded by Alex Adams, that Jas. McCartney be appointed instead of Jno. Horn by.
The ratepayers present thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following result:- Wm. Montgomery was elected without opposition. Thos. Manning by a majority of 11 votes, and John Horn by a majority of 15 votes.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare the meeting at an end, and that Wm. Montgomery, Jno. Horn by and Thos. Manning have been duly elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the next term of office.
Thos. Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Billing, Jos Hicks, Jas. Robinson, wm. Montgomery and Jno. Hornby forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that Wm. B. McBain be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. B. McBain to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jno. Hornby and Wm. Montgomery to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
2- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the demand made by Mr.KcKee of Stoneham to recover damages for the breaking of his cart.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded-J by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay the sum of one dollar and fifty cents (1.50) as its share of price of scraper used on road in Division No.5.
4- Moved by Councillor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that the following men be named and appointed Valuators, Auditors, etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Road Inspectors
Pat. King jr. for Division No.2, from the First Concession line at Jno. R. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
James Kennedy instead of Robt. Penney for Division No. 1
Moses McCoubrey for Division No.3, being the by-road between the 3rd & 4th Concessions, over Maple Hill.
Richard Smith for Division No. h, from the line between wm. Smith’s and Patrick Cassin’s lands to the Lorette line.
Robert Goodfellow for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
William Boyd jr. for Division No.7, from the line between the 3rd & 4th Concessions to Murphys Rocks.
Lawrence Corrigan jr. for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary line between the TJocal and County roads in Roche Platte.
Jas. McCartney for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Thos. A. McBain.
Pound Keepers – Daniel Kack – John Leddy
Valuators – Wm Jack, Lawrence Loughren and Jno. R. Thompson
Auditors – Patrick Gough & Jno. McCartney
Health Officers – Geo. Thompson, Alex Adams and Alfred Hicks (re-elected)
5 – Moved by Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jos Hicks and resolved that this Council has no by-law regarding the granting of liquor license in this municipality.
6 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council is willing to accept the terms of the agreement made between William B. McBain, Mayor, and David McKinley, which is to the effect that the said David McKinley be paid the sum of thirty dollars, by this Corporation for injuries he said he received on a road under the control of this Council. The above-mentioned sum of money to be borrowed from Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas., for one year bearing interest at 6 per cent.
7- Moved by ~councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Laval lee, Sec. Treas. Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of April, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Wm. Montgomery, Jas. Robinson, Jno. Billing and Thos. Manning, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to act as Councilor in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the summer keeping of the municipal share of road over Maple Hill.
3 – Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery , seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that all roads and fences in this Municipality be properly repaired immediately, so as to stand inspection by the Rural Inspector on the lst day of May.
4- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council appoints Jas. McCartney, Road Inspector for Division No.9, (being the road leading to Stoneham) instead of Jas. Adams who will not accept the office on account of being over sixty years of age.
5- Moved by Councilor .1as. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council examined the voters’ list for this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
6- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council makes an agreement with Robt. Goodfellow, dividing the keeping of his front road equally into two parts; the portion next the priest’s to be maintained by the Municipal Corporation, and the other by the proprietor Robt. Goodfellow.
7- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jos Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Provisions of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Montgomery, Jno. Billing, Jno. Hornby, Jos. Hicks and Jas. Robinson forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by.Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council appoints Moses McCoubrey, Road Inspector, instead of Jno. W. Thompson who has resigned.
2- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Geo. Thompson, (acting as agent for Thos. Thompson), to pay his share of the winter keeping of road before the July meeting of this Council.
3- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors, to have the roads and fences in their Divisions properly repaired immediately.
4- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the summer keeping of the joint labor road between the Third and Fourth Concessions, known as the road leading to the Iron Bridge; also the building of a guard along the embankment near Fairy Lake, said railing to consist of sound cedar posts, 4inches in diameter, standard measurement, placed 6 feet apart, sunk 3 feet in ground, leaving them 4 feet high when finished, with 2 battens, 6 in. wide, 1 1/2 in. thick, to be checked the depth of batten into each post, the top one to be 3 feet from the ground, and the other placed in middle of intervening space. Battens to be nailed with two 4 in. nails at every check post.
5 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Jacques Cartier Power Company to have the bridge on Mr. Thos. Knox’s land, properly repaired immediately.
6- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 Pm. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Billing, Jno. Horn by, Thos. Manning, Jas. Robinson, Wm. Montgomery and Jos. Hicks, making a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has consulted with Thos. Knox, concerning the bridges to be built by the Jacques Cartier Water Power Go., on a road near his property, and he has decided not to give the requisite timber for said work, less than fifty dollars.
2 – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council has examined the new Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to interview Mr. Ed. Slade, Manager of the Jacques Cartier Water Power Co. concerning the making of a drain through the First Concession swamp.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno Horn by, and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify (for the second time), Jas. Kennedy and Moses McCoubrey to have the roads and fences in their Divisions properly repaired immediately.
5 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, August the fourth, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor and Councilors John Horn by and Joseph Hicks ; for lack of a quorum it was resolved to adjourn until Tuesday Sept. 2nd at 7 P. M.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of September, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of seven P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. R. McBain, Mayor, councilors Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks, Jas. Robinson and Thos. Manning forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, Seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the jury list belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that if the work done on the bridge at Mr. Thos. Knox’s suits the Road Inspector (who will be notified concerning it), the Council will accept it from the Jacques Cartier Water Power Co.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of six P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Billing, Jno. Horn by,Wm. Montgomery, Jas Robinson and Thos. Manning, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. A. McBain, Rural Inspector, to visit the work done by the Jacques Cartier W. P. Co., on a bridge at Mr. Thos Knox’s and send in his report concerning it to the Council.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, as to the legality of making a Proces Verbal for a portion of road in the First Concession, without the consent of the owners of the properties fronting said road.
3- Moved by Councilor Joe. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to have the account books belonging to this Council audited before the next regular monthly meeting.
4 – Moved by Councilor William Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council empowers the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have the roads in their Divisions properly repaired, and to lay them out for winter traffic in the same manner as last year.
5- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St.
Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the fourteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting a t the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the !~municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present wm. B, McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks and Thos Manning (the absent members having been duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the }mayor.
Said meeting convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of removing the water off a portion of road in the First Concession
of this Municipality.
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that the proprietors who are annoyed by the water on the road at their lands, being present, viz. Wm. Lyons, Patrick King, Jas. Johnston and Thos. Knox, wish to have said road changed to dry ground and are willing to give the land for a new road through their respective properties, free of charge.
2 – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks , seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, about changing Jno. & Wm. Billing’s front road, so as to be in line with the proposed road mentioned in last resolution.
3- Moved by councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a regular monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of November, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jno. Horn by, Thos. Manning, Jno. Billing jr. Jas. Robinson and wm. Montgomery , forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a special assessment of five cents per hundred dollars on the valuation of all real taxable property in the 3rd & 4,th Concessions of this Municipality for the purpose of repairing flooring of Mill Bridge, and a general assessment of twenty-five cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property in this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses :
1 – Jury tax for 1903
2- Use of Council Room for 1902
3- Keeping of Maple Hill Road, summer of 1902
4 – Court House & County Council taxes for 1902
5 – Keeping of winter roads and clearing snow off iron bridge
6 – Secretary Treasurer’s salary
7- Keeping road through Big Bush in Roche Platte
8 – Towards support of reformatory School
9- Keeping road to Iron Bridge, summer of 1902
10 – Building railing on road to Fairy Lake
11 – Damages claimed by Mr. D. McKinley
$t12.00 8.00 35.76 25.00 12.00 40.00 2.00 10.00 16.00 8.70 31.80
2- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by the Auditors, concerning the Sec. Treas. accounts for the current year.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Thos. Lavallee, as Special Superintendent, to travel the route that those ratepayers in the First Concession are wanting for a new road, to consider the advisability of draining the swamp to dry the old road and to draw up a proces verbal for whichever is decided upon.
4- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the petition of certain ratepayers of this Municipality regarding the changing of maple Hill Road.
5 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. MAnning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to call a Public Meeting of all the ratepayers in the Municipality for the purpose of voting on the questions of changing the road over maple Hill.
6- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Boyd, Road Inspector, to have a new joint labor fence built along the lands of Messrs. Thos. & Robert Goodfellow, on or before June Ist, 1903.
7- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the ratepayers of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, convened for the purpose of considering the changing of the maple Hill Road, held on Thursday the thirteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and two, at Mr. Oliver McKinley’s, at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Montgomery, Jno. Hornby, Jas. Robinson and a number of ratepayers. As a petition requesting a change of road has been laid before said Council, the members would like to hear the opinion of the ratepayers before making change.
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jas . Robinson and resolved that the majority of the ratepayers present are in favor of the road requested by the petitioners. Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. LavalleeJ Sec. Tress.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and two, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm.B. McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jno. Billing, Jos Hicks, Jno. Hornby and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the motion appointing Thos. Lavallee, as Special Superintendent to draw up a Proces Verbal for the swamp road in the Second Concession of this Municipality be postponed till the regular meeting in April 1903.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that on account of the Municipal and School taxes due by Daniel Kack, be sent to the County Council to have his land sold for said arrears.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council postpones the changing of the Maple Hill Road, until the next regular monthly meeting.
4- Moved by Councilor John Billing, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the petition presented by certain of the ratepayers, asking for the Hicks Road from the First Concession to the road between the 3rd & 4th Concessions, and that it will be considered at the next regular monthly meeting.
5 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Wm. B. McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks, Wm. Montgomery, Thos. Manning and Jno. Billing, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jno. Billing and resolved that this Council postpones the changing of the Maple Hill Road until the general monthly meeting in April of this year, and to then appoint three men, not belonging to this Municipality, to travel the proposed routes to ascertain which is the proper road to take to meet the requirements of the public.
2- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. Kennedy, Road Inspector to have the road in his Division properly scraped, balized and Passing places made thereon, not further than 3 acres apart, immediately.
3- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council appoints Henry Loughren to act as a Health Officer instead of Chas. Wolff, jr. who is absent from the Municipality.
4 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at the house of Mr. Wm. Billing sr. on Monday the twelfth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and three at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two new Councilors for said Municipality in the room and stead of Wm. B. McBain & Jno. Billing, jr.
1 – Moved by Wm. B. McBain, seconded by Wm. Montgomery, that Louis McBain and Thos. Knox be appointed to fill the vacant offices.
2- Moved by Wm. Smith, seconded by Jno. Horn by that Alfred Hicks and Louis McBain be appointed to fill the vacant offices.
3- Moved by Alfred Hicks, seconded by Jos. Hicks that Jno. Billing jr. be re-elected.
The ratepayers present thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following results :- Louis McBain was elected with a majority of 4votes, and Thos. Knox with a majority of 3.
I, the undersigned Presiding officer, do declare the meeting at an end and that Louis McBain and Thos. Knox have been duly elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of February, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Louis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Wm. Montgomery, Thos. Manning and Thos. Knox, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox and Lewis McBain to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the next term of office.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Lewis McBain be elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Lewis McBain, to act as Mayor in this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Wm. B. McBain, Mayor
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council orders by by-law as follows:
1- that the keeping of all winter roads in this Municipality, both front and joint labor, shall be sold in October of each year.
2- That all roads shall be scraped and kept six feet wide, with proper passing places, not less than 50 feet in length and not more than 12 acres apart, said passing places to be kept in as good condition as the road. Balizes to be placed on both Bides of roads and passing places, not more than 30 feet apart.
3- All Road Inspectors who do not fulfill the requirements of this by-law shall be fined.
3- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that Pat King, jr. be appointed Road Inspector, instead of Thos. Khox, who has been elected Councilor.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this-s Municipality, to have the roads in their Division properly repaired immediately.
5- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday- the second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting a t the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Jas Robinson, and Thos. Knox, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Khox, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that a part of one of the provisions of the by-law made last meeting, concerning the keeping of winter roads in this Municipality, shall be amended so as to oblige the passing places to be not less than 50 feet in length instead of 100 .
2- Moved by Councilor Jos. Ricks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Patrick Gough be re-elected Auditor, and Thos. Billing Sr. be appointed to the same office for the ensuing year.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain Mayor
Thomas Lavaliee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Jos. Hicks, Wm. Montgomery, Jno. Hornby and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted~:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined and made the necessary corrections on the voters list belonging to this Municipality for the current year.
2- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council has approved and passed the by-law made the 2nd of February, 1903, relating to the selling of the maintenance of the winter roads in this Municipality.
3- Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council has appointed Geo. Madden, Jamess Bedard and Thos. Jack to walk the three disputed roads leading from the Ist to the third Concession, and decide which one in their opinion suits the majority. They are therefore to meet at Jno. McBain’s on Monday the 4th of May, at 8 A. M. proceed to the different roads and give in their decision to the local Council at 4 P. M. the same day.
4 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has appointed Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas. as Special Superintendent to visit a certain flooded portion of road in the First and Second Concessions of this Municipality on Monday the 4th of May, at 9 A. M., hear all interested parties, and decide whether it is advisable to make a proces verbal for a new road, or drain the one now in use, also to consider the advisability of opening a new road through the Ist Concession by Pat King’s, Wm. Lyons and Thos. King’s until it strikes the line of Division between Valcartier and Co. Portneuf.
5- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Manning, Thos. Knox, Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks, Jas. Robinson and Wm. Montgomery, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded. by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, to ascertain if it is lawful for Rev. H. McGratty to make 9 acres of front road for 38 acres of land, as he is objecting to such work.
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council accepts the decision of Messrs. Thos. Jack, Jas. Bedard and Geo. Madden, changing Maple Hill Road, to the old road by Carroll’s as requested in petition presented by some ratepayers in this Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery , seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the summer keeping of the front road leading to Iron Bridge.
4- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council postpones the laying out of the road at Lyons’ and King’s in the First Concession until the June meeting.
5- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. King to the office of Valuator in this Municipality instead of Jno. R. Thompson, who is seriously indisposed.
6- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders Thos. Lavallee, Special Superintendent to draw up a Proces Verbal for a road commencing at the First Concession highway at the line between Thos Knox’s and Jas. Johnston’s, running up Thos. Knox’s land until it comes opposite the First Concession Road on Curtis McBain’s land, across Jno. Billing’s properties until it strikes the First Concession Road at Curtis McBain’s front – Proces Verbal for said road to be made on or before the l6th day of May inst.
7- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the sum of one dollar and fifty cents be paid to each of the three men- Thos. Jack, Jas Bedard and Geo. Madden, who walked the three disputed roads today and reported accordingly.
8 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council appoints Jno. McBain, as Special Superintendent to draw up a Process Verbal for a road from the 3rd to the First Concession of this Municipality, commencing at Fairy Lake, being the one selected by the three appointed delegates.
9- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Boyd, Road Inspector, to have the joint labor fence in his Division properly repaired immediately.
10 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery , seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of this Municipality held on Monday the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and three at the house of Mr. Oliver McKinley, at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Wm. Montgomery, Jos. Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Those Manning & Jno. Hornby, forming
a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno Horn by, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council appoints Charles Hicks as a Special Valuator, to value a portion of land for road across the properties of Messrs Jno. And Wm. Billing in the Second Concession of this Municipality, said appointment being made on account of a relationship existing between one of the Municipal Valuators and the said parties.
2- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council accepts the amendment to the Process Verbal for the line of road running through the First and Second Concessions, from Mr. Walter Knox’s to Ste Ambroise.
3- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thomas Manning and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators to proceed to the properties of Messrs Jno. & Wm. Billing in the Second Concession on the I8th day of June at 10 A. M. for the purpose of valuing a certain portion of their land for a road, also to value the old road to ascertain the difference between the two routes.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jas Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Manager of the Jacques Cartier Light & Water Power Co. to have the bridges under their control at Mr. Thos Knox’s in the second Concession of this Municipality properly repaired immediately.
5- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the eleventh day of June, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of seven P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of appointing a valuator in the room and stead of Thos. King, as he is an interested party in the road across the land of Messrs Jno. & Wm. Billing, which this Council intends to have valued – at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Montgomery, Jos. Hicks, Thos. Knox and Jno. Hornby and Thos Manning, (the absent Councilors having been notified) , forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the ~following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that Jno. Adams be appointed as a Special Valuator instead of Thos. King, to value a portion of road across the properties of Messrs Jno. & Wm. Billing in the Second Concession of this Municipality.
2- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that the valuing of the portion of road across Jno. & Wm. Billing’s properties in the Second Concession take place on the 30th of June, 1903, instead of the 18th, as formerly decided upon; the delay being caused by the appointment of a Special Valuator instead of Thos. King.
3 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel ~e Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour
of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were :’)resent Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councillors Jos. Hicks, wm. Montgomery, Jno. Horn by, Thos. Knox, Jas. Robinson and Thos. Manning, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon for local purposes only.
2- Moved by Co1mcillor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor ~. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. To get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the judgment rendered in the Elliot & Kiston Co. case, to ascertain if the damages done to the road at Khox1s are included in the amount paid yearly for damages done to the Knox property.
3- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council accepts the Proces Verbal made by Jno. McBain, Special Superintendent relating to the Carroll Road and all parties bound by it, to keep said road, shall do their shares according to law.
h – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council orders Richard Smith, Road Inspector, to collect the sum of five dollars from Jno. Horn by for work done in repairs on his front road.
5- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice and to sell the keeping of the Maple Hill Road for the re :ain1er of the summer and the fall season.
6 – Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery , seconded by Councilor Jos Hicks and resolved that this Council will pay Moses McCoubrey, Road Inspector, the sum of 5 dollars for work done on Maple Hill Road during the month of June 1903, as soon as it has the necessary funds.
7- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Thos. Manning and resolved that this Council will pay Thos. Adams the amount of 2 dollars for keeping h acres of Rev. McGratty’s road, winter of 1903.
8- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that meeting be adjourned until Thursday the 9th inst., at 7 P. M.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the thjrd day of August, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting a t the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting ~ere present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Thos. Knox, Jno. Horn by, Jas Robinson, wm. Montgomery and Thos. Manning, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council agrees to pay the sum of fifteen dollars out of the forty agreed upon, to give Messrs Jno. ~t wm. Billing for a road across their property in the swamp. The remainder of the amount (525.00) to be paid by the proprietors of the locality through which the road passes, and that the Sec. Treas. notify the Messrs. Billing to that effect.
2- Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that the members of this Council to go on Monday the 17th inst., to inspect the proposed road by Carroll’s to estimate the cost of making said road.
3.- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council intends at its next regular meeting, to form a by-law to provide that all jo1nt labor roads and public bridges in this Municipality shall be maintained at the cost of the Corporation, the amount to defray such expense being levied by a general assessment on all the real taxable property within this Municipality
u – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. Kennedy, Road Inspector, to have the roads in his Division properly repaired immediately.
5 – Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Richard Smith, Road Inspector, the sum of two dollars, (JNO. Horn by, paying the remaining three) for repairing front road.
6- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that This Council appoints Thos. Lavallee as a Special Superintendent to draw up a Proces Verbal for the line of road running through the Third and Fourth Concessions, from the Iron Bridge to the line between Valcartier and
St. Ambroise.
7 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Manning, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
I.ewis McBairJ., Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of 5he Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday (Monday being Labor nay), Die thousand nine hundre1 and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour
of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Thos. Manning and \AhIl. Montgomery , forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that that this Council orders by by-law, that dating from the first day of January, 190)1- the keeping and maintaining of all by-roads and public bridges in this l1unicipality shall be at the cost and charge of this Corporation, funds for such work to be obtained by tax levied on all taxable property in this Municipality, and the keeping of said roads to be sold by the Road. Inspectors of the respective Divisions.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Horn by, seconde1 by Councilor Jos. Hicks arid resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from ¥~. Bedard, Advocate, as to what amount of front road the property beinngj-ng to Hugh McLaughlin should make.
3- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Mr. Bedard, Advocate, to compel the Jacques Cartier Water Power Co. to have those bridges at Knox ‘ s repaired within eight days from date of notice.
h – Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. }1anning and resolved that this Council having taken into consideration the making of a road at Lyons and King’s in the First Concession, (which should have been done at the meeting in June, but was neglected owing to the pressure of business), have come to the following conclusion, to appoint Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. as Special Superintendent to draw up a Proces Verbal for said line of road along the River Jacques Cartier, from Patrick’s King’s to the line between Valcartier and Co, Portneuf , and have the same laid before this Council at its next regular monthly meeting.
5- Moved by Councilor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Patrick Gough And Thos. Billing, sr. to have the accounts of this Corporation audited before the next regular monthly meeting.
6- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conform! tee with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor,
Councilors wm. Montgomery, Jno. Horn by, Thos. 1~lanning, Jas. Robinson,
Jos. Hicks & Thos. Knox, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a special assessment of forty-five cents per hundred dollars on certain landowners in the Ist & 2nd Concessions of this Municipality to pay for a portion of land for a road in that locality, also a general assessment of fifty cents per hundred dollars on all the real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses :-
Jury tax for 190h
Use of Council Room for 1903
Keeping the Maple Hill Road, summer of 1903
Court House & County Council taxes for 1903
Keeping of joint labor roads, winter of 190h
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through Big Bush in Roche Platte
Towards support of reformatory school
Keeping road to Iron Bridge, summer of 1903
To road delegates appointed by local Council
Towards flooring Iron Bridge
To Thos. Adams for a portion of land for road
For drawing up h Proces Verbaux
To Mr. Bedard, Advocate
Towards making the Carroll Road
To Messrs Jno. & Wm. Billing for a portion of land for a road
$12.00 8.00 28.50 25.00 85.00 50.00 2.00 12.00 8.00 5.50 21.00 35.00 13.00 20.00 7.5.00 1.5.00
2 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by the Auditors concerning the Sec. Treasurer’s accounts for the current year.
3- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council examine the voters list belonging to this Municipality and make the necessary corrections thereon.
4- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council accepts the by-law dated Sept. 2lst, 1903,the terms of which state that the keeping of all joint labor roads and public bridges shall be at the charge of the Corporation.
.5 – Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council accepts the Proces Verbal for the line of road running through the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality from the Iron Bridge to the Division line between Valcartier & St. Ambroise.
6- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that Patrick Gough be appointed a Councilor of this Municipality to finish Thos. Manning’s term of office, as on account of his selling his farm he is disqualified to act as such.
7 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that the winter keeping of the Fifth Concession road both fronts & joint labor, be sold by the acre during this month.
8- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks
and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Thos. Adams the sum of thirty-five dollars for a portion of his land for a road, and to leave the Proces Verbal for the Carroll Road as it now stands.
9 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Thom. Knox and resolved that this Council hires Alfred Lepire to engage men to finish the Carroll Road, if $75.00 will do it – wages to be as follows:-
To Mr. A. Lepire as foreman per day 1 man with a team of horses per day
1 man with 1 horse per day
1 man as a laborer II II
$1.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
10- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council does borrow the sum of seventy-five dollars from Mr.Alfred Lepire to finish (if it will) the Carroll Road, also the sum of twenty-one dollars from Thos Lavallee, to pay this Municipality’s share of flooring the Iron Bridge.
11- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council accepts the Proces Verbal for a line of road through the First Concession, from lot No. 17 to Lot No.76, with the following amendment instead of the road starting on the bank of the river on Lot No. 17 have it start on lot No. 19, at Mr. William Lyons house and leave out lots Nos. 17 & l8 altogether.
12 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that the winter roads be laid out on the same route as last year, with the following exceptions – the road between the 3rd & 4th Concessions shall follow the summer route as far as Edward Bedard’s, then cross into the fields to go down Cassin’s Hill, also in the field. The winter route of the Carroll Road to be as follows – have it start at Fairy Lake, and follow the summer track as far as Thos. Adams barn, then across near Alex Aikens to the top of the hill, take the summer road from there and down by Carroll’s old place until it reaches the First Concession highway.
13- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of November, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Montgomery, Jos. Hicks, Thos. Knox, Pat Gough and Jno Hornby forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Jno Hornby, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council appoints Wm. Lyons as Road Inspector, instead of Moses McCoubrey for the remainder of the latter’s term of office.
2- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Joseph Hicks and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee as Special Superintendent, to visit a portion of land in the lst Concession for a road, hear the opinions of all interested parties and draw up a proces verbal for said road.
3- Moved by Councilor Thom. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council accepts the work on the new road across Jno. Billing’s & Wm. Billing’s, Jas. Johnston’s, also the joint labor portion, until said road meets the First Concession highway, and declares the said road opened for traffic from henceforth according to the terms of a proces Verbal dated May 16th, 1903.
4 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Patrick Gough and resolved! that this meeting be adjourned until Wednesday the 4th inst. at 4 PM.
Patrick Gough, Chairman Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of St. Gabriel Valcartier, held on Wednesday the fourth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of h P. M., in conformity with the l1Qnicipal Code of the Province of Quebec: at which meeting were present Councillors Wm. Montgomery, Jno. Horn by, Jos. Hicks, Patrick Gough and Thos. Knox, forming a quorum of said Council, the Mayor being absent, it was resolved to appoint Patrick Gough as Chairman for the present meeting – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Leddy, Curtis McBain and Jno. Billing, jr. to the effect that the Maple Hill Road will be closed for public traffic early in the spring of 1904, and that the joint labor fences along said road will then be either sold or taken down and placed on the new road, they can therefore govern themselves accordingly, as to the erection of a new fence.
2 – 14oved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded! by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Patrick Gough, Chairman Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 11 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, and convened for the purpose of deciding whether the front road on Knox’s land be closed or not; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Joseph Hicks, Patrick Gough, Jas. Robinson & Jno. Hornby (the absent Councilor having been duly notified) the following resolutions were adopted under the presidency of the Mayor:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Jacques Cartier Water Power Co.
to repair the road & bridges at Knox’s farm as soon as possible, instead of said Council closing the road, and if the work cannot be done in a satisfactory manner this fall, have them make the road passable and assume the responsibility of any damages that may be connected therewith.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Hornby, seconde1 by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred and three, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M., in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors 1~. Montgomery, Jos. Hicks, Jno. Horn by, Thos Khox, Pat Gough and Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the Proces Verbal for the line of road through the First Concession of this Municipality, commencing at the line of Division between Valcartier and Co. Portneuf, near the branch of the Jacques Cartier River on Lot No. 17, until it joins the First Concession highway on Lot No.76, with the following amendment. Instead of starting on the bank of the river on Lot No. 17, as stated in the Proces Verbal, have the road commence at the line between Valcartier and Co. Portneuf, on said lot, at a point about 1 ½ acres above the house of Thos. King, and follow a straight line in a North-Easterly direction until it strikes the cross-line between Lots Nos. 17 & 18, then following said line on Lot No. 17, until within 2 1/2 acres of Lot No. 18, the road shall then cross abruptly on to Lot No. 18, and still follow said line to the corner, then crossing no. 18 diagonally until it reaches the line between 18 & 19, just above the barn, and shall follow said line on Lot No. 18, until it reaches the bank of the river on Lot No. 19, as stated in the Proces Verbal.
That portion of road running along the line between Lots Nos. 18 & 19 on 18 shall be made and maintained as a front road by the proprietor of Lot No. 18, who agrees to accept it and maintain it as a special front road, by affixing his signature to this statement.
Hugh McLaughlin
2 – Moved by Councilor Patrick Gough, seconded by Councilor Thos Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice, and sell by public auction, by the acre, the building of about 50 acres, more or less, of a new fence along the Carroll Road to the First Concession in this Municipality , said fence to consist of cedar pickets, 4 inches standard measurement with the butt end well driven into the ground to be six ft. in length and placed 8 feet apart and 4 barbed wires, the three bottom ones 10 in. apart and the top one 12 in. or to suit the proprietor through whose land the road crosses, in the position of the wires.
3- Moved by Councilor Jos. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved this meeting be adjourned. Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lagallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 4th day of January, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jos. Hicks, Jno. Horn by, Thos. Knox, Jas. Robinson and Patrick Gough, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Patrick Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox
and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice, calling for sealed tenders for the erection of 50 acres, more or less, of barbed wire fence along the Carroll Road to the First Concession, said tenders to be taken into consideration by the local Counc;l at its next regular monthly meeting Feb. lst 190hj also that the Council is not obliged to accept the lowest or any tender.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby seconded by Councillor Jas. Robjnson and resolved that this Council appoints Jas. Johnston to be Road Inspector, for the new line of road running down the river to Thomas King’s.
3- Moved by Councillor Patrick Gough seconded by Councillor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee as Presiding Officer at the election of Councilors to take place January llth, 19Oh.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Robt. Goodfellow and Lawrence Corrigan j Road Inspectors j to have the roads in their Divisions balized and kept in proger condition without further notice.
5- Move~ by Councillor Jno. Hornby seconded by Councillor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this Council empowers Jas. Johnston, Road Inspector, to lay out the winter road across the lands of Pat King, wm. Lyons and Hugh McLaughlin to Thos. K~ng’s, by passing in front of Pat King’s and Wm. Lyons’, if they are not agreeable to have it where it is now baljzed.
6- J1oved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jos. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thos Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday January Ilth, at the house of Oliver McKinley at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality in the room and stead of Jas. Robinson & Jos. Hicks.
1- Moved by Louis McBain, seconded by Thos. Knox, that Jas. Robinson be reelected and that Thos. Billing be elected instead of Jos. Hicks.
Votes for Thos. Billing – Wm. Montgomery & Jas. Johnston.
Votes for Jas. Robinson- Jas. Johnston & wm. Montgomery.
As there were only two candidates nominated, the election was carried without
any opposition. Thos. Billing being elected instead of Jos. Hicks and Jas. Robinson re-elected.
I, the undersigned Presiding O-officer do declare this meeting at an end, and that Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson are duly elected Councilors for the next term of office.
Thos. Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality ty
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of February, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of
2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Horn by, Pat Gough, Jas. Robinson, Thos. Knox, Thos. Hilling and Wm. Montgomery, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
I, the undersigned, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to
Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson, to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
l – Moved by Councillor Patrick Gough, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Lewis McBain be re-elected as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Lewis McBain, to act as Mayor for the ensuing year.
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2- Move~ by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that as regards the size of pickets for the new fence along a portion of the Carroll Road, this Council will accept from the contractor a six in. piece of cedar, split in two for two pickets, also any picket with two 4in. faces, or any round picket, four in. in diameter.
3 -Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded~ by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolve~ that this Council orders a passing place to be made at Patrick Cassin’s gate, instead of at Geo. Wolff’s.
h- Moved by Councillor WM. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Jno.
and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Road Inspector, to have the road in his Division opened out earlier -in day, also to notify Jas. McCartney to have his Division on the road to Stoneham scraped after each snowfall.
Horn by Boyd, the
5 – Moved by Councillor Patrick Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St.
Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of March, one thousand nine hundred and four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M.
in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Jas. Robinson, Jno. Horn by, Wm. Montgomery, Thos. Billing and Patrick Gough, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopte~:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that the following men be named and appointed to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Auditors etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
ROAD inspectors
John McCoubrey instead of Jas. Kennedy for Division No. 1.
wm. J. Billing for Division No.2, from the First Concession line at J. R. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Wm. Lyons for Division No.3, being the road through the First, Second and Third Concessions, from the Portneuf line right through to Fairy Lake.
wm. Neil for Division No.4, from the line between wm. Smith’s and P. Cassin’s lands to the Lorette line.
Graham McBain for Division No.5, from wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
David Hamilton for Division No.6,
being the Ten Lot Road.
Thos. Goodfellow for Division No.7, from the line between the 3rd & 4th Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Hugh Shea for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary line between the Local and County roads in Roche Platte.
Charles Jack, jr. for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Patrick Cassin.
Pound Keeper – Thos. Adams.
Valuators – Thos. Billing jr. J Henry Loughren and Edward Bedard.
Auditors – Robt. Penney & Jno. McCartney.
Health Officers – Chas. Hicks, George McNicoll, Geo. Thompson, re-elected.
2- Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from 1~. Bedard, Advocate, concerning Jno. Billing’s front road.
3- Moved by Councillor Patrick Gough, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders that the Road Inspector in Robt. Goodfellow’s Division be properly repaired immediately.
4- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the fifth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and four at the usual place of meeting at the hour of
2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Thos. Knox, and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders that the summler keeping of all joint labor roads and fences in this Municipality be sold during the present month.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council appoints Hugh Shea, Road Inspector, instead of Daniel McNicoll, who has not the necessary qualifications for the office.
3- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from ~~. Bedard, Advocate, as regards the placing of the new fence on a certain part of the Carroll Road.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing .and resolved that this Corporation will give one dollar towards the payment of the new frame on the roller used on the roads in the 5th Concession, and that the other dollar be collected by Wm. Boyd, Road Inspector, from the owners of front roads in the 5th Concession, and in future all contractors shall be obliged to provide their own rollers and scrapers for making and maintaining roads in this Municipal.
5- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council humbly requests the sum of two hundred dollars from the Government for the purpose of giving the much needed repairs to roads in this Municipality.
6- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Patrick Gough, Chairman Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of ¥ay, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the, hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the }~municipal Code of the Province of Quebec ; at which meeting were present Councilors Wm. Montgomery , Jas. Robinson, Pat Gough, Thos. Knox, Thos. Billing & Jno. Horn by, forming a quo~ of said Council – in the absence of the Mayor, Councillor P. Gough was
appointed Chairman, and the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council does annul the Proces Verbal for the road over Maple Hill running through the 2nd & 3rd Concessions of this Municipality and does further ordain and resolve by by-law that said road be closed for traffic henceforth and that the new road known as the Carrol Road, does take the place thereof, also that this by-law provides for the closing of that part of the First Concession highway along Lot No.82, and across Lots Nos. 82,79 & 81, so that the new road which was opened by Proces Verbal last Bummer in that locality takes the place thereof.
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee Sec. Treas. to borrow the Sum of two hundred dollars for the purpose of defraying the expense of the erection of the new fence joint labor on the Carroll Road in this Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council agrees to sell the Municipal share of the wire fence on the Maple Hill for the sum of one dollar per acre.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that whereas a request has been presented to this Council by Thos. Knox and Jas. Johnston, asking that the new joint labor fence on the Carrol Road (affecting their property), be placed all on one side of the road, as by so doing it will relieve them from lifting seven and one half acres of a good fence, and placing it on the other side of the road. After giving the matter due consideration, this Council sees fit to grant the request of the aforementioned parties.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor wm. Montgomery and resolve~ that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to measure the shares of the joint labor fence on the Carrol Road, so as to allow the contractors to build said fence immediately.
6- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify wm. Neil,
Road Inspector, to further repair the Mill Fridge, making it safe for traffic, and send in a certified account to this Council.
7- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council adjourns until the first Monday in June, to meet at Mr. Wm. Lyons at 11 A. M. on said day.
Patrick Gough Chairman Thos. Lavallee Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of
2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain Mayor Councilors Thos. Knox, Patrick Gough, wm. Montgomery, Thos. Billing & Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Tress. to remeasure a portion of the fence on the Carroll Road, as said fence is not on the proper side of the road.
2- Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this municipality to have the roads in their respective Divisions properly repaired immediately.
3- Moved by Councilor Patrick Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders that the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality be revised at the next regular monthly meeting.
4- Moved by Councillor 1~. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify John Neil & Thos. Goodfellow, to have the drains in their fields opened so as to allow the water from Murphy’s Rocks a free outlet.
5- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders that as soon as the new fence on the Carrol Road is finished, it is to be inspected by the Rural Inspector, and if done according to the contract, the Sec. Treas. is to pay for the erection of said fence without delay.
6- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Rural Inspector to be at Goodfellow’s Rocks, on Tuesday the 7th inst., at 1 P. M. to decide what means to adopt to drain the road there of water; also to have a bridge put at Mr. Pat Cassin’s gate to prevent the water from washing away the roadway on the hill.
7- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing
and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
St. Gabriel de Valcartier~ July 4th, 190h
At a general monthly meeting of’ the local council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred an~ four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour
of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the l-municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Horn by, Pat Gough, Thos. Billing, wm. Montgomery and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councilor. Robinson and resolved that this Council ordains by by-law that the amendment attached to the Proces Verbal for the road to the First Concession highway on Lot No. 76, be annulled, and that paragraph 1 of said Proces Verbal be accepted as was originally intended, that is by starting the road on the river bank on Lot No. 17, and continuing its course in the manner stated in said Proces Verbal, with the exception that paragraph 3, is omitted altogether.
2- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councilor wm. Montgomery~ and resolved that the Valuation Roll now in force in this }municipality, has been revised ann. the necessary corrections made thereon.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders that the Road Inspectors, Chas. Jack, Jr. and Hugh Shea be notified to have the roads in their Divisions properly repaired within eight days.
U- Moved by Councillor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council has examined the bridges at Knox’s in the 2nd Concession, and does not find the work done on them satisfactory; at the East end, they need 60 feet of railing, on the side next the river and the whole work needs to be raised a foot or more in the center, so as to cover the stones that are piled against the sides, making the road too narrow for traffic.
5- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the lst day of August, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting a t the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough, Thos. Billing, Thos. Knox and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council accepts the amendment to the Proces Verbal laid before the meeting July loth, 19011, putting that portion of road in the First Concession on Lots Nos 17 & 18 along the bank of the river.
2 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders from henceforth that the keeping of all joint labor roads in this Municipality, be sold in April and October of each year by the Secretary Treasurer of the Municipality.
3- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that t this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Friday the nineteenth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and four, at 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor Councilors Jno. Horn by, Pat Gough, Thos. Knox and Thos. Billing, (the absent members being duly notified). Said meeting convened for
the purpose of deciding on which roads in this Municipality, the Government grant of money is to be spent – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders that the hill at Mr. Pat Cassin’s be properly repaired, also that work be done on the Mill Hill.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this meeting be adjourned, until Oct. 3rd, 1901~.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of October, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of
2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, }~mayor, Councilors Jno. Horn by, Pat Gough, Thos. Knox, Thos. Billing, Wm. Montgomery and Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following£ resolutions were adopted:-
1- It is ordained and resolved by by-law of this Council as follows:- lst that all roans in this Municipality must be kept in good repair for the winter season, said roads are to be six feet wide, and to be well rolled and scraped with balizes placed not more than 36 feet apart, in and not more nor less than 10 feet in length. Passing places are to be not more than 4 acres apart and not less than 50 feet in length. It is further ordained and resolved that all summer roads, both front and joint labor throughout this Municipality shall be rounded so as to carry the water off the center of the road, and drains made to take the water away.
2- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council has examined both jury and voters’ lists belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from
Mr. Bedard, Advocate, as to whether it is lawful to put the winter road across Robt. Goodfellow’s property, also if it is necessary to swear in Road Inspectors, if so to notify them to be present on Nov. 7th to take the required oath.
4- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders Thom. Lavallee to hire 3 men along with himself for 2 days, during this month for the purpose of raising large stones to fill in the approach to the Mill Bridge – wages to be ~1.00 per day.
5- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to have the accounts belonging to this Corporation audited before the next regular monthly meeting.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that t this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Goodfellow
and Graham McBain, Road Inspectors, to have the roads in their Divisions well mended and all the ruts and holes filled up.
8- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that owing to the nature of the ground through which our road passes, it is almost impossible to keep it in a passable condition, therefore this Council appoints Jno. Horn by and Thos. Lavallee, to interview the Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick to solicit his help to get the Government to macadamize it from the end of the turnpike Trust Road to Smith’s Hill, a distance of
4 or 5 miles.
7- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell by Public Auction, at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Tuesday the 25th act. inst. at 2 P. M. the keeping of all the joint labor roads in the Municipality. All roads both fronts and joint labor are to follow the same course as last winter.
9- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
P. Gough, Chairman
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of November, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councilors Pat Gough, Thos. Knox, wm. Montgomery, Jas. Robinson, Jno. Horn by and Thomas Billing, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Chairman, Pat Gough, who was elected to that office in the absence of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council finding it impossible to form a just estimate of the cost of fixing the broken embankment of the Mill Bridge, so as to sell the work by contract consider that it will be done better & cheaper by hiring Wm. B. MCBain at 51.50 per day to superintend the job, rate of wages to be as follows :- 1 man with team of horses – ~2.00 per day, 1 man with one horse $1.50 and 1 man alone $1.00 per day.
2- Moved by Councillor wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has decided to layout the winter road on the summer track from Pat Cassin’s Hill to the Mill Bridge.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council accepts the by-law for the maintenance of the winter and summer roads in this Municipality.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of eighty-five cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:-
Building wire fence on Carrol Road
Keeping joint labor roads, summer of 1904
Towards painting Iron Bridge
Meals for Councilors for 1904
Building bridge in Roche Platte
Repairing Mill Bridge
Jury tax for 1905
Use of Council room for 1904
Court House & County Council taxes for 1904
Keeping joint labor roads, winter of 1905
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through Big Bush in Roche Platte
Insufficient amt. levied for winter roads, 1904
Towards support of reformatory school
$223.78 100.00 5.00 20.00 9.00 60.00 12.00 8.00 25.00 129.00 50.00 2.00 25.00 12.00
5- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by Jno. McCartney, Auditor, concerning the Sec. Treasurer’s accounts for the current year.
6- Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give all Road Inspectors in this Municipality full instructions concerning the by-law for the keeping of winter and summer roads in said Municipality.
7- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Patrick Gough, Chairman Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the fifth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and four, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Lewis McBain, Mayor, Councilor Jno. Hornby, Thos. Knox, Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Counci1or Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council annuls resolution No.2, passed at a meeting held on Nov. 7th, 1904, and have the winter road on the old track through the fields of Chas. Hicks, Jos. Hicks and Mrs. Hill as heretofore.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Lewis McBain, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, January 3rd, 1905, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. In conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code
of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councilors Thos. Knox, Wm. Montgomery, Thos. Billing and Jno. Hornby, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Chairman, Thos. Knox, who was elected to that office in the absence of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Neil & Graham McBain, Road Inspectors, to have their Divisions of road kept in better condition than heretofore, and to have them properly balized and passing places well defined.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Wm. Montgomery and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to act as Presiding Officer at the election of Councilors, Jan. 9th, 1905.
3- Moved by Councillor Wm. Montgomery, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that owing to the temporary absence of Wm. Neil, Road Inspector, this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to notify Chas. Hicks, road contractor, to have his Division of road straightened and put in proper repair according to the provisions of the by-law for the maintenance of winter roads in this Municipality .
4- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thos. Knox, Chairman Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
St. Gabriel de Valcartier, January 9th, 1905
At a meeting of the electors of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday, January 9th, at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing three new Councilors in the room and stead of Jno. Hornby, Wm. Montgomery & Pat Gough.
1- Moved by Oliver McKinley, seconded by John Billing jr., that Pat Gough, John Leddy and Jno. McCartney be appointed to fill the vacant offices.
2 – Moved by Jas. Robinson, seconded by Wm. Montgomery, that Alfred Hicks, Andrew Brown and Pat Gough be appointed to fill the vacant offices.
The ratepayers present thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following result – Pat Gough, Jno. Leddy and Andrew Brown were elected to fill the vacant offices.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare the meeting at an end, and that Pat Gough, Jno. Leddy & Andrew Brown have been duly elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixteenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of administering the Oath of office to the new Councilors and to appoint a Mayor for the ensuing year. At which meeting were present Councilors Lewis McBain, Pat Gough, Thos. Knox, Jno. teddy, Andrew Brown and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Pat Gough, Jno. Leddy and Andrew Brown to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office .
Thos. Lavallee Sec..
1 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Thos. Knox be elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year .
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. , certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this municipality for the ensuing year.
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in February at 2 P. M.
Thos. Knox, Mayor
Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough, Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Jno. Leddy, Lewis McBain and Andrew Brown, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:- .
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council intends to build 33 acres of wire fence on the Fifth Concession road in the spring of 1905, and that the Sec. Treas. is to give Public Notice, calling for sealed tenders to be sent in before March 6th for construction of said fence. Tenders may be sent in for the whole or part of said fence, but the Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.
2 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, Seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to interview Mr. Delage, M. P. to try to get a grant of money from Government to purchase a road scraper for this Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor ,]as. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provision of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough, Jno. Leddy, Thos. Bil1ing, Andrew Brown Jas. Robinson and Lewis McBain, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council appoints Alfred Hicks and John McCartney as Auditors of the Sec. Treasurer’s accounts for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council postpones the consideration of a wire fence in the Fifth Concession until a special meeting on the fifteenth inst. At 6 P. M.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Neil and Graham McBain, Road Inspectors, to have the road in their Divisions kept in better order than heretofore under of penalty of fine.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Wednesday the fifteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and five; at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; and convened for the purpose of considering any tenders that may be sent in for the construction of a new wire fence in the 5th Concession, and at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Lewis McBain, Pat Gough, Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Jno. Leddy and Andrew Brown, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council accepts Robt. Goodfellow’s tender for the construction of a new wire fence across and along his property (being a Municipal share), amounting to seventeen acres, more or less, for the sum of four dollars
per acre, and that the said fence is to be made according to specifications agreed upon by this Council, of which due notice has been given.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council will give the preference to Wm. Montgomery, (his tender being the first sent in) to construct the sixteen acre more or less of new wire fence along Jas. McCartney’s land, according to the specification for the sum of four dollars per acre.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel tie Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of April, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting a the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Thos. Billing, Louis McBain, Jas Robinson and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council postpones the signing of the contract for the construction of a new wire fence along Robt. Goodfellow’s land, awaiting a petition from certain ratepayers concerning the changing of a portion of road in that locality
2 -Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm Neil, Road Inspector, to have the trees and brush cleared off the Mill Hill in the month of June.
3- Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council annuls the by-law, dated Oct. 1904, providing for the rounding of roads during the summer season, as the ratepayers consider that it will be too expensive to fulfill the conditions of said by-law.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council does not consider it advisable to sell the summer keeping of the joint labor roads in this Municipality, but to authorize each Road Inspector to oversee the joint labor road in his Division, and when repairs are needed to hire men at one dollar per day, horse work & l.00, (the Inspector to receive $1.25), and keep a proper list of the time spent and be prepared to swear to the correctness of his account.
5- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders all Road Inspectors to have the roads in their Divisions opened for traffic of wheeled vehicles immediately.
6- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thos. Knox, Mayor
Thomas. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the 1st day of May, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councillors Thos. Billing, John Leddy, Pat Gough, Andrew Brown, Jas. Robinson and Lewis McBain, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council will accept the petition of certain ratepayers in the Fifth Concession, relating to the change of position of road at Goodfellow’s Rocks, providing the ratepayers in said locality pay for the required portion of land and make said road; therefore a Special Meeting of this Council will take place on the 15th inst., at 7 P. M., to take the vote of said petitioners and see if they will agree to these terms.
2- Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the old fence in the Fifth Concession by Public Auction and measure the distance of new joint labor fence required at the same time.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until Monday evening the l5th inst., at seven o’clock.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; and held for the purpose of considering the advisability of changing a portion of the Fifth Concession road and attending to other local matters, at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough, Jno. Leddy, Andrew Brown, Jas. Robinson, Thos Billing and Lewis McBain, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council will not agree to pay the sum asked for the piece of land required to change the position of the road in the 5th concession at Goodfellow’s Rocks, therefore, they have resolved to make no change in the direction of said road.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Curtis Billing, sr. to remove the obstructions in the shape of tree-tops off the Stoneham Road.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council appoints Richard Douglas as Road Inspector, instead of Hugh Shea who is absent from the Municipality.
h – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned;.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Thos, Billing, Lewis McBain, Pat Gough and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council will pay for Jas. Bedard’s demand for the breaking of his spring on the School Road at the Mill Hill, providing that he swears to his bill.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council orders Wm. J. Billing, Road Inspector, to draw up a contract with Jno. W. Thompson, for the summer keeping of the joint labor road along said J. W. Thompson’s land for the sum of three dollars.
3- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor L. McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Goodfellow, Road Inspector, to have his road and fences properly repaired for the 20th inst., especially John Neil’s road at the Rocks, and to get the rails for repairing fences from the upper share at Robt. Goodfellow’s when the new fence is being put up.
4- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning a resolution passed by said Council for the summer keeping of the joint labor roads in this municipality.
5 – Moved by Councilor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators in this Municipality to have a new Valuation Roll made out in the present month of June.
6 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of July, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Gough, Lewis McBain, Jas. Robinson, Andrew Brown and Jno. Leddy, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council agrees to the arrangement made between Wm. Montgomery, contractor, and Jas. McCartney, proprietor, that where the new fence crosses the latter’s property, to have the wires of said fence placed 46 inches high when finished, instead of 48, as stated in the contract.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. To notify Graham McBain, Road Inspector, to repair two acres of joint labor fence in his Division from the far side of R. Goodfellow’s property.
3- Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by councilor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Pat Cassin, Rural Inspector, to inspect the drains at Dan Kack’s & at Goodfellow’s Rocks, also the new wire fence at Jas. McCartney’s and give in his report to this Council.
4 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Rich. Douglas, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road repaired immediately.
5- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Goodfellow, Road Inspector, to have the front road in his Division properly repaired immediately .
6- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of August, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Gough, Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Lewis McBain & James Robinson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders Patrick Cassin, Rural Inspector, to examine the new wire joint labor fence across Robt. Goodfellow’s property, and mark all pickets under four inches diameter, standard measurement, and have them replaced by proper ones by the contractor.
2- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council has examined and approved the new Valuation Roll and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3- Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and that the three years allowed by this Council to Mr. Lepire, to be exempt from taxes has now expired and that he is subject to Municipal taxes from this date.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of Ste Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the fifth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with Provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, councilors Lewis McBain, Jas Robinson, Thos. Billing, Pat Gough and Jno. Leddy, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the jury list for this year .
2- Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Auditors to examine the Sec. Treas. accounts on the first Monday in Oct. at 10. A. M.
3- Moved Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Rich. Douglas, road Inspector, to have the drain at Dan Kack’s cleaned out so as to let the water off the road.
4: – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Bedard, Advocate, as to what authority this Council has in laying out front winter roads, also concerning the clearing of trees off the Municipal front roads.
5; – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, councilors Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Lewis McBain, Pat Gough and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council orders Wm. Neil, Road Inspector, to have the sides of the roads in his Division cleared of all brush and trees, especially on the Mill Hill and along Mr. E. Bedard’s land, before the fifteenth inst. , and further that this Council does not see fit to exempt the said Wm. Neil from his duties as Road Inspector, before the first Monday in November.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council postpones the auditing of the Council books, Until the first Monday in November at 10 A. M.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council has considered the petition of Mr. Wm. Lyons and others, asking to change the direction of the winter road at Fairy Lake after due deliberation this Council thinks it advisable to keep the winter roads in the same place as last year.
4 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell by Public Auction, on Friday Oct. 27th, at 2 P. M. the winter keeping of all the winter roads, joint labor, in this Municipality, and that the winter contractors have to keep the roads until the first day of May, and that roads must be shoveled within nine inches of the ground when required for summer traffic.
5 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Chas. Jack, Road Inspector, to find out if the proprietors of front road in the Stoneham Division are willing to pay 50 cents per lot for the maintenance of their fronts during the coming winter, if so, the Council will sell the keeping of said road by D. McCartney’s, if they’re not agreeable to that, the joint labor will be sold on the Proces Verbal road.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the voters’ list belonging to this Municipality for the current year.
7 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the ninth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; and convened for the purpose of considering Wm. Neil’s complaint concerning the removal of trees and brush on the Mill Hill, likewise other business matters – at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Thos. Billing, Andrew Brown, Jas. Robinson and Lewis McBain, (the absent Councillor having been duly notified), forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has come to a satisfactory arrangement with Wm. Neil, Road Inspector, concerning the obstructions on the sides of the Mill Hill.
2 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Goodfellow, Road Inspector, to have the roads in his Division thoroughly repaired without further notice.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jno. Leddy, Pat Gough, Lewis McBain 8c Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of fifty cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property, within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:-
Building wire fence in 5th Concession
Keeping joint labor roads , summer of 1905
Meals for Councilors for 1905
Jury tax for 1906
Use of Council room for 1905
Court House & County Council taxes for 1905
Keeping joint labor roads winter 1906
Sec. Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through the Big Bush in Roche Platte
Towards support of reformatory school
To Mr. Bedard, Advocate
140.80 35.00 19.00 12.00 8.00 25.00 147.50 45.00 2.00 12.00 15.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. LyonsRoad Inspector, to layout his Division of winter road on the route that he considers of most advantage to the general, public.
3 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that the auditors have examined the yearly accounts belonging to this Municipality and found them correct.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council would like to have a law passed to the effect that all Road Inspectors take charge of the joint labor roads during the summer season, and have the power to hire men to work on said roads at the current wages of the Municipality.
5 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council appoints Jno. Hicks, Road Inspector, instead of Wm. Neil, who is leaving the Municipality for the winter.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and five, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough, Jas. Robinson and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Leddy and Wm. Crawford to the effect that the winter road is running through their property, from the lst to the 3rd & 4th Concessions of this Municipality is a private road, the said Council will not be responsible for any damages that may occur thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council will pay Chas. Hicks his demand of fifty cents for damages done to a cart spring, providing that he takes his oath that the said spring was in sound condition before the break took place.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that t this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. B. McBain and Henry Hicks to go and examine what repairs are needed, especially among the stringers on the Mill Bridge, and have them send in their report to this Council before Jan. 2nd, 1906.
4 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of January, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Jas. Robinson, Andrew Brown, Thos. Billing, Pat Gough and Lewis McBain, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson
and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to the effect that sealed tenders will be received by this Council up to the l5th inst., for the furnishing and constructing of a new floor for the Mill Bridge – planks to be 3 in. thick, not less than 8 in. wide, of good sound red or black spruce, with no bark or wane thereon. Said flooring must be done in workmanlike manner, all well nailed, with at least 6 in. nails, with at least six nails in each plank – to be finished by May 2Oth, 1906.
2 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to act as Presiding officer at the election of Councilors, to take place on Monday the 8th inst. at 10 A. M.
3- Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown and seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned. Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday January 8th, 1906, at the hour of 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two new Councilors for said Municipality, in the room and stead of Lewis McBain & Thos. Knox.
1 – Moved by Jas. Robinson, seconded by Pat King, that Thos. Knox be re-elected and Alex. Lavallee be appointed instead of Lewis McBain.
2- Moved by Jno. W. Thompson, seconded by Wm. Billing jr. that Jno. Billing be elected instead of Thos. Knox, and Alex. Lavallee in Lewis McBain’s seat.
The ratepayers present thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following result – Thos. Knox was re-elected by a majority of three, and Alex. Lavallee was elected unanimously instead of Lewis McBain.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Thos. Knox and Alex. Lavallee have been duly elected as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifteenth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the new Councilors, to appoint a Mayor for the ensuing year, and to consider the tenders for the flooring of the Mill Bridge; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Alex. Lavallee, Jno. teddy and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas., certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Alex. Lavallee and Thos. Knox to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the ensuing year.
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that Andrew Brown be elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas., certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Andrew Brown, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council gives the planking of the Mill Bridge to Wm. Montgomery , for the sum of thirty-six dollars, that being the amount stated in his tender.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in February at 2 P. M.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Jno. teddy, and Thos. Billing forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Hicks to give up the office of Road Inspector to Wm. Neil to finish the term of office, as soon as said Wm. Neil has finished lumbering, and has come back to reside permanently in the Municipality .
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get two new Municipal Codes of the kind he considers best.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held~ on Monday the fifth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Thos. Billing, Alex. Lavallee, Jas. Robinson, Pat Gough and Jno. Leddy , forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that the following men be named and appointed to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Auditors, etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Moses McCoubrey instead of Jno. McCoubrey for Division No. 1
Wm. Crawford for Division No.2, from the First Concession line at F. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Patrick King for Division No.3, being the road through the First, Second and Third Concessions, from the Portneuf line, right through to Fairy Lake.
Jos. Hicks jr. for Division No. 4, from the line between Wm. Smith’s & P. Cassin’s lands to the Lorette line.
Thos. A. McBain, for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line, to the River Jacques Cartier.
Wm. Knox, for Division No.6, being the Ten Lot Road.
Wm. Boyd for Division No.7, from the line between the 3rd & 4th Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Patrick Corrigan for Division No 8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary line between the Local and County roads in Roche Platte.
Jas. McCartney for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Richard Smith.
Pound Keeper – Thos. Adams.
Valuators – Jas. Johnston, David Lavallee, Robt. Goodfellow.
Auditors – Alfred Hicks & Jno. McCartney.
Health Officers – Robt. Penney, George Wolff, Wm. Montgomery~.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to make arrangements with Wm. Montgomery, contractor of the new floor for the Mill Bridge, to furnish eight pieces of good sound, red or black spruce, 6 in. X 10 in., 20 feet long or more, as required, for beams for said bridge for the sum of nine dollars for the eight pieces.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, John Leddy, Pat Gough, Thos. Billing, Alex. Lavallee & Jas.
Robinson, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Trea. to notify all Road Inspectors to take charge of all joint labor roads and fences in their Divisions from the first of May until the first of November on the same conditions as last Year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Richard Douglas, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Graham McBain, Road Inspector, to have the logs removed off the public road near Lepire’s Mill to prevent accidents.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leady and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the }municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of May, one thousand nine hundred; and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Alex. Lavallee, Jas. Robinson and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, to have the holes in the road around Fairy Lake filled up immediately.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to send bills to all persons owing Municipal taxes and have the same collected before the first of June.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual ,lace of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Alex. Lavallee, Thos. Billing, Jno. Leddy, Thos. Knox & Pat Gough, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the
Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify those men who peddle beer from house to house in this Municipality, to quit selling it, or any other intoxicating liquor within the limits of this Council.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice, prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors within the municipality. All persons disregarding this notice will be prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy , seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice that the Valuation Roll will be revised for local purposes only , at the next monthly meeting.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jos. Hicks, Road Inspector, to have the hole in the road at the foot of Cassin’s Hill repaired immediately.
5- Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors, to have the roads and fences in their Divisions properly repaired immediately, also to have the brush & rubbish removed from the sides of said roads.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that Council agrees to pay Edward Jno. Shea, the sum of three dollars per year for keeping the road through the Big Bush in Roche Platte. This agreement to come in force on August first, 1906.
7 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders Mr. Andrew Brown, Mayor, to visit the road and drain on D. Kack’s land, and get the said drain cleaned out.
8 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew :brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the third day of July, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting a t the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; a t which meeting were present Andrew Brown , Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy , Alex. Lavallee, Thos Billing, Thos. Knox and Jas. Robinson forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to find out from Jas. Clark, Sec. Treas. of St. Gabriel West, what right the Council of that Municipality has to claim control of the islands in the Jacques Cartier River.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth ,day of August, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Pat Gough, Thos. Billing & Jno. Leddy, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council has examined the jury list for the current year and found it correct.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Pat Corrigan, Road Inspector, to have the front road belonging to Patrick Loughren repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned:-
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the fourth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and six, (Monday being Labor Day) at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Alex. Lavallee,
Jas. Robinson and Jno. Leddy, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council authorizes Andrew Brown, Mayor, to interview Mr. Delage, Member for the County of Quebec, and request him to use his influence with the Minister of Colonization and Roads, to obtain two or three hundred dollars from that Department to assist in repairing certain portions of roads in this Municipality which are difficult to keep passable for traffic.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough, Thos. Knox, Jno. Leddy, Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson & Alex. Lavallee, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos Knox and resolved that all roads in this Municipality, shall be laid out in the same place for winter traffic as last year .
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to examine the accounts of this Council before the next regular monthly meeting in November.
3- Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council has examined the voters’ list belonging to this Municipality for the ensuing year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jho. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell by Public Auction, the winter keeping of all joint labor roads in this Municipality on Friday the 19th inst. , at 10 A. M.
5- Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to draw from the funds of the Savings Bank Branch of the Union Bank, Quebec, whatever money is remaining to its credit in the books of said institution.
6- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Trea. as Special Superintendent to go over the road known as McClory’s Road, crossing Lots Nos. 881,882 & 883, to give Public Notice to all interested parties to that effect and to draw up a Proces Verbal for said road if necessary.
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Friday the twelfth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of six P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of deciding which portions of road in this Municipality should be repaired with the one hundred dollars granted by the Government for that purpose. At this meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Gough, Alex. Lavallee, Jas. Robinson & Jno. Leddy, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council thinks it advisable to repair the following roads with the Government grant of money, viz. Crawford’s road in the First Concession, Neil’s front road at Murphy’s Rocks and Patrick Loughren’s Hill. If there be any money left it will be spent on whatever portion of road needs it most.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconrled by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Tho. Knox, Thos. Billing, Pat Gough, Alex. Lavallee, Jno Leddy & Jas. Robinson forming a full Meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconrled by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a general assessment of forty cents per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within this Municipality for the purpose of defraying the following expenses :-
Use of Council room for 1906
Keeping joint labor roads, for of 1906
Meals for Councilors for 1906
Jury tax for 1907
Court House & County Council taxes for 1906
Keeping joint labor roads , winter of 1907
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through the Big Bush in Roche Platte
Towards support of Reformatory School
$8.00 35.00 19.00 12.00 25.00 l64.10 45.00 3.00 12.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to draw up a Proces Verbal for the line of road in the Fief St. Ignace, known as McClory’s Road.
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jos. Hicks, Road Inspector, to have the trees along the road on the Mill Hill removed before the l0th inst. or he will be subject to a fine.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that the Auditors have examined the yearly accounts belonging to this Council and found them correct.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general Monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of December, one thousand nine hundred and six, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, councilors Thos. Billing, Alex. Lavallee, and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council accepts the Proces Verbal for the line of road known as McClory’s Road, in the Fief St. Ignace, and orders the Sec. Treas. to homologate said Proces Verbal.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders by by-law, that all ratepayers in this Municipality must have their taxes paid at least two days before the day fixed upon for election of Councilors, which takes place on the second Monday in January of each year; it is further ordered that all ratepayers who have not paid their taxes before the second Monday in January of each year shall be obliged to pay interest at the rate of sex percent per annum.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the eleventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred and six. at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6:30 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; and convened by the Mayor for the purpose of considering what measures to adopt to prevent the increase of the contagious disease prevalent among horses in this Municipality, at which meeting were present the Mayor. Andrew Brown, Councilors Thos. Knox. Jno. Leddy and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing. seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy
and resolved that this Council will appoint an inspector in each Division
to report to Mr. Dechene, V. S. concerning affected horses in this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that Chas. Jack, jr. be appointed Inspector for the third and Fourth Concessions.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that Thos. Billing, jr. be appointed Inspector for the First and second Concessions.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that Geo. McNicoll be appointed Inspector for the 5th Concession, and Simon Kiley for Roche Platte.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing. seconded. by Councillor Thos Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to the effect that all persons having horses diseased in this Municipality, shall be subject to a fine of five dollars if they keep the disease concealed, and to a further fine of five dollars if they take the affected horses on the public highway.
6 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jno. teddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the seventh day of January , one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Jno. teddy, Alex. Lavallee, Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get Mr. Bedard, Advocate, to examine our proces Verbal for a portion of road in Roche Platte , as to its correctness and to get an advice from him conderning the placing of the islands in the Jacques Cartier River, adjacent to this Municipality on the Valuation Roll.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee J seconded by Councillor Jas . Robinson and resolved that this Council accepts the by-law providing for the payment of taxes in this Municipality.
3- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Boyd, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road properly repaired immediately.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy , seconded by Councilor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s, on Monday, Jan. l4th, 1907, at the hour of 10 A. M., for the purpose of electing two new Councilors for said Municipality. in the room and stead of Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson – Public Notice having been duly given.
1- Moved by Thos. Knox, seconded by Alex. Lavallee, that Jas. Robinson be re-elected as a Councillor.
2 – Moved by Robt. Goodfellow, seconded by Geo. McNicoll, that Alfred Hicks be elected a Councillor instead of Thos. Billing.
As there was no opposition to the above motions, I, the undersigned Presiding Officer do declare this meeting at an end and that Jas. Robinson has been reelected by acclamation and Alfred Hicks, also elected by acclamation.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy , Alex. Levallee, Thos. Knox, Alfred Hicks and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas . certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jas. Robinson and Alfred Hicks to act as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office .
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that Andrew Brown be re-elected Mayor for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas . certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Andrew Brown, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thomas Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council does not think it necessary to appoint a Road Inspector, instead of Moses McCoubrey as he comes home once a week.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Moses McCoubrey and Thomas A. McBain to have their Divisions of road properly repaired immediately, and for the latter to see to the cutting of a tamarack limb which projects over the road near Graham McBain’s.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Alfred Hicks, Alex. Lavallee and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Alfred Hicks, jr. be appointed an Auditor of the accounts belonging to this Council for the ensuing year, and that Jno. McCartney be
re-appointed to the same office for the same period or time.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in May.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Pat Gough, Thos. Knox, Jno. teddy and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos Knox and resolved that this Council appoints Councilor Alf. Hicks, pro-Mayor for the ensuing year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Thomas Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Mrs. F. McClory and Mrs. Fairchild, not to pay taxes for the islands they own in the River Jacques Cartier to the Sec. Treas. of St. Gabriel West, until a boundary line is established in said River.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, as to what steps it is necessary for the Council to take to prevent the peddling and selling of intoxicating liquors in this Municipality also to ascertain if the local grocers have any authority to traffic in liquor .
4- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Pat Corrigan that he has been appointed Inspector for the road in Roche Platte, known as McClory’s road.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy , seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to have all the balizes and rubbish removed from the roads in their respective Divisions, and to inform Pat King to repair the road on the hill at Carrol’s in the Ist Concession.
6 – Moved by Councillor Thomas Knox, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of June, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were Present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Alex. Lavallee, Jas. Robinson, Alfred Hicks & Thos Knox, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road inspectors to have the roads & fences in their respective Divisions, properly repaired immediately, and to shorten the day’s work for men hired to repair joint labor roads to nine hours per day.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos Knox, seconded by Councillor Alex Lavallee and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Anthony Maher, Manager of the Jacques Cartier Electric Power House, to have the bridges near Thos. Knox’s put in proper repair immediately.
3- Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that the consideration of the motion regarding the sale of intoxicating liquors in this Municipality, be postponed until the next regular monthly meeting which they place of Tuesday July 2nd, Monday being Dominion Day.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders that the sum of seven dollars be spent on Cartwright’s front road, on the opening out of the road known as McClory’s Road, also the sum of four dollars on David Lavallee’s road in the same locality and that Andrew Brown, Mayor, be authorized to hire men and get the work done.
5 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of July, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Jno. Leddy & Thos. Knox, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders that a meeting of the electors of this Municipality will be held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Friday the 12th inst. , at 10 A. M. ; when a vote will be taken regarding the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors within the limits of this Municipality. Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to preside at said meeting.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until Friday the l2th inst. at 4:30 P. M.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday (Monday being Labor Day) the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Pat Gough., Alfred Hicks, and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councilor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the jury list belonging to this Municipality for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this Council accepts the account for eleven dollars presented by the Mayor, as said Council ordered that amount to be spent on what is known as McClory’s Road in Roche Platte.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Richard Smith, Rural Inspector, to visit Cassin’s bridge and ascertain what is stopping the water, causing it to flood Cassin’s land and report thereon to this Council.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Gough and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec j at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Alex. Lavallee, Alfred Hicks, Thos. Knox, Jas. Robinson & Jno. Leddy , forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the list of voters belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell by public Auction the winter keeping of all the joint labor roads in this Municipality on Wednesday, Oct. 30th at 2 P. M.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Teddy and resolved that this Council orders the winter roads in this Municipality to be laid out on the same track as last year with the following exceptions : instead of the road through the Third Concession going down by Fairy Lake, have it cross at Adam’s barn and come out by Jno. Leddy’s to the highway, and the road between the Third and Fourth Concessions to go through the fields as formerly, leaving the summer track at the corner of Wm. B. McBain’s land and continue through the fields to the Lorette Line.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have the roads in their Divisions properly repaired immediately.
5- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to examine the accounts belonging to this municipality on the first Monday in Nov. at 10 A. M.
6 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Pat Gough, Alex. Lavallee, Thos. Knox and Jno. Leddy forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – It is ordained and resolved by by-law of this Council as follows : that a general assessment of forty-five cents per hundred dollars of valuation be levied on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses: –
Use of Council room for 1901
Jury tax for 1908
Keeping the joint labor roads, summer of 1901
Meals for Councilors for 1901
Court House & County Council taxes for 1907
Keeping joint labor roads , winter of 1908
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through the Bush in Roche Platte
Towards support of Reformatory School
Towards building wire fence
$8.00 12.00 35.00 19.00 25.00 190.00 45.00 3.00 12.00 40.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council has accepted the statement given by the Auditors regarding the accounts belonging to said Council.
3- Moved by Councilor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council petitions the Legislature of the Province of Quebec, to amend the law respecting the summer keeping of joint labor roads and fences in Municipalities, in such a way as to make it obligatory for Road Inspectors in each Division to take entire control of said work and hire men at prices fixed by local Councils to make the necessary repairs thereon.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Thos. Knox and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to ascertain from Jas. Clark, Sec. of St. Gabriel West, if that Council is taking the necessary steps to have the Iron Bridge over the Jacques Cartier River repaired as soon as Possible.
5 – Moved by Councillor Pat Gough, seconded by Councillor Alex Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Alex. Lavallee, Jno. Leddy & Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted: –
1 – As there is no business to transact today, it is moved by Councillor John Leddy, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Knox, Alfred Hicks, Jno. Leddy, Alex. Lavallee & Jas Robinson forming a quorum of said Council (the absent Councillors having been duly notified) convened for the purpose of considering what action to take regarding a suit brought by Maurice King against this Council, claiming eighty dollars damage through the changing of the locality of the winter road in this Municipality. Meeting held under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks , seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Mayor and Sec. Treas. to take the necessary evidence to Mr. Bedard, Advocate, and if he considers that this Council acted for the good of the general public by changing the locality of the disputed portion of winter road, have him defend the case in the interest of the aforesaid Council against Maurice King.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Knox, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier , Municipality, held on the seventh day of January, Tuesday one thousand nine hundred and eight, held at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Andrew Brown, Mayor and Councillor Thos. Knox. As there were no other Councilors present, the meeting adjourned for want of a quorum.
Andrew Brown, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday January I3th, 1908, at the hour of 10. A. M. for the purpose of electing three new Councilors for said Municipality in the room and stead of John Leddy, Patrick Gough & Andrew Brown.
1 – Moved by Jno. Billing, seconded by Alfred Hicks that Thos. Billing jr. be appointed instead of Pat Dough.
2 – Moved by Pat King, seconded by Maurice King, that Moses McCoubrey be elected instead of Pat Gough.
3 – Moved by Jas. Robinson, seconded by Alfred Hicks that Robt. Goodfellow be appointed instead of Jno. Leddy.
4 – Moved by Robt. Goodfellow, seconded by Wm. Lyons, that Simon Kiley be appointed instead of Andrew Brown.
5 – Moved by Thos. Billing sr. seconded by Graham McBain that John McBain be elected instead of John Leddy.
6- Moved by Oliver McKinley, seconded by Jas John Leddy, that Jas. McCartney be appointed instead of Andrew Brown.
The ratepayers thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following results – Thos. Billing was elected by a majority of twenty-four votes .
John McBain by a majority of three and Jas. McCartney by a majority of seven.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Thos. Billing jr. Jno. McBain and Jas. McCartney have been duly elected.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twentieth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M., convened for the purpose of swearing in three new Councilors to elect a Mayor and to take into consideration the closing of the road from Adams barn, down to the lake for winter traffic – present Andrew Brown, Mayor, Councilors Thomas Knox, Alfred Hicks, Alex. Lavallee, Jas. Robinson, Jno. McBain, Jas. McCartney and Thos. Billing, jr. forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas, do certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Billing, jr., Jas. McCartney and Jno. McBain to act as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that Thos. Knox be appointed Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that Alfred Hicks be re-appointed pro-Mayor for the ensuing year.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders a Public Notice to be placed at each end of the road down by Adams’s barn, stating that this Council will not be responsible for any damages that may happen to persons traveling that road, as it is not the direction of the road fixed upon for winter traffic .
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council appoints John Billing, Inspector of the Stoneham Road instead of Jas. McCartney.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in March.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilor Alex. Lavallee, Alfred Hicks, Jas. McCartney, Jno. McBain, Jas. Robinson and Thos. Billing jr. forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to buy at least two up-to-date Municipal Codes.
2- Moved by Councilor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson
and resolved that the following men be named and appointed to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Auditors etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Jno. Allan McCoubrey instead of Moses McCoubrey for Division No. 1.
Walter Brown for Division No.2, from the First Concession line at F. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Jas. Johnston for Division No.3, being the road through the First & Second Concessions from the Portneuf line right through to lake Fairy .
Chas Hicks for Division No. 4, from the line between Wm. Smith’s & Graham McBain’s lands to the Lorette line.
Carl Wolff for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
Robt. McClory for Division No.6. being the Ten Lot Road.
Jno. Lavallee jr. for Division No. 7, from the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Robt. Douglas for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Local & County Roads.
Lewis McBain for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – John Hornby
Pound Keeper – Thos. Adams .
Valuators – George Thompson, William Jack and Thos. Goodfellow.
Auditors – Thos. Billing, sr. & Jas- Sajuk
Health Officers – Curtis Billing, Edward Bedard and Henry Loughren.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has taken into consideration the demand made by Pat King, Road Inspector, for the sum of ten cents per acre for fixing road on Jan. 27th, 1908, and concluded that they are not justified in settling his claim, as said road had been opened and shoveled where necessary before he went on it as stated by John McBain, Councillor and Mail Driver who traveled it that morning.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Boyd, Road Inspector, to have the portion of road from his property up to Murphy’s Rocks properly repaired at once. also to have the logs taken off the sides of the road as they obstruct the passage of vehicles loaded with hay.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice , calling for sealed tenders for the construction of a portion of wire fence along the Fifth Concession Road, pickets to be not less than 3 inches the smallest way, to be contracted for in two lots if necessary .
6 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thos. Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twenty-third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec , convened for the purpose of examining the tenders for the erection of a new wire fence in the 5th Concession; also any other business at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks , Jno. McBain, and Jas. Robinson (the absent Councilors having been duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to take charge of the repairs needed on the joint labor roads & fences in this Municipality from May lst until Nov. 1st on the same terms as last year .
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has been pleased to accept the tender sent in by Mr. Wm. Jack for the erection of a portion of fence in the 4th Con. of this Municipality – terms $4.25 per acre.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in May.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place. of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilor Jno. McBain, Jas. McCartney, Alex. Lavallee, Jas. Robinson and Alfred Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor John McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to withhold the sum of five dollars from all road contractors who have not put up their gates and removed balizes according to contract until such work is done.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify John Horn by, Rural Inspector, John Lavallee jr. Road Inspector and Jno. McBain, Councillor to undertake during the month of May the widening of the road in the 5th Concession, where the new wire fence is to be put up.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that the Valuators of this Municipality, ordered by this Council by the Sec. Treas. draw up a new Valuation Roll, either in June or July of this year, also that they have to proceed from farm to farm to enable them to do so correctly, also to value those islands in the River, which they think belong to this Municipality – the Sec. Treas. to act as clerk for them.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this Council has abolished the furnishing of meals to the Councilors during meetings, unless on special occasions.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in July, unless a Special Meeting is required before then.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the ninth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of considering the widening of the road
in the 5th Con. and any other business that has to be transacted – present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councillor Jno. McBain, Alfred Hicks, Alex. Lavallee, Jas. McCartney, Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that the Mayor and Councilors have visited the new wire fence location where it is to built and have agreed to make the road 23 ft. wide between fences, and have placed pickets to that effect, also they require the ground for said fence to be measured and equally divided by the Sec. Treas. who is to write to Wm. McCartney, proprietor, telling him what land is needed to widen said road, and ascertain from him upon what terms he will give it.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to have the roads and fences in their respective Divisions properly repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thos.Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a special meeting of the municipality of St.
Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Wednesday the seventeenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of drawing up a resolution to present to Mr. Delage, M. P., asking for a grant of money from the Government to repair a line of road between the third and Fourth Concessions, especially a certain hill known as the Mill Hill – present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jas McCartney, Alex. Lavallee, Alfred Hicks and Jno. McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this Council orders certain portions of the road between the 3rd and 4th Concessions of this Municipality, from Cassin’s Hill to the line between Valcartier and Lorette repaired, and to accomplish such work, would ask Mr. Delage, M. P. to petition the Department of Colonization and Roads for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, agreeing through one of the ratepayers, Mr. Alf. Lepire to furnish the work. equal to the same amt. of money in repairing said road to receive the broken stone to macadamize it.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec . Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier , held on the sixth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with. the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors John McBain, Jas. McCartney, Alex. Lavallee & Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor John McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to draw up a specification of the work to be done on the Mill Hill and transmit the same to the Department of Agriculture and that Wm. Jack & Wm. Neil help with the plan.
2- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council accepts the Valuation Roll as given in by the Valuators without making any change thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of August, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors John McBain, Alex. Lavallee, and Alfred Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Alex. Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the jury list for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Robt. McClory, Road Inspector, to clear the brush off the Ten Lot Road, also to notify Jas. Johnston to have the bridge on the road at Lake Fairy repaired and the ditch cleaned out to keep the water off the road.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor John McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice to the effect that said Council intends to make a by-law, taking charge of all the winter and summer roads in this Municipality at the next regular monthly meeting, Sept. 8th, 1908, at 2 P. M.
4- Moved by Councillor John McBain, seconded by Councillor Alex. Lavallee and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the eighth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present, Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Thos. Billing, Alex. Lavallee, Jas. McCartney, Jno. McBain & Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that resolution No.3 passed at the last meeting, referring to the making of a by-law for the maintenance of front roads be annulled.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have the roads in their respective Divisions properly repaired on or before the twentieth inst. , if not, legal proceedings will be taken against them.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the new wire fence in the 4th Concession.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council will expend the sum of fifty dollars towards the finishing of the Mill Hill Road.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned. Thomas Knox Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code 0f the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Jas. Robinson, Thos Billing and John. McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Comical has examined the voters list for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to Notify Jno. Neil, Thos. Goodfellow and Wm. Boyd to have the drain across their land cleaned out so as to keep the water off the road at Montgomery’s Bridge.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing seconded by Councillor Jas . Robinson and resolved that this Council has seen fit to layout the winter roads in this Municipality as follows : The road between the 3rd & 5th Concessions to follow the summer track to the Lorette line, with the following provision If the Road Inspector and interested proprietors see fit to make a change for the better, they may do so. From the Lorette line to the river, to be laid out the same as last with the exception of that portion from Thos. Billing’s property to the Jacques Cartier road at George Thompson’s which will follow the summer track. The road from Thos. King’s to Fairy Lake will be laid out on the same track as last year, as will also the following roads viz. The Ten Lot Road, and those through the Fifth Concession, Roche Platte and Stoneham.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Chas. Hicks, Road Inspector, to have a guard put on the sides of the road at Billing’s Hollow, and another at the south side of the approach to the Mill Bridge.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell by Public Auction, on Thursday the 29th inst. , the winter keeping of all the joint labor roads in this Municipality, and that he be empowered to stop the sale of any portion of road which he sees going at too high a figure.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors belonging to this Municipality, to audit the public accounts at Mr. 0. McKinley’s, on Monday Nov. 2nd, at 10 A. M.
7 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day or November, one thousand nine hundred and eight, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; a t which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jas. McCartney, Alex. Lavallee, Alfred Hicks, John. McBain and Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – it was ordained by by-law to levy a general assessment of forty-five cents per hundred dollars on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses :-
Use of Council room for 1908
Keeping of joint labor road, summer of 1908
Meals for Councilors
Jury tax for 1909
Court House & County Council taxes for 1908
Keeping of joint labor roads, winter of 1909
Sec. Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through Bush in Roche Platte
Towards support of Reformatory School
Road-building in Municipality
$8.00 35.00 5.00 12.00 25.00 160.00 45.00 3.00 12.00 50.00
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay Mr. Alfred Lepire the sum of fifteen dollars for work done on the Mill Hill and two dollars for plank used to make a bridge at Fairy Lake.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this Council accepts the statement rendered by the Auditors concerning the public accounts of this Municipality.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 4th day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McBain, Thos. Billing and Jas. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councilor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Lavallee, Road Inspector, to have Ferdinand McClory’s front road balized and properly repaired within three days from date of notice.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor John McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a Meeting of the electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s, on Monday Jan. 11th, 1909, at 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two new Councilors for said Municipality, in the room and stead of Thomas Knox and Alex. Lavallee .
1 – Moved by Alfred Hicks, seconded by John Hicks, that Thos . Knox be re-elected and that Patrick Cassin be appointed instead of Alex. Lavallee.
2 – Moved by Maurice King, seconded by Patrick King, that Jas. Hamilton be elected instead of Thos. Knox.
The ratepayers present thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following result – Patrick Cassin was elected without opposition and Thos. Knox was re-elected by a majority of nine votes.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this Meeting at an end, and that Thos. Knox and Pat Cassin have been duly elected.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the eighteenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the newly appointed Councilors, of appointing a Mayor for the ensuing year and to transact any other business. Present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Alfred Hicks, Jas. McCartney, Jno. McBain and Patrick Cassin, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas., certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Tho. Knox and Patrick Cassin to act as Councillors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec e Treas.
1- Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved, that Thos. Knox, be re-appointed Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to purchase two new Municipal Codes .
3- Moved by Councillor Thos Billing, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Lavallee, Carl Wolff and Chas. Hicks, road Inspectors, to have the roads in their Divisions kept in better o~ than a~ present – have ~hem repaired a~ once.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council appoints a committee, consisting of John. McBain, Jas. McCartney, Alfred Hicks and Thos. Lavallee, to ascertain what money can be raised by voluntary subscriptions towards the erection of a telephone line from Lorette to the River Jacques Cartier in this Municipality, also the price of poles wire, etc, cost of construction and all particulars connected therewith.
S – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in March.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general Monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jab. McCartney, Pat Cassin, Jas. Robinson, Alf. Hicks & Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Wm. Johnston as Road Inspector, instead or his father, the late Jas. Johnston.
2 – Moved by Councillor A1fred Hicks , seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council sees fit to re-elect Jas. Sajuk and Thos. Billing sr. as Auditors for the ensuing year .
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Councils orders that Jas. McCartney be empowered to buy two hundred cedar pickets for the fence along a portion of land, joint labor road in the Fifth Concession.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. Mr. Delage, M. P. and ask him to use his influence to have the amount of valuation of property which qualifies a man to act as juryman lowered as this Council considers eight hundred dollars sufficient.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on the fifth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour or 2 P. M in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councillors Alfred Hicks , Pat Cassin and Jas. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council petitions Cy. Delage, Esq. M. P. to use his influence with the Government to obtain from the Dept. of Colonization and Roads, the sum of two hundred dollars to be used in repairing bad portions of road in this Municipality .
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have their roads properly shoveled out in due season, also to take charge of the summer keeping of the joint labor roads on the same terms as last year .
J – Moved by Councillor Patrick Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee , Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of May, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Thos Billing, Jno. McBain and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to have their joint labor roads and fences in proper order before the fifteenth inst. , and that two stretchers for wire fences will be furnished to Jack Lavallee and Wm. Johnston.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the seventh day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Jas. McCartney, Jno. McBain and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas . to advance the sum of five dollars to Robt. McClory, Road Inspector, to buy cedar pickets for the joint labor fence on the Ten Lot Road, also to authorize the said Robt. McClory to procure the necessary wire and staples from Mr. J. Sajuk, and put up said fence; also to notify Jack Lavallee, Road Inspector, to make the new share of joint labor fence in the 5th Concession, and procure the wire and staples from Mr. Sajuk.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to have the roads and fences in their respective Divisions repaired as soon as possible.
3 – Moved by Councilor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Mayor (Thos. Knox) to put up Public Notice at the Portneuf line to the effect that according to our Proces Verbal, our control of road stops at said line and any person traveling farther on said road is at his own risk.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Pat Cassin, Jas. McCartney and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Pat Casein and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon, for local purposes only .
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thom. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Alfred Hicks, Pat Cassin and Jas. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Casein, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council a points Graham McBain, as a Councillor in this Municipality instead of Jno. McBain, who is disqualified to act.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council has examined both the jury and voters lists for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Trea. to notify the Auditors to have the accounts belonging to this Municipality audited before the next regular monthly meeting.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council sees fit to layout the winter roads as follows : The line of road through the First Concession, from the River Jacques Cartier to the Lorette line, shall be laid out on the same route as last year, that from Fairy Lake to the Portneuf line the same as last year , the road from the River Jacques Cartier to the foot of Cassin’s Hill to follow the summer route, then to take to the fields as far as the summer road at Alfred Hick’s, provided that the proprietors of the land are satisfied – all other roads to be laid out the same as last year.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the winter keeping of the joint labor roads in this Municipality by public Auction on Saturday Oct. 3Oth, at 4 P. M.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the following Road Inspectors to have their Divisions of road properly repaired immediately, viz. Carl Wolff, Cha s . Hicks, Jack Lavallee and Robt. Douglas .
7 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council appoints Jas. Hamilton, Inspector for the Ten Lot Road instead of Robt. McClory who has removed from the place.
8 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas . Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the second day of November, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Cassin, Alfred Hicks, Graham McBain and Jas. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas., certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Graham McBain, to act as Councillor in this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of forty-five cents per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses :-
Keeping of joint labor roads , summer of 1909
Use of Council Room for 1909
Jury tax for 1910
Court House & County County taxes for 1909
Keeping of joint labor roads, winter of 1910
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through portion of Roche Platte
Towards support of Reformatory School
Repairing bridge over Jacques Cartier river
$50.00 8.00 12.00 25.00 162.25 45.00 3.00 12.00 39.33
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders that the winter road up the Mill Hill be laid out in the fields and that the Sec. Treas. notify the Road Inspector to that effect.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, s seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give those in arrears of Municipal taxes, eight days notice to have them paid, if not, to have them collected by a lawyer .
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council accepts the statement given by the Auditors, concerning the Sec. Treasurer’s accounts.
5 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, }/!mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 p. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Graham McBain, Thos. Billing, and Pat Cassin, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Pat. Cassin and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to send the arrears of Municipal taxes to a lawyer for collection after two weeks from this date.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Alfred Hicks, Chairman
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Council of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present Councilors Alf . Hicks , Chairman, Jas. Robinson, Pat Cassin & Jas. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of Chairman Alfred Hicks – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councilor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to act as Presiding Officer at the election of Councilors to be held on Monday, the lOth inst., at 10. Mr. 0. McKinley’s.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday, January lOth, 1910, at 10 A. M. , for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality instead of Alfred Hicks and Jas . Robinson.
1 – Moved by Oliver McKinley, seconded by Lewis McBain that Wm. Jack be elected instead of Alfred Hicks and that Jas. Robinson be re-appointed.
2 – Moved by Alfred Hicks, seconded by Alfred J. Hicks that Lawrence Corrigan be elected instead of Jas . Robinson.
3 – Moved by Jas. Robinson, seconded by Wm. Neil that Richard Smith be appointed instead of Alfred Hicks .
The ratepayers present thereupon voted for the different candidates with the following result:- Richard Smith was elected by a majority of two votes, and Jas. Robinson by a majority of six.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Richard Smith and Jas. Robinson have been duly elected.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the seventeenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of electing Mayor for the ensuing term of office and for transacting any other necessary business; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Cassin, Graham McBain, Richard Smith and James Robinson forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas., certify that I administered the oath of office to Richard Smith and Jas. Robinson to act as Councilors of this municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by councilor Graham McBain and resolved that Thos. Knox, be re-appointed to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of ,Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that the sum of one dollar be exacted from the proprietors of front road for each lot of land so situated on the Stoneham Road for the winter keeping thereof.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in March.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee , Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of March, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Jas. McCartney, Graham McBain, Thos. Billing, Pat Cassin and Richard Smith, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by councilor G. McBain and resolved that the following men be named to act as Road Inspectors, Rural Inspector, Valuators, etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Robert Penney, instead of Jno. A. McCoubrey for Division No. I, Ist Concession.
John Billing instead of Walter Brown , for Division No. 2, from the 1st Concession line at F. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier.
Wm. Lyons for Division No.3, being the road through the First, second and Third Concessions, from the Portneuf line right through to Lake Fairy.
George Wolff for Division No. 1 from the line between Wm. Smith’s and Graham McBain’s lands to the Lorette line.
John Leddy for Division No.5, from Wm Smith’s line to River Jacques Cartier.
Andrew Brown for Division No.7, from the line between the third and Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Wm. Knox for Division No.6, being the Ten Lot Road.
Patrick Corrigan for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary line between the local and County roads in Roche Platte, also McClory’s Road.
Chas. Jack for Division No.9, being the road leading to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Wm. Montgomery .
Pound Keeper – Oliver McKinley.
Valuators Patrick Gough, Thos. A. McBain and Lawrence Corrigan.
Auditors – Jno. McCartney & Alfred Hicks.
Health Officers – Jos. Hicks jr., Hopper Brown and Patrick Loughren.
2- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to pay Thomas Billing, the sum of $3.60 for carting 200 cedar pickets to the joint labor fence in the Fourth Concession.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Cassin, Graham McBain, Jas. Robinson, Jas. McCartney and Richard Smith, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council orders the summer roads to be opened for the traffic of wheeled vehicles by Saturday night, the 9th inst. , said roads to be shoveled within nine inches of the ground.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to ascertain what amount of money the Government will grant towards the purchase of a road-making machine and if the balance of the purchase money could be paid in installments of fifty or sixty dollars a year for three years, to form an agreement with P. T. Legare, to that effect for said machine. .
3 – Moved by Councillor Thom. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and adopted that this meeting be adjourned unti1. Monday, the l6th inst. At 7 P. M.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a Special meeting of the local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the l6th day of May, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting a t the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Cassin, Graham McBain, Jas . Robinson, Richard Smith, Thomas Billing and Jas. McCartney, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council agrees to give the Handy Reversible Road Grader & Leveler a trial, if it proves satisfactory and does the “work as specified in the catalogue, to purchase it from the Climax Machine Co. of Hamilton.;
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders John Billing, Road Inspector, to have Mrs. Fairchild’s Hill put in proper repair immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday. the sixth day of June, one thousand, nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of theMunicipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Tho. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. McCartney, Richard Smith, Graham McBain/Thos. Billing Pat Cassin and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders that John Billing, Road Inspector, be empowered to buy cedar pickets and wire and erect a new joint labor fence at Hopper Brown’s in the First concession.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Montgomery , Rural Inspector, to meet the Mayor and Jno. Billing, Road Inspector, on Thursday the 9th 1nst. , at 9 A. M. in the First Concession, for the purpose of deciding the best plan to take, to remove the water off Jno. Billing’s front road in that locality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Robt. Goodfellow, the sum of one dollar damages to his express incurred on lst Concession road.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Andrew Brown , Road Inspector, to build six acres of joint labor fence in the Fifth Concession, as a continuation of the one done by Jack Lavallee last summer, with pickets 6 ft. apart, wire to be got at Sajuk’s, also complete the afore-mentioned fence by placing another wire thereon.
5 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify George Wolff, Road Inspector, to have a new bridge built at the foot of Cassin’s Hill without delay.
6 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St, Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twentieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at, the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec convened for the purpose of examining and deciding upon the road grader, the price to pay Inspectors for using new machine, also to consider the report made by Wm. Montgomery , Rural Inspector, concerning the removal of the water off Jno. Billing’s front, road in First Concession – present at this session, Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Pat Cassin, Jas. McCartney, Jas. Robinson & Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that, this Council has decided to purchase the Handy Road Grader, for use on the roads in this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that, this Council agrees to pay Andrew Brown, Road Inspector, the sum of three dollars ($3.00) per day, for a man and team of horses to use the road machine on joint labor roads.
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat, Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders that Wm. Montgomery’s report concerning the removal of the water off Jno. Billing’s front, road in First, Concession be carried out.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas . McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders Andrew Brown, Road Inspector to notify Robt. Goodfellow to open a drain into his field to let the water off the main road, near what is known as Goodfellow’s Rocks.
5 – Moved by Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Q. R. L. & P. Co. to have the bridge under their control, situated at Thos. Knox’s property repaired as soon as possible.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present Thos . Knox, Mayor, Councilors Graham McBain, Pat Cassin and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved By Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded By Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the repairing by the Q. R L. & P. Co. of certain bridges near Thos Knox’s.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Geo. Wolff , Road Inspector, to have the bridge at the foot of Cassin’s Hill inspected and properly repaired immediately.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Cassin, Richard Smith, Graham McBain and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councilor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the supplementary jury list belonging to this Municipality for the current year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to call a special meeting of said Council for Monday the 8th inst. , at 6 P. M. for the purpose of considering the petition of Mr. Wm. Lyons for the opening of a road along the River from Thos. King’s to the ferry , also to transact .any other business that may occur.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Andrew Brown, Road Inspector, to have Wm. Montgomery’s share of road at the foot of Murphy’s Rocks properly repaired immediately.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec . Treas .
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eighth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec ; convened for the purpose of considering the petition presented by Mr. Lyons, asking for a road down the River Jacques Cartier, from Thomas King’s to the Ferry, and to transact any other business – present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. McCartney, Pat Cassin, Richard Smith and Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by councilor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council accepts the petition by Mr. Lyons concerning the opening of a road along the River, from Thos. King’s to the Ferry, on condition that the Council of St. Catherine’s makes the proces Verbal for said road, and that this Council undertakes no expense whatever connected with the opening of said road, also if the maintenance of it costs this Municipality more than twelve dollars per annum, this Council reserves the right to close said road at its option.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, ~-EC. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday (Monday being Labor Day) the sixth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with Provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present –
Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Cassin, Graham McBain, Richard Smith, Jas. McCartney and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that new planking be placed on the center of the Mill Bridge, consisting of five 8-inch planks in width.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that all bills for joint labor road-repairing in this Municipality be sent to the Sec. Treas. of this Council, before its next regular monthly meeting, and that Road Inspectors be notified to that effect.
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of October, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Jas. McCartney, Graham McBain and Pat Cassin, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council has examined the Electoral List for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to have the accounts belonging to this Municipality audited on the first Monday in November.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council accepts and approves of the accounts sent in by the Road Inspectors, for joint labor road-building during summer of 1910.
4 – Moved by Councilor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders that all roads for the winter season be laid out on the same routes as last year, and that the Sec. Treas. is to give Public Notice to the effect, that he is to sell the winter keeping of all joint labor roads in this Municipality on the 29th inst. at 4 P. M. Said sale to take place at Mr. 0. McKinley’s.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. McCartney and resolved that this Council at a Special Meeting to be held on the 18th inst. , at 5 P. M. will form a by-law for the closing of a portion of road in the 2nd Concession of this Municipality, from Thos. Knox’s to the Ferry. It is further resolved that Mr. Bedard, Advocate, be requested to draw up said by-law.
6 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Csssin and resolved that the line of road used by the mail-driver be opened before 6 A. M. in winter.
7 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Tress.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the eighteenth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 5 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; and convened for the purpose of forming a by-law for the closing of a portion of road in the 2nd Concession of this Municipality, from Thos. Knox’s to the Ferry , and to transact any other business – present Thos . Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thom. Billing, Jas. McCartney, Pat Cassin, and Richard Smith, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor. The absent members being duly notified. The following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that: Whereas the local road known as Thos. Knox’s Road, extending from the River Jacques Cartier in an Easterly direction for a distance of about nine acres to the house of Thos. Knox on Lot No.75, is no longer wanted by the public, that it is not connect to any public road on the West side of the River, that it is not the outlet of the neighboring Municipality, that its keeping is costly, and that it is the general desire of the ratepayers that said road be abolished and closed; and whereas a Public Notice has been duly given that this Council would at this present meeting adopt a by-law to close said road.
The following by-law be passed by this Council, to wit.
lst – the Local Municipal Road situated in this Municipality, known as Knox’s Road, and above described, is hereby abolished and closed as being of no public use.
2nd – As soon as the present by-law shall be in force, the Road Inspector, will provide for the closing of said road with fence or gates and the land of said road will return to the Lots from which it was detached, according to Art. 753 of the Municipal Code.
3rd – All by-laws; Proces Verbaux and resolutions of this Council concerning said abolished road are hereby repealed.
Said motion was adopted and said by-law passed and duly signed by the Mayor and Secretary Treasurer of this Council.
2- Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that whereas the present Sec. Treas. is about to resign his office, this Council orders that Public Notice be given, calling for applications to fill said position, and this Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender for said office.
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of November, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, .Jas. McCartney, Graham McBain, Pat Cassin, Rich. Smith and Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:- It was ordained by bylaw to levy a general assessment of thirty cents per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses :
Use of Council room for 1910
Jury tax for 1910
Court House & County Council taxes for 1910
Keeping of joint labor roads, winter of 1911
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping road through a portion of Roche Platte
Towards support of Reformatory School
$8.00 12.00 25.00 143.75 55.00 3.00 12.00
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council accepts the statement given in by the Auditors , concerning the Secretary Treasurer’s accounts .
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councilor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Thos. Lavallee retains his position as Sec. Treas. for the sum of fifty-five dollars per annum, dating from November lst, 1910.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Edward Jno. Shea, to the effect that the value of a new spring for his vehicle will be paid to him, provided he takes his oath to the following statements : lst as to the condition of said spring when he started on his journey, secondly as to the locality in which the accident happened, and thirdly as to the cost of a new one.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Thos. Knox, Mayor, the sum of ten dollars for service rendered to this Council in connection with the procuring of Government money for purchase of road grader and road repairing.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and ten, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Casein, Thos. Billing, Graham McBain, Jas. McCartney & Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councilor Jas. McCartney and resolved that Thos. Knox, Mayor, and Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. be present at the meeting of St. Catherine’s Council, to ascertain what action said Council is going to take concerning the opening and drawing up of a Proces Verbal for a road along the River from Thos. King’s to the Ferry. As this Council will only perform what was decided in a former resolution, that is to keep nine acres of joint labor road, provided said maintenance does not cost more than twelve dollars per annum. If it costs more, this Council reserves the right to close said road, if it thinks fit.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jno. Billing, Road Inspector, to place a gate as soon as possible across the public road at Thos. Knox’s house, closing said road from there to the Ferry.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until Tuesday, January 3rd, 1911.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, January the third, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. McCartney, Thos. Billing, Graham McBain, Pat Cassin and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Patrick Cassin and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. as Presiding Officer at the coming election of Councilors on January 9th, 1911.
2 -Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that there will be a Special Meeting of this Council on Monday, the 16th inst., convened for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the ensuing year and to transact any business that may occur.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday, Jan. 9th, 1911, at 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing three Councilors for said Municipality instead of Thos. Billing, Jas. McCartney & Graham McBain.
Moved By Jas. McCartney, seconded by Patrick Cassin, that Jno. McCartney be appointed instead of Jas. McCartney.
Moved by Wm. Neil, seconded by Wm. B. McBain, that Graham McBain be re-elected.
Moved by Patrick Cassin, seconded by Graham McBain, that Thos. Billing be re-elected.
As there was no opposition, the above mentioned candidates were elected by acclamation.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing and Graham McBain have been duly elected
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixteenth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councillor Richard Smith, James Robinson, Patrick Cassin, Graham McBain, Thos. Billing and Jno. McCartney, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor. Meeting convened for the purpose of electing a Mayor for the ensuing year and to transact any other necessary business. The following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Billing, Graham McBain and Jno. McCartney to act as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec . Treas .
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that Thos. Knox, be re-elected to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council has examined the yearly report to the Provincial Sec. and found it correct.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council accepts the account presented by Robt. Goodfellow , Mail Contractor, to recover the sum of two dollars ( $2.00 ) for opening the road from Valcartier, P. Q. to Valcartier Station, P. Q. on Monday morning Jan. 9th inst.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that the sum of 67 cents be deducted from the amount due in the spring, for winter road-keeping from Thos. Adams, Thos. A. McBain and Alex Aikens, to pay R. Goodfellow for opening road as stated in former resolution.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in March.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Cassin, Thos. Billing, Jno. McCartney, Jas. Robinson and Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that Thos. Knox, Mayor and Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. be ordered to interview Mr. Cy. Delage, and the Minister of Agriculture, with a view to procure information as to the means to be adopted by this Council concerning the control of the maintenance of roads in this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that Thos Billing sr. and Alex. Lavallee be appointed Auditors for the ensuing year.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the twentieth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the forming of a by-law to allow the local Council to have the control of the maintenance of all roads in the Municipality, and of which Public Notice was duly given; Present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Pat Cassin, Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Richard Smith, Graham McBain and Jno. McCartney, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give due notice that a public meeting of the ratepayers will be held on Monday, April 3rd, at 2 P. M. to consider the forming of a by-law to allow the local Council to have
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec . Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of April, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; the chief business of the meeting being to hear the opinion of the ratepayers concerning the forming of a by-law that the providing, making and keeping of all roads (both summer and winter) be under the direct control of the council, and the expenses thereof be defrayed by moneys (monies) levied by means of direct taxation – present at said session Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Pat Cassin, Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Graham McBain and Richard Smith, forming a full meeting of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor, also a goodly number of the ratepayers.
1 – As the majority of the ratepayers present were in favor of having the summer and winter keeping of the roads (both front and joint labor) defrayed by the monies obtained by direct taxation, it was moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council adopts a by-law to that effect and orders the Sec. Treas. to give due notice.
BY-LAW No. 19
lst – For the future all the local or County Municipal roads at the charge of the ratepayers of said municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, Co. Quebec, and which are situated within its limits, shall be made, improved and maintained at its expense with monies levied by direct taxation for such purpose, upon all the taxable property of the said Municipality , the whole in conformity with the Provisions of Article 1, Edward Vll, Cap. 3, Sec. 2.
2nd- In conformity with the Provisions of the Act 7, Edward Vll, cap. 3,
Sec. 2, the present by-law shall come into force fifteen days after its promulgation.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that Hopper Brown be ordered to clear all the trees off the joint labor road along his property and keep the same and the old wire for his trouble.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this .meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the first day of May , one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the municipal Code of the province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, Councilors Richard Smith, Graham McBain, Pat. Cassin Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing and Jas. Robinson, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor ThomasBilling and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors, to take charge of the keeping of all roads in their respective Divisions for the summer season – wages to be $1.25 for ten-hour day for Inspector and men, and 75 cts. for horses, also no repairs are to be done, except what are absolutely necessary until after the June Meeting.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Council of the Parish of Jeune Lorette, to either gravel or macadamize that portion of road from the line between Valcartier and Lorette to the road that is macadamized by the Turnpike Trust. The road mentioned is in a disgraceful condition, and as we are going to improve those in this Municipality , we want a better outlet to Lorette Village and to the City.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that Thos. Knox, Mayor, be required to traverse the different portions of road in this Municipality to ascertain which are in greatest need of repair, and how public money could be spent to the greatest advantage on them.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify John Billing, Road Inspector, to put up a new wire fence along Hopper Brown’s land.
5 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Graham McBain, Richard Smith, Jas. Robinson and Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were resolved :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that Inspectors and men shall work for 9 1/2 hours to constitute a day. in repairing roads this season, and a man and three horses using the amounts shall be spent in repairing the different divisions of road in this Municipality:-
Robert Penney’s Division
John Billing’s “
Wm. Lyons
John Leddy’s
George Wolff’s
Andrew Brown’s
Pat Corrigan’s
Wm. Knox’s
Charles Jack’s
$100.00. 75.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 40.00 Ordinary repairs
2- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Valuators to meet at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday the 19th inst. at 9 A. M. for the purpose of drawing up a new Valuation Roll for this Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jas. Robinson, Graham McBain & Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas . Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council accepts the new valuation roll and has made the necessary changes thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Chas. Jack, Road Inspector, to repair the Stoneham road Immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be resolved.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of August, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney. Jas. Robinson. and Thos. Billing forming a quorum of said council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted;-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to purchase plank at Lapire’s Mill and put about six feet of it, lengthwise on the Mill Bridge,
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders John Billing, Road Inspector, to fix the wheels of the Municipal road grader, also to supply all necessary bolts and put the machine in proper repair.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday (Monday being Labor Day) the fifth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. K. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Richard Smith, Graham McBain and John McCartney forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to present their bills for road-repairing to the local Council on or before Oct. 2nd, 19l1, and be prepared to swear to the accuracy of their statements.
2 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
. Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Richard Smith, John McCartney and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council has examined the jury and voters’ lists, belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary changes thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditor to meet on Monday. Nov. 6th. at 10 A. M. for the purpose of examining the accounts of this Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Pat Cassin and resolved that this Council agrees to pay George Thompson the sum of eight dollars and twenty-five cents (~8.25) for procuring a copy of a Proces Verbal from the County Council of Portneuf .
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that the winter roads in this Municipality be laid out on the same track as last year and subdivided as follows :-
1 – From the Lorette Line to lst Concession to George Thompson’s .
2- From George Thompson’s to Johnston’s crossroad.
3- From Thos. King’s to the crossroad at Johnston’s.
4- From Johnston’s Corner to the road between the 3rd & 4th Concessions.
5 – From Thos. Lavallee’s line, between Lorette and Valcartier, to 0. McKinley’s.
6 – From Oliver McKinley’s to the River .
7 – The Ten Lot Road.
8 – From the “Corner” to Lewis McBain ‘ s .
9 – From Lewis McBain’s to Murphy’s Rocks.
10 – From Murphy’s Rocks to Robt. Douglas’s gate.
11 – From Robert Douglas’s gate to the end of disputed road in the Big Bush.
12 – The Stoneham. Road.
All roads must be rolled and scraped, seven feet wide, with balizes twelve feet apart. The winter keeping of said roads, according to the above-mentioned ( subdivisions to be sold by Public Auction on Wednesday the 25th inst. at 2 P. M.
5 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Rich. Smith, John McCartney, Thos. Billing and Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney. seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this council does levy by by-law, a general assessment of one dollar per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:-
Jury tax for 1912
Use of Council room for 1911
Court House & County Council taxes for 1911
Secretary” Treasurer’s salary
Towards Reformatory School
Keeping roads , summer of 1911
Keeping winter roads, winter of 1911-12
$12.00 8.00 25.00 25.00 12.00 400.00 523.50
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council accepts the statement given by the Auditors concerning the Secretary Treasurer’s accounts .
3 – Moved by Councilor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Thos. Knox, Mayor, the sum of $4.50 to keep the road leading to his house during winter of 1911-12.
4 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council agrees to allow Curtis Billing to keep the winter road on the summer track from Mrs. Ireland’s to Wm. Crawford’s , if the proprietors on that route are willing.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Saturday, the twenty-fifth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of six P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of examining the account to be sent to Dept. of Agriculture, for the maintenance of the roads in this Municipality during the summer of 1911 – present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councillor: Graham McBain, Rich. Smith, Jno. McCartney, Pat Cassin and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, Seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that the accounts submitted to this Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, for the maintenance of the roads in this municipality during the year of 1911, have been examined and approved of by said Council, this twenty-fifth day of Nov. 1911.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Cassin seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipal ~ of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Jas. Robinson, Pat Cassin, Graham McBain and Thos. Billing, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council will not grant Robt. Goodfellow’s request for a new fence, as it is along the front of his property, and this Council only has the control of the maintenance of all roads, not fences. Therefore the Sec. Treas. be ordered to notify him to that effect.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the second day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Thos. Billing jr. Rich. Smith and Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that Thos Lavallee, Sec. Treas. be appointed Presiding Officer, at the election of Councilors on the 8th inst.
2 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned:-.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s, on Monday, Jan. 8th, 1912, at 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality, instead of Thos. Knox and Pat Cassin.
Moved by John Billing, seconded by Geo. Thompson, that Thos. Knox, be re-elected
Moved by Richard Smith, seconded by Geo. Wolff that Thos. Billing sr. be elected instead of Pat Cassin.
As there was no opposition, the above-mentioned candidates were elected by acclamation.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Thom. Knox and Thom. Billing sr. have been duly elected to act as Councillor in this Municipality.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday , the fifteenth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and twelve , at the usual place of meeting[ at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the two new Councilors, to elect a Mayor for the current year and to transact any other business that may occur – present Thos. Knox, Mayor Councilors Richard Smith, Thos. Billing jr. Jas. Robinson and Thos. Billing sr. , forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox and Thos. Billing sr. to act as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, jr. seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that Thomas Knox, be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the current year .
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thom. Billing jr. seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council imposes a fine of two dollars ($2.00) on George Wolff, Road Inspector, for not having his Division of road in good passable condition.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. and resolved that this Council pays Edmund Kiley, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for damages incurred on the hill at George Wolff’s, when bringing coal oil up said hill, also that the above-mentioned sum be kept from the contractor of said road.
4- Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. and resolved that this Council orders Jno. Leddy, Road Inspector, to have Quinn’s fence taken down and to have better passing places on his Division of road.
5 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thos. Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the twenty-second day of January one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of taking into consideration the “Watt Bush Route” road, as a petition has been presented to the County Council of Portneuf , by some ratepayers of St. Catherine’s , asking to be liberated from maintaining said road, also to conduct any other necessary business – present Thom. Knox, Mayor Councilors Richard Smith, Thos. Billing sr. Thos. Billing jr. Graham McBain and Jno. McCartney (the absent members being duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing jr J seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard Advocate, concerning the “Watt Bush Road” and if he considers it necessary to have a lawyer attend the meeting of Delegates at St. Catherine’s on the 25th inst. to plead our case.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing sr. seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council orders Jos. Hicks jr. to placard Graham McBain’s house for small pox.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. and resolved that this Council orders Thom. Knox Mayor, and Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to attend the meeting of delegates at St. Catherine’s on the 25th inst. to represent the municipality. .
4 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the Local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twenty-ninth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of deciding what sort of an agreement this Council would be willing to make with the Council of Ste Catherine’s, Co. Portneuf, concerning the maintenance of the “Watt’s Bush Route Road“, present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Rich. Smith, Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing sr. , Thos. Billing jr. , and Graham McBain ( the absent Councilors being duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved ~ Thos. Billing sr, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council agrees to maintain one half of the “Watt’s Bush Route Road” , if the Council of St. Catherine’s , Co. Portneuf will make and maintain the road on the river bank from Thos. King’s to the Ferry.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Knox, Mayor and Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to attend the meeting of Delegates at St. Catherine’s Co. Portneuf, on the 22nd of February, 1912.
3- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Councilor the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Richard Smith, Graham McBain, Thos. Billing sr, John McCartney and Thos. Billing jr, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing sr. seconded by Graham McBain and resolved that this Council appoints the following men to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Auditors, etc. in this municipality for the ensuing term of office
Frank Thompson, instead of Robt. Penney for Division No. 1, in Ist Concession.
Wm. Billing instead of John Billing for Division No.2, from the 1st Concession at F. Thompson’s to the River Jacques Cartier, Also the Watt’s Bush Road.
Thom. King for Division No.3, being the road through the First, Second & Third Concessions, from the Portneuf line right through to Fairy Lake.
Frank Smith for Division No. 4, from the line between Wm. Smith’s and
Graham McBain’s lands to the River Jacques Cartier.
Thos. Adams for Division No.5, from Wm. Smith’s line to River Jacques Cartier.
Jas. Hamilton for Division No.6, being the Ten Lot Road.
Thos. Goodfellow for Division No.7, from the line between the Third & Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Thos. Robinson for Division No.8, from Murphy’s Rocks to the boundary line between the Local & County roads in Roche Platte, also McClory’s Road.
Robt. Goodfellow for Division No.9, being the road to Stoneham~.
Rural Inspector – Wm. Jack.
Pound Keeper – Carl Wolff .
Valuators – Moses McCoubrey, Samuel Seeds and Lawrence Loughren.
Auditors – Geo. Thompson & Alfred Hicks.
Health Officers – Richard Douglas, Wm. Crawford and Alfred J. Hicks.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos Billing jr. and resolved that defers discussing the question of erecting a fence on Robt. Goodfellow’s land until the next regular monthly meeting.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing, sr. and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Lyons, Jno. Leddy & Andrew Brown to have the roads in their Divisions put in better condition, also for Jno. Leddy to have the timber kept off the road at Lepire’s Mill.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas . Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eleventh day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of adopting some means to suppress the spreading of small pox in the Municipality – present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, sr. , Jno. McCartney , Graham McBain, Thos. Billing jr. , and Richard Smith , forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor. It is ordered and resolved by by-law of the Council as follows:
1 – Any householder in this Municipal shall report to the Municipal Sanitary Authority, any case of skin eruption occurring in his house, unless the patient has been seen by a physician, and that the latter has positively established that the case is not one of small pox. The report to the Municipal Authority will have to be made within the 12 hours following the first appearance of the eruption. For any infraction of the present by-law, the offender will
be liable to a fine of $20.00. This by-law shall come into force fifteen days after its promulgation.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing jr. seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council appoints John McBain, as Special Health Inspector for this Municipality with full authority to investigate, and do all in his power to suppress all contagious diseases in this Municipality .
3- Moved by Thos. Billing, sr. seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec at which meeting were present Thom. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, sr. Jno. McCartney, Jas. Robinson, Graham McBain and Thos. Billing jr. forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders Jno. McBain, Health Inspector, to go to Pat Corrigan’s and investigate a reported case of small pox, and see that the inmates of the infected house comply with the conditions of the law.
2- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council refuses to accept the accounts presented by Leonidas Dussault, Sec. of the Board of Delegates for expenses incurred in connection with the Watt’s Bush Route Road, considering his demand exorbitant and authorizes the Sec. Treas. of this Corporation to offer him the sum of thirty-two dollars ($32.00) in full payment, instead of $5l.28 which his bill demands.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing, sr. and resolved that this Council orders Thos Billing, jr. to buy 200 cedar pickets for the fence along the Watt’s Bush Route Road, said pickets to be 6 ft. long and at least 3! in. in diameter.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos Billing, jr. seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders Thos. Billing, sr. and Thos. Lavallee, to inspect the Mill Bridge and report to this Council as to its condition.
5 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the eleventh day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of considering what means to adopt towards replacing the Mill bridge, which is in a bad condition, by a new one or any other business, present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Graham McBain, Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing, sr. Rich Smith, Jas. Robinson and Thos Billing, jr. forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the ~Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by councilor Thos. Billing, sr. seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council requests Cyrille Delage, Esg., Member for the County of Quebec, to get the Government to send an inspector or engineer to examine the Mill Bridge and make an estimate of what it would cost to build a new Iron one, instead of the present one, which is out of repair and needs immediate attention.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing, jr. and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Tress. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the acct. sent in by Leonidas Dussault, for expenses incurred in connection with the Watt’s Bush Route Road, and the amount which this Council considers exorbitant.
Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith, and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, sr. Graham McBain, Richard Smith, John McCartney and Jas. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, sr. seconded by Councillor John McCartney and resolved that this Council agrees to close by a by-law, the road leading to Thos. Knox’s house from the main road.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council agrees to buy 4OO Lbs. of barbed wire from 0. McKinley, to fence the Watt’s Bush Route Road, also that word be sent to Thos. King Road Inspector, to fix the joint labor fence in his Division, procuring the stretcher from Wm. Lyons, and further, that he keep his Division of road in repair until after the June Meeting – his time, of course, of which he is to keep a correct account, to be paid at the rate of 12 cents an hour.
3 – Moved by Councillor John McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Knox, Mayor, to examine the condition of the roads in this Municipality during the month of May, and send in his report before the June meeting.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing, sr. that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday (Monday being the King’s Birthday) the fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Richard Smith , Thos. Billing jr. , Graham McBain , Jas. Robinson and Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – it was ordained and resolved as follows:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that, whereas that portion of the local road known as the Knox Road, extending from Thos. Knox’s for a distance of about 9 acres to the road known as the Carroll Road, on Lot No.75 , is no longer wanted by the public , and that it is the general desire of the ratepayers that said road be abolished and closed, and whereas a Public Notice has been duly given that this Council would like at the present meeting, adopt a by-law to close said road. The following by-law has passed by this Council to wit:
1st – The local Municipal Road, situated in this Municipality, known as the Knox Road, and above described is hereby abolished and closed as being of no public use.
2nd – As soon as the present by-law shall come into force, the Road Inspector shall provide for the closing of said road with fence or gates, and the land of said road returns to the lots from which it was detached according to Art. 153 of the Municipal Code.
3rd – All by-laws Proces Verbaux and resolutions of this Council concerning said portion of abolished road are hereby repealed.
2- Moved by Councillor Jas. Robjnson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council accepts the foregoing by-law.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos Billing, jr. and resolved that Robt. Douglas be appointed to act as Councillor instead of Thos. Billing, sr. who has disposed of his property.
4 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that in the repairing of the roads this season, Inspectors and laborers are to work 91/2 hours to count one day and one man and three horses using the grader to receive 4 dollars per day . It is further resolved that the following amounts be spent on different Divisions of road in this Municipality.
T. Robinson’s Division
Frank Smith
Thos. King’s “
F. Thompson’s
R. Goodfellow’s
$15.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 50.00
T. Goodfellow’s Division
Thos. Adams ‘ “
Wm. Billing’s “
Jas. Hamilton’s “
$75.00 75.00 75.00 35.00
5 – Moved by Councillor Thom. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Trea. to layout the disputed shares of fence along Carl Wolff’s road.
6 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that Walter Brown be appointed to superintend the repairing of William Billing’s Division of road – the amount to be spent to equal 75 dollars.
7 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders 4 pieces of timber, about 7 inches at small end to be laid on the side of the Mill Bridge and firmly tied with cable wire.
8 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec . Trea .
A t a general month~ meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the second day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jas. Robinson, Thos. Billing, Richard Smith, Jno. McCartney and Robt. Douglas, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the Undersigned Sec. Treas. , certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Robert Douglas to act as Councillor instead of Thos. Billing. sr.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders Quinn’s cows to be kept off the road, if this resolution is not complied with, they are to be put in the Pound by the Rural Inspector.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council agrees to exempt Lawrence Loughren for road work, of half of the tax imposed on Lot No.353, valued at $550.o0.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council revised the Valuation Roll (for local purposes only) and made the necessary corrections thereon.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Goodfellow, Road Inspector, to deepen the ditch in Jno. Neil’s field to carry the water off the road.
6 – Moved by Councillor Thos Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an opinion from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, on the Proces Verbal in connection with Robt. Goodfellow’s fence.
7 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lava11ee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the fifth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformiity. with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened to tract the business that was to have been done at the regular monthly meeting (at which there were not sufficient members to form a quorum) present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Richard Smith and
Graham McBain ( the absent Councilors being duly notified) , forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Rural Inspector, to impound Jas Quinn’s cows or cattle if he does not keep them off the public road.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that Thos. Knox, Mayor, be requested to attend the meeting of the Jacques Cartier Council on the llth inst., as said Council is to discuss the opening of a road on the bank of the River Jacques Cartier in Portneuf County.
3 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved this meeting be adjourned. Thom. Knox Mayor.
Thomas Lavallee Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Jas. Robinson, Richard Smith, Thos. Billing and Robt. Douglas, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Rural Inspector, to impound Jas. Quinn’s cattle as he does not keep them off the public road.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to meet at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday, Nov. 4th, 1912 for the purpose of examining the public accounts of this Municipality .
3 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral list for this year and made the necessary corrections .
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that the winter roads be laid out in the following manner.
Division No. 1 on the same track as last year.
On Watt’s Bush Road, the track will go down Geo. Thompson’s fields to within an acre of the bush, then take the summer road to the Portneuf line.
Division No.2, to leave the Bummer road at Wm. Billing’s gate on the lower side of the road and come out on the road again on the top of Crawford’s Hill.
Division No.3, on the same course as last year, except that the track will follow the fields from the foot of Cassin’s Hill, and again join the summer road, near the site of the late Curtis McBain’s house.
Division No.5, the track will be the same as last year, that is on the summer road.
The Fifth Concession road on the same track as last year .
The road through Roche Platte the same as last year.
The road to Stoneham to follow the same track as last year.
The sale of the winter keeping of the above-mentioned roads , to take place
on Wednesday, Oct. 3Oth, at 2 P. M.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Corporation of St. Catherine’s, Co. Portneuf, to have the road on the bank of the River Jacques Cartier, from Thos . King’s to the new Ferry opened without further notice, the same being agreed upon at a meeting of the Board of Delegates held at St. Catherine’s last winter.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that the following amendments to the contract for the keeping of the winter roads , which specify that said roads must be rolled and scraped at the same time, scrapers to be 5 ft. wide, and rollers to weigh at least 600 lbs.
1 – Moved by Councillor Jas. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the opening of the road on the bank of the River by the Municipality of St. Catherine’s.
8 – The roads in Division No.3, of this Municipality are to be divided as follows – Section No. 1, from Thos. King’s to the line between Wm. Lyons & Pat King’s properties. Section No.2, from the afore-Mentioned line to the top of Carroll’s Hill to the 4th Concession highway.
9 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal’ Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, Councilors Graham McBain Thos. Billing, Jno. McCartney & Richard Smith, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councilor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a general assessment of one dollar per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property in this Municipality to defray the following expenses
Use of Council room for 1912
Jury tax for 1913
Court House & County Council taxes for 1912
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Towards Reformatory School
To Mr. Bedard, Advocate, for services
Keeping roads, summer of 1912
Keeping roads, winter of 1912-13
$10.00 12.00 25.00 55.00 12.00 47.00 400.00 603.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council approves the statement given by the Auditors concerning the Sec. Treasurer’s accounts.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Richard Smith and resolved that this Council appoints Wm. Lyons, Road Inspector, instead of Thos. King who has sold his property.
4 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that whereas the contractor (Oliver McKinley) of the winter keeping of the Division of road to the River, has asked that he be allowed to layout the track in the field, to avoid the hill between Carl Wolff’s and Nelson’s, this Council has seen fit to grant his request.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twelve , at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. H. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of examining the report of the expenditure for maintaining the public roads during the previous summer season, also to transact any other business that may occur present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Graham McBain, Thos. Billing, Richard Smith, Jas. Robinson and Robert Douglas , forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council approves and confirms a report dated 16th, December, 1912, prepared by the Secretary Treasurer of this Council concerning certain road expenditure incurred by this Council during the summer of 1912, such expenditure amounting to $666.84.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain, and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Andrew Brown, the sum of $2.50 for keeping the road from his property to the main road winter of 1912-13.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Graham McBain and resolved that all road contractors who are using light wooden rollers on their Divisions of roads, be notified that unless they use rollers weighing at least 600 Ibs. (according to their contract) they will not be paid the full amount agreed upon.
4 – Moved by Councillor Richard Smith, seconded by Councillor Jas. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
At a meeting 0£ the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Va1cartier, held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday January l3th, 1913, at 10. A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality instead of Jas . Robinson and Richard Smith.
Moved by Jno. McCartney, seconded by Thos. Adams that Andrew Brown be elected in Jas. Robinson’s place.
Moved by Thos. Adams, seconded by Jno. McCartney that John Leddy be appointed instead of Richard Smith.
As there was no objection, the above-mentioned candidates were elected by acclamation.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Andrew Brown and John Leddy have been duly elected to act as Councilors in this municipality.
Thomas Knox , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas. & Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of February, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Graham McBain, John Leddy, Robt. Douglas, Andrew Brown and Jno. McCartney, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the oath of Office to John Leddy and Andrew Brown, to act as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thos. Lavallee, Sec Treas.
2- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that Thos. Knox, be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the. ensuing term of office.
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec Treas.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councilor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to make enquiries at the Dept. of Public Works, concerning the fixing of the Mill Hill Bridge at the first opportunity.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno McCartney, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that it would be a great advantage to this municipality, if a road were opened from the River Jacques Cartier to the main road, through the center of what is known as the Ferry Lot, in the Municipality of St. Catherine’s , Co. Portneuf , thereby making a direct route to Valcartier Station.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2. P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thomas Knox, Mayor, Councillors John teddy, Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos Billing, seconded by Councillor John Leddy and resolved that Alfred Hicks, sr and Geo. Thompson be re-appointed Auditors of the public accounts belonging to this Municipality for the ensuing year .
2 – Moved by Councillor John Leddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Wednesday, the nineteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of examining a specification and plan of a new bridge across the Mill Brook, received from the Dept. of Public Works, and to consider what amount this Municipality is prepared to pay towards the construction of said bridge. Present Councilors Andrew Brown appointed Chairman (the Mayor being absent, but duly notified), Jno. McCartney, Graham McBain, Thos. Billing, Jno. Leddy and Robt Douglas, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Chairman- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council is prepared to contribute the sum of eight hundred dollars ($800.), being one dollar to the hundred of Valuation, towards the construction of a new iron bridge across the Mill Brook, if built according to the plan and specification sent to this Council by the Department of
Public Works.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor John Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday; the fifth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing, Jno. Leddy, Robt. Douglas, Andrew Brown and Graham McBain, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor
the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Adams to keep his children within his own premises on account of small-pox in his family, he may work on his farm and if he is in need of anything he will be supplied by the Health Inspector.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Councils of Jeune Lorette and the County of Quebec, to have the road from the Valcartier line to the macadamized road, properly repaired as soon as possible.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that the following amounts be spent in repairing and maintaining the different Divisions of road in this Municipality for the summer and fall of 1913.
Frank Thompson ‘8 Division
William Lyons ‘ ”
Thomas Adams ‘ ”
Thomas Goodfellow I s ”
Robert Goodfellow’s ”
Total :
$35.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 25.00 325.00
William Billing’s Division
Frank Smith’s l’
James Hamilton I s II
Thomas Robinson I s “
$45.00 35.00 10.00 65.00
4 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor John Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jno. teddy, Andrew Brown and Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council sanctions the agreement made by Thos. Lavallee and Carl Wolff, the terms of which are as follows :- This Council is to build one half of the fence on Carl Wolff’s side of the road from Fairy Lake to the line between Robt. Goodfellow’s and the Priest’s land, and that the Sec.
Trea . is ordered to take proper measurements immediately .
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality, to have the roads and fences in their respective Divisions properly repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to request the Ministers of the Anglican and Presbyterian Churches to read, on Sunday the 8th inst., at both services, a letter referring to the disgraceful conduct of certain youths belonging to their respective Congregations, who follow the young girls on their way home after Divine Service on Sunday nights, insulting them and treating them to very bad language; moreover if this warning has no effect, said Council will take legal proceedings against them.
4 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Rural Inspector, to put Jas. Quinn’s cows in the Pound if he does not keep them off the public road.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the lOth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 1 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of considering the advertising of tenders for the construction of a new bridge across the Mill Brook, according to a plan and specification prepared by Mr. Vallee, Government Engineer. The following members were present; Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Robt. Douglas, Thos. Billing and Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council accepts the measurement made by the Sec. Treas. dividing the shares of fence along Carl Wolff’s land.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to advertise for tenders for the construction of a new bridge over the Mill Brook in three of the City Papers – two of the French language and one in the English, said tenders to be received at the Council room, on or before the 23rd inst. , and to be considered at a Special Meeting to be held on the above-mentioned date at 1 P. M.
3 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the twenty-third day of June, one thousand nine hundred ,and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 1 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of opening and examining tenders for the erection of a new Mill Bridge, also to transact any other business if necessary. Present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Jno. Leddy, Andrew Brown, and Robert Douglas, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council has opened and examined the tenders for the construction of a new Mill Bridge in this Municipality, and as the lowest tender is higher than was expected, the Municipality is not able to meet the demand, unless the Government augments the grant of $I5OO.00 promised for July, to be used for the aforesaid purpose.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify the Council of the Parish of Lorette to have the road from the lake near Richardson’s land to the macadamized road, properly repaired immediately. If this second notification this season has no effect, this Council will see fit to oblige them to act. .
3 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of Meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Robt. Douglas, Graham McBain, Jno. teddy an~ Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council has agreed to give the contract for the erection of a new iron bridge across the Mill Brook, to the Donohue Construction Co. , for the sum of three thousand, three hundred dollars $3, 300 ) – two thousand, five hundred dollars to be paid when the work is completed, and the balance ($800) in the month of January 191h. It is further resolved that Thos. Knox, Mayor, and Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. be authorized to go to the City tomorrow and have a contract drawn up to that effect by Mr. Cyrille Delage , Notary.
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, Seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll and made the necessary corrections thereon (for local purposes only).
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee , Sec. Trea .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code 0£ the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. McCartney, Andrew Brown, and Jno. Leddy, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council appoints the Sec. Treas. to oversee the construction of the new Mill Bridge in the interests of. the Council.
2- Moved by Councilor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCartney and resolved that if the Councils of Lorette Parish and of the County do not take any action to have the road from the Valcartier line to the macadamized road put in good repair before the l5th inst., this Council will have a lawyer’s advice on the subject.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Robt. Douglas, Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Graham McBain and Jno. McCartney, forming a quorom of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Graham McBain and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral lists for this year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor John McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Alfred Hicks, jr. Health Inspector, to see that the remains of a horse belonging to Mrs. Curtis McBain be buried immediately, also to have the vicinity of Rochette’s butchery cleaned up, as the stench in that locality will breed disease in the Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify the Auditors to meet at Mr. 0. McKinley’s at 10 A. M. the first Monday in Nov. for the purpose of examining the accounts belonging to this Municipality.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council has agreed to layout the winter roads on the same route as last year – the keeping of Divisions 1 & 2 will be sold together, No.3, the same as last year, No. 4, to the line between the First and Second Concessions. Nos. 5 & 6, through the Second & Third Concessions, No 7, the same as last year. No.8 and the Ten Lot Road to be sold together. No.9, and the Stoneham road to be sold as one Division. No 11, commences at Mrs. McCartney’s Gate, to Murphy’s Rocks. No. 12, the same as last year. These roads have to be rolled with a good heavy roller and scraped after every snowfall.
5 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor John Leddy and resolved that the winter keeping of these roads, to be sold at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on the 29th inst., at 2 P. M. – the sale to start with the road in Roche Platte, and finish with those in the First Concession.
6 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas , seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Thursday the twenty-third day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of considering the borrowing of five hundred dollars ($500. ) to be used towards the payment of an account due for the construction of a new iron bridge across the Mill Brook, also to transact any other necessary business. Present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno.Leddy, Graham McBain, Jno. McCartney and Thos. Billing, fonrming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor 9 the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jho. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council agrees to negotiate for the borrowing of five hundred dollars ($500. ) bearing interest at five percent, dating from Oct. 28th, 1913, from Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea – said sum to be applied towards the payment of an account due by this Corporation for the construction of a new iron bridge across the Mill Brook, in this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. Robinson, Road Inspector, to fix a broken bridge on McClory’s Road, the total cost not to exceed five dollars.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council will send a petition to Ron. L. P. Pelletier, soliciting a contribution towards defraying the cost of the new Mill Bridge.
4 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jno. Leddy, Graham McBain and Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of one dollar and ninety-five cents ($1.95) on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses :
Towards payment of Mill Bridge
Flooring Iron Bridge
Use of Council room for 1913
Jury tax for 1914
Court House & County Council taxes for 1913
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Towards Reformatory School
Keeping roads , summer of 1913
Keeping roads , winter of 1913-14
$800.00 21.00 10.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 12.00 163.00 578.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that this Council accepts the statement given by the Auditors concerning the Secretary Treasurer’s accounts.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the }!municipality
of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Billing, Jno. McCartney, Jno Leddy and Robt. Douglas, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council accepts the new iron bridge across the Mill Brook, in this Municipality, as built by the Donohue Construction Co., and inspected and approved by Mr. Vallee, Government Engineer, the cost of constructing said bridge being partly defrayed by the local Government – Dept. of Public Works. This Council also agrees to keep said bridge in proper repair in the future and free from toll.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Thos. Billing and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to put 40 loads of gravel (in the spring) on the approaches to the Mill Bridge to complete said work.
3- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Friday the fifth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of discussing the County Road in Roche Platte, and to transact any other business. At which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno Leddy, Jno. McCartney and Graham McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that as whereas certain ratepayers of Tewkesbury have petitioned the County Council to be relieved of the maintenance of a certain portion of the County Road in this Municipality, and that said matter is to be discussed at a meeting of the County Council on the lOth inst. , this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to get an advice from Mr. Bedard, Advocate, on the subject.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council has divided the valuation of Lot No.89, in the Second Concession, placing the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.) as the valuation of the portion purchased by Thos. Billing sr. from Hopper Brown.
3 – Moved by Councillor Graham McBain, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Robt. Douglas, Jno. McCartney, Andrew Brown Jno. Leddy and Thos. Billing forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Willie Shea, the sum of ten dollars ($10.) to keep a portion of joint labor road in Roche Platte during winter of 1913-14.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Billing, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council has approved of the road report, read by the Sec. Treas. and does hereby declare itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of $334.39, amount of the expenses incurred for ordinary maintenance during summer of 1913.
3 – Moved by Compiler Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at Mr. G. McKinley’s on Monday, Jan. 12th, 19111, at 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing three Councilors for said Municipality , instead of Jno. McCartney, Thos. Billing & Graham McBain.
moved by Alfred Hicks, sr. seconded by Jno. Hicks that Jno. McCartney be reelected and that Jno. Allan McCoubrey and Alfred J. Hicks be appointed to fill the other vacant seats.
As there was no opposition the above-mentioned candidates were elected by acclamation.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end and that Jno. McCartney, Alfred J. Hicks and Jno. Allan McCoubrey have been duly elected to act as Councilors in this Municipality.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of 5t. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the second day of February, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of two P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors John McCartney, Alfred James Hicks, John Allan McCoubrey, Andrew Brown, John teddy and Robt. Douglas , forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted: –
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jno. McCartney, Alfred James Hicks and John Allan McCoubrey, to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
1 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. teddy and resolved that Thos. Knox, be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year .
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Knox, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council values the lot of ground bought by Thos. Billing, sr. from Mrs. Ireland at fifty dollars ($50. ), also that it is pleased to deduct the sum of one hundred dollars ($100. ) from the present valuation of Wm. McCartney’s land, owing to his having sold a lot to Mr. Ruthman.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. teddy, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas
and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred James Hicks, Andrew Brown, John Leddy & Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council appoints the following men to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Health Officers, etc.
Walter Brown, for Division No 1, being the whole First Concession, from the Lorette line to the Carroll Road.
Wm. Lyons for Division No.2, being the road through the First, Second and
Third Concessions , from the Portneuf line right through to Fairy Lake.
Wm. Neil for Division No.3, from the line between wm. Smith’s and Graham McBain’s lands to the Lorette line.
Joe. Hicks, jr. for Division No. 4 from Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
Wm. Knox for Division No.5, being the Ten Lot Road.
George McNicoll for Division No.6, from the line between the Third and Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks.
Wm. Montgomery for Division No.7, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Tewkesbury line also McClory’s Road.
Lewis McBain for Division No.8, being the road to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – John Hicks
Pound Keeper – Charles Jack
Valuators – Patrick Gough, Charles Hicks and Jas. McCartney, sr.
Health Officers William Boyd, Hopper Brown and John Hornby.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council is not in favor of going to the expense of purchasing machinery to macadamize the roads in this Municipality, as with the exception of a few hills, the roads consist chiefly of dry ground.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council agrees to pay the sum of three dollars ($3.00) to Michael McClory , as indemnity for not selling the keeping of his winter road.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors John Leddy, Robt. Douglas, Alfred James Hicks, Jno. McCartney and Jno. Allan McCoubrey, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that Walter Brown be appointed Road Inspector instead of Jno. McCoubrey who is exempt from serving as such.
2 – Moved by Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and
resolved that Alfred Hicks and George Thompson, be re-appointed as Auditors of the public accounts of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
3 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Dan Kack, to keep his dogs off the public road or they will be shot.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Wednesday the fifteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of releasing certain lots of land in this Municipality from all liabilities, in connection with being held for security for George Thompson while Sec. Trea – present Thos. Knox,Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy Alfred James Hicks, Jno. McCartney and Andrew Brown (the absent members being duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council releases the following properties Nos. 82, part 85,90, 15 & 16 on the cadastral plan of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, from all liabilities in connection with their being held as security for George Thompson during the time he filled the position of Secretary Treasurer of this Municipality
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred James Hicks, Robt. Douglas, Jno. Leddy, Jno. McCartney, Andrew Brown and Jno. Allan McCoubrey, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that the following amounts be spent in repairing and maintaining the different Divisions of road in this Municipality for the summer and fall – 1911.
Wm. Montgomery’s Division $75.00 George McNicoll’s Division $40.00
Lewis McBain’s ” 25.00 Joseph Hicks ” 35.00
Wm. Knox’s ” 10.00 Wm. Neil’s” 35.00
Wm. Lyons’ ‘f 35.00 Walter Brown’s 80.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney seconded by Councillor Alfred James Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Neil, Road Inspector, to place a guard on the south corner of the Mill Bridge.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thom Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Alfred J Hicks, and Jno. McCartney, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:- .
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy , seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify persons in arrears of Municipal taxes, to have them passed before the fifteenth inst. or they will be given to a lawyer for collection.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council humbly requests the Ho. Cyrille Delage, Member for Quebec County to use his influence with the Department of Public Works to procure a grant of five hundred dollars to clear the indebtedness, which is due in the fall for the construction of the Mill Bridge in this municipality, and in support of this request, to state that our landholders have paid eight hundred dollars on account of said work this year , which in addition to all the other expenses, required the levy of a very heavy tax on this small Municipality. Therefore we would be very grateful for monetary assistance.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, July 6th, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy,Jno. McCartney, Andrew Brown, Jno. A. McCoubrey and Alfred James Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators to meet in the lst Concession, on Monday, the l3th inst., at 9 A. M. for the purpose of drawing up a new Valuation for this Municipality.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council agrees to allow a rebate of five dollars on Lawrence Loughren’s tax for road-keeping, as his property is so far from the main road.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thom. Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the 3rd day of August, one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. In conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Alfred James Hicks, Robt. Douglas, Jno. Leddy, Andrew Brown and Jno. Allan McCoubrey forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Alfred James Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the new Valuation Roll for this Municipality as compiled by the Valuators.
2 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the eighth day of September one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno. McCartney, Robt. Douglas, Alfred James Hicks and John Allan McCoubrey, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor John McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey and resolved that this Council has examined the supplementary jury list for the current year, belonging to this municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Alfred James Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to send an acct. to Mr. Wm. McBain, Agent of the Militia for the sum of six hundred and six dollars, amt due this Corporation for the destruction by order of said Dept, of 101 acres of joint labor fence in the First, Second and Third Concessions of this Municipality, said fence being composed of cedar pickets and four barbed wires.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of October, one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Robt. Douglas , Jno. McCartney, Jno. A. McCoubrey and Alfred James Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Alfred James Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral list belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary Corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council does not feel disposed to make a gift to the Government of the 101 acres of joint labor fence referred to in minutes of last meeting. If they consider it necessary to make a donation, it will take some other form.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney that this meeting be adjourned until the 2Oth inst. at 6 P. M.
At an adjourned meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the twentieth day of October, one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos, Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno. McCartney, Jno. Leddy and Alfred James Hicks, forming a quorum under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council agrees to have the winter roads follow the same route as last year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Trea. to sell the winter keeping of all roads in this Municipality by Public Auction at 0. McKinley’s on Friday the 3Oth inst. at 2 P. M.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Andrew Brown the sum of four dollars ($4.00) for keeping his road to the main road during the coming winter.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to draw up a Proces Verbal for a portion of the old road known as Corrigan’s Road, so as to give Andrew Brown an outlet to the main road.
5- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that in the selling of the keeping of the winter roads, the Sec. Treas. shall reserve the right to withhold the sale of any portion of road that goes higher than the ordinary rate.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of November, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were Present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Jno. McCartney, Jno. Allan McCoubrey and Alfred Jas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council accepts the statement given by the Auditors concerning the Secretary Treasurer’s accounts.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this Council does levy by – by-law, a general assessment of one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per hundred dollars valuation on all real taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses :
To clear indebtedness on Mill Bridge
Painting Iron Bridge
Use of Council room for 1914
Jury tax for 1914
Court House & County Council taxes for 1914
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping roads , summer of 1914
Towards support of Reformatory School
Keeping roads, winter of 1914-15
$545.00 75.00 10.00 12.00 35.00 75.00 180.00 15.00 560.00
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council agrees to press the case against WM. McBain, Agent for the Department of Militia, to recover the sum of six hundred and six dollars ($606. ) for joint labor fences belonging to this Corporation, which were destroyed to make room for the Military Camp.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Al1an McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Thos. Lavallee, seventyfive dollars ($75.) for his services as Sec. Treas. for the ensuing year.
5 – Moved by Councillor John McCartney seconded by Councillor John teddy and resolved that this Council do appoint Thos. Lavallee, Special Superintendant, to draw up a Proces Verbal for a portion of road in the Fifth Concession of this Municipality known as Corrigan’s Road.
6 – Moved by Councillor John Leddy, seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of December, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Leddy, Alfred James Hicks, Jno. McCartney and Robt. Douglas, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councilor Jno. McCartney and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to put up a Public Notice on Lepire’s Hill, prohibiting sliding on said hill under a penalty of two dollars ($2.00)
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. McCartney, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the Proces Verbal, dated Nov. 17th, 1914, providing for the opening of a portion of road known as Corrigan’s Road, situated in the Fifth Concession of this Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Thomas Knox, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Thos. Knox, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Jno. A. McCoubrey, Alfred James Hicks, Robt. Douglas, and John McCartney, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Robt. Douglas, seconded by Councillor Alfred James Hicks and resolved that this Council orders ten Sec. Treas. to give certain Road Inspectors a copy of the contract for keeping the winter roads and inform them to see that the terms of said. contract are carried out.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor John Leddy and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, to act as Presiding Officer at the election of Councilors on the llth inst.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno A. McCoubrey and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to give the acct. amounting to $606. due to this Corporation by the Militia Dept. for nearly four miles of barbed wire fencing and cedar pickets to Alex. Robertson, Advocate for collection.
4 – Moved by Councillor John A. McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Robt. Douglas and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
A meeting of the electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s, on Monday January llth, 1915, at 10. A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said municipality instead of Thom. Knox, and Robt. Douglas.
Moved by Chas. Hicks, seconded by Arthur Mulholland that Alfred Hicks and Patrick Corrigan be appointed instead of the retiring Councilors.
As there was no opposition, the above-mentioned candidates were elected by acclamation.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Alfred Hicks and Pat Corrigan have been duly elected to act as Councillors in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office .
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the !.municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the eighteenth day of January, one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of appointing a Mayor for the ensuing year, and to transact any other necessary business. At which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred James Hicks, Jno. Leddy, Alfred
Hicks and Andrew Brown and Patrick Corrigan ( the absent members being duly notified), forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Alfred Hicks and Patrick Corrigan, to act as Councilors for this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1- Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that Jno. McCartney, be appointed Mayor, and Alfred Hicks ProMayor of this municipality for the ensuing year.
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to John McCartney, to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno.Leddy and resolved that the report as read by the Sec. Treas. is approved, and the Council does hereby declare itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of $282.66, amount of the expenses incurred for the ordinary maintenance of the roads in this Municipality during the summer of 1914.
3 – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown , seconded by Councillor Jno. Leddy and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in March.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Andrew Brown, Jno. Leddy, Jno. A. McCoubrey, Alfred James Hicks and Patrick Corrigan, forming: a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council is pleased to appoint Thos. Billing sr. and Arthur Mulholland as Auditors of the public accounts, belonging to this Municipality for the ensuing year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council is pleased to appoint Henry Loughren a Valuator of real estate in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office, instead of Patrick Gough.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify George McNicoll, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road kept in better condition, or he is liable to be fined within four days after receipt of said notification.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twenty-sixth day of April, one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of resolving to have the road in front of the Manse repaired immediately, also to transact any other necessary business. Present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Patrick Corrigan, Jno. Leddy, Alfred Hicks, Jno. Allan McCoubrey and Alfred James Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Leddy, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jos. Hicks, Road Inspector, to have the public road near the Manse, repaired as soon as possible.
2 – Moved by Councillor Patrick Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality (omitting those in the lst and 2nd Concessions) to take charge of the keeping of the roads for the ensuing summer, that is from May Ist, 1915 to Nov. Ist, of same year.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Patrick Corrigan and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to put Public Notice at Fairy Lake, to the effect that this Council, after May Ist does not intend to maintain any road in the Ist, 2nd, or 3rd Concessions leading to the Military Camp , and will not be responsible for any damage that may occur thereon.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Allan McCoubrey, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Lawrence Corrigan to pay his Municipal tax within ten days after receipt of said notification, and if he does not comply the amount will be sent to a lawyer for collection.
5- Moved by Councillor Alfred James Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. A. McCoubrey and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of June, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councillor Andrew Brown, Alfred Hicks and Alfred J. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to interview Mr. Bedard, Advocate, concerning the validity of the Valuation Roll, also other matters connected with the payment of taxes of land used by the Military Camp.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea .
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the fourteenth day of June, one thousand, nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of electing three Councilors instead of Alfred Jas . Hicks, John Allan McCoubrey and Jno. Leddy , who have been disqualified through their lands being on the plan of the Military Camp, also to transact any other necessary business – present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks , Pat Corrigan and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council appoints Albert Dacres, to act as Councillor instead of Alfred J. Hicks, who has become disqualified.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council is pleased to appoint Lawrence Corrigan as a Councillor, instead of John Allan McCoubrey .
3- Moved by Councilor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council is pleased to appoint Lewis McBain, as a Councillor instead of John Leddy .
4 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council will administer the Oath of Office to the three new Councilors, revise and amend the Valuation Roll and transact any other necessary business on Tuesday, the 29th, inst., at 2 P. M.
5 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Pat. Corrigan and resolved that this Council agrees to allow a rebate of five dollars ($5.OO) on Lawrence Loughren’s tax for road-keeping, as his property is so far from the main road.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twenty-ninth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the two new Councilors who have been, appointed instead of Jno. Allan McCoubrey, Alfred J. Hicks and Jno. Leddy, and to transact any other necessary business. Present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Pat Corrigan, Andrew Brown and Albert Dacres and Lewis McBain, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Albert Dacres and Lewis McBain , to act as Councilors for the remaining term of office, instead of Alfred Jas . Hicks and John Leddy .
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council has revised the Valuation Roll, and has declared all the land in the First, Second and Third Concessions non-taxable being within the area of the Military Camp. It is further agreed to send notice of such change to the County Council.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council appoints Hugh Shea, as a Councillor instead of Lawrence Corrigan who has refused to accept the office.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council appoints Robt. McClory, Inspector for Stoneham Road, instead of Lewis McBain Chas. Jack Valuator instead of Chas. Hicks, and Jas. Robinson, Pound Keeper instead of Chas. Jack.
5- Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council agrees to pay 5% interest on all money due to road contractors for keeping the roads in this municipality last winter.
6 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Lewis McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in August.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas. Lavallee
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of August, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Council of the Province of Quebec, at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Alfred Hicks, Lewis McBain, Hugh Shea and Albert Dacres, Forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Hugh Shea, to act as Councillor for the remaining term of office, instead of John Allan , McCoubrey.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown seconded by Councilor Alfred Hicks and resolved that whereas a complaint has been lodged concerning the noise around the Village on Sundays, this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the storekeepers to close their places of business on that day.
3- Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councilor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined the jury list belonging to this Municipality for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
4 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councilor Lewis McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Tuesday the seventh day of September, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec ; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Hugh Shea, Lewis McBain and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Hugh Shea, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Montgomery, Road Inspector, to widen a certain bridge, near Hugh Shea’s in Roche Platte, as the one placed there is not of sufficient dimensions to allow for passage of water.
2- Moved by Councillor Hugh Shea, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee , Sec . Trea .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Hugh Shea. Pat Corrigan, Lewis McBain and Albert Dacres, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral list belonging to this Municipality for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Hugh Shea and resolved that Council has been pleased to appoint Alfred Jas. Hicks, an Auditor of the Public Accounts, instead of Arthur Mulholland.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Hugh Shea and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell by public Auction at Mr. 0. McKinley’s, on Wednesday the 27th inst., the winter keeping of the roads in this Municipality, said roads to be rolled and scraped 10 ft. wide, and to be 12 ft in width every five acres, where there are no gates with extra balizes placed thereon. Roads to be rolled with a 600 Lb. roller.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the second day of November, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Andrew Brown, and Lewis McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, Seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of one dollar per hundred dollars of valuation on all taxable property within this Municipality to defray the following expenses:
Use of Council room for 1015
Court House & County Council taxes for 1915
Jury tax for 1915
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping roads, Summer of 1915
Towards support of Reformatory School
Keeping of roads, winter of 1915-16
$lO.OO 35.00 12.00 75.00 95.19 15.00 393.00
2 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Post Office Dept., Quebec, that this Council does not intend to maintain the road from the Village to Valcartier Station any longer, on account of its being within the area of the Military Camp.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council accepts the statement given by the Auditors concerning the Secretary Treasurer’s yearly accounts.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Lewis McBain and resolved that this Council agrees to borrow the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.oo) at 5% interest from Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to clear the amount borrowed for the erection of the Mill Bridge and to pay off the debts due for maintaining the public roads, winter of 1914-15.
5 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the ninth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 6 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of considering the appointment of a new Sec. Treas. at a cheaper rate than the present one if possible, and to transact any other necessary business; present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Pat Corrigan, Hugh Shea and Albert Dacres forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Hugh Shea, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council authorizes Jno. McCartney, Mayor, to hire a Sec. Treas. to fill the position in this Corporation.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council authorizes Jno. McCartney, Mayor, to sign a deed of obligation connected with the borrowing of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.) at 5% int. from Thos. Lavallee on Nov. 5Th, 1915, interest to be paid half yearly.
3 – Moved by Councilor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Andrew Brown, and Lewis McBain, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned, as there was no business to transact.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Andrew Brown, Lewis McBain and Albert Dacres, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency- of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council agrees to hold a meeting on the l7th inst., at 2 P. M. for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the new Councilors and to elect a Mayor.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council appoints Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to act as Presiding Officer, at the election of Councilors on the lOth inst.
3 – Moved by Councillor Lewis McBain, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a meeting of the Electors of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Monday, January lOTh, 1916 at 10 A. M. for the purpose of electing two Councilors for said Municipality instead of Andrew Brown and Lewis McBain.
Moved by Alfred Hicks, seconded by Jno. Hicks that Jno. Hornby be elected in-stead of Lewis McBain, and Thos. Goodfellow instead of Andrew Brown.
As there was no opposition, the above-mentioned candidates were elected by acclamation.
I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, do declare this meeting at an end, and that Jno. Hornby and Thos. Goodfellow have been duly elected to act as Councilors in this Municipality.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventeenth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Council of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of appointing a Mayor for the ensuing year and to transact any other necessary business; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Hicks, Albert Dacres, Thos. Goodfellow and Jno. Hornby, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jno. Hornby and Thos. Goodfellow, to act as Councilors of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that Jno. McCartney, be re-elected Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
2 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council appoints Andrew Brown to fill the office of Councillor instead of Hugh Shea, who has moved from the Municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in March.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Council of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney Mayor, Councilors Alfred hicks, Thos. Goodfellow, Albert Dacres, Patrick Corrigan and Jno. Hornby, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council appoints the following men to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Health Officers etc. in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Edward Bedard for Division No. 1, from the line between Wm. Smith’s and Graham McBain’s lands to the Lorette line.
James McCartney jr. for Division No.2, from Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
Jas. Robinson sr. for Division No.3, from the line between the 3rd and 4th Concessions, to Murphy’s Rocks, also Andrew Brown’s road.
Lawrence Corrigan for Division No. 4, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Tewkesbury line, also McClory’s Road.
Robert McClory for Division No.5, being the road to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – John Hicks.
Pound Keeper – Thos. Adams .
Valuators – Chas. Jack – Henry Loughren – Jas. McCartney, sr.
Health Officers – Alfred Lepire and Jas. Robinson, jr.
Auditors – Alfred Jas. Hicks and Thos. Billing, sr.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor John Hornby and resolved that this Council agrees to the terms of the proposal made by the Federal Government to pay seventy-five dollars ($75. ) towards the summer and winter maintenance of the road between the 3rd & 4th Concession within the limits of the Military Camp, and three hundred dollars ($3OO. ) to clear the indebtedness of the Mill Bridge.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor Patrick Corrigan and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jos. Hicks, Road Inspector, to have the road at Fairchild’s Hill properly repaired immediately, as it is in a dangerous condition.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that all taxes not paid before April l3th, shall be sent to a lawyer for collection.
5- Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor Patrick Corrigan and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Trea.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the third day of April:, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Thos. Goodfellow Alfred Hicks and Albert Dacres forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Trea. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Andrew Brown to act as a Councillor instead of Hugh Shea who no longer resides in this Municipality.
1 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Thos. Lavallee, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, with five month’s interest at 5%, being money borrowed from him to liquidate the debt for construction of the Mill Bridge.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. Robinson, sr. Road Inspector, to have a split-log drag ready for use early in the spring for road repairing.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Thos. Knox and Thos. Lavallee, the sum of three dollars ($3.00) each, to defray the expense of a trip to the City on Council business.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Thos. Goodfellow, Albert Dacres, Alfred Hicks, Jno. Hornby and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Alfred Hicks and resolved that the following amounts are agreed upon for the maintenance of the different Divisions of road in this Municipality for the present summer :The road through Roche Platte, fifty dollars ($50. ) road to Stoneham $25, Fifth Concession road $35. road from Oliver McKinley’s to the river, $25. road from McKinley’s to Lorette line $35.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor John Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. McCartney, jr., Road Inspector, to have the road at Alf. Lepire’s properly repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Alfred Hicks, Chairman
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of June, one thousand, nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Councilors Alfred Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Andrew Brown, Thos. Goodfellow and Pat Corrigan, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council appoints Alfred Hicks to act as Chairman of this meeting in the absence of the Mayor.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that 9 1/2 hours shall be the length of a day’s work on the summer keeping of the public roads, and that wages shall be as follows: $1.50 per day for men, 75 cts. per day for horses, one man and three horses in split-log drag or road machine sha11 receive $4.OO per day.
3 – Moved by Councilor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor Andrew Brown and resolved that the Prov. Govt. be asked to send an engineer as soon as possible to inspect the roads in this municipality, and report to this Council concerning the nature of the work to be done on them this season.
4 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand, nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of considering what permanent improvements were necessary on the public roads in this Municipality, the revising of the Valuation Roll for local purposes and any other necessary business; present
Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Jno. Hornby, Thomas Goodfellow and Pat Corrigan (the absent member having been duly notified) , forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council agrees to allow Lawrence Corrigan, Road Inspector to spend the sum of one hundred dollars ($100. ) for ordinary maintenance and permanent improvements on the roads in his Division.
2- Moved by Councilor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that the members of this Council agree to meet at the Big Hill in Tewkesbury on Wednesday the 28th inst. , at 5 P. M. to consider the advisability of lowering said hill.
.3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Jno. Horn by and
resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Rev. Jno. Prout, Thos. Adams and Thos. A. McBain, to keep their cattle off the main road, as complaints have been received concerning the matter.
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council agrees to have all Road Inspectors in this Municipality, swear to the accuracy of their accounts for road-keeping, when presented to said Council for settlement.
6 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the fifth day of September (Monday) being Labor Day; one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councillors Thos. Goodfellow, Alfred Hicks and Albert Dacres, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council orders the sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators to value the portion of land bought by Thos. A. McBain from Jos. Hicks, also Henry McBain’s lot, and Ruthman’s newly acquired portion.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council authorizes Jno. McCartney, Mayor, to interview Mr. Hayes, Mayor of St. Gabriel West, with a view to their forming a committee to meet the minister of Roads to ascertain from him the nature of the plan to be adopted to have what is known as The Black Road, in the Parish of Lorette, properly made, as it the outlet of the two Municipalities and is in a wretched condition.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the second day of October, one thousand, nine hundred and sixteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, mayor, Councillor Albert Dacres, Alfred Hicks, Pat Corrigan and Andrew Brown, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:- .
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council agrees to layout the winter roads in the same manner as last year, and that the keeping of them will be sold by Public Auction at Mr. 0. McKinley’s on Tuesday the 3lst inst. at 2 P. M.
2 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral and jury lists belonging to this Municipality for the ensuing year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert nacres, seconded by Councilor Alfred Hicks and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Jno. McCartney, Mayor, to form a deputation in conjunction with Mr. Hayes, the Mayor of St. Gabriel West, to wait upon Mr. Leclerc, Member for Quebec County, to request him to use his influence wither with the local Council of the Parish of Lorette, or with the dept. of Roads, to have a portion of road, known as The Black Road, situated in the above-mentioned Parish of Jeune Lorette, properly repaired immediately, as it is in a disgraceful condition and almost impassable .
h – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council agrees to postpone the levying of the annual property tax until the first Monday in December.
5 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Hicks, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that, whereas, at the Public Auction of the winter keeping of the public roads in this Municipality, certain Divisions are liable to go at exorbitant prices. This Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to bid the cost down to a reasonable figure, somewhat within the limits of former prices.
6 – Moved by Councillor Albert nacres, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the sixth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the house of Chas. Jack, at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Pat Corrigan, Andrew Brown, Thos. Goodfellow, Albert nacres and Alfred Hicks forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved and resolved that in the unavoidable absence of Thos. Lavallee, Alfred Hicks be appointed to act as Secretary , pro. tem.
2 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Albert nacres and resolved that the Auditors be notified to meet on the first Monday in Dec. at 10 A. M. for the purpose of examining the public accounts.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to request the Minister of Roads to send an engineer to advise concerning the lowering of a hill on the line between Tewkesbury and this Municipality .
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that the question of the locality in which to hold the meetings of this Council will be settled at the next regular monthly meeting.
5 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thos Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, at the residence of Mr. Chas. Jack, at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Pat Corrigan Jno. Hornby & Thos. Goodfellow, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a general assessment of seventy cents (70 cts. ) per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses :-
Use of Council room for 1916
Jury tax for 1916
Court House & County Council taxes for 1916
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Keeping roads, summer of 1916
Towards support of Reformatory School
Keeping roads, winter of 1916-17
$10.00 12.00 45.00 75.00 86.00 25.00 405.00
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council has examined and approved of the accounts for the permanent improvements and ordinary maintenance of the public roads in this Municipality for the summer of 1916.
3 – Moved by Councillor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council authorizes Pat Corrigan to carry on the work of lowering the Big Hill near Tewkesbury .
h – Moved by Councilor Andrew Brown, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council has been pleased to appoint Chas. Hicks to the office of Councillor, to finish Alfred Hicks’ term of office.
5 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the eighth day of January, one thousand mine hundred and seventeen, at the house of Mr. Chas. Jack, at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of examining the report concerning the maintenance of the roads in this Municipality during the summer of 1916, and to transact any other necessary business. Present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Andrew Brown, Albert Dacres, Jno. Hornby, Pat Corrigan and Chas. Jack (the absent Councillor being duly notified) forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that as follows:- the road report as read by the Sec. Treas. is approved and the Council does hereby declare itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of $171.57, amount of the expenses incurred for permanent improvements and ordinary maintenance .
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to get six new copies of the Municipal Code from the King’s Printer at a cost of two dollars ($2.00) each.
3 – Moved by Councillor Patrick Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to furnish all Road Inspectors with a copy of the contract for the winter keeping of the public roads.
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Andrew Brown and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
An election of six Councilors and a Mayor for the ensuing term of office in the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at the house of Mr. Chas. Jack, on Wednesday, the tenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen at 10 A. M. of which Public Notice had been duly given. The following results were obtained:-
Moved by Jno. Hornby, seconded By Jno. McCartney that Chas. Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Albert Dacres, Thos. Goodfellow and Pat Corrigan be re-elected as Councilors, and Lawrence Loughren be appointed to the same office instead of Andrew Brown, and that Jno. McCartney be elected Mayor. As there was no opposition to this motion, I declare this meeting at an end, and that the above-named Councilors and Mayor have been duly elected.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of February, one thousand, nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Albert Dacres, Chase Hicks and Lawrence Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Jno McCartney, to act as Mayor of this municipality for the ensuing term of office, and to John Hornby, Albert Dacres, Chas. Hicks and Lawrence Loughren to act as Councilors for the same period.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec Treas.
2- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of Ste Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fifth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Que. at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Albert Dacres, Charles Hicks, Thos. Goodfellow and Patrick Corrigan, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno Hornby seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that as more than thirty days have elapsed since Pat Corrigan & Thos. Goodfellow were elected Councilors, without their being sworn in, it is resolved by the Council that they take the Oath of Office today and be reinstated as follows :- Sworn before me at St Gabriel de Valcartier, this fifth day of March, 1917.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councilor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council does not find the winter keeping of the roads in this Municipality , according to contract; therefore they intend to take immediate action if said roads are not properly made 10 ft. wide.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that, whereas a petition has been sent to the Honorable Minister of Roads by Rev. J A. A. Michaud, Parish of Valcartier, concerning the improving of the road from Loretteville to the Iron Bridge over the River Jacques Cartier, we the undersigned Mayor and Councilors of Ste Gabriel de Valcartier, heartily approve of said petition, and humbly request that it be granted, as during the summer season, the portion known as The Black Road, in the Parish of Lorette is almost impassable.
Signed:- Jno. McCartney, Mayor. Councilors, Jno Hornby, Albert Dacres,
Chase Hicks, Thos Goodfellow & Pat Corrigan
4 – Moved by Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Pat Corrigan and resolved that Thos. Billing and Alfred Jase Hicks be re-appointed Auditors of the public accounts of this municipality for the ensuing year.
5 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos Goodfellow and resolved that this Council orders the mayor to buy two copies of the new municiple code.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Horn by, seconded by and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the second day of April. one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Chas. Hicks, Albert Dacres, Jno. Hornby and Thos. Goodfellow, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that for the summer of 1917, the wages for working on the roads for a 9 hour day, shall be $1.50, horses $1.00 per day each – road machine or split-log drag to be used with three horses.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno Hornby, seconded by Councilor Albert Dacres and resolved that according to the new Municipal Code, all road Inspectors in this Municipality, must take the Oath of Office either before the Mayor. Jno. McCartney or the Sec Treas. before the first Monday in MAY 1917.
3 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that Albert Dacres be paid for 16 hours road work last summer at the rate of $4.00 per day.
4 – Moved by Councillor Chas Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of May. one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Albert Dacres, Chas Hicks, Thos. Goodfellow, Pat Corrigan and Lawrence Loughren forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to pay Robt. Goodfellow in full for keeping a portion of road during winter of 1916-17.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councilor Jno. Horn by and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Lawrence Corrigan. Road Inspector, to look after the maintenance of his Division of road until the first Monday in June, then if his health will not permit his holding the office of Road Inspector, the Council will liberate him.
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to ask the Dept of Roads, Quebec, to send an inspector to determine the necessary work to be done on the roads in this Municipality during the summer season – his visit to be before the first Monday in June.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have their Divisions of roads and fences put in proper repair immediately.
5 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council order the Sec. Treas to pay Pat. Corrigan the sum of $13.88, for work done on the Big Hill on the line between Tewkesbury and Valcartier.
6 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that whereas this Council has undertaken to cut down a big hill on the line between Tewkesbury and Valcartier – a piece of work involving great expense, but if carried out would prove a boon, not only to the ratepayers who are obliged to use the road over it, but to all tourists, especially automobilists. Therefore this Council would be very grateful for any outside monetary assistance that might be rendered them.
7 – Moved by Councillor Lawrence Loughren, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Chas . Hicks, Albert Dacres, Thos. Goodfellow and Lawrence Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that whereas Lawrence Corrigan, through ill health, is unable to fill the position of Road Inspector, this Council sees fit to appoint Richard Douglas in his stead.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that the following amounts be spent for maintenance of the different Divisions of road in this Municipality for the summer season.
Inspector Edward’s Bedard division
Inspector Jas. McCartney’s ”
Jas. Robinson’s ”
Robt. McClory’s ”
Richard Douglas “
$100.00 40.00 40.00 25.00 100.00
Road work to be carried out in the following manner – in Richard Douglas’s Division the road is to be properly repaired, and another half mile of permanent repairs to be made through the Big Bush. In Jas Robinson’s Division the ruts to be filled with sand, the brush to be cut off the sides of the road, ditches to be cleaned and the bridge near Murphy’s Rocks repaired. In Edward Bedard’s Division, the road is to be graded 20 ft. wide, from the Lorette line to below Jno. Hicks’ land, and the big rock near there to be blasted out of the way. The other two Divisions to be properly repaired and maintained.
3 – Moved by Councillor Lawrence Loughren, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the third day of July, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Chas. Hicks, Jno. Hornby, Thos. Goodfellow and Lawrence Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopte~:-
1 – I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. , certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Chas. Jack, Henry Loughren and Jas. McCartney, to act as Valuators in this Municipality.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that in order to make three quarters of a mile of permanent repairs on the road in Edward Bedard’s Division, this Council orders that an additional fifty dollars ($50.) be spent on it for that purpose.
3 – Moved by Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, the sixth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney Mayor, Councilors John Hornby, Pat Corrigan, Albert Dacres and Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Cecil McBain, the sum of $ll.40 damages for the breaking of a spring on his automobile on July 20th, 1917.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined the new Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Jas. McCartney, Road Inspector, to keep his Division of road in better condition , as certain holes in his road have caused damage to the extent of $ll.40, to be paid by the Council. In future, the cost of any damage caused by his neglect, will be defrayed by him.
4 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that a Main-levee, or discharge is hereby given on the portion of land sold by Thos. Lavallee to the Dominion Government of Canada as security for his duty as Secretary Treasurer of this Municipality , and by this present the said Municipality gives and discharges the said Government of all claims on the said portion of land as described in the deed of sale by the said Lavallee, to his Majesty the King, before the Notary Qyr. Renaud, the 3rd day of August 1911. The said deed of security bearing the date of 2Oth act. 1892, and registered Nov. 3rd, 1892, under No.88611.
5 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Saturday the eighteenth of August, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen at 8 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec, convened for the purpose of determining the repairing of the damages caused by the recent heavy rains to some bridges in this Municipality – present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Pat Corrigan, Albert Dacres, Chas. Hicks, Thos. Goodfellow and Lawrence Loughren, forming a full meeting under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council appoints Chas. Hicks to oversee the repairs to be done on the Mill Bridge.
2 – Moved by Councillor Lawrence Loughren, seconded by Councilor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council agrees to build the bridge near Robinson’s in Roche Platte, with dry stone walls, 8 ft. apart at the bottom, and about 12 ft. at the top, to be made about one foot higher than the old bridge. The covering of said bridge to be 14 ft. wide, with 6 sleepers. Lawrence Loughren agrees to furnish the timber at 15 cts. per cubic ft. exclusive of the sawing and delivering.
3- Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Chas . Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held at the usual place of meeting on Monday. the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Thos. Goodfellow, Jno. Hornby and Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral and jury list belonging to this Municipality for the current year and made the necessary changes thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to sell by Public Auction, the winter keeping of all public roads in this Municipality, on Tuesday Nov. l3th, at 2 P. M. and roads to be laid out on the same course as last year, with the exception of a slight change at A. Dacres, and to follow the summer track from the end of the Mill Bridge to the foot of Cassin’s Hill.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Chas . Hicks and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to see that the keeping of the different Divisions of road is not bid up to an exorbitant price during the sale on the 3Oth inst. (?)
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier. held on Monday the fifth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Pat. Corrigan , Lawrence Loughren, Jno. Hornby, Chas . Hicks and Thomas Goodfellow, forming a full meeting of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council agrees to change the width of the winter road from 10 ft. to 8 ft. and that rolling and scraping the road at the same time are unnecessary.
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Pat Corrigan and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to inform the Auditors to meet on Monday, Dec. 3rd, at 10 A. M. to examine the public accounts belonging to this Municipality .
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council orders, if the weather is favorable for the workto have the Road Inspector of that Division, take gravel fr0m Wm. Jack’s Gate, and put it along the road atthe Mill Hill School House also that Dan Kack, is to be allowed one dollar ($1.00) for putting up a. portion of fence.
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councilor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to sell the winter keeping of the public roads on Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at 2 P. M.
5- Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Lawrence Loughren and resolved that this Council agrees to pay Chas. Hicks, the sum of three dollars ($3.00) for use of drills and breaking of plough sock on road work.
6 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council agrees to borrow the sum of onehundred dollars($100.00) at 6% fromThos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to make partial payments on some road bills.
7 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Council Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday, December 3rd, 1917, at the usual place of meeting, at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Albert Dacres and Lawrence Loughren, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Lawrence Laughren and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of one dollar and forty cents ($l.40) per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses :
Use of Council room for 1917
Court House & County Council tax for 1917
Jury tax for 1917
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Towards support of Reformatory School
Keeping roads, winter of 1917-18
Half-cost of keeping roads, summer of 1917
Cost of Valuation Rolls & ~lnicipal Codes
Cost of Clerk for Valuators
Half-cost of repairing Mill Bridge
Cost of damage to a vehicle
$10.00 48.00 12.00 75.00 30.00 542.00 240.00 14.00 4.00 26.19 1l.40
2 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councilor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council accepts the report given by the auditors concerning the accuracy of the public accounts.
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined and approved the account due this Corporation by the Dept. of Militia and Defense, Ottawa, for the maintenance of the road and bridge between the limits of the Military Camp, and the this Municipality for the winter of 1916-17, and summer of 1917.
4 – Moved by Councillor Lawrence Loughren, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the eighteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; convened for the purpose of considering the case between this Council and Cecil McBain, concerning the breaking of two springs of his automobile, also to transact any other necessary business, at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney Mayor, Councilors Thos. Goodfellow, Albert Dacres, Chas. Hicks, Jno. Hornby and Pat Corrigan, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council will not take any action at present in the matter of the breaking of Cecil McBain’s automobile springs.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas . Hicks , seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council authorizes Thos. Lavallee, Sec. Treas. to get an advice from a lawyer if necessary , concerning Cecil McBain’s case .
3 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Thos. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors John Horn by, Albert Dacres, Pat Corrigan and Chas. Hicks, forming a Quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas . Hicks, seconded by Councillor John Horn by and resolved that the report for the permanent road improvements and ordinary maintenance of the roads in this Municipality for the Bummer of 1917, as read by the Sec. Treas. is approved and this Council does hereby declares itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of four hundred and eighty-one dollars and six cents ($481.06) amount incurred for said work.
2 – Moved by Councillor Pat Corrigan, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that the retiring Councilors as selected by lot are Albert Dacres, Thos. Goodfellow and Pat Corrigan.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at Mr. Chas. Jack’s, on Wednesday the ninth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, for the purpose of nominating three Councilors instead of Albert Dacres, Thos. Goodfellow and Patrick Corrigan.
1 – Moved by Chas . Jack, seconded by John Horn by, that Albert Dacres be reelected, and Wm. Goodfellow and Robt. Douglas to take the place of Thos. Goodfellow and Pat Corrigan.
As there was no opposition to this Motion, I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, declare the meeting at an end and that the aforementioned candidates are duly elected.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of February , one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at-which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Albert Dacres and Wm. Goodfellow, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Albert Dacres and Wm. Goodfellow to act as Councilors in this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
Thomas Lavallee Sec. Treas.
1- Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that, whereas Robert Douglas has not the necessary qualifications to act as Councillor (not being able to read and write) this Council sees fit to relieve him of office, and appoint Thomas Robinson in his place.
2- Moved by Colmcillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Monday the fourth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, !mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Jno. Hornby, Charles Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow and Thos. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. Robinson, to act as a Councillor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chase Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council appoints the following men to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Health Officers, etc. of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
William Jack for Division No. 1, from the line from what was formerly Wm. Smith’s and Graham McBain’s lands to the Lorette line.
Thos McBain for Division No.2, from what was formerly Wm. Smith’s line to the River Jacques Cartier.
Andrew Brown for Division No.3, from the line between the 3rd & 4th Concession to Murphy’s Rocks, also Andrew Brown’s Road.
Richard Douglas for Division No. 4, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Tewkesbury line, also McClory’s Road.
Frank Adams for Division No.5, being the road to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Samuel Seeds.
Pound Keeper – Joseph Hicks.
Valuators – William Neil, Peter Neil and William Boyd.
Health Officers – John Lavallee and Gordon McBain.
Auditors – Thos. Billing and Alfred Jas. Hicks.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Robt. McClory, Road Inspector, to have the road to Stoneham put in better order for traffic, as several complaints have been made concerning the condition of said road.
4- Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday the second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Thos. Robinson, John Hornby and Wm. Goodfellow, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Andrew Brown and William Jack to act as Road Inspectors, to Thos Billing and Alfred Jas. Hicks as Auditors, and to Wm. Boyd as a Valuator.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to give Public Notice concerning the forming of a by-law for the closing of the Ten Lot Road.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday, the sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors John Hornby, Chas. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, Lawrence Loughren, Albert Dacres and Thos. Robinson, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that whereas that portion of road known as The Ten Lot Road, extending in a westerly direction from the road between the Third and Fourth Concessions for about nine acres until it joins the Military Camp Ground, is no longer wanted by the public, and that it is the general desire of the ratepayers that said road be abolished and closed; as a Public Notice has been duly given that this Council would at this present meeting adopt a by-law to close said road, wherefore the following by-law has passed by the Council to Wit:-
lst – The local Municipal Road, situated in this Municipality known as The Ten Lot Road, and above described is hereby abolished and closed as being of no public use.
2nd- As soon as the present by-law shall come into force, the Road Inspector, will provide for the closing of said road with fence or gates, and the land of said road return to the lots from which it was detached, according to Art. 467 of the municipal Code.
3rd – All by-laws, Proces Verbaux and resolutions of this Council concerning said abolished road are hereby repealed.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councilor Lawrence Loughren and resolved that this Council accepts the foregoing by-law.
3 – I, the undersigned, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Thos. A. McBain, Frank Adams and Richard Douglas as Road Inspectors in this Municipality, also to Peter Neil as a Valuator of real estate, also to Wm. Neil as Valuator.
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack, Road Inspector, to repair his Division of road as soon as possible, also the other Divisions to be treated as follows:- Thos. A. McBain’s Division to be repaired and a concrete or steel pipe to be put in at the foot of Fairchild’s Hill. Roche Platte road to be repaired, culverts fixed and the bridge at Robinson’s made fit for traffic – Fifth Concession road to be leveled with a split-log-drag and the holes at Goodfellow’s Rocks filled with sand – the whole to be subject to the approval of the Minister of Roads .
5 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that the wages of laborers on the public roads this season be two dollars per day ($2.00) and horses one dollar ($l.OO) per day.
6 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday the fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors John Hornby, Chas. Hicks, Albert Dacres and Thos. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor John Hornby and resolved that this Council agrees to follow the instructions of the Minister of Roads , regarding the making of a mile or more of permanent improvements on the public roads in this Municipality during the summer season.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Richard Douglas, Road Inspector, to cut the brush off his Division of road, open the ditches at Robert Douglas’, keep said Division of road in proper repair and attend to the fixing of the bridge at Robinson’s.
3 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday the second day of July, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Jno. Hornby, Lawrence Loughren, Albert Dacres and Wm. Goodfellow, forming a. quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary changes thereon, for local purposes only.
2 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, to have his Division of road properly repaired as soon as possible.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Lawrence Loughren and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the fifth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councillors Thos. Robinson, Albert Dacres and Wm. Goodfellow, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres that this Council authorizes Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, to fix the hill at Lepire’s property, by leveling it with sand and stone and putting a top of blue clay and gravel from Carroll’s Hill. It is to be repaired to the end of the stones.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Tress. to notify Rich. Douglas, Road Inspector, to have the bridge or embankment near Thos. Robinson’s , put in proper repair immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday (Monday being Labor Day) the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the ,usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity. with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors John Hornby, Albert Dacres and Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined and approved the jury list for the current year.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack and Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspectors, to pass the grader over their respective Divisions of road, and have them in proper order to meet the views of the Govt. Inspector, a visit from whom is expected very soon.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councilor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the Monday the seventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Chas. Hicks, Thos. Robinson and Wm. Goodfellow forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas . Hicks and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify Wm. Jack and Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspectors to have their Divisions of road graded immediately also all other Road Inspectors to have their Divisions of road properly repaired and in good condition before the sale of the winter keeping.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that the sale of the winter keeping of the public roads, will take place at Chas Jack’s on Wednesday, Oct. JOth, at 2 P. M. and that the lay-out will be the same as last year, with the following exception, instead of the track leaving the fields at Tom Billing’s Gate, it is to join the summer road on Joseph Hicks’ land. Contracts to be the same as last year.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councilor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral lists belonging to this Municipality for the current year, and made the necessary corrections thereon.
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
At a general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier held on Monday the second day of December one thousand nine hundred and eighteen at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney Mayor, Councilors Thos. Robinson Chas. Hicks and Jno. Hornby, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law, a general assessment of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses: –
Use of the Council room for 1918
Jury tax for 1918
Court House &. County Council taxes for 1918
Secretary Treasurer’s salary
Towards support of Reformatory School
Towards repairs on a County bridge
Keeping roads, winter of 1918-19
Half-Cost of keeping roads summer of 1918
Towards raising Iron Bridge
Removal of snow ” “
$12.00 12.00 55.00 75.00 40.OO 25.00 665.00 267.13 50.00 1.67
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this Council accepts the report submitted by the Auditors, concerning the accuracy of the public accounts .
3 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to pay the sum of fifty dollars ( $50. ) towards the raising of the Iron Bridge.
4 – Moved by Councillor Jno. Hornby seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined and approved the account due this Corporation of St. Gabriel de Valcartier East, by the Dept. of Militia and Defense, Ottawa, for the maintenance of the road between the limits of the Military Camp and this Municipality for the winter of 1917-18 and summer of 1918.
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify the Valuators to settle the valuation of the land sold by Geo. McNicoll to Percy Montgomery , also to value Thos. Billing’s land
6- Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jno. Hornby and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday the seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor , Councilors Chas. Hicks, John Hornby, Albert Dacres, Wm. Goodfellow and Thos. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor John Hornby, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that as follows: The present report as read by the Sec. Treas. is approved and the Council does hereby declare itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of five hundred and forty-one dollars and forty cents, amount of expenses incurred for permanent improvements and ordinary maintenance of roads in this Municipality during summer of 1918.
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Tress.
A meeting of the electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at Mr. . Chas . Jack’s , on Wednesday the eighth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at 10 A. M. for the purpose of nominating a Mayor instead of John McCartney , and three Councilors to take the place of Chas. Hicks, Jno. Hornby and Lawrence Loughren.
Moved by Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Chas. Jack, that the following men be appointed to the respective positions:- Jon. McCartney to be re-appointed Mayor, Charles Hicks to be re-appointed Councillor, Alfred Jas. Hicks to be appointed Councillor instead of Jno. Hornby and Fred Kack instead of Lawrence Loughren, as Councilors for the ensuing term of office.
As there was no opposition to this motion, I, the undersigned Presiding Officer, declare the meeting at an end and that the afore-mentioned candidates are duly elected.
Thomas Lavallee, Presiding Officer
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday, the third day of February , one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of met ting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Chas. Hicks, Thos. Robinson, Albert Dacres, Alfred J. Hicks, Fred Kack and Wm. Goodfellow, forming a full meeting, under the presidency of the Mayor- the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas., certify that I administered the Oath of Office to John McCartney to act as Mayor of this Municipality for the ensuing year, and to Alfred Jas. Hicks and Fred Kack as Councilors of same locality for the ensuing term of office .
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
l- Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council decides to postpone the consideration of the letter sent by the Parish Priest of Stoneham, concerning certain damages to his automobile incurred last November.
2 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that Alfred Jas. Hicks be appointed Pr-mayor of this municipality.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in April.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday, the seventh day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Chas. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, Alfred Jas Hicks and Thos. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to deduct the sum of three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) from the amount to be paid to John Jack, for road-keeping. Said sum to defray the cost of damages to Rev. C. A. Labrecque’s auto last November.
2 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas . Hicks and resolved that Thos. Billing and Jas. McCartney be appointed Auditors of the public accounts for the ensuing term of office.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert nacres, seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that this Council is willing to pay Pat Corrigan’s account for damages to his vehicle, if the said Pat Corrigan will swear that he was traveling at an ordinary rate and that his vehicle was only loaded according to its capacity.
4 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council shall endeavor to maintain good earth roads during summer of 1919, and make some permanent improvements thereon subject to the approval of the Minister of Roads .
5 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the fifth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Fred Kack, Alfred James Hicks, and Wm. Goodfellow, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this Council intends to make at least one mile of permanent improvements during the summer season on the public roads of this Municipality, and to keep the balance in as good condition as possible. We therefore request the Minister of Roads to send an Inspector as soon as possible to layout the work.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Fred Kack and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors in this Municipality to have their Divisions of road properly repaired immediately.
3 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this Council agrees to gravel the public road from Smith’s Hill to the Mill Bridge, as the clay is inclined to heave with the frost
4 – Moved by Councillor Fred Kack, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the second day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present. Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred Jas. Hicks, Chas. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, Albert. Dacres and Thos. Robinson, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Edwin Pope, Esq. to have five telephone poles situated opposite John Hornby’s property removed from the main road within six days from date of this notice.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council orders the Sec. Treas. to notify Thos. A. McBain, Road Inspector, to start work on his Division of road to the river, and put clay on the sand hills. Wages as follows – one man $2.50 per day, one man and one horse $3.50, one man and two horses $5.00. Single horses to be used for hauling material.
3 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council will not accept Richard Douglas resignation as Road Inspector, further, that he be notified to keep his Division of road in proper repair during the Summer.
4- Moved by Councilor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Friday the twentieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7.30 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Fred Kack, Chas Hicks, Albert Dacres, Thomas Robinson, William Goodfellow and Alfred Jas. Hicks, forming a full meeting of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor. This meeting was convened for the purpose of discussing the making of the road to the river Jacques Cartier from the Village – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that this Council sees fit to continue the making of the road from the Village to the River, according to the plan specified by the Government Inspector
2 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in July.
John McCartney , Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec , at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Chas. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, Albert Dacres, Fred Kack and Alfred Jas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councilor Fred Kack, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council has examined the Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary changes thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council humble requests a special grant of five hundred dollars from the Dept. of Colonization of the Province of Quebec, for the purpose of repairing the road on Lots NOS. 290, 291, 292 and 293, between the Third and Fourth Concessions of this Municipality. In support of this request, we beg to state that a very heavy tax has to be levied this year on the taxable property of this Corporation to cover the Cost of making and maintaining other roads in this Municipality. It is further resolved that Wm. Jack, be appointed contractor of the aforementioned work.
3- Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on the fourth day of August (Monday), one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Alfred Jas. Hicks, Promayor, Councilors Albert Dacres, Thos. Robinson and Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Pro-Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1- Moved by Councillor Thom. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council agrees to borrow the sum of two hundred dollars from Alfred Jas. Hicks, towards payng for the keeping of the public roads for the present summer. Said amount to be paid to Alfred J. Hicks in six months from this date, with interest at 5 percent per annum.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council appoints Chas. Hicks and Alfred Jas. Hicks to interview Wm. Jack, with a view to getting gravel off his land near the Big Rock on the Mill Hill.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Alfred J. Hicks, Pro-Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday, the second day of September, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councillor Thos. Robinson, Alfred Jas. Hicks, Albert Dacres, Fred Kack and Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council has examined the jury list belonging to this Municipality for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Fred Kack and resolved that this Council orders the road along the Mill Hill to be gravelled, ten feet wide with a layer from four to six inches deep.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas .
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on Tuesday, the seventh day of October, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Jno. McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Goodfellow, Alf. J. Hicks, and Albert Dacres, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that the winter roads be laid out in the same manner as last year, and that the keeping of them be sold by Public Auction on Wednesday, Oct. 29th, at 2 P. M.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council has examined the electoral lists belonging to this Municipality for the current year and made the necessary corrections thereon.
3 – Moved by Councillor wm. Goodfellow , seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this Council appoints Alfred Jas. Hicks, Auditor of the public accounts instead of Thos. Billing, who is absent from the Municipality.
4 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas . Hicks , and resolved that this Council authorizes the Sec. Treas. to notify all Road Inspectors to have the roads in their divisions repaired as soon as possible.
5 – Moved by Councillor Albert Dacres, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday, the third day of November, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec ; at which meeting were present John McCartney , Mayor, Councilors Chas. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, Thos. Robinson and Alfred Jas. Hicks forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1- Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Thos. Robinson and resolved that owing to the scarcity of ratepayers of this Municipality who are not holding Municipal offices, it is agreed that all Councilors, Road Inspectors , or any other Municipal officer shall be allowed to buy the keeping of any of the Divisions of road in this Municipality, at the annual sale of winter roads which is to be held at Mr. Chas. Jack’s, on Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 1919 at 2 P. M.
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, s seconded by Councillor Chas . Hicks and resolved that this Council accepts the report submitted by the Auditors concerning the accuracy of the public accounts.
3 – Moved by Councillor Thos. Robinson, seconded by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks and resolved that whereas this Council received instructions from the Dept. of Colonization to spend three hundred dollars in repairing a certain portion of road in this Municipality, it has been thought advisable to postpone the work until next spring owing to the lateness of the season, and the difficulty of procuring suitable material.
4- Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Thomas Lavallee, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held on Monday, the first day of December, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, mayor, Councilors Thomas Robinson, Fred Kack, Chas. Hicks & Albert Dacres, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions have been adopted. That Charles Jack has been appointed Secretary Treasurer for the Municipal Council and has taken the Oath of Office, and John Hicks has been accepted security for $500.00.
1 – Moved by Thos. Robinson, seconded by Wm. Goodfellow and resolved as follows : The present report as read by the Sec Treas. is approved and the Council does hereby declare itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of eight hundred and fifty-four dollars and eighty-seven cents , amount of expenses incurred for permanent improvements and ordinary maintenance of roads in this Municipality during summer of 1919.
2 – Moved by Chas. Hicks, seconded by Fred Kack and resolved that the Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of one dollar and sixty cents ($1.60) per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within the Municipality to defray the following expenses:
Use of Council room for 1919
Jury tax, 1919
Court House & County Council tax
Sec. Treasurer’s salary
Towards support of Reformatory School
Keeping roads, winter of 1919 & 1920
Keeping summer roads
$12.00 12.00 55.00 75.00 40.00 744.00 218.96
3 – Moved by Alfred J. Hicks , seconded by Wm. Goodfellow that this Council agree to pay Cecil McBain the sum of $5.58 Cts. & Thomas McBain, Road Officer, to pay $5.00 for damages for breaking spring of car.
4- Moved by Thos Robinson, seconded by Albert nacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas M. C.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the fifth day of January , one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, Albert Dacres, Alfred Jas. Hicks & Fred Kack, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Albert Dacres, Councillor, seconded by Councillor Fred Kack and resolved that this Council agree to settle with Cecil McBain, after taking oath that it was the bad condition of the road.
2 – Moved by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that a vote of thanks be tendered Mr. Thomas Lavallee, for his long and faithful service in the Council. .
3 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Albert Dacres and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas. M. C.
A meeting of the electors of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held at Mr. Chas. Jack’s on Wednesday, the fourth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at 10 A. M. for the purpose of nominating three Councilors to take the place of Albert Dacres, Wm. Goodfellow and Thos. Robinson.
Moved by Chas. Hicks, seconded by Robert McClory, that the following men be appointed to the respective positions:- Thomas Lavallee, in place of Albert Dacres, Albert Dacres and David Lavallee, in place of Thomas Robinson and Wm. Goodfellow re-elected.
As there was no opposition to this motion, I the undersigned Presiding officer, declare the meeting at an end and that the above-mentioned candidates are duly elected.
Charles Jack, Presiding Officer
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the second day of February , one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, and Councilors Alfred J. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, David Lavallee, Chas Hicks, forming a quorum. The following resolutions were adopted :-
I the undersigned Mayor, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. Goodfellow & David Lavallee, Councilors of this municipality for the ensuing term of office.
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks, seconded by Councillor David Lavallee, that Carl Wolff be appointed Councillor to fill the vacancy of Thomas Lavallee, Who claimed exemption for being over age .
2 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor David Lavallee, that there be a request made to the County Counncil for to amend the Proces Verbal for the County Road between Valcartier and St. Ambroise.
3- Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the first day of March one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at the usual place of meeting at the pour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Goodfellow, David Lavallee, Frederick Kack, Alfred J. Hicks and Carl Wolff, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Mayor, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Carl Wolff, Councillor of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office.
John McCartney, Mayor
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred Jas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council appoint the following men to act as Road Inspectors, Valuators, Health Officers of this Municipality for the ensuing term of office .
Road Inspectors
Joseph Hicks for Division No. 1, from Lorette line to the line between Albert Dacres & Joseph Hicks.
James M. McCartney for Division No.2, from Albert Dacres’ line to the Jacques Cartier River.
James McCartney for Division No.3, from the line between the third & Fourth Concessions to Murphy’s Rocks, also Andrew Browns Road.
Patrick Corrigan for Division No. 4, from Murphy’s Rocks to the Tewkesbury line also McClory’s Road.
Robert McClory for Division No.5, being the road to Stoneham.
Rural Inspector – Samuel Seeds .
Pound Keeper – Thomas Adams .
Valuators – William Neil, Peter Neil and Wm. Boyd.
Health Officers – John Lavallee and Benjamin McNicoll. Auditors – Alfred J. Hicks and Percy Montgomery.
2 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday the sixth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Alfred J. Hicks, Wm. Goodfellow, David Lavallee, Chas. Hicks & Fred Kack, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Fred Kack and resolved that John Leddy be appointed Road Inspector for the road from the Lorette line to the Jacques Cartier River.
2- I, the undersigned Mayor, certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Wm. Boyd, Valuator, John Leddy, Road Inspector & Benjamin McNicoll, Health Officer.
John McCartney, Mayor
3 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that the Sec. Treas. be authorized to pay Alfred J. Hicks, the sum of $200.00 and interest $6.67, money borrowed on August 6th, 1919.
4 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, Seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor
Charles Jack, Sec. Treasurer
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday, the 3rd day of May 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Goodfellow, Alfred J. Hicks, Chas. Hicks, David Lavallee & Frederick Kack, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor, the following resolutions were adopted:-
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to James McCartney, Road Inspector.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
I, the undersigned Mayor, certify that I admistered the Oath of Office to Robert McClory & Patrick Corrigan, Road Inspectors.
John McCartney, Mayor
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor David Lavallee and resolved that this Council intends to make at least one mile of permanent road during the summer season on the public roads in this Municipality, and to keep the balance in as good condition as possible. We therefore request the Minister of Roads, to send an Inspector as soon as possible to layout the work, and the wages to be the same as last year and to work 10 hours per day.
2 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Fred Kack and resolved that this Council do humbly request a special grant of 5500.00 from the Dept. of Colonization of the Province of Quebec, to assist in gravelling a certain portion of road, from the Mill Bridge to Albert Dacres’ line.
3 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this Council do ask Capt. A. McBains leave to take gravel from the lot No.97, known as Mrs. Jones’s, to gravel a certain portion of road.
4 – Moved by Councillor Fred Kack, seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks
and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney , Mayor Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the 7th day of June 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec ; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Goodfellow, Alfred J. Hicks, Chas. Hicks , David Lavallee &. Carl Wolff, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Carl Wolff and resolved that Chas. Hicks, be appointed over the roads in place of John Leddy during his absence.
2 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Chas . Hicks and resolved that Henry Loughren get 55.00 to repair the McClory Road for the summer
3 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks and resolved that Lawrence Loughren be exempt of $ll.OO of his tax for maintaining his own road for winter & summer.
4 – Moved by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
John McCartney, Mayor Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the 5th day of July, 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Chas. Hicks, Carl Wolff, Wm. Goodfellow, Alfred J. Hicks, David Lavallee & Frederick Kack, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:- As there was no business to transact – Moved by Councillor Chas Hicks, seconded by Councillor David Lavallee, that the meeting be adjourned.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
Alfred J. Hicks, Pro-Mayor
At a Special Meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, held on the 6th day of August (Friday, 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 7 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present Alfred J. Hicks, Pro-mayor, Councilors Wm. Goodfellow, David Lavallee, Frederick Kack and Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council, under the presidency of the Pro-mayor- the following resolutions were adopted.
I, the undersigned Sec. Treas. certify that I administered the Oath of Office to Pete Neil & Wm. Neil, Valuators of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier.
Chas. Jack, Sec. Treas.
1 – Moved by David Lavallee, seconded by Wm. Goodfellow that this meeting be adjourned.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
Alfred J. Hicks , pro . Mayor
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday the 7th day of the month of Sept. 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors David Lavallee, Chas. Hicks and Alfred J. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this Council has examined the new Valuation Roll belonging to this Municipality and made the necessary corrections thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas. John McCartney, Mayor.
A general monthly meeting of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier was held on Monday the 4th day of Oct. 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors David Lavallee, Wm. Goodfellow, Frederick Kack, Alfred J. Hicks & Chas . Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor the following resolutions were adopted :-
1 – Moved by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Frederick Kack and resolved that the electoral list has been examined and the necessary corrections made thereon.
2 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow and resolved that the winter road be laid out in the same manner as last year, except the Fifth Concession to follow the summer road from the School House to Murphy’s Rocks, and that the keeping of them be sold by Public Auction on Wednesday, the 27th October, at 2 P. M.
3- Moved by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks, seconded by Councillor Chas. Hicks and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas. John McCartney, Mayor
A general monthly meeting of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Nov. 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the hour of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec; at which meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors Wm. Goodfellow , Alfred J. Hicks & Carl Wolff, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the Mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:-
1 – Moved by Councillor Wm. Goodfellow, seconded by Councillor Carl Wolff and resolved that this Council accepts the report submitted by the Auditors concerning the public accounts.
2 – Moved by Councillor Carl Wolff seconded by Councillor Alfred J. Hicks and resolved that this Meeting be adjourned.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas. John McCartney, Mayor.
A general monthly meeting of the local Council of the Municipality of St. Gabriel de Valcartier, was held on Monday the 6th day of Dec. 1920, at the usual place of meeting at the your of 2 P. M. in conformity with the Provisions of the Municipal Council of the Province of Quebec; at which Meeting were present John McCartney, Mayor, Councilors WM. Goodfellow, David Lavallee, Frederick Kack, Carl Wolff, Alfred J. Hicks & Chas. Hicks, forming a quorum of said Council under the presidency of the mayor – the following resolutions were adopted:
1 – Moved by Councillor Chas. Hicks, seconded by Councillor David Lavallee and resolved that this Council does levy by by-law a general assessment of one dollar and eighty cents, $1.80 per hundred dollars of valuation on all real taxable property within the municipality to defray the following expenses :
Use of Council room for 1920
Jury tax, 1920
Court House
County Council
Reformatory School
Sec. Treas. salary
Repairs on Iron Bridge
Lunch for Valuators ,& Auditors
Keeping winter roads 1920 & 1921
Summer keeping of roads, 1920
$12.00 12.00 21.30 45.00 74.24 75.00 11.78 3.50 720.00 663.88
2 – Moved by Councillor Carl Wolff, seconded by Councillor Wm.. Goodfellow and resolved that the present report has been read by the Sec. Treas, is approved and this Council does hereby declare itself satisfied with the work done at the total cost of three hundred and forty-two dollars and sixty-eight cents, $342.68 for permanent improvements during the summer of 1920.
3 – Moved by Councillor David Lavallee, seconded by Councillor Frederick Kack and resolved that this meeting be adjourned.
Charles Jack, Sec. Treas.
John McCartney, Mayor
June 7th,1897 Chas. Fitz (member) about Mill bridge and open road through at the Scotch Church.
Mar 31 1898Patrick Loughren Road officer, Curtis Billing absent from Municipality.
Mar 31 1898WilliamMoore who has left the place.
June 5th 1899 Patton already gone.
Feb 5 1900 teperary absence of Tomas Lavallee
Oct 1 1900 Joe Hicks replace Henry Hicks absent to long
Nov 5 1900 Earle McCartney who has left the municipality
June 3 1901 sell some land part of lot 312.
Oct 7 1901 Mrs. Blake also listed once before.
Oct 5 1903 Patrick Gough to replace Thomas Manning account selling his farm.
Nov. 4th 1903 Maple hill road closed
Nov 16th 1903 Jaques Cartier Power Co. to fix road at Knox’s